#fedora-meeting: FESCO (2014-12-10)
Meeting started by thozza at 18:00:43 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- init process (thozza, 18:00:44)
- init process (thozza, 18:01:17)
- #1349 Fedora 22 scheduling strategy (and beyond) (thozza, 18:07:31)
- AGREED: Postpone the
ticket to next week's meeting since mattdm can't attend today's
meeting (+6, 0, -0) (thozza,
- #1370 requesting exception for linking include-what-you-use with llvm-static (thozza, 18:12:18)
- AGREED: close and ask
them to talk to FPC? (+5, 0, -0) (thozza,
- #1371 Nonresponsive maintainer: clockfor (thozza, 18:18:43)
- AGREED: Reassign
python-pyudev to dshea (+5, 0, -0) (thozza,
- Next week's chair (thozza, 18:21:12)
- nirik to chair next week's meeting (thozza,
- Open Floor (thozza, 18:23:14)
- FESCo thanks everyone for great Fedora 21
release! (thozza,
Meeting ended at 18:26:43 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- (none)
People present (lines said)
- thozza (40)
- nirik (9)
- zodbot (8)
- mattdm (7)
- kalev (7)
- sgallagh (6)
- t8m (5)
- jwboyer (3)
- dgilmore (1)
- mmaslano (0)
- mitr (0)
- stickster (0)
- jwb (0)
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