04:09:22 <zsun> #startmeeting 04:09:22 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Apr 11 04:09:22 2015 UTC. The chair is zsun. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 04:09:22 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 04:09:38 <zsun> #meetingtopic APAC 2015-04-11 04:09:45 <zsun> #topic roll call 04:09:51 <zsun> .hellomynameis zsun 04:09:52 <praveenkumar> .mynameis praveenkumar 04:09:53 <siddhesh> .hellomynameis siddhesh 04:09:54 <zodbot> zsun: zsun 'Ziqian SUN (Zamir)' <sztsian@gmail.com> 04:09:55 <pravins> hi praveenkumar :) 04:09:57 <zodbot> siddhesh: siddhesh 'Siddhesh Poyarekar' <spoyarek@redhat.com> 04:09:59 <praveenkumar> .hellomynameis praveenkumar 04:10:00 <tuanta_> .fas tuanta 04:10:00 <zodbot> praveenkumar: Sorry, but you don't exist 04:10:03 <zodbot> tuanta_: tuanta 'Truong Anh Tuan' <tuanta@iwayvietnam.com> 04:10:09 <zsun> #chair praveenkumar siddhesh pravins tuanta_ 04:10:09 <zodbot> Current chairs: praveenkumar pravins siddhesh tuanta_ zsun 04:10:18 <pravins> .fas pravins 04:10:19 <zodbot> pravins: pravin1 'PravinShah' <pravin_shah812002@yahoo.com> - pravinsp 'Pravin Patil' <pravin.sp26@gmail.com> - pravins 'Pravin Satpute' <psatpute@redhat.com> - pravinshinde 'Pravin Changdeo Shinde' <sndpravin@gmail.com> 04:10:22 <zsun> #chair zerng07 04:10:22 <zodbot> Current chairs: praveenkumar pravins siddhesh tuanta_ zerng07 zsun 04:10:24 <zsun> .fas zsun 04:10:25 <zodbot> zsun: zsun 'Ziqian SUN (Zamir)' <sztsian@gmail.com> 04:10:27 <praveenkumar> .hellomynameis kumarpraveen 04:10:29 <zodbot> praveenkumar: kumarpraveen 'None' <kumarpraveen.nitdgp@gmail.com> 04:10:40 <zerng07> .fas zerng07 04:10:41 <zodbot> zerng07: zerng07 'Cheng-Chia Tseng' <pswo10680@gmail.com> 04:10:54 <zsun> tuanta_: pls. 04:11:12 <tuanta_> sorry, I am late 04:11:24 <zsun> #chair tuanta 04:11:24 <zodbot> Current chairs: praveenkumar pravins siddhesh tuanta tuanta_ zerng07 zsun 04:11:55 <tuanta> any topics today? 04:12:02 <zsun> I have two tickets 04:12:05 <siddhesh> I have a couple for FUDCon 04:12:16 <tuanta> #info topic: FUDCon 04:12:27 <tuanta> #info topic: Tickets 04:13:00 <tuanta> any more topics? 04:13:05 <tuanta> ok, lets go 04:13:13 <tuanta> #topic FUDCon 04:13:16 <pravins> 3 tickets with meeting keyword 04:13:33 <tuanta> siddhesh, your turn 04:13:41 <siddhesh> tuanta, thanks 04:13:58 <siddhesh> so the first point is regarding the ambassadors BoF at FUDCon' 04:14:35 <siddhesh> some ambassadors have submitted talks (alick, tuanta, izhar, etc.), so thanks for that 04:15:01 <siddhesh> what is more important though is filing tickets if you need travel sponsorship 04:15:17 <siddhesh> tuanta, you have done that and so has hanthana, thank you both 04:15:20 <zsun> ping alick 04:15:27 <tuanta> siddhesh, I booked my flight ticket already 04:15:35 <siddhesh> I'd like to request the rest who intend to attend, to do so also 04:15:49 <siddhesh> tuanta, yes :) 04:16:21 <pravins> tuanta: nice :) 04:16:22 <siddhesh> if someone does not need sponsorship for travel but is going to attend then please let us know also so that we know you're coming 04:16:45 <tuanta> any wiki to register? 04:16:54 <zsun> AFAIK, for mainland China, Alick will attend 04:17:01 <praveenkumar> it will also help us for accomodation arrangement. 04:17:51 <siddhesh> tuanta, none right now. I think emailing me should be sufficient. 