15:01:14 <pknirsch> #startmeeting Fedora Base Design Working Group (2015-01-23) 15:01:14 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jan 23 15:01:14 2015 UTC. The chair is pknirsch. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:14 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:01:21 <msekleta> hi! 15:01:21 <pknirsch> #meetingname Fedora Base Design Working Group 15:01:21 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_base_design_working_group' 15:01:26 <pknirsch> hey guys! 15:01:45 <pknirsch> #chair msekleta dgilmore masta vpavlin haraldh jreznik 15:01:45 <zodbot> Current chairs: dgilmore haraldh jreznik masta msekleta pknirsch vpavlin 15:02:00 <pknirsch> #topic Open Floor 15:02:08 <jreznik> hello all! 15:02:42 <pknirsch> so i didn't have any specific topics for today. Cleanup got stalled as David is on paternity leave atm and nils was sick all week, so no news there this week 15:03:08 <dgilmore> hola 15:03:32 <pknirsch> Also vpavlin and haraldh can't join today as they have a conflict timing wise today 15:03:51 <pknirsch> Anyone got any topics for today? 15:04:09 * pknirsch doesn't want to waste anyones time :) 15:04:32 <msekleta> just to quick update on factory-reset work, unfortunately bad news 15:04:32 <dgilmore> pknirsch: f22 deliverables 15:04:48 <pknirsch> dgilmore: alright. 15:05:02 <dgilmore> pknirsch: we are responsible for docker base image. and a netinst tree also? 15:05:34 <pknirsch> dgilmore: i think so, yes. at least thats what we've looked at over the past month or so 15:06:22 <dgilmore> pknirsch: I think we should be sure what we are responsible for defining and working with QA to get test plans and coverage 15:08:05 <pknirsch> dgilmore: agreed. Surprises for QE or for us aren't fun. 15:08:46 <dgilmore> pknirsch: right, we should work out if there is anything else we should be responsible for 15:09:16 <pknirsch> dgilmore: aye. At least in last week's meeting the Server representative said there wasn't anything new they needed from us for F22 at least. 15:09:25 <msekleta> pknirsch, seems like not all the stuff which needs to be to in place to implement factory-reset as rpm plugin properly is available in rpm APIs 15:09:54 <dgilmore> pknirsch: I was thinking that perhaps we should take the fedora arm minimal spin. and additionaly make x86 versions for use in libvirt/kvm locally 15:09:54 <pknirsch> dgilmore: but i haven't heard anything from the Workstation WG, but i would expect them to contact us if there was anything 15:10:41 <pknirsch> msekleta: have you talked with the rpm guys? and iirc that was one topic we wanted to discuss at DevConf in person with the rpm team 15:10:43 <dgilmore> pknirsch: okay 15:11:07 <pknirsch> dgilmore: good idea. Would the minimal spin then be provided for intel and the other archs as well? 15:11:16 <msekleta> pknirsch, I'll meet Florian during devconf to have a chat about it 15:11:36 <dgilmore> pknirsch: sure 15:11:40 <pknirsch> msekleta: great, thanks, i think thats the best way to do that 15:12:03 <dgilmore> pknirsch: it would be a disk image that can be used as a virt guest 15:12:06 <pknirsch> dgilmore: as both s390 and power can now do kvm as well 15:12:21 <pknirsch> dgilmore: and Docker support is around the corner for those, too 15:12:21 <dgilmore> it would run initial-setup on first boot 15:12:27 <pknirsch> nice 15:12:44 <dgilmore> pknirsch: no reason we couldnt do it 15:12:57 <pknirsch> yar 15:12:59 <dgilmore> pknirsch: you could even use it with qemu on x86_64 15:13:19 <dgilmore> to test arm, s390, ppc64, ppc64le 15:13:20 <pknirsch> even if it's just for testing that would be nice and then fix all issues we might find in time for f23 15:13:22 <pknirsch> aye 15:13:36 <dgilmore> I think its a useful thing 15:13:46 <dgilmore> at least for some use cases 15:14:13 <dgilmore> I need to talk to the Server WG about making a Server arm spin 15:14:24 <pknirsch> mhm 15:14:42 <dgilmore> but thats outside of base wg scope 15:14:58 <pknirsch> ay 15:16:01 <dgilmore> There has not been an owner of the arm minimal spin, I think it fits into Base WG and can be useful on other arches 15:16:36 <pknirsch> definitely. and it could provide a definition for the minimal set of packages as well, couldn't it? 15:16:46 <dgilmore> so I think the base WG should own it and make it as usefult as possible 15:16:51 <dgilmore> yepo 15:16:52 <pknirsch> like a: "With these packages you can get a system up and running" 15:16:52 <dgilmore> yep 15:17:08 <pknirsch> which really is what we've been striving for 15:18:34 <dgilmore> so right now for f22 netinst tree, minimal disk image and docker base image 15:18:41 <pknirsch> jup 15:19:01 <dgilmore> :) sounds good to me 15:19:44 <pknirsch> Which reminds me, did the discussion about different release cycles come up again lately? I vaguely remember it seeing on and off again at least on the server ML 15:19:56 <dgilmore> it did not 15:20:02 <dgilmore> at least not that I have seen 15:20:02 <pknirsch> Alright, good 15:20:41 <pknirsch> Because from what i recall they all said we need it, but when presented the actual issues with it and additional maintenance work for maintainers things kinda died off every time as noone had a solution for that 15:20:48 <pknirsch> for obvious reasons :) 15:21:24 <pknirsch> And i'm sure there are other more technical challenges that would need to be addressed first, too 15:23:14 <pknirsch> and i was just curious if anyone here heard anything about that, but seems not, which is good :) 15:25:39 <pknirsch> alright, thanks dgilmore and msekleta for bringing up those 2 topics. anything else from anyone? jreznik, anything from you? 15:25:48 <pknirsch> or masta ? :) 15:26:07 <jreznik> I'm good today, nothing from me 15:26:09 * pknirsch is an equal opportunity pinger :) 15:26:56 <jreznik> for netinst - dgilmore, what's still needed to create product specific netinst? 15:27:25 <dgilmore> jreznik: got a meeting today about that 15:27:26 * jreznik got a lot of complaints about it - but it's all written in release notes, everyone should read release notes before downloading 15:28:03 <dgilmore> jreznik: right 15:28:14 <dgilmore> hopefully this afternoon I will know better 15:28:26 <jreznik> ok, thanks 15:32:18 <pknirsch> alright, think thats all for today then. 15:32:50 <pknirsch> Thanks everyone for joining today, have a great weekend and talk to you all next Friday again and hope to see you all at DevConf! 15:34:58 <dgilmore> pknirsch: you too. see you next week 15:35:13 <msekleta> pknirsch, not sure I will be able to join next week, I will be at Fosdem 15:35:28 <dgilmore> I will be at fosdem also 15:37:17 <pknirsch> oki 15:37:44 <pknirsch> i'll double check with the others if we won't just skip next week and meat in real life at DevConf then instead 15:39:44 <pknirsch> #endmeeting