01:09:41 <Cydrobolt> #startmeeting FAmNA 01:09:41 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jun 5 01:09:41 2015 UTC. The chair is Cydrobolt. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:09:41 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:09:53 <Cydrobolt> #meetingname FAmNA 01:09:53 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:09:59 <Cydrobolt> #topic === FAmNA Roll Call === 01:10:07 <Cydrobolt> #chair kk4ewt wrnash 01:10:07 <zodbot> Current chairs: Cydrobolt kk4ewt wrnash 01:10:33 <Cydrobolt> #topic === Announcements === 01:10:37 <Cydrobolt> Any announcements? 01:10:49 <wrnash> I do not have any 01:11:02 <kk4ewt> Updated F21-20150602 Live isos are located at http://tinyurl.com/Live-respins 01:11:54 <Cydrobolt> #topic === Tickets === 01:12:00 <Cydrobolt> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9 01:12:07 <Cydrobolt> .famnaticket 106 01:12:09 <zodbot> Cydrobolt: #106 (Replacing DVD media with USB key for event distribution) – FAmNA general trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/106 01:12:26 <kk4ewt> i am against this totally 01:12:29 <Cydrobolt> We've recently been discussing potentially replacing DVDs with USB drive instead 01:12:33 <Cydrobolt> kk4ewt, what are your objections? 01:12:38 <kk4ewt> price 01:12:42 <Cydrobolt> drives* 01:13:24 <kk4ewt> the cheapest we can do branded usbs is $10 each 01:13:55 <kk4ewt> the dvds cost 1.75 01:14:06 <wrnash> to expensive for usb 01:14:21 <Cydrobolt> Yeah, the price is definitely a big factor 01:14:38 <wrnash> I think most people will use the USB for other things then to install Fedora 01:15:13 <kk4ewt> so instead of 4000 media we would be only producing 1000 01:15:16 <Cydrobolt> Yeah, that seems likely, but it does also increase spread since people are more attracted to things they can reuse 01:15:30 <Cydrobolt> although there are some cheap options for branded USBs 01:15:56 * ParadoxGuitarist wanders in. 01:16:06 <wrnash> I agree people do like to reuse 01:16:10 <Cydrobolt> #chair ParadoxGuitarist 01:16:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: Cydrobolt ParadoxGuitarist kk4ewt wrnash 01:16:25 <kk4ewt> so if we can get them for 2.5 i may change my mind 01:16:41 <ParadoxGuitarist> are we talking about USBs? 01:16:49 <wrnash> Yes 01:17:21 <ParadoxGuitarist> Consider that we pay at least double what the cost per unit is for DVDs 01:17:25 <Cydrobolt> http://www.4imprint.com/tag/147/USB-Flash-Drives/product/112703-1G-24HR/Swing-USB-Drive-1GB-24-hr 01:17:44 <wrnash> what other options are available? 01:18:14 <kk4ewt> we dont want anything less than 2G 01:18:30 <ParadoxGuitarist> we pay double because we use 1/2 of our actual stock actually makes it to end users 01:18:53 <kk4ewt> ParadoxGuitarist, depends on time of the year actually 01:19:10 <Cydrobolt> Does anyone know how much http://www.memorysuppliers.com/ charges per drive? 01:19:10 <kk4ewt> odd releases i agree 01:19:13 <ParadoxGuitarist> I agree kk4ewt, I've had it be higher. 01:19:37 <kk4ewt> i have been watching these prices for 5 years 01:20:51 <Cydrobolt> ParadoxGuitarist, yeah, the cost is definitely higher. 01:21:22 <ParadoxGuitarist> true, but there's less waste 01:21:56 <Cydrobolt> yeah, by a margin 01:22:15 <ParadoxGuitarist> How so? We can always write a new image to a USB. 01:22:25 <ParadoxGuitarist> Once that DVD is burned, we're done. 01:22:34 <Cydrobolt> right 01:22:43 <ParadoxGuitarist> I have boxes of F19 media still. 