04:18:19 <tuanta> I think we should have a wiki to list all confirmed people 04:18:24 <siddhesh> praveenkumar, thanks, yes. even if you don't need sponsorship for stay, we can help you get a good rate for booking 04:18:37 <tuanta> you also need it to arrange the rooms 04:19:04 <tuanta> and transportation 04:19:29 <tuanta> it's a long way from Mumbai to Pune too 04:19:42 <siddhesh> tuanta, the various planning teams are managing them in spreadsheets, but I think we can do that in wiki pages instead 04:19:42 <tuanta> and it is nice to sum all up to a wiki 04:19:58 <siddhesh> tuanta, agreed. I will suggest that in the next meeting 04:20:06 <tuanta> yes, wiki is more accessible 04:20:09 <siddhesh> next fudcon planning meeting 04:20:45 <siddhesh> the other thing I wanted to ask about was the FUDCon.next idea 04:21:06 <siddhesh> tuanta, is there any action on that? 04:21:12 <tuanta> yes, I sent an email to Council, copy to Matthew 04:21:22 <siddhesh> right, I got that email too, thanks 04:21:26 <tuanta> but no response up to now :( 04:21:42 <siddhesh> :/ 04:21:58 <tuanta> I don't know but seem they usually respond us (APAC) really slow 04:22:05 <tuanta> maybe just my personal feelings 04:22:10 <tuanta> but I see that 04:22:31 * siddhesh nods 04:22:43 <siddhesh> that is all on the FUDCon front from me for now then. Just a reminder before I stop: 30th April is the last day for travel sponsorship requests 04:22:45 <zsun> I feel that people in US always replies emails slow, not only in community 04:23:05 <tuanta> zsun, :) 04:23:41 <zsun> ok, I will reminder alick to file sponsorship request if he has not done that yet 04:23:53 <siddhesh> somebody please remind izhar as well 04:24:32 <tuanta> siddhesh, should be someone in organizing team 04:24:50 <siddhesh> tuanta, ok, I'll drop him an email 04:25:05 <tuanta> you should remind others who have talks accepted 04:25:16 <tuanta> I don't know, but they may miss that 04:25:26 <siddhesh> tuanta, yes, we haven't finished the talk list yet, but hopefully it will be done in the coming week 04:25:37 <tuanta> nice 04:27:33 <tuanta> I will remind Council about the FUDCon.next idea 04:27:51 <siddhesh> thanks tuanta 04:29:55 <tuanta> how about the reimbursement for FUDCon? when will it start? 04:29:55 <siddhesh> that is it from me on FUDCon 04:30:11 <siddhesh> tuanta, travel reimbursement will be after the event 04:31:00 <tuanta> e.g. for me, I paid for my flight ticket from my pocket; it is better if I can get it back sooner; $500-600 is not a small amount for almost people 04:31:10 * siddhesh nods 04:31:34 <siddhesh> tuanta, the trouble is when plans get cancelled or tickets have to be changed, etc. 04:31:46 <siddhesh> it is difficult to manage if reimbursement is done early 04:32:33 <tuanta> or, it is best to have *online* person to book tickets for all 04:32:44 <pravins> yeah, its difficult to reimburse unless travel is actually done. 04:32:51 <zsun> as ruth told us before, the better way is to pay flight tickets from Red Hat credit card if possible. However it did not work at that for Beijing since none of us are Red Hatter 04:33:04 <tuanta> but I am not sure it works since we need to do it fast, price is increasing day to day 04:33:23 <siddhesh> zsun, we don't have any Red Hat credit card either 04:33:31 <zsun> oh. 04:34:05 <tuanta> izhar has one. But he is not responsive these days 04:34:11 <tuanta> he is too busy 04:34:34 <siddhesh> zsun, the only advantage we have is that we can file expenses using our internal system, which takes care of exchange rate and has no transaction fees 04:34:48 <siddhesh> so at least we don't lose any money :) 04:34:56 <zsun> yes I know that. 04:35:39 <siddhesh> tuanta, so the only thing I can say at this point is that if you need the reimbursement early, ask for it and we'll try to do that 04:36:04 <tuanta> thanks siddhesh. we can do it case by case. 04:36:08 <tuanta> next? 04:36:10 <siddhesh> in some cases we might reject (like one applicant from yemen) because we are not sure if the applicant can come at all 04:36:52 <tuanta> btw, Yemen is in middle east, right? 