21:07:51 <giannisk> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2015-03-04
21:07:52 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar  4 21:07:51 2015 UTC.  The chair is giannisk. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
21:07:52 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
21:07:59 <giannisk> #meetingname emea ambassadors
21:07:59 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors'
21:08:14 <giannisk> Hello everyone and welcome to our very own EMEA ambassadors meeting
21:08:32 <giannisk> After a month's absence we're back into having our community calls
21:08:53 <giannisk> unfortunately sesivany won't be available today, so I'm charing this meeting is his absence
21:09:08 <giannisk> #info sesivany sends his regrets. Today's char will be giannisk.
21:09:30 <giannisk> Please not that the meeting protocol is in effect. See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicate/IRCHowTo#Protocol
21:09:45 <giannisk> #info The meeting protocol is in effect. See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicate/IRCHowTo#Protocol
21:09:50 <giannisk> Off we go!
21:09:55 <giannisk> #topic Roll Call
21:10:02 <giannisk> Let's see how many we're here
21:10:07 <giannisk> use .fas yourusername
21:10:12 <Levex> .fas Levex
21:10:13 <giannisk> .fas giannisk
21:10:13 <zodbot> Levex: levex 'Levente Kurusa' <levex@linux.com>
21:10:13 <Pintomatic> .fas pintomatic
21:10:14 <RGeri77> .fas rgeri77
21:10:16 <zodbot> giannisk: giannisk '' <giannis@konstantinidis.cc>
21:10:17 <twohot> .fas twohot
21:10:17 <pandaconstantin> .fas pandaconstantin
21:10:19 <andreasch> .fas andreasch
21:10:19 <zodbot> Pintomatic: pintomatic 'cesar pinto' <cesar.a.pinto@gmail.com>
21:10:21 <zodbot> RGeri77: rgeri77 'Rákosi Gergely' <rakosi.gergely@gmail.com>
21:10:24 <zodbot> twohot: twohot 'Onyeibo Oku' <twohotis@gmail.com>
21:10:27 <zodbot> pandaconstantin: pandaconstantin 'Drabo Constantin' <panda.constantin@gmail.com>
21:10:27 <FedoraUser> .hello fedorauser
21:10:28 <edgates> .fas edgates
21:10:28 <mitzie> .fas mitzie
21:10:30 <zodbot> andreasch: andreasch 'Andreas Christoforou' <aceoscy@gmail.com>
21:10:33 <zodbot> FedoraUser: fedorauser 'Medic Momcilo' <medicmomcilo@gmail.com>
21:10:36 <zodbot> edgates: edgates 'Elijah Hanson' <pkwesihanson@yahoo.com>
21:10:39 <zodbot> mitzie: mitzie 'Zacharias Mitzelos' <mitzie@mitzelos.com>
21:12:16 <giannisk> anyone else around? :)
21:13:24 <giannisk> guess not, we're moving on
21:13:27 <Pintomatic> (tumbleweed)
21:13:29 <Pintomatic> :-)
21:13:43 <giannisk> by the way, today's agenta can be found at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:EMEA_Ambassadors_2015-03-04
21:13:49 <giannisk> #topic Announcements
21:13:59 <giannisk> I have an announcement to make
21:14:27 <giannisk> Fudcon Pune is going to happen around 26-28 June
21:15:00 <giannisk> and it's going to take place in the Maharashtra Institute of Technology
21:15:15 <giannisk> there's a call for papers going on
21:15:28 <giannisk> and the organisers are open for sponsorship requests
21:15:42 <robyduck> .fas robyduck
21:15:44 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com>
21:15:50 <giannisk> #link http://fedoramagazine.org/fudcon-pune-2015-open-for-sponsorship-requests/
21:16:17 <giannisk> Although it's not guaranteed that non-APAC ambassadors will receive a sponsorship
21:16:39 <giannisk> If you have a talk proposal or a workshop that you think that will make an impact, I encourage you to apply.
21:17:11 <giannisk> That's all from me.
21:17:13 <RGeri77> I sent my talk already :-)
21:17:21 <giannisk> Does anyone else want to make an announcement?
21:17:25 <Pintomatic> I do
21:17:27 <pandaconstantin> yeah
21:17:32 <giannisk> Pintomatic: yes
21:17:38 <Pintomatic> thanks
21:17:43 <Pintomatic> related to the outreach list
21:17:53 <Pintomatic> some of you might have seen some messages sent to the list.