01:24:04 <ParadoxGuitarist> Plus this gives us the opportunity to do other spins as well 01:24:15 <kk4ewt> ParadoxGuitarist, and if we had know we could have distrubuted it 01:25:08 <ParadoxGuitarist> kk4ewt: I've got a few boxes of 21, so if there's a need somewhere please let me know. =) 01:25:17 <kk4ewt> the even releases we usually use the media ( we have enough events) the odd releases we get too much for the events we have 01:25:45 <kk4ewt> ParadoxGuitarist, yeah i have 1000 of 21 01:26:02 <kk4ewt> which i hope to get rid of next week 01:26:18 <ParadoxGuitarist> I dropped off a box at an ITT near my house 01:27:13 <ParadoxGuitarist> Well, the other thing to consider is that the USB drive doubles as swag 01:27:36 <kk4ewt> i send to anyone as many as possible 01:28:10 <ParadoxGuitarist> and finally, fewer and fewer computer models come with DVD drives these days. 01:28:33 <ParadoxGuitarist> The medium is quickly becoming obsolete. 01:28:47 <kk4ewt> until the price comes down to more reasonable i am against at the moment 01:28:55 <Cydrobolt> at HackRU 01:29:17 <kk4ewt> and the majority of our users have older equipment and have dvd drives 01:29:24 <Cydrobolt> there were many Mac users 01:29:35 <kk4ewt> as long as the movie industry puts out dvd 01:29:39 <Cydrobolt> within the developer crowd, there are also an increasing amount of Macbook users 01:29:49 <Cydrobolt> I don't think most of them have DVD drives 01:29:53 <ParadoxGuitarist> Mac hasn't had a DVD drive on any of their models for the past 4 years. 01:29:55 <Cydrobolt> They can obviously burn the disk themselves 01:30:06 <Cydrobolt> but they're not getting the physical product 01:30:09 <kk4ewt> but most have access to one 01:30:18 <ParadoxGuitarist> no, they don't 01:30:34 <ParadoxGuitarist> I speak from experience in this. 01:30:36 <kk4ewt> i know my people do and they use it 01:30:44 <wrnash> I've been using just the ISO to install fedora on Vmware and virtualbox 01:30:47 <kk4ewt> ParadoxGuitarist, so am I 01:31:08 <ParadoxGuitarist> They are furious when they realize there's no DVD drive in the new model, but don't actually buy an external. 01:31:13 <Cydrobolt> I know a lot of Mac users, and they don't use DVDs 01:31:24 <Cydrobolt> However, if they need to use an ISO, they'll burn it on a USB drive 01:31:58 <Cydrobolt> I've had some issues with different USB burners and UEFI, so this issue could also affect Macs or other thin laptops w/o the DVD drive 01:32:01 <ParadoxGuitarist> Cydrobolt: That's been my experience too. 01:32:15 <kk4ewt> ok this is getting us nowhere 01:32:48 <Cydrobolt> okay 01:32:49 <ParadoxGuitarist> kk4ewt: What if we replaced our other sawg purchases with this? 01:33:18 <ParadoxGuitarist> in conjunction with the DVDs? 01:33:22 <kk4ewt> ParadoxGuitarist, we have the money to spend but yet we dont have any swag 01:33:55 <ParadoxGuitarist> kk4ewt: We just bought a new run of shirts 6 months ago 01:34:05 <kk4ewt> at this point i have maybe 1000 voice stickers and thats it 01:34:24 <kk4ewt> yes we have some tshirts but i dont have any 01:34:47 <kk4ewt> award will dropship shirts for SELF 01:36:02 <ParadoxGuitarist> isn't award taking over the east shipping point? 01:36:12 <kk4ewt> not that i know of 01:36:54 <kk4ewt> if i am asked to step aside i will 01:36:54 <ParadoxGuitarist> hmmm 01:37:08 <ParadoxGuitarist> <--- really has no idea 01:37:33 <ParadoxGuitarist> You're this shipping point for East Coast? 01:37:43 <ParadoxGuitarist> You manage the event box and whatnot? 