04:37:24 <tuanta> it belongs to EMEA, actually 04:37:33 <siddhesh> tuanta, yes, but the talk is quite interesting (RTL language support in Fedora) 04:38:22 <siddhesh> we have accepted submissions from pretty much all over the world so far with emphasis on APAC 04:38:48 <zsun> Guys from Sri Lanka all failed o get the visa for FUDCon Beijing so I assume visa problem should be take into consideration 04:38:59 <zsun> s/ o / to / 04:39:22 <siddhesh> zsun, yes. last year there was a major visa reform in India, with a lot of countries getting visa on arrival status 04:39:59 <tuanta> +1 siddhesh 04:40:31 <tuanta> I have never been to India, but I see visa is not too difficult 04:40:36 <tuanta> #link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visa_policy_of_India 04:40:48 <siddhesh> it was lucky for us in fact because it happened only days before the deadline for bid submission :) 04:41:15 <tuanta> :D 04:41:52 <tuanta> I can apply for an ETA online then get visa on arrival at Mumbai airport 04:42:04 <tuanta> anything in this topic? 04:42:22 <siddhesh> nope 04:42:31 <tuanta> #topic Tickets 04:43:22 <tuanta> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/report/9 04:43:26 <pravins> if possible, good to get VISA well in advance rather than depending on On-arrival 04:44:01 <zsun> I filed two tickets, #188 and #189 04:44:33 <tuanta> #topic Ticket #188 04:44:46 <tuanta> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/188 04:44:50 <pravins> i can give input for #185 04:44:54 <tuanta> #info Travel subsidy for zsun to Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2015 04:45:02 <zsun> thanks. 04:45:11 <zsun> I will deliver a talk on HKOSC 2015 04:45:27 <tuanta> zsun, have you created an event wiki page? 04:45:43 <zsun> Oh, not yet. 04:45:53 <tuanta> please make sure you follow all guidelines 04:45:54 <zsun> I just thought it refers to the HKOSC page 04:45:56 <tuanta> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/APAC/Reimbursement 04:46:38 <zsun> ok. 04:46:49 <tuanta> the event could have its website, but it is generic one for everything 04:46:54 <siddhesh> Fedora.next: Building Distribution in the Cloud Era Ziqian SUN (Zamir) China fedora linux cloud Fedora I E E 04:47:08 <zsun> I'll do that after the meeting and so come with this ticket next meeting 04:47:19 <tuanta> you should have a wiki page to show all specific tasks/activities of you and Fedora team their 04:47:28 <tuanta> s/their/there 04:48:07 <zsun> Got it now. 04:48:47 <tuanta> note that budget for FY2016 has not been approved yet 04:48:49 <zsun> #action zsun create a wiki page for HKOSC 2015 to track all Fedora related activities there 04:49:10 <tuanta> however, HKOSC has been listed here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD:PhnomPenh_2014/events 04:49:14 <tuanta> so we can make it 04:49:39 <tuanta> +1 zsun 04:50:13 <tuanta> any questions or objections on this request? 04:50:36 <tuanta> zsun, you are the only one Fedora person there? 04:50:40 <zsun> So I think we can skip this ticket this meeting. 04:50:50 <tuanta> did you try to get in touch with Fedora community in HK 04:50:52 <tuanta> ? 04:51:06 <zsun> tonghui is also, but he is there to introduce Beijing Linux User Group. 04:51:23 <zsun> I will try to contact with local community again 04:51:30 <tuanta> yes, you should 04:51:44 <tuanta> it's nice to organize more activities there 04:51:51 <zsun> yes 04:52:16 <tuanta> it is a good chance to *refresh* the community in HK 04:52:28 <tuanta> what is the event date? 04:52:35 <zsun> any more issue I should/can do regarding the ticket? 04:52:44 <zsun> it's in June 04:52:55 <zsun> 26 & 27 June 2015 ( 04:53:03 <zsun> Friday-Saturday) 04:53:33 <tuanta> yes, so we have enough time to prepare this better 04:53:42 <zsun> ok 04:53:46 <tuanta> should we defer this to the next meeting? 