14:01:07 <randomuser> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 14:01:07 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jan 12 14:01:07 2015 UTC. The chair is randomuser. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:07 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:01:07 <randomuser> #meetingname Fedora Docs 14:01:07 <randomuser> #topic Roll Call 14:01:07 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs' 14:01:24 <pkovar> /me is here 14:01:26 <randomuser> #chair pkovar 14:01:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: pkovar randomuser 14:01:52 * rkratky is here 14:02:20 <randomuser> #chair rkratky 14:02:20 <zodbot> Current chairs: pkovar randomuser rkratky 14:03:24 <pbokoc> . 14:04:00 <randomuser> #couch pbokoc 14:04:20 <pbokoc> you know me so well 14:04:29 <randomuser> :) 14:06:57 <randomuser> #topic Follow up on action items 14:07:25 <randomuser> Looks like I was supposed to republish release notes and send an email 14:08:08 <randomuser> hm.. and I republished the IG instead, and sent other emails. 14:08:22 * randomuser groans 14:08:47 <pbokoc> haha nice 14:08:48 <randomuser> #action randomuser to ask for writers to participate in working groups 14:09:17 <randomuser> #topic New Writers 14:09:31 <randomuser> any new writers around today? 14:09:52 <kvaldivia> yes, I am 14:10:00 <randomuser> hello, kvaldivia ! 14:10:06 <kvaldivia> hello 14:10:13 <pbokoc> hi :) 14:10:27 * lnovich runs in and grabs a chair 14:10:36 <lnovich> hi! 14:10:42 <randomuser> #bench lnovich 14:11:05 <kvaldivia> hello everyone =) 14:11:24 <randomuser> kvaldivia, have you had a chance to skim over our intro wiki pages, or the documentation guide, yet? 14:11:36 <randomuser> any questions while we're all here? 14:12:43 <kvaldivia> randomuser, yes, I had, I also send an email for self-introduction to the mailing list 14:12:49 <kvaldivia> sent* 14:13:17 <randomuser> yes, and I like your enthusiasm 14:14:35 <randomuser> Please feel free to bring up any questions you develop in #fedora-docs or on the mailing list, we want to see you succeed 14:14:54 <kvaldivia> thanks 14:15:08 <randomuser> if you are more comfortable contacting someone individually, there is a list of mentors at http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_mentors 14:16:13 <randomuser> some people worry about asking foolish questions - don't! even questions with answers that seem obvious to us will still let us know where there is room for improvement in the introductory info we provide 14:16:40 <randomuser> okay, enough putting you on the spot :) 14:16:50 <randomuser> #topic F22 Schedule 14:17:01 <randomuser> #info Change Proposals for F22 have started 14:17:31 <randomuser> there are some interesting ones, especially if you've been following along with the stateless systems work for systemd 14:17:57 <pbokoc> the factory reset thing? 14:18:12 <randomuser> According to the schedule, https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-22/f-22-docs-tree-tasks.html , we are in free play time now 14:18:20 <randomuser> pbokoc, yeah, that one 14:18:23 <pbokoc> I heard people whine about that 14:18:59 <randomuser> I like the idea of a predictable division between packaged /usr/ and /etc/, personally 14:19:10 <randomuser> with nice friendly admin overrides in the latter 14:20:48 <randomuser> So now is a good time for cleanup type work, but also keep track of what's happening on devel@, if you have time 14:21:03 <pbokoc> yeah, I should write the upgrade chapter 14:21:14 <pbokoc> or if someone else wants to do that... :) 14:21:23 <pbokoc> wink wink 14:21:39 <pbokoc> oh, and ARM 14:21:40 <pbokoc> damnit 14:22:10 <randomuser> good timing, talking about upgrade docs just as wwoods joins 14:22:18 <randomuser> :P 14:23:05 <randomuser> It might be a good idea to approach the ARM sig and just ask what we can do to enable them 14:23:29 <randomuser> so it's easier for them to document what they're doing in a digestable way 14:24:40 <randomuser> if they want to do a defined set of wiki pages or markdown in git or whatever, we can convert and mark up, but 'it would be nice to...' doesn't get much traction 14:26:14 <randomuser> #topic Publican & Publishing 14:26:30 <randomuser> #info randomuser has no new information for this week on the topic 14:26:46 <randomuser> jsmith, did you happen to spend any time on it? 14:27:51 <randomuser> well, let us know 14:28:06 <randomuser> #topic fedora.next product updates 14:28:35 <randomuser> the big thing in this area is getting writers hooked into the various working groups 14:29:01 <randomuser> pkovar, you're still playing along with envs-and-stacks, right? 14:29:52 <randomuser> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora.next 14:32:09 <randomuser> #info docs people should follow along with the various working groups so we know what's going on, volunteers needed 14:32:23 <randomuser> #topic Guide Status 14:33:42 <randomuser> I merged in roger's branch of the multiboot guide, and spent a little time reviewing it 14:33:53 <randomuser> and added an entry-level FAQ 14:33:57 <pbokoc> cool 14:34:22 <pbokoc> also what's with the orphaned (or not?) virt guides? I saw something on the list and Laura is here :) 14:34:37 <randomuser> #info questions from new user perspective for multiboot FAQ welcome 14:34:51 <randomuser> oh, good call 14:35:07 <randomuser> lnovich, can you speak to the status of any virt guides? 