01:37:47 <kk4ewt> yes 01:37:51 <ParadoxGuitarist> ok got it. 01:38:11 <ParadoxGuitarist> I would put in a ticket and get ahold of the east t-shirts then 01:38:40 <kk4ewt> tobe truthful i do not have room to store them 01:38:48 <ParadoxGuitarist> I know they were split into three groups, but I don't know who they went to... 01:39:01 <kk4ewt> but 300 shirts is a drop in the bucket 01:39:27 <ParadoxGuitarist> I don't remember the amount but it was 5k. 01:39:30 <kk4ewt> now i rather see us order some more pens and case badges 01:39:49 <ParadoxGuitarist> Case badges, yes. But I disagree on the pens. 01:39:54 <kk4ewt> why 01:40:18 <kk4ewt> pens cost us .5 01:40:58 <kk4ewt> and people lie them because they were useful and it got out name out there 01:41:05 <kk4ewt> like 01:41:43 <ParadoxGuitarist> To be completely honest, I don't think they're impressive. And the places I've worked the booth, not nearly as many people are intersted in them. 01:42:09 <kk4ewt> ParadoxGuitarist, and on the east coast events they fly 01:42:24 <ParadoxGuitarist> Stickers, yes. DVDs: for the most part. Case badges go the quickest. 01:42:33 <ParadoxGuitarist> Or t-shirts. 01:43:01 <kk4ewt> the case badges i have for years you must be a fedora user or take one with media 01:43:49 <ParadoxGuitarist> I haven't ever had enough to even do that. 01:44:23 <Cydrobolt> #topic == Open Floor === 01:44:26 <ParadoxGuitarist> The first year at SCaLE we gave out about 1500 disks 01:44:46 <ParadoxGuitarist> I think I had around 300 case badges when I took over from vwbusguy. 01:44:47 <kk4ewt> a 1000 person event i could easily give away 500 case badges if i didnt limit them 01:45:18 <ParadoxGuitarist> That was 2 years ago. 01:45:52 <kk4ewt> the last time i was around when we bought case badges we ordered 12K at .25 each 01:46:23 <kk4ewt> that was 4 FPLs ago 01:47:24 <kk4ewt> we kept 8K for the usa and sent 4K to Emea 01:48:08 <kk4ewt> now i understand we bought some since then and i think nb has them 01:48:25 <ParadoxGuitarist> But I'd rather give away USB drives than all of that, my personal opinion, I'm well aware. I think they do just as much as case badges or pens. Either way, I'm happy to go with the consensus. 01:48:45 <ParadoxGuitarist> kk4ewt: I'll put in a ticket with famnarequests for some, thanks. =) 01:49:18 <kk4ewt> but we need to have an inventory of swag 01:49:28 <ParadoxGuitarist> I agree. 01:49:33 <ParadoxGuitarist> Google doc? 01:49:36 <kk4ewt> ParadoxGuitarist, do you have any playing cards or guitar pics 01:49:47 <ParadoxGuitarist> we never ordered the latter 01:49:54 <Cydrobolt> ParadoxGuitarist, ah 01:49:59 <Cydrobolt> didn't you give them out for SELF? 01:50:06 <kk4ewt> nope 01:50:09 <Cydrobolt> ah 01:50:16 <kk4ewt> i have never seen either 01:50:31 <ParadoxGuitarist> We gave out fender guitar picks that jsandys wrote on with a gold sharpie at LFNW. 01:50:37 <kk4ewt> Cydrobolt, if i had any i would at least sent you one 01:51:03 <Cydrobolt> :D 01:51:20 <ParadoxGuitarist> I might have 1 pack of cards left, but I'm not sure. 01:51:22 <Cydrobolt> I also play the guitar, Fedora picks would be amazing, hehe 01:51:50 <ParadoxGuitarist> We approved a purchase, but they weren't going to be done in time for LFNW so we scrapped the order. 01:52:16 <kk4ewt> my point is there is a lot of swag we can get for $1 each and we need to order something asap 01:53:38 <ParadoxGuitarist> kk4ewt: do you have any of the stickers? 01:53:50 <Cydrobolt> Fedora wallets/ 01:53:51 <kk4ewt> about 1000 i am thinking 01:53:52 <Cydrobolt> *? 01:54:24 <Cydrobolt> I've recently seen a lot of bottle openers, bags, and some notebooks are local tech events 01:54:45 <ParadoxGuitarist> Cydrobolt: not very unisex but clever. 01:54:48 <kk4ewt> Cydrobolt, what do you want a case of blue ducttape to start make the wallets 01:54:51 <ParadoxGuitarist> the wallets that is. 01:54:54 <Cydrobolt> Hahaha 01:55:00 <Cydrobolt> Blue ducttape! 01:55:08 <kk4ewt> they make it 01:55:52 <ParadoxGuitarist> The best swag is useful swag.... 01:56:08 <Cydrobolt> anyone have anything else? 01:56:18 <kk4ewt> bags at events are not that useful 01:56:27 <ParadoxGuitarist> kk4ewt: We agree. 