#fedora-meeting: Env and Stacks (2014-12-03)
Meeting started by hhorak at 12:02:01 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- init process (hhorak, 12:02:39)
- Follow-ups (hhorak, 12:04:26)
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Env_and_Stacks/Projects/LanguageSpecificRepositories
- https://github.com/pulp/pulp_python
- the Java guys has reached a conclusion that
downstream maven repository wouldn't have significant benefit, so
I'd say that Python is alone as a pilot right now (hhorak,
- Python wheel's currently have a problem where
all prebuild Linux binaries get tagged "linux_<arch" (hhorak,
- https://mail.python.org/pipermail/distutils-sig/2014-November/025297.html
- https://mail.python.org/pipermail/distutils-sig/2014-December/025337.html
- we should make some marketing for the 'upstream
repository' ideas, so we get feedback from broader community, but
not sooner than the devpi instance is out and we have an example of
using that in a Dockerfile to install a Python app (hhorak,
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Env_and_Stacks/Projects/UserLevelPackageManagement
- ACTION: ncoghlan: add
the "trusted curator" rationale to LanguageSpecificRepositories
page (ncoghlan,
- ACTION: bkabrda will
ask java guys to create a wiki page summarizing the approaches we
thought of and why we think it's not worth the effort + post the
link to WG ML once it's ready (hhorak,
- SCLs and CentOS (hhorak, 12:59:43)
- Software collections development is now slowly
moving to CentOS, since that is nice open platform where software
collections make much more sense. (hhorak,
- So, what is happening is that CentOS SIG was
established that would help to develop some better ecosystem around
SCLs where more people can actively participate. (hhorak,
- http://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup/SCLo
- better said centos seems to like scls more than
fedora (hhorak,
- there are still valid use cases for SCLs in
Fedora (hhorak,
- SCLs as a technology should be implemented in
Fedora first, irrelevant of its consumption of the content
- Chairman for next meeting (hhorak, 13:39:01)
Meeting ended at 13:44:03 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- ncoghlan: add the "trusted curator" rationale to LanguageSpecificRepositories page
- bkabrda will ask java guys to create a wiki page summarizing the approaches we thought of and why we think it's not worth the effort + post the link to WG ML once it's ready
Action items, by person
- bkabrda
- bkabrda will ask java guys to create a wiki page summarizing the approaches we thought of and why we think it's not worth the effort + post the link to WG ML once it's ready
- ncoghlan
- ncoghlan: add the "trusted curator" rationale to LanguageSpecificRepositories page
People present (lines said)
- bkabrda (62)
- hhorak (62)
- ncoghlan (61)
- langdon (43)
- juhp (15)
- bochecha (14)
- Southern_Gentlem (5)
- zodbot (4)
- RemiFedora (2)
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