18:00:02 <nirik> #startmeeting FESCO (2015-06-17) 18:00:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jun 17 18:00:02 2015 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:02 <nirik> #meetingname fesco 18:00:02 <nirik> #chair ajax dgilmore jwb mitr nirik paragan rishi thozza sgallagh 18:00:02 <nirik> #topic init process 18:00:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fesco' 18:00:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: ajax dgilmore jwb mitr nirik paragan rishi sgallagh thozza 18:00:11 <jwb> hello 18:00:27 <rishi> hello 18:00:30 <ajax> hey 18:00:44 <sgallagh> hello 18:00:52 <jkurik> hi 18:01:19 <dgilmore> hola 18:01:35 <nirik> welcome everyone. I guess lets go ahead and dive on in... 18:01:46 <nirik> #topic #1445 F23 Self Contained Changes 18:01:46 <nirik> .fesco 1445 18:01:48 <zodbot> nirik: #1445 (F23 Self Contained Changes) – FESCo - https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1445 18:02:08 <thozza> hi all 18:02:09 <nirik> mitr was +1 to all 3 of them 18:02:40 * nirik is also +1 to all of them 18:02:49 <dgilmore> I think Containerized Server Roles shoudl be system wide 18:02:50 <sgallagh> I am also +1 to all of them (though I an the owner of two of them, so take that as you will) 18:03:08 <jwb> yes, these are fine with me. +1 18:03:14 <ajax> +1 18:03:15 <rishi> Yes, +1 to all three. 18:03:24 <sgallagh> dgilmore: I'm interested to hearing your reasoning. 18:03:28 <sgallagh> -ing 18:03:58 <thozza> +1 for all of them 18:05:04 <dgilmore> sgallagh: because I think it would be good to use https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Layered_Docker_Image_Build_Service to build containered services 18:05:13 <dgilmore> I am +1 for them all 18:05:43 <sgallagh> dgilmore: Hmm, that doesn't exactly agree with my planned implementation 18:06:02 <sgallagh> (Which specifically avoids needing an image repository) 18:06:03 <dgilmore> sgallagh: right 18:06:33 <nirik> #agreed All this weeks self contained changes approved (+8,0,0) 18:06:36 <dgilmore> I think its a useful way to deliver it though, and would allow us to push out updates 18:06:44 <dgilmore> sgallagh: its really semantics 18:07:04 <sgallagh> I'm fine with moving this to a System-wide Change in order to explore that possibility, I guess 18:07:53 <dgilmore> sgallagh: I guess just keep it in mind 18:07:54 <nirik> sounds good. anything further here? or shall we move on and discuss that out of meeting? 18:08:01 <dgilmore> lets move on 18:08:11 <sgallagh> dgilmore: I've got most of the relevant people around in the office today. I'll try to hash it out with them 18:08:31 <nirik> #topic #1448 orphan vicodans packages 18:08:32 <nirik> .fesco 1448 18:08:33 <zodbot> nirik: #1448 (orphan vicodans packages) – FESCo - https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1448 18:08:40 <dgilmore> +1 18:08:40 <nirik> sadly, we are unable to contact dan... 18:08:54 <thozza> sadly +1 18:09:09 <jwb> orphan 18:09:11 * rishi clicks 18:09:14 <sgallagh> I'm concerned; he owns some very core packages. 18:09:26 <jwb> then they'll get picked up quickly 18:09:28 <sgallagh> Some (like dbus-python) that I'm not sure anyone else knows how to properly maintain 18:09:40 <rishi> 2015-05-17 doesn't sound too long ago. 1 month. 18:09:59 <nirik> his email and bugzilla are out of sync, so any bugs filed will go to... no one. 18:09:59 <sgallagh> rishi: I've been trying to contact him about some bugs for almost 18 months 18:10:18 <rishi> sgallagh: Ah, ok. I see. 18:10:20 <nirik> I'm not sure that any of the packages are particularly coreish 18:10:30 <sgallagh> He's functionally out of contact if not literally 18:10:44 <nirik> and there's co-maintainers that could take point of contact on much of it. 18:10:44 <rishi> nirik: He used to be one of the MATE people. 18:10:59 <ajax> whee, gnome2 forks 18:11:06 <nirik> rishi: I know. 18:11:29 <sgallagh> nirik: well, dbus-python is the one that makes me most nervous (particularly since the rolekit house of cards is balanced on it) 18:11:35 <sgallagh> Also firewalld 18:11:35 <nirik> anyhow, +1 to removing him as point of contact... 