14:01:48 <randomuser> #startmeeting Fedora Docs Weekly Meeting 14:01:48 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon May 11 14:01:48 2015 UTC. The chair is randomuser. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:48 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:02:07 <randomuser> #topic Roll Call 14:02:20 <grundblom> Here 14:02:29 <bexelbie> .hello bexelbie 14:02:30 <zodbot> bexelbie: Sorry, but you don't exist 14:02:39 <bexelbie> .hello bex 14:02:40 <zodbot> bexelbie: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bex@pobox.com> 14:02:42 <bexelbie> :D 14:02:51 * smccann is here 14:03:02 * rkratky is here 14:03:11 <Capesteve> hello 14:03:20 * pbokoc 14:04:16 <kirsti> kirsti is here 14:04:51 <kirsti> sorry for not showing up for a while, just moved house, took some time to get reconnected to the internet 14:04:56 <grundblom> . waves 14:05:00 <grundblom> ./ waves 14:05:07 <grundblom> dang it forgot how to do emotes again 14:05:26 * Capesteve waves to grundblom 14:05:30 <bexelbie> use /me grundblom 14:05:35 <Capesteve> try / me 14:05:37 * lnovich waves to everyone! 14:05:42 <pkovar> /me is here 14:06:00 * grundblom pebkac 14:06:04 <grundblom> AHA! 14:06:22 * grundblom is grateful 14:06:27 <lnovich> that's right he can be taught .... (had to say that) 14:06:39 <randomuser> #topic New Writers 14:07:08 <randomuser> at this point, we make time to greet New folks and answer their questions 14:07:55 <randomuser> #chair bexelbie pkovar 14:07:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: bexelbie pkovar randomuser 14:10:07 <randomuser> nobody? 14:10:53 <randomuser> #topic release note beats 14:11:25 <randomuser> #action randomuser to tag release of release notes and rebuild RPM 14:12:31 <randomuser> otherwise, I think we're wrapped up - maybe a few bugs to look at? 14:14:35 <randomuser> yeah, probably just a few minor details 14:15:40 <bexelbie> do we need a plan or can they be handled ad-hoc? 14:15:54 <randomuser> okay, on to publishing... 14:16:04 <lnovich> randomuser: I am not sure what needs to be done in the virt section 14:16:05 <randomuser> I think they can be handled ad-hoc, first come, first serve 14:16:12 <lnovich> but there is nothing to report 14:16:57 <randomuser> lnovich, could you do a "here is the kinds of virt stuff we offer" blurb, maybe mention some container technology? 14:17:08 <lnovich> Cole says he is testing https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_Virtualization_UEFI 14:17:08 <lnovich> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_Virt_AArch64_on_x86 - and no changes were submitted 14:17:44 <lnovich> he says it isn't new - but has been improved 14:18:30 <randomuser> I've looked at the OVMF thing - too bad about the continuing licensing issues 14:18:40 <lnovich> but if you want a blurb - sure i can write something up 14:18:58 <lnovich> feel free to action me on that 14:19:03 <randomuser> I think if there's nothing dramatic and new, an overview of the $current would be good 14:19:14 <lnovich> ok sure thing 14:19:27 <randomuser> #action lnovich to write overview of virt offerings in release notes 14:21:26 <randomuser> otherwise, everyone feel free to review and add to the RNs over the next week or two 14:21:40 <randomuser> #topic Publishing 14:22:06 <randomuser> I didn't have time to work in this area during the last week, so nothing new to report 14:22:19 <randomuser> are there any questions about the goals, process, tools, etc? 14:22:32 <lnovich> where are we with the new personas? 14:23:23 <randomuser> umm.. I think the personas are a usable tool that we should keep in mind if writing a new thing 14:23:50 <lnovich> no i mean are they finalized? does anything else need to be done there? 14:24:29 <randomuser> hmm.. bexelbie, what do you think? 14:25:09 <bexelbie> I don't know that we have finished them 14:25:24 <bexelbie> I think we started data collection but they fell by the wayside. We need to think about whether we should be 14:25:32 <bexelbie> trying for a unified set of personas across variants, or not 14:25:49 * randomuser nods 14:26:06 <bexelbie> I believe we can restart that conversation though 14:26:19 <bexelbie> and now may be a good time as we are looking at revamping how we organize our docs 14:26:24 <bexelbie> on the publishing side 14:26:31 <lnovich> maybe put it on the agenda so we can start talking about it regularly? 