21:01:06 <sesivany> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2014-12-10 21:01:06 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Dec 10 21:01:06 2014 UTC. The chair is sesivany. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:01:06 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:01:08 <sesivany> #meetingname emea ambassadors 21:01:08 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 21:01:13 <sesivany> #topic Roll Call 21:01:15 <FranciscoD> ooo 21:01:19 <fale> .hellomynameis fale 21:01:20 <FranciscoD> right on time! 21:01:20 <zodbot> fale: fale 'Fabio Alessandro Locati' <fabio@locati.cc> 21:01:21 <sesivany> .fas eischmann 21:01:23 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 21:01:28 <gnokii> .fas gnokii 21:01:29 <zodbot> gnokii: gnokii 'Sirko Kemter' <buergermeister@karl-tux-stadt.de> 21:01:30 <FranciscoD> .hellomynameis ankursinha 21:01:32 <zodbot> FranciscoD: ankursinha 'Ankur Sinha' <sanjay.ankur@gmail.com> 21:01:35 <Levex> .fas Levex 21:01:35 <zodbot> Levex: levex 'Levente Kurusa' <levex@linux.com> 21:01:41 <lupinix> .fas lupinix 21:01:42 <zodbot> lupinix: lupinix 'Christian Dersch' <lupinix@mailbox.org> 21:01:55 <Pintomatic> .fas Pintomatic 21:01:56 <zodbot> Pintomatic: pintomatic 'cesar pinto' <cesar.a.pinto@gmail.com> 21:04:20 <sesivany> let's wait for others a bit. 21:04:40 <sesivany> while waiting: who's already running F21? ;-) 21:04:53 * lupinix since september 21:05:12 <Levex> I do, it's nice, having problems with XServer1.16 already :) 21:05:27 <fale> I'm testing it in a vm 21:05:28 <b10n1k> .fas b10n1k 21:05:30 <zodbot> b10n1k: b10n1k 'jiannis Bonatakis' <jbonatakis@gmail.com> - jobo 'jiannis bonatakis' <california17@gmail.com> 21:06:31 <sesivany> ok, let's start. 21:06:41 <sesivany> #topic Announcements 21:06:48 <sesivany> I've got one :) 21:07:00 <sesivany> #info Fedora 21 has been released! 21:07:00 <robyduck> .fas robyduck 21:07:01 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com> 21:07:21 <sesivany> #link http://fedoramagazine.org/announcing-fedora-21/ 21:07:43 <Pintomatic> Here here :) 21:07:49 <sesivany> and we also have a new download page in courtesy of robyduck and the company ;-) 21:08:02 <robyduck> :) 21:08:12 <sesivany> #link https://getfedora.org/ 21:08:13 <robyduck> https://getfedora.org 21:08:32 * lupinix really likes the design of new getfedora.org page, thanks to all contributors! 21:08:44 <robyduck> lupinix: ^ 21:08:54 <sesivany> the page is translatable, so you can help translate it into your language. 21:09:10 <Pintomatic> Very slick. 21:09:25 <lupinix> nice :) 21:09:44 <Pintomatic> Works in mobile too. 21:09:58 <sesivany> any other announcements? 21:10:08 <sesivany> something others should know? 21:10:52 <Pintomatic> There is some interviews on the Linux action show 21:11:02 <sesivany> Pintomatic: oh yeah 21:11:08 <Pintomatic> With Matthew miller and lennart 21:11:34 <Pintomatic> http://www.jupiterbroadcasting.com/tag/linux-action-show/ 21:11:44 <Pintomatic> Found very informative 21:11:52 <Pintomatic> And nice PR 21:12:26 <Pintomatic> I recommend the podcasts 21:12:30 <gnokii> ^^ 21:12:35 <sesivany> #info Interview with Matthew Miller on Fedora 21 and with Lennart Poettering on systemd etc. http://www.jupiterbroadcasting.com/tag/linux-action-show/ 21:13:33 <sesivany> anything else? 21:14:24 <Pintomatic> Well, I just joined the program so this is my first meeting. 21:14:51 <sesivany> Pintomatic: welcome! 21:14:55 <Pintomatic> I'm happy to be onboard, work on red hat sales here in Norway 21:15:15 <Pintomatic> Very passionate about fedora 21:15:28 * lupinix is also quite new here, promoting fedora at university 21:15:52 <sesivany> lupinix: then welcome, too! ;) 21:15:52 <Pintomatic> Thanks :) 21:16:33 <lupinix> thx :) 21:16:44 <sesivany> ok, let's move on to the next topic. 21:16:50 <sesivany> #topic Requests 21:16:58 * sesivany is checking the trac... 21:17:13 <sesivany> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/report/1?asc=1&page=1&sort=ticket 21:17:53 <sesivany> I don't see any funding request that is waiting to be approved, correct me if I'm wrong. 21:18:50 <sesivany> a couple of requests for swag... 21:18:57 <sesivany> so some info about swag and media. 21:19:15 <sesivany> F21 Workstation DVDs will arrive tomorrow. 