18:11:38 <ajax> +! 18:11:41 <ajax> +1 even 18:11:42 <sgallagh> But yeah, +1 to removing him. 18:11:42 <dgilmore> rishi: He had a pretty bad accident not long before Flock Charleston, and has not been involved since 18:12:01 <rishi> dgilmore: Oh. :( 18:12:04 <rishi> Sad. 18:12:07 <nirik> sgallagh: well, rdieter and stefanok are co-maintainers there 18:12:25 <dgilmore> rishi: indeed 18:12:34 <nirik> and really if there had been any maintaining needed, he would not have done it anyhow. ;) 18:12:35 <sgallagh> /me did not realize that 18:12:59 <jwb> given the list of committers, i don't think it will go unmaintained 18:13:04 <rishi> I am new to this, but my impression from previous such "conflicts" was that we tried to give the offending party some time. 18:13:11 <rishi> I recall the issue with Christopher Meng. 18:13:18 <jwb> rishi, 18 months isn't enough time? 18:13:30 <nirik> rishi: this isn't a conflict tho... 18:13:45 <rishi> Yeah, conflict was not the right word. 18:13:48 <nirik> it's just that their email we know doesn't map to bugzilla. 18:13:53 <rishi> Anyway, I won't block this. +1 18:14:16 <nirik> #agreed orphan packages (+7,0,0) 18:14:23 <kalev> I am happy to pick up any gnome packages he had that are used in Workstation 18:14:36 <nirik> kalev: thanks. I don't think there would be many tho... 18:14:39 <nirik> #topic #1449 F23 System Wide Change: Boost 1.59 Uplift 18:14:39 <nirik> .fesco 1449 18:14:40 <zodbot> nirik: #1449 (F23 System Wide Change: Boost 1.59 Uplift) – FESCo - https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1449 18:14:48 <nirik> +1 rubber stamp 18:14:57 <sgallagh> nirik: You beat me to it. +1 18:14:59 <jwb> +1 18:15:25 <rishi> Sure, +1. 18:15:40 <thozza> +1 18:16:00 <ajax> +1 18:16:15 <dgilmore> +1 18:16:38 <nirik> #agreed change approved (+7,0,0) 18:16:42 <sgallagh> mitr was +1 in the ticket 18:16:45 <sgallagh> So that's +8 18:16:51 <nirik> oh right sorry 18:16:53 <nirik> #undo 18:16:53 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: AGREED by nirik at 18:16:38 : change approved (+7,0,0) 18:16:57 <nirik> #agreed change approved (+8,0,0) 18:17:14 <kalev> sad that it didn't land before the mass rebuild, but such is life 18:17:18 <nirik> we got one more last minute after the agenda went out. 18:17:30 <sgallagh> Python 3 18:17:34 <nirik> the python3 as default change. Do we want to discuss that today? or punt it to next week? 18:17:43 <nirik> #topic #1450 F23 System Wide Change: Python 3 as the Default Implementation 18:17:43 <nirik> .fesco 1450 18:17:45 <zodbot> nirik: #1450 (F23 System Wide Change: Python 3 as the Default Implementation) – FESCo - https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1450 18:17:55 <nirik> if we want to defer it thats fine... ;) 18:18:16 <thozza> it came too late for me, but I can check 18:18:24 <dgilmore> I know anacoda is making the switch already 18:18:50 <dgilmore> In theory I am all for it 18:19:11 <sgallagh> I'm all for it as well. I'm actively porting what I can over to Python 3 on the Server DVD. 18:19:13 <nirik> yeah, I think once again it may not be some kind of complete thing, but it should be a lot further than 22 had 18:19:16 <rishi> I recall Colin had raised a concern. 18:19:19 <jwb> i'm kind of skeptical 18:19:19 * rishi checks the archives 18:19:20 <nirik> dnf is over. anaconda is over. 18:19:25 <sgallagh> (FreeIPA won't change, but we can probably get the default install to Python 3-only) 18:19:40 <nirik> rishi: yeah, ansible isn't python3 yet, so needs a python2 still around 18:19:52 <jwb> ansible is impacted, which requires python2 on atomic (and cloud if they keep python at all) 18:19:52 <dgilmore> but I would like it to be a bit clearer what it means as python3 as default 18:19:53 <rishi> Right, ansible. 