21:17:59 <giannisk> Pintomatic: you have an announcement about the list?
21:18:39 <Pintomatic> Well yes, we are looking to reactivate the outreach list and we need some fresh ideas and contributors
21:18:50 <Pintomatic> Matthew Miller sent a few messages
21:19:00 <Levex> RGeri77, as much as I'd love to attend and meet my Indian friends I have exams around that date, so it's a no-go for me :(
21:19:17 <giannisk> Pintomatic: Nice
21:19:41 <giannisk> So if there's anyone interested in Fedora outreach, you could join the outreach mailing list to get stuff going
21:19:51 <Levex> Pintomatic, can you send us a link to the mail post? preferabbly in an archive?
21:19:59 <Pintomatic> Indeed
21:20:09 <giannisk> Pintomatic: finished speaking?
21:20:14 <Pintomatic> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/outreach/
21:20:15 <Levex> d'oh, can't type today, s/mail//
21:20:20 <Pintomatic> thats the link
21:20:29 <Pintomatic> finished. thanks all!
21:20:33 <Levex> Cool, thanks!
21:20:40 <giannisk> Pintomatic: thanks!
21:20:49 <giannisk> pandaconstantin: you wanted to announce something?
21:20:56 <pandaconstantin> yeah
21:21:02 <pandaconstantin> Have 2 announces
21:21:07 <giannisk> pandaconstantin: please go ahead
21:21:26 <pandaconstantin> The first one is about reviving Africa ambassadors regular meeting
21:22:19 <pandaconstantin> I there no more any meeting for ambassadors from Africa
21:22:52 <pandaconstantin> and I send a poll  to active ambassadors  last week
21:23:42 <pandaconstantin> I found 5 persons who are available to attend to regular meeting at each thursday
21:24:12 <pandaconstantin> I  think that will help us to solve some problem and share experiences
21:24:37 <giannisk> pandaconstantin: I agree we should see more Fedora in Africa
21:25:05 <giannisk> If there are any ambassadors around there, please contact pandaconstantin to arrange stuff
21:25:09 <giannisk> and get the community going
21:25:19 <Levex> I know of two ambassadors, one from Morocco, one from Egypt
21:25:20 <edgates> I couldn't agree more, very laudable.
21:25:22 <Levex> did they reply?
21:25:37 <Levex> I can notify them via FB if needed
21:25:40 <pandaconstantin> One of Morocco
21:25:42 <pandaconstantin> yes
21:25:49 <giannisk> People, please respect the meeting protocol :)
21:25:54 <pandaconstantin> and one from Egypt too
21:26:06 <pandaconstantin> twohot
21:26:17 <pandaconstantin> is available too I guess
21:26:25 <giannisk> pandaconstantin: think you should take this to the regional mailing lists?
21:26:28 <pandaconstantin> but he's from Kenya
21:26:34 <Levex> hm, I'll let them know about the meetings anyway
21:27:00 <pandaconstantin> @giannisk  yeah
21:27:07 <giannisk> cool
21:27:18 <twohot> !
21:27:22 <giannisk> if you need any help with planning stuff you can ping me
21:27:31 <pandaconstantin> Oki thanks
21:27:33 <giannisk> we need to move on from announcements
21:27:39 <giannisk> pandaconstantin: what about your second announcement?
21:27:41 <pandaconstantin> And the second one
21:28:09 <pandaconstantin> is my Fedora 21 install party in the second biggest university of my country
21:28:18 <pandaconstantin> I had agree of the deans
21:28:23 <giannisk> pandaconstantin: this falls under the event category
21:28:29 <giannisk> pandaconstantin: want to save it for later?
21:28:32 <twohot> pandaconstantin: rules please ... follow them
21:28:37 <pandaconstantin> Oki
21:28:43 <giannisk> thank you pandaconstantin
21:28:44 <pandaconstantin> Sorry
21:28:58 <giannisk> If there are no more announcements to be made, we shall then move on!
21:29:34 <twohot> !
21:29:44 <giannisk> twohot: an announcement? go ahead
21:30:46 <twohot> Perhaps I should announce that I got elected into FOSSFA council (Free and Opensource Foundation for Africa).