21:19:30 <twohot> .fas twohot 21:19:31 <zodbot> twohot: twohot 'Onyeibo Oku' <twohotis@gmail.com> 21:19:42 <sesivany> so tomorrow I'll be ready to ship packages for release parties etc. 21:19:55 <sesivany> so if you need media and swag file a ticket in the trac. 21:20:03 <sidkizz> .fas sidki 21:20:04 <zodbot> sidkizz: sidki 'Sidki KBOUBI' <kboubi.sidki@gmail.com> 21:20:10 <gnokii> sesivany: whats status tuan and harish? 21:20:32 <Pintomatic> Can we request speakers for meetups? 21:20:37 <sesivany> #info F21 Workstation DVDs will arrive from vendor tomorrow, swag is already ready. If you need something for release parties etc., file a ticket in EMEA trac. 21:20:57 <FranciscoD> Pintomatic: if there are people close to your location, they'll try to make it, yes :) 21:21:15 <Pintomatic> http://www.meetup.com/RedHatOslo/ 21:21:22 <Pintomatic> I run this group 21:21:31 <sesivany> gnokii: I have no idea, frankly I don't have time to keep asking them, the DVDs will stay in Brno until they come up with some decision. 21:21:37 <Pintomatic> We average 70 attendees 21:22:04 <FranciscoD> Pintomatic: Ideally, you could send it to the ambassadors list and ask if there are people that could make it - they'll reply there and let you know 21:22:05 <Pintomatic> Would be good to have a list of speakers 21:22:17 <Pintomatic> That's a good idea. 21:22:21 <gnokii> sesivany: I saw yesterday a strange mail shipping them to me.... 21:22:45 <FranciscoD> Pintomatic: more information here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events?rd=FedoraEvents 21:23:06 <lupinix> is it also possible to get some media for promotion at university? i'm the lecturer of the linux and python courses here at physics department 21:23:06 <sesivany> Pintomatic: you cannot really request a person to come, but you can ask on the mailing list. 21:23:39 <Pintomatic> Okay 21:23:56 <sesivany> lupinix: where are you from? 21:24:01 <Pintomatic> Will look at the events page 21:24:09 <lupinix> marburg (germany) 21:25:08 <FranciscoD> lupinix: https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ 21:25:13 <sesivany> lupinix: sure, just file a ticket. 21:25:19 <lupinix> nice :) 21:25:40 <sesivany> Pintomatic: are you a Fedora ambassador? 21:25:56 <Pintomatic> Yes I think I am? 21:26:06 <Pintomatic> Went through the process at least... 21:26:26 <lupinix> .fasinfo Pintomatic 21:26:28 <zodbot> lupinix: User "Pintomatic" doesn't exist 21:26:43 <sesivany> Pintomatic: under what country are you registered? 21:26:50 <Pintomatic> Norway 21:27:07 <sesivany> Pintomatic: I just thought that we would really appreciate an ambassador in Norway :) 21:27:31 <Pintomatic> I'll be happy to oblige 21:27:33 <Levex> Oh yea, Norway must be amazing 21:28:17 <sesivany> Pintomatic: we don't have anyone under Norway: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/MembershipService/Verification#EMEA_.28174.29 21:29:01 <sesivany> Pintomatic: but anyway, it's not important now. Check in the FAS if you're in the group of ambassadors, if not and you finished the process, we can fix it. 21:29:05 <taquilla> hi all 21:29:29 <Pintomatic> Ok 21:29:41 <Pintomatic> I have to finish my profile page.. 21:29:50 <Pintomatic> But I get the list messages now 21:30:00 <sesivany> anything else to requests? 21:30:17 <sesivany> let's move on to the next topic, shall we? 21:30:29 <Pintomatic> Yup 21:30:36 <lupinix> yes 21:31:21 <twohot> +1 21:31:25 <sidkizz> +1 21:31:25 <sesivany> #topic Planning activities and events in the next year 21:31:32 <sesivany> this is a special topic 21:31:51 <sesivany> as you may know we had a planning emea fad at the last weekend. 21:31:58 <sesivany> in Leverkusen, Germany 21:32:25 <sesivany> I think around 17 ambassadors attended, right robyduck? 21:32:34 <robyduck> yup 21:32:45 * FranciscoD read about it on the list 21:33:01 <sesivany> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Rheinland_2014 21:33:07 <sesivany> that a wiki page of the fad 21:33:27 <sesivany> why I have brought it up here is that I want to include other ambassadors in the planning. 21:33:44 <sesivany> this is the right time to plan events for the next year and ask for funding. 21:34:28 <sesivany> we will have to submit a budget proposal in January and after it will be much more difficult to find money for unplanned events because then we need to use reserves which are limited. 