14:35:44 <lnovich> I am embarrassed to admit that I can't speak of any of the guides - none of the authors seem to be able to contribute 14:36:09 <lnovich> and I am not sure how to handle the situation 14:36:33 <lnovich> I would rather someone who can take over, and I do something that isn't so time crucial 14:37:06 <randomuser> lnovich, perhaps something more scope-limited would be better? 14:37:19 <lnovich> any suggestion is welcome\ 14:37:25 <pkovar> in that case we should probably mark the guides as unmaintained in the guide table 14:37:28 <lnovich> at the moment there is a large gap 14:37:33 <pkovar> that could attract new contributors 14:37:49 <pkovar> also, we should mark them as read-only in zanata 14:38:01 <pkovar> so that translators don't waste their time on them 14:38:02 <randomuser> keeping the virt getting started guide going would be less effort than the whole set 14:38:12 <randomuser> pkovar, I thought that was done? 14:38:37 <pkovar> randomuser: was it? i haven't checked yet 14:39:03 <randomuser> I'm just recalling the mails, I haven't checked in zt 14:39:12 <lnovich> the issue is that the guide is out of sync 14:39:17 <lnovich> all of them are 14:39:34 <lnovich> they would need to be brought up to speed 14:40:43 <randomuser> and noone to do it, hrm 14:40:55 <lnovich> i am hoping to be able to get some time in at the end of the month, but I can't be certain 14:41:39 <randomuser> lnovich, would it compound your embarrassment to send a status mail to the list, so we can sort out a plan there? 14:41:55 <lnovich> i guess it can't get much worse 14:42:00 <randomuser> hehe 14:42:46 <lnovich> if I wasn't on 2 projects at the moment already I would gladly be able to contribute I just simply didn't realize how much time would pass until I had free time. 14:43:17 <randomuser> NOt having time for it is understandable, I worry more about people not working on things because they presume someone else has it covered 14:43:32 <lnovich> which is why my meeting attendance has been lacking lately 14:43:56 <lnovich> so sure - if we can get someone on it - please I am willing to give all the content I have 14:44:08 <randomuser> okay, cool 14:44:47 <randomuser> #action lnovich to send virt guide status mail 14:44:50 <lnovich> and if you need someone to QA or edit / review - then that would probably be better for me at the moment 14:45:03 <randomuser> work for you, and we can continue the discussion there? 14:45:29 <lnovich> sure I'll send an email - which list? 14:45:42 <randomuser> docs@lists.fedoraproject.org please 14:45:58 <lnovich> ok consider it done 14:46:02 <randomuser> thanks 14:46:24 <randomuser> #topic outstanding bz tickets 14:46:35 <randomuser> #link http://tinyurl.com/lbrq84 14:46:40 <randomuser> there are bugs 14:47:14 <randomuser> bah - a guide thing I didn't file a bug on, but am reminded of now 14:47:49 <randomuser> pbokoc, we need to find someone to verify the option arch stuff works properly, ideally an SME and someone with the hardware 14:48:35 <randomuser> I dumped packets from my machines' dhcp request, it isn't doing EFI PXE and it doesn't look like there's a straightforward way to add a boot entry for that 14:48:49 <pbokoc> randomuser, you mean in DHCP configs in the pxe chapter? So you can use one config for multiple arches, and select the appropriate one based on who's asking? 14:49:00 <randomuser> yes, that bit 14:49:02 <pbokoc> right 14:49:24 <pbokoc> yeah, that's a bit complicated 14:49:48 <pbokoc> I can try a few people, but no promises 14:49:51 <randomuser> I probably *could* add an entry, if I knew how to find the ACPI address of the NIC, but ran away screaming after 30 minutes of reading ACPI reference documentation 14:50:00 <pbokoc> haha, yeah 14:50:35 <randomuser> if all else fails, maybe open a bug with our copy in the body, and needinfo the dhcp maintainer 14:51:13 <pbokoc> alright 14:51:19 <randomuser> pbokoc, there's also a bug cited in the dhcp changelog that's blocked to me but seems relevant 14:51:57 <randomuser> Sparks could probably tell us if it's important, if you can't see it 14:51:59 <pbokoc> #action pbokoc to find out how to make a multiarch DHCP config for PXE boot 14:52:12 <pbokoc> randomuser, got a link? 14:52:24 <randomuser> .bz 1129500 14:52:31 <randomuser> ... i think 14:52:56 <randomuser> no, hang on 14:52:58 <pbokoc> oh that just makes my head hurt 14:54:02 <randomuser> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1058674 14:54:45 <pbokoc> hmmm 14:55:25 <pbokoc> well, that's a specific DHCP UUID, unique to every system, not about arch identification 14:55:33 <pbokoc> option 97 in http://www.iana.org/assignments/bootp-dhcp-parameters/bootp-dhcp-parameters.xhtml 14:56:03 <randomuser> ah, right, pxe-client-id not pxe-system-id or whatever 14:56:32 <pbokoc> yeah, we should worry about option 93 14:56:35 <randomuser> what confuses me is that there's this list of options in dhcp.git/common/tables.c that I can't just use in 'options' directives 14:57:01 <pbokoc> I mean, having a config for specific systems instead of groups of systems could be cool, too, but I'd focus on the architectures, that sounds useful to more people 14:57:35 <randomuser> yeah; mac address matching even is usually going to be more palatable than GUID matching 14:57:47 <pbokoc> true 14:58:06 <randomuser> although, if you do use the GUID, tftp requests happen really fast because it's the first thing the system requests 14:58:43 <randomuser> anyway, we have a semblance of a plan there 14:58:47 <randomuser> #topic open floor 14:59:13 <randomuser> time for two minutes of uninhibited discussino 14:59:55 <pbokoc> discussino sounds like a kind of coffee for philosophy majors 15:00:47 <randomuser> heh 15:00:51 <randomuser> #endmeeting