21:31:18 <giannisk> twohot: Congratulations, but is this relevant to the meeting?
21:31:28 <pandaconstantin> Congratulations
21:31:59 <giannisk> Okay, we're moving on people.
21:32:17 <giannisk> #topic Requests
21:32:24 * giannisk is looking at the trac.
21:32:51 <giannisk> I see two requests.
21:32:55 <twohot> giannisk: considering that previous attempts to have fedora presence in FOSSFA wasn't so good.  Perhaps we will have better luck with a fedora insider
21:33:23 <twohot> I mean FOSSFA event ... check on IDLELO-6 on our events wiki
21:33:27 <giannisk> twohot: I see
21:33:37 <giannisk> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/465
21:33:52 <giannisk> #info Funding request for Fabian Affolter for CLT 2015
21:34:08 <giannisk> is fab around here?
21:34:58 <giannisk> CLT appears to be a solid event
21:35:38 <giannisk> It's going to take place around 21-22 March 2015 in Chemnitz, Germany
21:35:45 <giannisk> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Chemnitzer_Linuxtage_2015
21:36:17 <giannisk> The funding ticket is missing some info however
21:36:49 <giannisk> As you can see there's no total, clear ammount that's being requested.
21:37:09 <pandaconstantin> yeah
21:37:10 <giannisk> I mean, I can see some 90 euros for gasoline costs
21:37:30 <pandaconstantin> there is not total and he should provide more details
21:37:37 <giannisk> And it later says that the rooms at blah blah hotel cost 60 euros per night
21:37:45 <Levex> We don't know how many nights...
21:37:53 <giannisk> but there's no clear info on how many nights he will be staying
21:37:55 <giannisk> exactly
21:37:56 <Levex> I guess you could write a comment letting him know...
21:38:11 <giannisk> and there's no total ammount of money requested
21:38:32 <giannisk> So, unfortunately this can't be voted on tonight's meeting.
21:39:38 <giannisk> #agreed Ticket #465 doesn't provide necessary info on total amount of money requested. Won't be voting.
21:40:01 <giannisk> lemme check if we have any other tickets
21:40:35 <giannisk> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/464
21:41:00 <giannisk> #info Funding request for shipping Mohamed Fawzy Ambassador t-shirt
21:41:37 <giannisk> This is neither an event direct funding request, nor a travel sponsorship request.
21:42:38 <giannisk> This is a special case, however I'm not sure If we cover custom expenses for receiving a polo shirt.
21:42:54 <Levex> I think it's because of the terrible post office in Egypt
21:42:55 <giannisk> According to the following page:
21:43:01 <giannisk> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/EMEA/Reimbursement#Important
21:43:12 <Levex> he told me personally that he was very concerned he'd ever receive it
21:43:17 <giannisk> There are No reimbursements for personal purposes
21:43:36 <giannisk> And also Don't spend money before your request is approved.
21:44:04 <giannisk> He did pay the money and then made the funding request.
21:44:19 <Levex> I think this request could be merged into the TShirt request...
21:44:36 <giannisk> I understand that he might consider his ambassadors polo important
21:44:46 <giannisk> but we can't really vote this on today's meeting.
21:45:00 <giannisk> I will pass it through to sesivany, who is the EMEA treasurer.
21:45:23 <Levex> +1
21:45:34 <Levex> he can approve on peer-review basis if needed anyway
21:45:42 <giannisk> #agreed Ticket #464 is a special case, will be passed on to sesivany.
21:46:08 <giannisk> Levex: if the request is approvable, yeah.
21:46:17 <giannisk> I don't see anything else on trac.
21:46:21 <giannisk> So we're moving on.
21:46:25 <Levex> giannisk, I'm sure it won't be a problem, it wasn't his fault that he had to pay
21:46:34 <Levex> in fact shipping costs are usually subsidized
21:47:17 <giannisk> Levex: I totally agree and understand, the problem is however that he had to make a request and get it accepted prior to paying.
21:47:36 <giannisk> Anyways, we will leave this to the treasurer.