18:19:59 <sgallagh> Right, so the Atomic image will probably remain dual-stack 18:20:17 <sgallagh> dgilmore: I think the idea is to get everything installed by default on Python 3 as best we can 18:20:28 <sgallagh> And live with a few stragglers like ansible 18:20:31 <dgilmore> sgallagh: yeah, just seems very vague 18:20:48 <nirik> well, the scope of the change page lists things. 18:20:53 <jwb> live with seems strange 18:20:54 <sgallagh> Right 18:21:08 <sgallagh> jwb: I didn't mean "indefinitely" 18:21:21 <jwb> given it just won't work on the client machines out of the box until someone manually installs python2... 18:21:43 <ajax> mmm 18:21:43 <rishi> sgallagh: So, Server will also stay dual-stack? 18:22:03 <sgallagh> rishi: Out of the box, I think we can actually get it down to Python 3 only. 18:22:20 <kalev> for what it's worth, Workstation has been dual-stack for at least 2 releases now 18:22:23 <sgallagh> Deploying a Domain Controller will pull it in, so Python 2 will still be on the install media 18:23:13 <sgallagh> rishi: by "out of the box" I mean the set of packages installed if you just select "Fedora Server" and no optional packages 18:23:24 <rishi> sgallagh: Ok. 18:23:32 <nirik> kalev: but should be able to go all 3 for f23? 18:23:42 <kalev> nirik: I believe so 18:23:42 <rishi> kalev: Trying to figure out whether Workstation needs python2 anymore 18:23:46 <rishi> Ah, ok. 18:23:55 <nirik> cool. 18:24:05 <ajax> fedora-packager -> koji -> python(abi) = 2.7 18:24:23 <nirik> yeah, lots of that stuff still needs fixing. 18:24:28 <nirik> posting. whatever 18:24:48 <kalev> also, yum-compat or what's it called, would have to to from the default install if we're switching to python3-only 18:24:51 <jwb> are those going to be done in 2 months? 18:25:00 <nirik> so what do we want to do here? vote on this now? wait a week for more looking into things? 18:25:11 <ajax> if workstation is the "developer experience" product then... 18:25:22 <jwb> saying we're "default python 3" when we can't use the tools to build fedora without python2 installed seems pretty ballsy 18:25:36 <ajax> it'd be slightly odd not to have the tools for developing fedora installed in the fedora developer image 18:25:54 <nirik> those things aren't listed in the scope. ;) Perhaps they should be. 18:26:17 <jwb> i'm -1 at this point. 18:26:27 <ajax> nirik: i mean, it does say "python3 only on the workstation live dvd" 18:26:59 <rishi> ajax: But things like fedora-packager are not installed by default, are they? 18:27:04 <sgallagh> ajax: The WS Live doesn't have very many apps at all, actually 18:27:17 <sgallagh> It relies on GNOME Software to make that stuff available. 18:27:23 <sgallagh> (Yes, this statement is a slight cop-out) 18:27:46 <ajax> to the extent that i'm invested in the workstation product, i think that's an error on our part 18:28:18 <ajax> i'm broadly fine with changing the default, but i expect it'll be like trying to keep perl off the damn livecd 18:28:28 <jwb> ignoring workstation itself, it still seems wrong to claim default when we can't get by with only that for _creating_ fedora 18:28:30 <ajax> a mallet whacking a mole, forever 18:28:42 <rishi> I am inclined to agree with jwb 18:29:27 <kalev> I'm not fesco, but I'd say that such a Change is mostly for advertisement 18:29:29 <rishi> What gets installed by default by the products is important, sure, but not being able to create Fedora with the "default" Python implementation is a bit strange. 18:29:35 <nirik> proposal: discuss change more on list, revisit next week 18:29:37 <dgilmore> ajax: and no work has started on making koji, fedpkg, fedora-packager etc work with python 3 18:29:46 <jwb> kalev, it's been an advertisement for 3 releases now 18:29:59 <kalev> maybe accept it with the clause that if they manage to pull off getting python2 off the WS live media, it gets accepted, otherwise it gets automatically postponed? 