01:56:28 <kk4ewt> most events have bags 01:56:34 <ParadoxGuitarist> my thoughts too. 01:56:52 <kk4ewt> pens casebadges and bottle openers 01:57:28 <kk4ewt> we did balloons and the went over like lead 01:57:41 <ParadoxGuitarist> kk4ewt: do you want to open a ticket for each one of those? 01:58:05 <kk4ewt> lets all of do some digging and investigate pricing 01:58:43 <ParadoxGuitarist> The case badges and pens, we should already have a supplier for. 01:59:34 <kk4ewt> lets get prices for bottle openers then we can see if we want to put a ticket in for the art work 02:00:04 <kk4ewt> speaking of artwork i need to contact Mo to see if they still have the artwork for the vbanners 02:00:34 <ParadoxGuitarist> kk4ewt: are we thinking about getting the same banners? 02:00:36 <kk4ewt> #action kk4ewt contact MO about Vbanner artwork 02:01:15 <kk4ewt> well if we use the same art it would be easier to get new ones 02:02:23 <ParadoxGuitarist> just this to add: the current banners are designed that you have to use two of them for the design to make sense. My suggestion would be to get it so you could just use one (for smaller events or situations were bringing two banners isn't ideal) 02:02:29 <nb> hi 02:02:34 <ParadoxGuitarist> NB! 02:02:42 <Cydrobolt> hi nb! 02:02:44 <ParadoxGuitarist> I was just going to email you! 02:02:46 <Cydrobolt> #chair nb 02:02:46 <zodbot> Current chairs: Cydrobolt ParadoxGuitarist kk4ewt nb wrnash 02:02:58 * nb reads the scrollback 02:03:10 <kk4ewt> nb what swag do you have 02:03:27 <ParadoxGuitarist> nb: do you have enough case badges to restock the west coast? 02:04:47 <nb> a lot of case badges, some pens, F21 media 02:04:50 <nb> tshirts 02:05:04 <nb> i might have a few pencils, not sure 02:05:20 <nb> a very few playing cards (we are supposed to get more but it got caught up in po/payment hell) 02:05:24 <nb> i need to bug suehle 02:05:26 <nb> about the status 02:05:33 <kk4ewt> bring 20 sticks of case badges with you for SELF please 02:05:34 <ParadoxGuitarist> can I get some case badges for the west coast? 02:05:46 <nb> ParadoxGuitarist, yes, email me address 02:06:01 <ParadoxGuitarist> nb thanks! 02:06:10 <nb> kk4ewt, so i don't need to bring shirts to SELF? 02:06:16 <nb> do i need to bring other swag? 02:06:27 <kk4ewt> no shirts other swag yes 02:06:44 <nb> ok 02:07:05 <nb> i'll either ship it to me or check it as a bag 02:07:25 <kk4ewt> ship to the hotel 02:07:40 <nb> if it is just normal art we need for bottle openers, i have the svgs 02:07:48 <nb> so we don't need a ticket if it is simple 02:07:52 <nb> a design team ticket i mean 02:08:11 <ParadoxGuitarist> Cool 02:08:24 <nb> kk4ewt, i will bring swag 02:08:27 <nb> i am hoping to have media 02:08:38 <kk4ewt> no stickers 02:08:43 <nb> you have stickers? 02:08:48 <nb> good, becasue i don't think i have many at all 02:08:50 <kk4ewt> yes about 1K 02:09:08 <nb> I can bring case badges, and a few pens 02:09:18 <kk4ewt> and i have 10 pencils for the VE session 02:09:26 <nb> and i think i may have some playing cards from a box that suehle found from the previous order 02:09:38 <nb> do we want to reorder buttons? 02:09:43 <kk4ewt> yes 02:10:04 <kk4ewt> well unless we can think of something else to order 02:10:18 <kk4ewt> how many case badges do you have 02:10:39 <nb> a lot 02:10:46 <kk4ewt> 10K? 02:10:56 <nb> probably 2/3 of whatever we ordered 02:11:06 <nb> i don't think i ever got them shipped to the shippers 02:11:20 <kk4ewt> idont think you did either lol 02:11:25 <ParadoxGuitarist> =) 02:11:29 <ParadoxGuitarist> +1 02:11:35 <ParadoxGuitarist> .. oh wait. =P 02:11:37 * nb notes we will be having a FAmNA Brainstorming workshop at Flock. /me would appreciate people coming 02:11:49 <ParadoxGuitarist> Wish I could 02:11:54 <ParadoxGuitarist> maybe skype in? 02:11:54 <kk4ewt> i cant too close to the start of the semester 02:12:00 <ParadoxGuitarist> me too 02:12:08 <ParadoxGuitarist> plus I have a kid comming 02:12:20 <ParadoxGuitarist> Or Google Hangout? 