21:34:54 <sesivany> #link https://titanpad.com/C13BPojw05 21:35:22 <sesivany> check the etherpad for ideas and reports made at the fad. 21:35:53 <sesivany> if you didn't attend and your country doesn't have a report there, please consider adding it. 21:36:11 <sesivany> so that we have an overview how we're standing in as many countries as possible. 21:36:51 <FranciscoD> sesivany: maybe make than an action item for all emea ambassadors? 21:36:54 <Pintomatic> I'll add Norway and plan 1 event 21:37:28 <Pintomatic> FranciscoD: +1 21:37:31 <sesivany> #action all ambassadors to add a country report to https://titanpad.com/C13BPojw05 if their country is missing. 21:38:16 <sidkizz> okey 21:38:29 <sesivany> Pintomatic: ok, please add the report at the end of the report section and event to idea at the end of the document, describe the event, why we should be there and if you need any funding, and put there your name, too. 21:38:41 <sesivany> now the events: 21:39:52 <sesivany> we came to an agreement at the fad that we mostly go to typical Linux/FLOSS events where people usually already know us and we want to do some outreach, we need to go a bit out of our comfort zone and try events with new audience. 21:40:29 <sesivany> such events could be barcamps, maker fairs, developer conferences,... 21:41:24 <sesivany> also please take into account our target audience now: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Workstation/Workstation_PRD 21:42:54 <sesivany> if you want to add an event please specify: name of the event, description, audience, what we should promote there (Workstation, Server, Cloud, or another spin), estimation of funding, and your name so that we can reach to you if we need more info. 21:43:07 <sesivany> #info if you want to add an event please specify: name of the event, description, audience, what we should promote there (Workstation, Server, Cloud, or another spin), estimation of funding, and your name so that we can reach to you if we need more info. 21:44:07 <sesivany> local meetups are also important, all kinds of interest groups: Ruby, Python,... 21:44:28 <sesivany> any question? 21:44:31 <sidkizz> why not, In Tunisia Fedora was there in Open Data and open education events and soon in Open Data for Journalism event held by UNESCO 21:44:37 <sidkizz> but I have one question 21:44:42 <Pintomatic> How do we measure success? Do we have any metrics? Any way of measuring downloads for country and 21:44:44 <sidkizz> ah I have one :D 21:44:58 <Pintomatic> To see where we are today 21:44:59 <lupinix> event i want to participate is already listed :) (froscon) 21:46:00 <sesivany> Pintomatic: we don't track users, so it's pretty much impossible to measure our userbase. 21:46:37 <sidkizz> sesivany In my country, The GDG are very popular and they hold most of the events, is there a specific reason not to be involved with them? 21:46:49 <Pintomatic> Hm. That's a challenge 21:46:59 <sesivany> Pintomatic: our highest metric is the number of contributors to Fedora, so if the number of people who contribute to Fedora in your country is increasing it's a success. 21:47:40 <sesivany> sidkizz: events in Africa are especially interesting for us because we haven't had many so far. 21:47:47 <Pintomatic> That's something to aim for then :) 21:49:01 <sesivany> just to clarify: the funding we're talking here about is not funding of events themselves, it's financial support for our contributors to travel to the event and represent and promote Fedora there. 21:50:04 <Pintomatic> Where can we access the contribution stats per country? 21:50:19 <sesivany> Pintomatic: contributors of course recruit from users, so expanding the user base it's the first necessary step, but that's something we cannot easily measure. 21:51:44 <Pintomatic> Yes, agree. It goes hand in hand 21:51:54 <sidkizz> At the current time I’m planning to hold more than one release party in multiple universities, through the clubs, and then the word will spread especially after the big step taken in F21 21:51:57 <Levex> Pintomatic, http://bit.ly/1sdTYgG <- we use this to get an estimate on our community 21:52:16 <sesivany> Pintomatic: I'm not sure if we have contributors listed by countries, we certainly have ambassadors, but it's not about a list of them, you should usually know people who are involved in Fedora in your country, cooperate with them, organize events etc. 21:52:17 <Levex> A minor modification will work for Norway, another would be to check for cla_done, etc. 21:52:57 <Pintomatic> Cool 21:53:51 <Pintomatic> Would be nice with some kind of dashboard a'la http://stackalytics.com 21:54:13 <sesivany> we also discussed swag 21:54:57 <nb> sesivany, what kind of media is EMEA producing for F21? 