04:53:56 <zsun> ok. just defer this ticket 04:54:16 <tuanta> ok, please re-consider all guidelines :) 04:54:29 <tuanta> #topic Ticket #189 04:54:32 <zsun> I will read through all guidelines again in case I missed some 04:54:36 <tuanta> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/189 04:54:54 <zsun> oh, still mine. 04:55:20 <siddhesh> zsun, I have an extra M size t-shirt, but it will be very expensive to send it :( 04:55:21 <tuanta> all Ambassadors polo shirt is in Cambodia now (with Somvannda) 04:55:49 <tuanta> I will add him into the ticket to discuss how to support you 04:56:04 <siddhesh> oh sorry, I only have all L size :/ 04:56:31 <tuanta> siddhesh, it is best to send it from Cambodia 04:56:43 <siddhesh> tuanta, ok 04:56:57 <zsun> yes I know it's too expensive to send, so I also need ideas on how to workaround this. Otherwise I can pay the postage myself if possible 04:57:14 <tuanta> zsun, is it ok if alick can collect it to you from FUDCon? 04:57:25 <tuanta> enough time? 04:57:26 <zsun> FUDCon shares the same time with HKOSC 04:57:32 <tuanta> ok 04:57:34 <zsun> so that is the biggest problem 04:57:55 <tuanta> so, the only way it ship it to your city 04:58:10 <zsun> I think yes. 04:58:50 <tuanta> ok, we have enough time, so we will continue this on the ticket 04:58:57 <tuanta> is that ok? 04:58:57 <zsun> ok. 04:59:01 <tuanta> thanks 04:59:15 <zsun> and we can go through other tickets in the meeting 04:59:35 <tuanta> #topic Ticket #185 04:59:41 <tuanta> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/185 04:59:54 <tuanta> pravins, yours :) 05:00:46 <tuanta> this event has been happened already 05:03:01 <tuanta> this is a small anount and also in schedule so I will simply approve it 05:03:14 <praveenkumar> tuanta: I think pravins wants to know whatelse detail it need to approve it. 05:03:18 <pravins> yes :) 05:03:52 <tuanta> #topic done 05:03:55 <tuanta> sorry 05:03:58 <tuanta> #undo 05:03:58 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x4f24cb50> 05:04:12 <pravins> yeah, it planned in quick time and i was away for fossasia during time. 05:04:12 <pravins> still i requested Ashutosh to raise ticket. 05:04:12 <pravins> he is enthusiast for Fedora 05:04:25 <pravins> thats nice 05:04:44 <tuanta> #topic F21 Media 05:05:07 <praveenkumar> tuanta: #179 I also want to discuss before moving on 05:05:24 <praveenkumar> tuanta: Should I poke Izhar again for this one? 05:05:52 <siddhesh> praveenkumar, I think yes. My F21 DVD tickets haven't been reimbursed yet either 05:05:53 <tuanta> it has been already approved, just wait for izhar 05:06:12 <tuanta> I will remind him to back to work :) 05:06:21 <tuanta> he is so busy these days 05:06:29 <pravins> thank you tuanta :) 05:06:42 <praveenkumar> thank you 05:06:58 <tuanta> #action tuanta to ask izhar to do reimburse all pending tickets 05:07:19 <tuanta> you are welcome :) 05:07:19 <siddhesh> thanks tuanta 05:07:30 <tuanta> for the F21 media, there are some in Singapore right now 05:07:49 <tuanta> I requested and received 150 WRK and 50 Server DVDs for Vietnam 05:08:05 <tuanta> but I am not sure how about other countries 05:08:15 <tuanta> India and China are ok too 05:08:24 <zsun> one good idea for mainland China is that Red Hat Beijing officially agrees to help receive and peeo Fedora DVD in their office, so we do not need to do this personally 05:08:35 <zsun> s/peeo/keep/ 05:09:00 <pravins> praveenkumar: we missed chance to done this in fossasia itself from izhar :) 05:09:03 <tuanta> Sri Lanka is fine too (Danishka is in Singapore now and he will take some back to his country) 05:09:35 <tuanta> we should take all chances 05:10:06 <tuanta> since shipping cost in APAC is expensive (compared to other regions) 05:10:41 <tuanta> I will make another reminder to all APAC ambassadors to request for media soon 05:10:48 <tuanta> F22 is nearly out :( 05:11:15 <tuanta> #action tuanta to remind APAC ambassadors to request for F21 media soon 05:11:20 <siddhesh> tuanta, we should probably have f22 media production tickets out by the next meeting 05:11:30 <siddhesh> f22 will probably turn beta by then 05:11:37 <tuanta> yes, siddhesh 05:11:55 <tuanta> it has been slipped a week, but it is so close to get the final GA 05:12:02 <siddhesh> tuanta, I'm going to produce extra workstation DVDs this year due to FUDCon 05:12:23 <siddhesh> I don't know if the server DVDs have been useful 05:12:33 <tuanta> nice; and it is a good place to distribute media and swag to other countries in APAC 05:12:51 <tuanta> I think it is 05:12:59 <tuanta> just keep it less than workstation ones 05:13:06 <siddhesh> ok 05:13:30 <zsun> Someone in China have doubts whether it is cheap enough to request from APAC instead of produce ourselves 05:13:42 <siddhesh> I'll file a ticket. I also will look for a volunteer to do a multiboot spin so that we can have multiple spins in the same DVD 05:13:45 <tuanta> #idea produce F22 media and distribute it at FUDCon Pune 05:14:03 <siddhesh> zsun, yeah, China should probably do it themselves too 05:14:14 <tuanta> zsun, we need numbers 05:14:25 <zsun> Usually it takes us around USD 1/DVD if produce more than 100pcs. 05:14:48 <zsun> We are collecting the numbers of DVD spend in events to make it clear next time 05:15:03 <tuanta> +1 zsun 05:15:44 <zsun> so by the end of this year we will have a pretty clear statistics 05:16:06 <tuanta> anything else? 05:16:11 <siddhesh> nothing from me 05:16:13 <tuanta> #topic Open floor 05:16:19 <zsun> one more thing 05:16:29 <tuanta> go ahead, zsun 05:16:30 <siddhesh> I have to go, see you all in the next meeting 05:17:19 <zsun> I want to know, when nominate mentors for ambassadors 05:17:25 <zsun> I mean, 05:17:57 <zsun> I am thinking of applying to be a mentor to solve the problem that there is not enough mentors in China 05:18:07 <zsun> so is that only my mentor can nominate me? 05:18:30 <tuanta> no, zsun 05:18:58 <tuanta> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors_Join_choose_a_mentor 05:19:07 <tuanta> "Regional Ambassador Mentors are a group of people - selected, proposed and appointed by people - not by a leveling system - based on trust (and a lot of soft facts). Prospective mentors are nominated by existing Mentors and confirmed by FAmSCo - [1]. If you want to be a mentor for the Ambassador group, be a good ambassador and if asked, volunteer to help, when needed. One great way to prepare is, to be a good mentor for the project as a whole." Men 05:19:07 <tuanta> tors follow a defined process for helping candidates join the Ambassadors program. 05:20:02 <tuanta> I don't think we are lack of mentor resources in APAC now 05:20:12 <zsun> oh, I mean for China. 05:20:21 <tuanta> China is in APAC wither 05:20:26 <tuanta> s/either 05:20:47 <zsun> So you mean, Chinese can also apply for mentorship from other areas of APAC? 05:20:49 <tuanta> we are divided by region, not by country 05:21:04 <tuanta> yes, they should 05:21:16 <zsun> ok. Then the problem is some kind of solved. And I will reply this to the local community. 05:21:18 <tuanta> fell free to choose a mentor in APAC 05:22:26 <tuanta> anything else? 05:22:37 <tuanta> I will end the meeting in a minute 05:22:45 <zsun> the last is an advise, 05:22:48 <zsun> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/APAC/Reimbursement#Travel_Subsidies 05:23:10 <zsun> I did not see it refers to create a wiki page. So maybe we should add this as an item for travel subsidies as well? 05:23:29 <zsun> and nothing else from me then. 05:24:13 <tuanta> you should create an event page for such purpose I mentioned before 05:24:18 <zsun> ok 05:24:39 <tuanta> end meeting? 05:24:56 <tuanta> zsun, can you send meeting minutes to the mailing list? 05:24:57 * zsun nothing else 05:25:00 <zsun> ok 05:25:02 <tuanta> #endmeeting