14:26:42 <bexelbie> so knowing if we have a unified set of personas could help us with design 14:26:46 <bexelbie> I like that idea lnovich 14:26:49 <randomuser> bexelbie, let's do that - would you revive the list discussion? 14:27:11 * bexelbie will endeavor to do so 14:27:20 <bexelbie> #action bexelbie to revive the persona discussion on the list 14:27:30 <randomuser> lnovich, you're adding it to the agenda? 14:28:08 * lnovich will try her best to 14:28:26 <randomuser> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 14:28:33 <randomuser> This brings up another thought 14:28:45 <randomuser> we should be rewriting our contributor-facing content 14:29:08 <randomuser> especially wrt: workflow changes I've been thinking of - so this is where I need to step up 14:29:45 <bexelbie> randomuser, this might be a good place to do some docs first development (no funny intended) 14:30:02 <lnovich> am i putting this in the standing agenda or the agenda for next week? 14:30:02 <randomuser> yup 14:30:33 <randomuser> lnovich, it says "standing agenda" because we weren't updating the date, don't read too much into it 14:31:27 <randomuser> I'll draft something at a high level and present for discussion and revision, and we can work out the details based on agreed theory 14:31:44 * lnovich updated the agenda 14:32:36 <randomuser> #action randomuser to draft Docs docs for review 14:32:38 <lnovich> we need to dramatically lower BTEs 14:33:05 <lnovich> Barrier(s) to Entry 14:33:05 <randomuser> BTE? 14:33:14 * jsmith joins the meeting late, due to a work meeting 14:33:45 <randomuser> ah, yeah, agreed 14:34:29 <lnovich> ie - what is preventing a constant flow of content from both new and current users *me included* 14:35:10 <lnovich> and that can be the topic of a whole other meeting all together 14:35:12 <pkovar> the answer is lack of lightweight doc formats supoort 14:35:16 <pkovar> besides other things 14:35:37 * bexelbie would love to hear something like smccann who may have experience in other projects speak about which BTEs really were BTEs and which are assumed to be 14:35:37 <randomuser> lnovich, I think we are somewhat past those questions and working out implementation details and workflow impact of a solution 14:36:05 <smccann> yeah I can fill in what were my stumbling blocks 14:36:20 <randomuser> smccann, be ruthless! 14:36:23 <lnovich> ok so do we have a list where we wrote down what the barriers to entry are? 14:36:58 <randomuser> we've gone over the points so many times, but surprisingly, I can't think of where to look for them 14:37:01 <lnovich> smccann: would love to hear! 14:37:06 <randomuser> but basically, what pkovar said 14:37:14 <pkovar> lnovich: not sure but you can use https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_Focus 14:37:23 <pkovar> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_Focus 14:37:37 <smccann> okay I'll write up thoughts and send to the mailing list 14:38:14 <randomuser> awesome 14:38:19 <lnovich> the way I see it is - the longer we wait to find a solution the more time is lost in a painful execution - rip off the bandaid and let's switch to what works 14:38:30 <randomuser> #action smccann to start barrier-to-entry sharing and discussion on mailing list 14:38:53 * smccann all aglow to have an action item! 14:39:14 <randomuser> lnovich, you're a couple months behind in this discussion, I think 14:39:39 * bexelbie offers a bunch more action items to smccann 14:39:44 <randomuser> heh 14:39:52 <smccann> eep! 14:40:06 <lnovich> agreed, and i apologize so where do we stand at the moment? what is stopping us from making any changes? 14:40:36 <randomuser> lnovich, there is no immediately available solution that meets the requirements we have defined 14:40:56 <randomuser> so I am working on writing one 14:42:02 <lnovich> maybe there is an intermediary solution? - in another format? 