02:12:29 <nb> maybe we can do something like that, thats a good idea 02:12:32 <Cydrobolt> I might be going, if I can get sponsored 02:12:33 <kk4ewt> ok on that who has the west coast box 02:12:41 <ParadoxGuitarist> I do 02:12:47 <kk4ewt> whats in it 02:12:56 <ParadoxGuitarist> That's an interesting question. 02:13:18 <ParadoxGuitarist> non-swag : OLPC 02:13:46 <ParadoxGuitarist> Everything else is perishable. 02:13:54 <ParadoxGuitarist> I talked to award about it last week. 02:14:29 <ParadoxGuitarist> we talked about getting a projector and new tablecloths, with a banner for each box. 02:15:47 <kk4ewt> well you at least need a 6 outlet friendfinder, 1 25' extesnion cord 02:16:18 <kk4ewt> i would love a banner that would fit in the box 02:16:28 <ParadoxGuitarist> If it's just one, I think we could 02:16:32 <kk4ewt> and we need newer laptops 02:16:46 <ParadoxGuitarist> We talked about this last week too 02:16:47 <kk4ewt> only if the banner was 22" wide 02:17:15 <ParadoxGuitarist> Most of the ambassadors have their own laptops and bring them to events. 02:17:16 <kk4ewt> 24" banners ==26" 02:17:22 <nb> ParadoxGuitarist, laptop is missing? 02:17:30 <nb> i thought we got it back from MarkDude 02:17:34 <kk4ewt> been missing for a long time 02:17:41 <ParadoxGuitarist> We did 02:17:53 <kk4ewt> so where is it 02:18:19 <nb> OLPC is outdated also, I believe ours are OLPC-1. 02:18:25 <ParadoxGuitarist> and it could no longer run the standard spin, I think someone from RH took it at SCaLE two years ago. 02:18:42 <nb> It can't? I thought I had F19 or so on the central one 02:18:49 <kk4ewt> all of them are model one 02:18:50 <nb> whatever was current at the time I had it last 02:19:02 <ParadoxGuitarist> It was a T-20 right? 02:19:17 <kk4ewt> i will try 21 and 22 on the one i have tomorrow 02:19:29 <kk4ewt> lenovo 02:19:54 <ParadoxGuitarist> No, the one I had was a ibm thinkpad 02:19:58 <ParadoxGuitarist> I think 02:20:07 <kk4ewt> it was a lenovo 02:20:14 <ParadoxGuitarist> I don't quite know. I only saw it at SCaLE for a few days. 02:20:34 * nb wonders if we could get redhat to give us new laptops 02:20:41 <ParadoxGuitarist> I think a rasberry-pi-/projector combo might be better than a laptop 02:20:50 <nb> or for that matter, we could buy some 02:20:51 <kk4ewt> I will talk to Paul next weekend 02:21:13 <ParadoxGuitarist> Bigger screen smaller footprint and easier to ship. 02:21:15 <nb> kk4ewt, have you heard anything else from robertjw? 02:21:21 <nb> i thought he was coming to SELF but haven't heard from him 02:21:23 <kk4ewt> nope 02:21:37 <nb> i sent him the reg info 02:21:46 <kk4ewt> if he dont thats fine as well 02:21:46 <nb> did you end up getting registered as a sponsor ok? 02:21:54 * Cydrobolt needs to run 02:22:00 <nb> yeah, looksl ike we will have plenty of VE's i think? 02:22:01 <kk4ewt> nope i registered as a supporting 02:22:07 <Cydrobolt> kk4ewt, can you #endmeeting when you guys are done? 02:22:16 <nb> which is good because I might have to leave early to do the keysigning 02:22:25 <nb> kk4ewt, oh ok 02:22:40 <kk4ewt> Cydrobolt, we were using the bot before you came along :) 02:22:40 * nb registered as sponsor with the info that jeremy sands sent out 02:22:51 <ParadoxGuitarist> g2g... there was shooting outside my University. 02:22:52 <Cydrobolt> yeah, I know :) 02:22:58 * ParadoxGuitarist waves. 02:23:02 <nb> ParadoxGuitarist, wow, stay safe 02:23:06 <kk4ewt> have a good one guys 02:23:08 * Cydrobolt waves 02:23:08 <nb> kk4ewt, should we move to #fedora-ambassadors? 02:23:13 <Cydrobolt> stay safe ParadoxGuitarist 02:23:14 <kk4ewt> yep 02:23:16 <ParadoxGuitarist> thanks guys 02:23:18 <kk4ewt> #endmeeting