18:30:05 <thozza> I think that leaving python2 will not help with moving those missing pieces to use python3 18:30:16 <rishi> kalev: The advertisement becomes a bit hollow considered that our distro building tools still neeed python2. 18:30:35 <sgallagh> I still think we should be planning further in advance than this release. 18:30:42 <kalev> right, but as much as the end users see, it's off the default install 18:30:52 <jwb> thozza, i disagree. progress is clearly being made on this. just perhaps not as rapidly as everyone would like 18:31:00 <kalev> I am just saying that there is advertisement value for saying 'We no longer ship Python 2 in the default install' 18:31:05 <jwb> but calling it done before it's actually done seems like cheating 18:31:06 <sgallagh> For example, I'd be interested to see what sort of response I'd get if we tried for "Fedora 24 does not ship a python2 interpreter" 18:31:30 <thozza> jwb the change is still helping them to communicate the changes in community and make others to really do something about it 18:31:45 <jwb> thozza, then rename the change to "continue python3 porting progress" 18:31:47 <nirik> sgallagh: pitchforks and anger. ;) 18:31:49 <thozza> if postponing, we should clearly state what should be changed 18:31:52 <rishi> kalev: That is true, but the default install is not the only important thing, IMHO. 18:32:08 <dgilmore> sgallagh: quite possibly it would be that you get told fine. but we have to remove the tools used to make fedora :( 18:32:09 <kalev> rishi: right. but it's still a thing :) 18:32:12 <thozza> jwb: it kind of is :) see the Scope 18:32:23 <sgallagh> dgilmore: How long do you need to port them? 18:32:34 <dgilmore> the compose tools have not yet started being ported to python3 18:32:36 <jwb> thozza, no, it really isn't. in a world of short attention spans, the title is what counds 18:32:39 <jwb> counts 18:32:42 <sgallagh> Python 2 is on life-support, basically only limping along because Red Hat and SUSE are paying people to care 18:32:52 <dgilmore> sgallagh: no idea, its not been looked at because we have not had the time to do even that 18:33:03 <jwb> we literally had this discussion for f22. as much as i love repeating things, i still don't see how this is "Default" 18:33:27 <dgilmore> jwb: me either. 18:33:39 <nirik> well, we have dnf and anaconda over now... but yeah, 'default' means different things to different people. 18:33:41 <sgallagh> Perhaps we can take a more concrete step in F23 like banning the addition of new python2-only modules? 18:33:50 <nirik> sgallagh: thats part of this change actually 18:33:58 <thozza> jwb: well, I agree to the extent that claiming python3 by default for 3 releases and still not being fully the case is confusing 18:33:59 <sgallagh> I must have missed that. 18:34:25 <nirik> All applications that use only a single python version MUST use python3 (unless they have a good reason not to do so). 18:34:35 <nirik> (hows that for exacting!) 18:34:41 <thozza> nirik: that means something else IMHO 18:34:54 <rishi> thozza: Do we already claim that python3 is the default? 18:35:01 <dgilmore> rishi: we do not 18:35:19 <dgilmore> we have claimed we are taking steps towards it 18:35:20 <thozza> but technically we had the change already for F22 18:35:39 <dgilmore> I think its hard to define when it is done when we do not know where teh finish line is 18:35:39 <nirik> and 21 I think too? 18:35:55 <thozza> dgilmore: yes, that is true and maybe not well understood 18:36:26 <dgilmore> I would like us to define the finish line 18:36:59 <rishi> dgilmore: Ah, ok. I got confused by thozza saying "claiming default for 3 releases ...". 18:37:01 <thozza> dgilmore: 2020 when python2 goes EOL? :) 18:37:09 <dgilmore> anaconda uses python3 is a big thing to advertise, though many people probably will not care 18:37:29 <rishi> Plus dnf. 18:37:35 <dgilmore> right 18:37:55 <dgilmore> so if we do not hit the finish line there is wins to sell and advertise 18:38:00 <sgallagh> /me posted a big patchset today to move rolekit over as well, and firewalld makes the jump in F23 as well 18:38:14 <rishi> sgallagh: Cool. 18:38:34 <dgilmore> but knowing where we are aiming to get to should be pretty critical 18:38:38 <nirik> I'm not sure what the finish line would be... I guess 'no packages in the fedora collection use python2' ? 