22:28:15 <echevemaster> #startmeeting 22:28:15 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jan 21 22:28:15 2015 UTC. The chair is echevemaster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:28:15 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 22:28:28 <echevemaster> #meetingname Latam Ambassadors Meeting 22:28:28 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'latam_ambassadors_meeting' 22:28:46 <echevemaster> #topic Roll Call 22:30:08 <lbazan> .fas lbazan 22:30:08 <zodbot> lbazan: lbazan 'Luis Enrique Bazán De León' <bazanluis20@gmail.com> 22:30:19 * lbazan Panama 22:30:24 <echevemaster> .fas echevemaster 22:30:26 <zodbot> echevemaster: echevemaster 'Eduardo Javier Echeverria Alvarado' <echevemaster@gmail.com> 22:30:27 <robyduck> .fas robyduck 22:30:29 * echevemaster Venezuela 22:30:29 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com> 22:30:30 <lbazan> echevemaster: se deben hacer ajustes en el presupuesto 22:30:42 <lbazan> departe de aeperezt el mensaje 22:30:50 <echevemaster> lbazan puedes comentarnos? 22:30:58 <lbazan> robyduck: city argentina :-) 22:31:01 <lbazan> xDD 22:31:09 <robyduck> yeah 22:31:11 <danielbruno> .fas dbruno 22:31:12 <zodbot> danielbruno: dbruno 'Daniel Bruno' <danielbrunos@gmail.com> 22:31:19 * danielbruno Brazil 22:31:23 <robyduck> hi danielbruno 22:31:32 <lbazan> echevemaster: esperemos que lleguen todos 22:31:36 <danielbruno> robyduck, hey :-) 22:31:39 <lbazan> empieza con otro topic 22:31:54 <lbazan> danielbruno: robyduck is new in fedora Argentina Villadalmine 22:32:04 <echevemaster> lbazan: solo tenemos dos topic hoy 22:32:05 <echevemaster> ese 22:32:07 <danielbruno> lol 22:32:07 <echevemaster> y fudcon 22:32:14 <lbazan> echevemaster: arranca con fudcon 22:32:17 <lbazan> a ver si tenemos otro bid 22:32:22 <lbazan> :-) 22:32:36 <robyduck> lbazan: lol 22:32:36 <echevemaster> #topic Bid Fudcon 2016 - Possible Candidates 22:32:38 <srkraken> .fas srkraken 22:32:39 <zodbot> srkraken: srkraken 'Efren Antonio Robledo Moreno' <efren.a.rm@gmail.com> 22:32:48 <srkraken> mexico 22:32:53 <lbazan> srkraken: saludos 22:33:05 <echevemaster> ok, the last week, we talk about to place the deadline for this wednesday 22:33:10 <echevemaster> the time is over 22:33:14 <lbazan> echevemaster: acttually only have fudcon argentina bid 22:33:16 <lbazan> ? 22:33:22 <echevemaster> so, the question is, there are another bid 22:33:23 <echevemaster> ? 22:33:33 <danielbruno> nop I guess 22:33:34 <villadalmine> .fas villadalmine 22:33:34 <zodbot> villadalmine: villadalmine 'Rino Rondan' <villadalmine@gmail.com> 22:33:35 <villadalmine> buenas 22:33:46 <villadalmine> sorry late :! 22:33:56 <villadalmine> new guy? 22:34:19 <villadalmine> what about people from bolivia 22:34:25 <echevemaster> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Project_Wiki/FUDCon_Cordoba_2015 22:34:25 <srkraken> buenas Rino 22:34:33 <echevemaster> this is the bid of argentina 22:34:37 <danielbruno> afaik there is only the Argettina bid 22:34:49 <danielbruno> Argentina 22:35:00 * villadalmine Argentina 22:35:37 <echevemaster> so, if not there other candidate for today, we will take to argentina as the Fudcon Candidate 2016 22:35:46 <lbazan> echevemaster: creo que no tenemos mas bids 22:36:00 <villadalmine> just wait maybe they will appear 22:36:05 <echevemaster> and pass all the information to FPL and FAMSCO 22:36:13 <wolnei_> .fas wolnei 22:36:13 <zodbot> wolnei_: wolnei 'Wolnei Cândido Tomazelli Junior' <e@wolnei.com.br> 22:36:20 <echevemaster> lbazan: dejame cumplir con los mensajes necesarios 22:36:21 <echevemaster> :) 22:36:23 <lbazan> los bids son muchos días de investigación y trabajo en sus paises dudo que en una semana se hiciera lo que no realizaron en 1 mes o varios meses... IMHO 22:36:52 <echevemaster> s/fudcon candidate 2016/fudcon candidate 2015 22:36:53 <echevemaster> sorry 22:37:11 <lbazan> echevemaster: te deje el dato ok 22:37:38 <lbazan> señores me tengo que retirar de mi parte en la votación para los Bids 22:37:47 <lbazan> +1 argentina por su gran trabajo 22:37:50 <lbazan> saludos señores 22:37:56 <lbazan> echevemaster: me retiro 22:38:00 * lbazan saludos LATAM 22:38:10 <echevemaster> lbazan: gracias 22:38:14 <villadalmine> saludos 22:38:23 <robyduck> lbazan: saludos 22:38:27 <echevemaster> ok, guys, 22:38:56 <danielbruno> Yo creo que las fechas devem ser respeitadas, si una equipe no consegue trabajar para a fecha del bid, talvez ainda nao és la hora de hacer un bid 22:39:07 <lbazan> danielbruno: +1 22:39:09 <srkraken> ok 22:39:10 <echevemaster> fudcon 2015 by latam part decision will be in Argentina Cordoba 22:39:36 <wolnei> +1 22:39:38 <lbazan> echevemaster: +1 22:39:40 <echevemaster> #info Fudcon 2015 will be in Argentina 22:39:44 <danielbruno> +1 22:39:45 <delete> whoohoo 22:40:11 <srkraken> +1 éxito argentina 22:40:16 <echevemaster> so, we will pass this information to FPL and Famsco 22:40:41 <echevemaster> congratulations argentina 22:40:56 * delete thanks everyone 22:40:59 <echevemaster> congratulatio guys, for your work 22:41:13 <lbazan> robyduck: congratulations! 22:41:17 <danielbruno> crongrats delete villadalmine and all the folks in Argentina 22:41:27 <robyduck> lbazan: lol 22:41:30 <echevemaster> delete: and others wrangles try to find more sponsors 22:41:30 <villadalmine> :) 22:41:34 <villadalmine> thankjs all! 22:41:39 <villadalmine> gracias amigos 22:41:39 <echevemaster> and make a great fudcon 22:42:02 <echevemaster> next topic 22:42:22 <echevemaster> #topic Latam Draft Budget FY2016 22:42:38 <echevemaster> all the people placed its information in there? 22:43:01 <danielbruno> I did 22:43:05 <echevemaster> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/LATAM/Budget:2016 22:43:23 <danielbruno> but I saw something odd there 22:43:39 <danielbruno> there is someone from Peru here? 22:44:11 <echevemaster> precisely 22:44:31 <echevemaster> danielbruno: say it for the records 22:44:57 <danielbruno> $1500 - for souvenirs from Fedora Peru to FISL 22:45:28 <danielbruno> "SWAG&media shipping $ 1500 souvenirs Fedora peru 837, swag for fisl " 22:45:59 <echevemaster> and this $ 1500.00 souvenirs Fedora peru 850 22:46:13 <echevemaster> souvenirs are important 22:46:17 <danielbruno> I know 22:46:20 <echevemaster> but 22:46:31 <echevemaster> media production is most important 22:47:25 <echevemaster> so, we will ask to peru if they can cut a bit this amount for swag 22:47:28 <danielbruno> But i filled $500 for this 22:47:33 <echevemaster> and ask for production 22:47:40 <echevemaster> media 22:47:55 <echevemaster> danielbruno: you ask $500 for FISL? 22:47:57 * lbazan 500 is more than enough 22:48:02 <echevemaster> correct 22:48:13 <echevemaster> and you're the event owner of fisl 22:48:16 <echevemaster> so, that is fine 22:48:24 <danielbruno> echevemaster, to attend all the swag to the event 22:48:28 <villadalmine> people i must go :/ 22:48:34 <villadalmine> somes issues 22:48:36 <echevemaster> villadalmine: go ajead 22:48:40 <echevemaster> ahead* 22:48:43 <villadalmine> bytes 22:48:45 <echevemaster> god bless ypu 22:48:56 <echevemaster> danielbruno: roger that dude 22:49:37 <srkraken> echevemaster yo tengo una pregunta 22:49:37 <echevemaster> #info: Peru, please try to cut a bit the amount for swag and use for media production if you need 22:49:38 <danielbruno> so, let's talk with Alex later to understand 22:49:57 <echevemaster> srkraken: go ahead 22:50:37 <danielbruno> maybe it was a misunderstanding 22:51:07 <srkraken> MIra veo que en el ultimo link enviado se enlistan los eventos mi pregunta es si tengo que editar el mismo con los eventos de mexico ? 22:51:16 <srkraken> o cual es la dinamica ?? 22:51:21 <lbazan> srkraken: si asi mismo 22:51:22 <echevemaster> srkraken: 22:51:25 <echevemaster> si 22:51:32 <lbazan> editas con los eventos de mexico en los distintos periodos 22:51:35 <echevemaster> tu tienes que poner todos los eventos de m�xico alli 22:51:37 <lbazan> srkraken: saludos 22:51:54 <echevemaster> para poder brindarte los recursos a traves del a�o 22:52:00 <echevemaster> te sugiero que lo hagas rapido 22:52:01 <lbazan> srkraken: si no se colocan estara fuera del presupuest 22:52:03 <lbazan> o 22:52:07 <lbazan> echevemaster: +1 22:52:10 <srkraken> gracias lbanzan echevemaster 22:52:11 <echevemaster> ya que el deadline era el 15 de enero 22:52:13 <lbazan> srkraken: hoy mismo si es posible 22:52:20 <srkraken> si 22:52:25 <srkraken> perodon 22:52:25 <echevemaster> y debemos respetar los deadlines porque si 22:52:40 <lbazan> echevemaster: aeperezt comento que hoy estaria revisando ya para pasarlo asi que tienes un par de horas 22:52:51 <lbazan> tienen un par de horas 22:52:55 * lbazan ya se va calma 22:52:56 <echevemaster> srkraken: ya oiste 22:53:00 <srkraken> gracias espero entrar 22:53:02 <echevemaster> lbazan: thanks 22:53:11 <srkraken> gracias ppor el dato 22:53:13 <echevemaster> ok. guys. 22:53:22 <lbazan> eof! 22:53:32 <echevemaster> #topic Open Floor 22:53:39 <lbazan> echevemaster: ya me voy 22:53:44 <lbazan> echevemaster: no me esten apresurando 22:53:45 <lbazan> .. 22:54:08 * lbazan Contento del fudcon en Argentina 22:54:15 <echevemaster> lbazan: go away 22:54:19 <lbazan> echevemaster: :S 22:54:26 <lbazan> alguien tiene algo que decir 22:54:26 <echevemaster> :) 22:54:27 <lbazan> robyduck: ? 22:54:31 <chinosarg> yo! 22:54:32 <lbazan> you have other topic? 22:54:38 <chinosarg> +1 fudcon cordoba 22:54:42 <echevemaster> robyduck: another week aeainting for lbazan? 22:54:43 <lbazan> hahahaha 22:54:46 <echevemaster> awaiting? 22:54:50 <robyduck> nope, I'm just a guest here today 22:54:50 <lbazan> robyduck: next week? 22:54:55 <lbazan> :o 22:55:06 <echevemaster> ok, dudes, 22:55:17 <echevemaster> if anybody have to say or discuss today 22:55:18 <chinosarg> sorry, I'm late! 22:55:25 <lbazan> chinosarg: se aprobo arggentina 22:55:26 <lbazan> :-) 22:55:30 <echevemaster> I will close this great meeting today 22:55:36 <lbazan> echevemaster: g 22:55:37 <lbazan> listo 22:55:42 * lbazan se va 22:55:50 <echevemaster> thanks for attend 22:55:57 <echevemaster> go awayyyy lbazan 22:56:02 <chinosarg> jajajaja 22:56:05 <lbazan> :/ 22:56:05 <echevemaster> #endmeeting