21:47:42 <giannisk> #topic Events
21:47:44 <Levex> all this means is if we decide to not approve it, he won't get paid :-)
21:47:53 <Levex> but yeah, +1 for that
21:48:00 <pandaconstantin> This will be wise
21:48:11 <giannisk> Do we have to announce anything related to events? :)
21:49:05 <pandaconstantin> of course :)
21:49:12 <giannisk> pandaconstantin: go ahead :)
21:49:59 <pandaconstantin> I start talking about my install party in the line above
21:50:22 <pandaconstantin> So it will stand by the  march, 14th
21:50:56 <pandaconstantin> and I'm expecting 50 students
21:51:11 <pandaconstantin> as attendees
21:51:38 <pandaconstantin> the deans decide to help us for the food and room
21:52:20 <pandaconstantin> This will be the first session of a serie of events on Fedora
21:53:31 <pandaconstantin> I guess it is all about this event
21:53:33 <pandaconstantin> thanks
21:53:41 <giannisk> pandaconstantin: nice :)
21:53:44 <Levex> cool!
21:53:59 <giannisk> as I said earlier it's nice to see more Fedora stuff happening in Africa
21:54:17 <giannisk> we should help in to organise Fedora presence in the region
21:54:59 <giannisk> so whoever is an ambassador there, do not hesitate to ask for help in planning
21:54:59 <pandaconstantin> Initially it was planned in feb
21:55:10 <pandaconstantin> but I got the swags very late
21:55:22 <giannisk> pandaconstantin: I see
21:55:27 <pandaconstantin> so we decided to postpone in mid of march
21:55:54 <giannisk> pandaconstantin: Cool. I wish good luck!
21:56:26 <giannisk> Anything else regarding events, anyone?
21:56:28 <pandaconstantin> Thanks
21:56:52 <twohot> !
21:57:00 <giannisk> twohot: yes please
21:57:45 <twohot> I'd like to ask pandaconstantin if there is an event wiki for his event?
21:58:03 <pandaconstantin> yep
21:58:12 <pandaconstantin> let me quick send the link
22:00:35 <pandaconstantin> My internet connection is bad
22:01:02 <pandaconstantin> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Party_21_Ouagadougou
22:01:24 <twohot> thanks ... eol
22:01:41 <giannisk> pandaconstantin: maybe a bit late to call it a release event, but anyways
22:01:59 <pandaconstantin> yeah
22:02:01 <giannisk> pandaconstantin: by the way, the date also needs to be changed... just my 5 cents
22:02:19 <pandaconstantin> :)
22:02:22 <pandaconstantin> Sure
22:02:33 <giannisk> thank you pandaconstantin
22:02:46 <giannisk> Anyone else who wants to say anything about an event?
22:02:52 <giannisk> If not, we're moving on.
22:04:09 <giannisk> #topic Action items from previous meetings
22:04:24 * giannisk is checking on the previous meeting's logs.
22:05:32 <giannisk> last emea ambassadors meeting appears to be on January 21st
22:05:53 <giannisk> I see no action items on that meeting.
22:06:07 <giannisk> So we can move on to the open floor.
22:06:23 <giannisk> #topic Open Floor
22:06:38 <giannisk> If you have anything else you might want to discuss, please speak up.
22:06:49 <giannisk> Please note that the meeting protocol is still in effect here.
22:07:32 <Levex> nice chariring!
22:08:02 <giannisk> Levex: went out pretty well for my first time, except that some minor mistakes were made.
22:08:08 <giannisk> Levex: thank you :)
22:08:20 <Levex> maybe be a bit less strict :p
22:08:54 <giannisk> Levex: Well, during IRC meeting we make use of our meeting protocol and people need to keep up with that.
22:10:02 <giannisk> Also common sense might work some times.
22:10:17 <Levex> I was just saying that there is no need to enforce so strictly if we are not that big
22:10:27 <Levex> just having it as a guideline is fine, imho
22:10:33 <Levex> but just my $.02 :)
22:10:43 <giannisk> Levex: maybe you're right :)
22:11:10 <Levex> after all, we are a community :)
22:11:55 <Levex> anyway, good night everyone! take care
22:11:56 <giannisk> a great community :)
22:12:00 <giannisk> If there's nothing else to discuss we shall end this in 3 minutes.
22:12:00 <Levex> indeed! ;)
22:14:34 <giannisk> Thanks everyone for attending, have a great night!
22:14:47 <FedoraUser> giannisk, thanks for chairing
22:15:10 <giannisk> #endmeeting