18:38:43 <rishi> I wonder how long it will take to port fedora-packager, koji and friends. 18:38:57 <dgilmore> rishi: honestly no idea 18:39:00 <rishi> nirik: That would be a bit extreme, in my opinion. 18:39:02 <sgallagh> nirik: That's likely not possible in the forseeable future. 18:39:07 <dgilmore> no one has even looked at it 18:39:26 <nirik> then whats the finish line? 18:39:27 <sgallagh> Which is why we've been running with "no python3 shipped on any of our install media/cloud images" 18:39:28 <dgilmore> rishi: koji has to run all the way back to RHEL 5 18:39:47 <nirik> dgilmore: perhaps koji 2.0 18:39:48 <rishi> nirik: I would be happy to put the finish line at "no python2 on default installs and distro building process". 18:39:56 <rishi> But now dgilmore mentions RHEL 5. :/ 18:40:00 <thozza> could we use Google Summer of Code or something similar for porting fedora-packager to python3? 18:40:08 <sgallagh> thozza: Too late this year 18:40:21 <sgallagh> We're coming up on midterms in two weeks :) 18:40:40 <dgilmore> rishi: the build/compose tools have to work on very old environments in addition to modern ones 18:40:45 <dgilmore> :( 18:40:49 <kalev> mc 18:40:53 <kalev> sorry 18:40:57 <nirik> so perhaps we should ask change owners if any of them have resources to port build tools? 18:41:02 <sgallagh> dgilmore: Could you explain why? 18:41:17 <nirik> dgilmore: could do 2/3 packages for them and only build 2 on old releases? 18:41:30 <jwb> right 18:41:32 <rishi> So maybe only aim to port the client side tools instead of the ones that run on the servers? 18:41:53 <dgilmore> nirik: yes, the code needs to run on rhel 5 18:41:53 <thozza> rishi: I think that is a good start 18:42:22 <thozza> dgilmore: can you use EPEL? 18:42:23 <dgilmore> sgallagh: because there is rhel 5 builders used to build things 18:42:27 <jwb> dgilmore, _some_ code needs to run on rhel5. there is nothing that says identical code must run on rhel5 and Fedora 23 18:42:42 <sgallagh> dgilmore: And those builders cannot be updated to use RHEL 7? 18:42:58 <dgilmore> jwb: sure. and koji 2 is planning to support the older os's in a different manner 18:43:13 <dgilmore> but koji 1.X has to run everywhere 18:43:20 <dgilmore> sgallagh: they can not 18:43:30 <sgallagh> ok 18:43:49 <dgilmore> koji is planning for python 3 support in koji 2 but that is in early planning 18:43:51 <thozza> although it is not easy, here are ways to support Python2 and Python3 18:44:21 <dgilmore> it is still some ways off actually delivering something we will use 18:44:44 <nirik> ok, then where are we with the goalposts? 18:44:54 <rishi> Ok, so what about this: aim to port the client side tools instead of the ones that run on the servers, and no python2 on the default installs? 18:45:26 <dgilmore> nirik: I would propose that we advertise the changes to move things to python3 in Fedora 23 18:45:29 <nirik> I'm not sure where we are at all for bodhi and pkgdb and such... I'd have to talk to folks 18:45:32 <sgallagh> rishi: I'm fine with that. To me, that's enough to call it "default" 18:45:46 <dgilmore> but we define what state we need to be in to say we are moved to python3 18:46:03 <nirik> also, if we do that we should define 'client side tools' ... 18:46:10 <nirik> everything in the fedora-packager group? 