21:55:03 <sesivany> but that's not an area where we necessarily need more ideas, we've got plenty already, we just have a problem with execution, so that's something we want to focus on this time. 21:56:19 <Pintomatic> sesivany: fair enough 21:56:21 <sesivany> nb: we decided to produce Fedora Workstation 64bit, 32bit doesn't make much sense because Workstation wouldn't work on such old computers anyway and we didn't see strong demand for other products and spins on DVD. 21:56:55 <nb> ok. That's what i was kinda thinking was to do workstation. And i like the idea of 64bit because it would fit on regular dvds 21:57:08 <nb> instead of the multi-arch which would require DL 21:57:34 <sesivany> nb: we also consider DVDs as a distribution channel that is slowly going away, so we want to focus just on the primary thing there and not to ship everything possible. 21:58:56 <sesivany> FranciscoD: do you have an idea if there has been any progress in flyers? That's what we identified as the most missing thing. To have flyers at least about the official products. 21:59:17 <FranciscoD> sesivany: there haven't been any - they haven't even been discussed recently 21:59:26 <sesivany> because we want to give away materials that hold some informaton. 21:59:32 <FranciscoD> I plan to work on the workstation flyer, but I havent been able to do much yet 21:59:35 <FranciscoD> hopefully this weekend 21:59:52 <FranciscoD> sesivany: can you assign that as an action item to me please? 22:00:17 <sesivany> FranciscoD: that's what I thought :-( They had all kinds of ideas about flyers and I was like: give me any, ANY flyer and I'll be happy :) 22:00:28 <FranciscoD> yeah 22:01:06 <sesivany> #action FranciscoD to look at a workstation flyer 22:01:12 <FranciscoD> thanks 22:01:14 <gnokii> ! 22:01:19 <sesivany> gnokii: yes? 22:02:29 <gnokii> I would prefer people do their #action not only talking, I saw the ticket today and there is worked on 22:02:33 <gnokii> eof 22:03:14 <sesivany> gnokii: so someone is already working on it? 22:03:26 <gnokii> sesivany: yes 22:03:34 <sesivany> great 22:04:10 <FranciscoD> gnokii: can we have the link please? 22:04:16 <sesivany> as I said I have no time to participate in creation, but I'll be happy to call our vendor and have it printed for the whole EMEA and then distribute it. 22:04:25 * FranciscoD didnt' see anything on the mktg list - where was this? 22:05:20 <sesivany> FranciscoD: I suspect the design trac. 22:05:35 <gnokii> where it belongs 22:05:57 <FranciscoD> not sure why it belongs there, but OK 22:06:16 <sesivany> anyway, we've got last 25 minutes, so let's move on. 22:06:40 <sesivany> #topic Ambassador's schedule 22:06:56 <sesivany> now it's the most exciting time for us, ambassadors. 22:07:23 <sesivany> because new Fedora is out and our work is to promote it outside the project. 22:07:53 <sesivany> consider organizing a release event in your location. 22:07:56 <sesivany> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F21_release_events 22:08:02 <sesivany> and add it to the list. 22:08:10 <sesivany> there are not many planned for EMEA. 22:08:24 <sesivany> We already had ours yesterday :) 22:08:53 <sesivany> if you organize one and write a report about it you'll get a Fedora badge ;-) 22:09:28 <Pintomatic> We can do that. 22:09:43 <sesivany> #info It's time to organize F21 release event! 22:10:46 <sesivany> #topic Events 22:10:55 <taquilla> ok 22:11:27 <sesivany> any upcoming events besides release events? Or experiences from the ones that took place recently? 22:11:47 <gnokii> sesivany: yeah christmas ;) 22:12:02 * twohot smiles 22:12:09 <Pintomatic> Hehe 22:12:36 <sesivany> :) 22:13:02 <sesivany> Fedora 21 has certainly been an early Christmas present :) 22:13:25 <lupinix> fedora dvd under the christmas tree ;) 22:13:28 <sesivany> I think the next big event will be FOSDEM. Anyone is planning to come? 22:13:51 <Pintomatic> Me is considering it 22:13:55 <sesivany> I'll be organizing the Fedora booth again and will be looking for help. 22:14:20 <gnokii> sesivany: me plans it this year 22:14:23 <b10n1k> when is fosdem ? 