14:42:27 <randomuser> maybe - I don't have the cycles to do both 14:43:15 <randomuser> We have a few action items out of this topic, and hopefully with the one I've assigned to myself we can all have a better idea of what I'm trying to do 14:43:36 <bexelbie> I'd prefer to see us be a bit more deliberate in spelling out the objectives we want to meet with a timeline .. rather than go through two rounds of migrations 14:44:35 <lnovich> +1 14:45:06 <bexelbie> timeline here meant deadline for the plan to be ready - not necessarily scoping a full implementaion in the proposal 14:45:09 <bexelbie> if that makes sense 14:45:33 <lnovich> as long as the deadlines are reasonable 14:46:26 <randomuser> I'll set a deadline for myself to have this writeup done by Friday, and available for discussion at the next meeting 14:46:53 <randomuser> we should be able to agree on goals and requirements within two weeks 14:47:23 <pkovar> that sounds reasonable, thank you 14:47:39 <bexelbie> +1 14:47:41 <randomuser> I've been trying to get feedback on theory, but it's probably not easy without a clear picture of the goals and such 14:48:40 <randomuser> let's talk about guides while we're here 14:48:45 <randomuser> #topic Guide Status 14:49:08 <randomuser> where are our guides at for F22, and where do you need help with your guide? 14:49:22 <randomuser> pbokoc, yours is a crucial one - do you have a todo list? 14:49:41 <pbokoc> nah, the install guide is mostly good 14:49:46 <randomuser> cool 14:49:53 <pbokoc> I'll handle the few minor things that need updating 14:50:08 * Capesteve needs to chase devs for DNF feedback, sending e-mail now 14:50:18 <randomuser> smccann, grundblom - which one of us is going to restructure the guide you've been working on, to remove/simplify the existing content? 14:51:32 <randomuser> I'll go in with a hammer if you want, but don't want to take the opportunity to own the copy away from you if you want that. 14:51:53 <smccann> i'm confused 14:52:13 <smccann> are you asking which one (me or grundblom) will merge the content? 14:52:28 <smccann> or you already merged and now you are looking for a volunteer to clean up the rest of the guide? 14:52:46 <randomuser> the latter; content is merged but we had also discussed cleaning up the rest 14:53:15 <smccann> gotcha... what are the f22 deadlines? 14:53:48 <Capesteve> just what I was going to ask, when is GA day? 14:53:59 <randomuser> release is set for 26 may 14:54:09 <randomuser> two weeks 14:54:29 <smccann> ooch 14:54:47 <smccann> okay I'll give it a shot this week and let you know in doc office hrs if I think I can do it on time etc 14:54:59 <smccann> do I pull a branch and call it f22? 14:55:07 <randomuser> smccann, sure - take it one commit at a time, and we'll see where we stand on thursday 14:55:20 <smccann> kk 14:55:23 <randomuser> #action smccann to prep virt-getting-started-guide for F22 14:55:34 <Capesteve> create the branch and push it 14:55:40 <randomuser> branch when it's ready to publish 14:56:29 <smccann> erm.. were those two conflicting suggestions capesteve and randomuser? 14:56:35 <randomuser> heh 14:56:53 <smccann> i may not be wearing my newbie cape anymore but I'm certainly still sporting the pantaloons! 14:56:58 <randomuser> smccann, you can't *pull* a branch unless it already exists 14:57:21 <smccann> aaaah ok. 14:58:34 <randomuser> we can work out further planning in -docs 14:58:41 <randomuser> #topic Open Floor 14:58:55 <randomuser> any last minute complaints, things we missed? 14:59:42 <lnovich> smccann: let me know when you are free this week - would love to look at what you have done and discuss 14:59:43 <Capesteve> The draft SysAdmin Guide should be removed or rebuilt from master 15:00:33 <smccann> lnovich - okay probably won't have anything significant til that thurs, but can pop into docs earlier in the am if it helps 15:00:35 <Capesteve> master has DNF 15:00:36 <randomuser> Capesteve, you've done a lot of work on it - ready to publish maybe? 15:00:41 <Capesteve> no 15:00:49 <Capesteve> waiting for a review from DNF devs 15:00:53 <randomuser> ok, I can update the draft 15:00:55 <Capesteve> I have just e-mailed them 15:01:02 <Capesteve> thanks 15:01:06 <randomuser> #action randomuser to update draft publish of sysadmin guide 15:01:16 <Capesteve> just remove Networking Guide from drafts I think 15:01:23 <randomuser> ugh 15:01:26 <randomuser> #undo 15:01:26 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by randomuser at 15:01:06 : randomuser to update draft publish of sysadmin guide 15:01:40 <randomuser> #action randomuser to remove draft of networking guide 15:01:55 <randomuser> we're up - discussion continues in #fedora-docs, as always 15:01:59 <randomuser> #endmeeting