21:05:10 <giannisk> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2015-03-04 21:05:10 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 4 21:05:10 2015 UTC. The chair is giannisk. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:05:10 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:05:15 <pandaconstantin> Oki 21:05:16 <giannisk> #meetingname emea ambassadors 21:05:16 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 21:05:29 <RGeri77> .fas rgeri77 21:05:30 <zodbot> RGeri77: rgeri77 'Rákosi Gergely' <rakosi.gergely@gmail.com> 21:05:32 <giannisk> Hello everyone, and welcome to today's emea ambassadors meeting 21:05:34 <Pintomatic> do i need to do the fas bit again 21:05:35 <Pintomatic> ? 21:05:37 <Pintomatic> :) 21:05:42 <RGeri77> hello 21:05:45 <twohot> Pintomatic: yes 21:05:49 <twohot> .fas 21:05:49 <zodbot> twohot: (fas <query>) -- Search the Fedora Account System usernames, full names, and email addresses for a match. 21:05:52 <Pintomatic> alright 21:05:54 <Levex> .fas Levex 21:05:54 <zodbot> Levex: levex 'Levente Kurusa' <levex@linux.com> 21:05:55 <twohot> .fas twohot 21:05:56 <giannisk> guys 21:05:57 <zodbot> twohot: twohot 'Onyeibo Oku' <twohotis@gmail.com> 21:06:02 <Pintomatic> .fas pintomatic 21:06:03 <zodbot> Pintomatic: pintomatic 'cesar pinto' <cesar.a.pinto@gmail.com> 21:06:04 <giannisk> #endmeeting