22:14:31 <FranciscoD> https://fosdem.org/2015/ 22:14:35 <sesivany> but you can get funding from Fedora, but I'm looking for people who will go to FOSDEM primarily to represent Fedora, not to spend all time attending talks. 22:14:41 <FranciscoD> 31 Jan + 1 Feb 22:15:06 <sesivany> because that's what happened to us in the past, people got sponsored and almost didn't show up at the booth. 22:15:19 <b10n1k> i will try to be there 22:17:06 <sesivany> and right after FOSDEM there will be DevConf.cz with a Fedora Day and a lot of Fedora contributors. 22:17:16 <sesivany> #link http://www.devconf.cz 22:17:40 <sidkizz> sesivany: I’ll in France at the time of the FOSDEM, and I’ll try to be there for the booth. 22:17:51 <sesivany> sidkizz: ok 22:18:40 <sesivany> ok, any other event? 22:19:36 <sesivany> #topic Open floor 22:19:42 <robyduck> sesivany: when do we expect to have F21 media? 22:19:50 <sesivany> robyduck: tomorrow :) 22:19:57 <robyduck> +1 22:20:26 <sesivany> gnokii: what is the ticket you were referring to? I and FranciscoD are not sure which one it is. 22:20:36 <FranciscoD> hanthana had sent this to the list: http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/embedded-linux-conference-europe/program/cfp 22:20:54 <FranciscoD> In October, so quite a bit of time for this one 22:20:54 <gnokii> sesivany: the one from mailga, which he did after an discussion on mktg list 22:21:38 <FranciscoD> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/333 ? 22:21:47 <sesivany> FranciscoD: it's co-hosted with LinuxCon Europe where we traditionally are with a booth. 22:22:05 <FranciscoD> sesivany: OK, great :) 22:23:08 <sidkizz> There are events like drupalcon and laracon (php framework) in amesterdam and they open call for papers. It gathers a very big amount of developers, why not we try to give a talk about how fedora workstation will be the best distro for such developers and reach for them through other projects? 22:23:15 <sesivany> but I don't think mailga is working on it, he has pulled out from the project, right robyduck? 22:23:18 <FranciscoD> (that ticket hasn't seen a comment in 4 months and isn't owned by anyone aside from not being about a flyer on the products) 22:23:39 <robyduck> sesivany: he is coming back 22:23:41 <robyduck> :) 22:23:59 <robyduck> mailga: can't stay without the Fedora Project :) 22:24:18 <sesivany> robyduck: ok, but I still don't think the ticket can be clasified as "being worked on". 22:24:30 <robyduck> no, for sure it isn't 22:24:46 <FranciscoD> sesivany: if you read the text maliga's linked to, it's more about fedora.next in general than about flyers on the 3 products 22:24:49 <FranciscoD> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/marketing/2014-August/016180.html 22:24:52 <sesivany> sidkizz: sure, you can propose the events, but the second step is to find someone who will go there and give the talk. 22:25:24 <sesivany> FranciscoD: that seems to be right 22:26:11 <sidkizz> I’ll see with others ambassadors and I’ll work on it 22:26:36 <sesivany> sidkizz: it doesn't only have to be ambassadors, but any contributor. 22:26:50 <sidkizz> great 22:26:59 <sesivany> ok, our time is up, LATAM ambassadors meeting will start in a couple of minutes. 22:27:10 <taquilla> yes 22:27:25 <FranciscoD> Before we head out, if you read any articles about F21, please consider adding them to this wiki page: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_press_archive 22:28:00 <robyduck> thanks sesivany for chairing 22:28:01 <sesivany> thank you for attending today and see you next time, I don't want to say in 2 weeks because in two weeks it's Christmas Eve, so we will probably postpone it. 22:28:11 <FranciscoD> +1 22:28:15 <sesivany> #info if you read any articles about F21, please consider adding them to this wiki page: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_press_archive 22:28:19 <sidkizz> Happy to see you again fellows :) it’s been a long time since my last irc meeting. 22:28:20 <b10n1k> cool 22:28:35 <robyduck> sidkizz: see ya ;) 22:28:36 <sesivany> #endmeeting