14:00:20 <randomuser> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 14:00:20 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Dec 29 14:00:20 2014 UTC. The chair is randomuser. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:20 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:20 <randomuser> #meetingname Fedora Docs 14:00:20 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs' 14:00:20 <randomuser> #topic Roll Call 14:00:30 * randomuser yawns 14:01:01 * mpduty is around 14:01:38 <randomuser> hey, mpduty 14:01:48 <apatel> hey 14:02:15 <randomuser> mpduty, there was a guy around recently I hope you can meet; he was talking about getting Fedora in his area schools 14:04:28 <randomuser> :/ 14:05:22 <randomuser> #topic New Writers 14:05:50 <randomuser> #info apatel is new, and jumped in headfirst 14:05:52 <mpduty1> randomuser, sorry for that, just got disconnected 14:05:54 <randomuser> welcome! 14:06:08 <apatel> thanks 14:06:12 <apatel> happy to be here 14:06:44 <randomuser> what will you work on next? 14:06:54 <mpduty1> hi apatel, welcome 14:07:12 <apatel> I'm going to try and pick up a guide 14:07:25 <apatel> Not lead one, but join one 14:08:39 <randomuser> nice! Are you interested in the storage guide, maybe? It's gotten behind quite a bit, and most things should be testable in qemu/kvm guests 14:09:30 <apatel> sure 14:09:32 <randomuser> oh, and I saw you're getting involved with QA too; being on the leading edge of F22 testing goes hand in hand with adding tidbits to the release notes 14:09:59 <apatel> ya, I'm trying to immerse myself 14:11:35 <randomuser> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_mentors has a list of people who have personally volunteered to help you along 14:12:03 <randomuser> you can contact any one of them, or send mail to the list, or use IRC, whatever works 14:12:28 <apatel> ah, good to know 14:12:53 <randomuser> in the meantime, I'll let you immerse yourself in the meeting :) 14:13:16 <randomuser> #Topic Fedora 22 Preparation 14:13:23 <randomuser> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-22/f-22-all-tasks.html 14:14:00 <randomuser> #info start beats in early February 14:14:27 <randomuser> #info beta release in mid April 14:14:44 <randomuser> #info GA release end of May 14:15:18 <randomuser> Starting earlier on the RNs was a *good thing* this time around (or having more time in the cycle...) 14:15:31 <randomuser> so, we should try and get more time like that again. 14:16:47 <randomuser> Also, we should be able to reason out a reiteration of the Technical Notes again, based on Product/Flavor installation trees 14:17:23 <randomuser> #topic Publican & Publishing 14:17:53 <randomuser> #info progress on migrating to koji publishing plods is slow 14:18:41 <randomuser> I don't really have anything new to report here from the last week; I did come up with some questions for releng but it seemed like a lot of folks were on PTO 14:19:50 <randomuser> #topic Fedora.next updates 14:20:08 <randomuser> #info WG liaisons needed 14:20:39 <randomuser> I didn't send that mail, because I think the audience was off on holiday :P 14:20:45 <apatel> WG? 14:21:08 <randomuser> #action randomuser to send mail to list asking for product working group liaisons 14:21:47 <randomuser> apatel, each Fedora distributable (Workstation, Cloud, Server) is maintained by a dedicated working group 14:22:26 <apatel> and each has a liaison? 14:22:32 <randomuser> they're a committee that meets, votes on decisions, and does a lot of the work 14:23:04 <apatel> ah 14:23:35 <randomuser> sort of; we would like to have a member of Docs volunteer to actively follow each group to ensure the working groups have a point of contact for us, and that we're adequately representing their work in the Release Notes and guide updates 14:24:40 <apatel> If no one else wants to, I could 14:25:01 <randomuser> you can help, even if other people want to :) 14:25:41 <apatel> true 14:26:22 <randomuser> I'll outline what's needed in a mail, are you subscribed to the mailing list yet? 14:26:31 <apatel> yes 14:26:35 <randomuser> cool 14:28:04 <randomuser> #topic Guide Status 14:28:38 <randomuser> this is the part where we talk about guides 14:29:03 <randomuser> and I'm reminded I was going to finish the draft of the multiboot guide, and have not :/ 14:29:31 <randomuser> anyone else here want to comment on their guide work? 14:29:34 <apatel> okay, I'd like to take on storage administration 14:29:59 <apatel> It hasnt been updated since F14 14:33:11 <randomuser> apatel, excellent! 14:33:56 <randomuser> keep in touch, I'm sure you'll have questions 14:34:33 <randomuser> #info apatel plans to update the Storage Administration Guide for F22 14:34:58 <apatel> I'll ask one of the Project Mentors for help should I need it 14:35:14 <apatel> ya 14:35:53 <randomuser> I think the other guide maintainers are probably on holiday today, so 14:36:00 <randomuser> #topic Outstanding BZ tickets 14:36:08 <randomuser> #link http://tinyurl.com/lbrq84 14:36:15 <randomuser> there you have it; a list of bugs 14:37:55 <randomuser> #topic Open Floor Discussion 14:40:16 <randomuser> no questions from the floor? 14:41:31 <randomuser> Okay, thanks for coming, everyone. See you around. 14:41:36 <randomuser> #endmeeting