15:00:06 <haraldh> #startmeeting Fedora Base Design Working Group (2014-11-21) 15:00:06 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Nov 21 15:00:06 2014 UTC. The chair is haraldh. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:06 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:10 <haraldh> #meetingname Fedora Base Design Working Group 15:00:10 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_base_design_working_group' 15:00:15 <haraldh> #chair pknirsch dgilmore haraldh masta dwalsh jreznik vpavlin msekleta 15:00:15 <zodbot> Current chairs: dgilmore dwalsh haraldh jreznik masta msekleta pknirsch vpavlin 15:00:25 <haraldh> Hello everyone 15:01:24 <haraldh> While everyone is waking up, I'll quickly come to our first topic 15:01:30 <haraldh> #topic Status buildrequires cleanup work 15:01:41 <haraldh> nphilipp, dazo : any news? 15:01:44 * masta is here 15:01:51 <masta> hi 15:01:57 <haraldh> hey 15:02:18 <nphilipp> haraldh: I've had a hew problems with the builder machine 15:04:06 <dazo> haraldh: not too much from me ... fixed date-time issue, so a prototype can now run locally and as an openshift instance, so it should be "pack-able" for fedora infrastructure as well ... need to look at webui reports and how to finally do the job scheduling 15:04:28 <nphilipp> re the machine, there were some glitches with applying updates and subsequent reboots 15:04:49 <nphilipp> kept karsten busy getting the machine up again (and again) 15:06:21 <haraldh> ok, thanks nphilipp, dazo 15:06:26 <nphilipp> dazo: we should probably find a place for central repo, I have some cleanup stuff and want to work on making e.g. the hard-coded DB url configurable 15:06:43 <nphilipp> but we shouldn't clog the meeting with that 15:07:21 <dazo> nphilipp: agreed 15:07:38 <haraldh> keep up the good work :) 15:07:44 <haraldh> so.. next topic 15:07:48 <haraldh> #topic Docker update 15:08:16 <haraldh> vpavlin, any updates on RH patches making its way into docker? 15:09:07 <haraldh> What I heard, there are several of them, which upstream postpones 15:09:07 <vpavlin> haraldh: I don't know about any 15:09:13 <haraldh> or even reverts 15:09:16 <vpavlin> Yes 15:09:31 <haraldh> so, nothing we can do anything about 15:09:32 <haraldh> ok 15:09:46 <vpavlin> They started to close PRs on behalf of future plugin system... 15:09:52 <haraldh> ok 15:10:41 <haraldh> too sad 15:10:53 <vpavlin> indeed 15:11:10 <haraldh> a plugin system will make it worse in puncto compatibility 15:11:54 <haraldh> ok, next topic then 15:11:58 <haraldh> #topic Status rpm mechanisms for multiple config subpackages 15:12:23 <haraldh> vpavlin, any updates on this? 15:13:23 <vpavlin> haraldh: Nothing from me - do we have any plan? Tasks? Anything apart from discussion with ffesti? 15:13:58 <haraldh> Hmm, I had the hope that there was additional communication going on 15:14:13 <haraldh> So, I guess we have to nag ffesti more.. 15:14:21 <haraldh> same thing on the next topic 15:14:25 <haraldh> #topic Status rpm mechanisms for factory reset files 15:14:28 <vpavlin> Yes 15:14:33 <haraldh> no updates or communication 15:15:14 <haraldh> So, I will ping him next week, to see what plan the rpm team has 15:15:36 <haraldh> ok, next topic then 15:15:40 <haraldh> #topic Base WG ownership of generic network install images 15:15:58 <haraldh> still waiting for all to come back from PTO 15:16:07 <haraldh> pknirsch, e.g. 15:16:15 <vpavlin> yes, makes sense 15:16:39 <haraldh> but, still we can hear, if someone is against it: dgilmore dwalsh haraldh jreznik masta msekleta pknirsch vpavlin? 15:17:48 * masta is not opposed 15:18:03 <haraldh> ok, asking the opposite: who is not opposed? : dgilmore dwalsh haraldh jreznik masta msekleta pknirsch vpavlin? 15:18:10 <haraldh> masta, I heard :) 15:18:24 * haraldh is not. 15:18:24 <masta> hehe 15:18:34 <haraldh> rest is asleep 15:18:37 * vpavlin is not opposed either 15:18:58 * msekleta doesn't know much about net-install yet but is not opposed a priori 15:19:30 <haraldh> It's the small install image with anaconda in it, to enable installing over the network 15:19:59 <haraldh> basically, the installer DVD without packages, IIRC 15:21:08 <haraldh> so base would own anaconda plus all the packages needed to create the partition table, format, assemble devices and install something 15:21:34 <haraldh> plus all the packages needed to add the network connections 15:21:38 <jreznik_2nd> sorry for being late, I'm here 15:21:51 <msekleta> since it is not productized image then I think it should be BaseWG's responsibility 15:21:57 <haraldh> #chair jreznik_2nd 15:21:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: dgilmore dwalsh haraldh jreznik jreznik_2nd masta msekleta pknirsch vpavlin 15:22:21 <haraldh> #chair -pknirsch 15:22:21 <zodbot> Current chairs: -pknirsch dgilmore dwalsh haraldh jreznik jreznik_2nd masta msekleta pknirsch vpavlin 15:22:25 <haraldh> hmm 15:23:05 <jreznik_2nd> msekleta: yep, I think the same.... btw. in the very beginning we set something similar to be owned by base wg 15:23:22 <jreznik_2nd> and to be honest - owned here means less that standard product 15:24:18 <haraldh> yes 15:24:49 <haraldh> ok, so I see, that no discussion is needed right now 15:25:03 <haraldh> which brings us to the last topic 15:25:16 <haraldh> #topic Open Floor 15:26:25 <haraldh> so.. kdbus version 2 hit LKML yesterday 15:26:50 <haraldh> hope it flies 15:26:51 <vpavlin> Yay \m/ 15:27:59 <msekleta> haraldh, not so many comments so far :) 15:28:34 <haraldh> Well, it's not a small codebase for someone to review it quickly :) 15:28:49 <msekleta> true 15:29:18 <haraldh> except for obvious things, which I searched for :) 15:29:39 <msekleta> haraldh, :) 15:30:28 <msekleta> vpavlin, do you think there is even a slight chance to get docker patches in? 15:30:49 <msekleta> from what I have read on GH it doesn't seem to me 15:32:13 <vpavlin> well..I think they want the /run and /tmp patch..tha last think I've read there was, they were concerned only about /var/tmp 15:40:33 <haraldh> so, if nobody has anything else, I'll close this meeting now.. 15:40:45 <vpavlin> +1 15:40:48 <haraldh> #endmeeting