18:46:22 <rishi> sgallagh: Yes. Saying that we can't completely port the server-side because of RHEL5 and infra' sounds reasonable to me. 18:46:31 <dgilmore> rishi: you do realise in the koji case large amoounts of the server and client side are shared 18:47:02 <dgilmore> FYI https://lists.fedorahosted.org/pipermail/koji-devel/2015-June/000000.html announcement for koji 2.0 planning 18:47:43 <sgallagh> /me says "screw it" and starts rewriting everything in Go 18:47:52 <rishi> dgilmore: :( 18:48:25 <dgilmore> rishi: large parts of it is in the koji python library which they all use 18:48:38 <thozza> sgallagh: I hope you are joking ;) 18:48:54 <sgallagh> thozza: More like "threatening" 18:48:58 <thozza> :D 18:49:02 <dgilmore> thozza: if he is not I will have to visit him 18:49:10 <sgallagh> :-D 18:49:15 * nirik thinks we are in the weeds. :) 18:49:22 <dgilmore> nirik: we are 18:49:48 <sgallagh> So, nobody disagrees that this work should advance and that the targets set in the Proposal are valid and achievable, right? 18:50:02 <dgilmore> #proposal we define what python3 by default means, and document and advertise the steps towards it in F23 18:50:16 <nirik> sgallagh: aside from the atomic wanting to have python2 for ansible (thats not reflected on the change wiki page anyhow) 18:50:18 <sgallagh> So I suggest we tell them to go ahead and do it and just worry about the wordsmithing of the release announcement at the end 18:50:33 <rishi> No chance of ansible being ported in the near future? 18:50:53 <nirik> rishi: v2 should be out before long and it's much more python3 friendly, but they aren't saying it will be 100% then. 18:51:00 <jwb> sgallagh, i'd agree as long as we change the title first 18:51:16 <rishi> nirik: Ok. 18:51:42 <jwb> because i don't want to be approving "Python 3 as Default" until it's actually going to be default. just call it "Python 3 porting" 18:51:43 <sgallagh> jwb: Sure, a red shed sounds nice. If we want to call it "Python 3 progress in F23", sure. 18:51:51 <nirik> "The road to python3" 18:52:16 <sgallagh> "... is paved with the tears of developers" 18:52:29 <nirik> dgilmore: except that we haven't defined that yet and I'm not sure we are going to now in this meeting. ;) 18:52:33 <jwb> you can jest all you want. it won't change the fact that phoronix and other media are going to pick up on this, and then be very confused when we keep saying python3 is the default. 18:52:47 <dgilmore> nirik: rigth, and I did not propose that we do it now 18:52:55 <dgilmore> nirik: just that we say we will do it 18:53:09 <nirik> well, we kinda did last cycle too... and I don't think we did. ;) 18:53:19 <sgallagh> jwb: Well, I was only half-joking. To me, the more important part is the content. 18:53:31 <kalev> jwb: maybe rename it to say "Workstation ported to use Python 3" or something ? 18:53:44 <sgallagh> kalev: Except that's not the full scope 18:53:46 <jwb> something that reflects what is actually happening and reality, sure 18:54:01 <nirik> I'm also in favor of changing it... but I would want the change owners to be involved in that... 18:54:02 <jwb> not something that is an end goal we aren't going to reach in this release 18:54:15 <nirik> "here's your change, we renamed it and modified it for you, hope you agree" 18:54:17 <sgallagh> proposal: Ask them to rename the change "Progress towards Python 3 in Fedora 23" 18:54:39 <jwb> frankly, moving to python3 might be better suited as a Council engineering objective 18:54:42 <jwb> not a Change 18:54:43 <rishi> Or how about "python2 won't be installed by default" ? 18:54:44 <sgallagh> /me has a hard stop in five minutes 18:54:44 <thozza> "Progress towards Python 3 in Fedora 23 by default" ;) 18:55:04 <jwb> at least Council objectives have a realistic 18 month timeframe already set 18:55:30 <sgallagh> thozza: That does not parse well in English. 18:55:30 <dgilmore> jwb: probably a worthwhile exercise 18:55:34 <sgallagh> In any rearrangement 18:56:00 <thozza> sgallagh: :-/ 18:56:17 <thozza> well, I tried... 18:56:36 <nirik> how about asking them to rename it without 'default' in it. ;) 18:56:52 * rishi also has a hard stop coming up 18:56:56 <jwb> just Python 3? 18:57:01 <sgallagh> s/default/preferred/ the end 18:57:10 <thozza> Does it really matter, since we already had the same change for 2 releases? 18:57:12 * nirik thinks bikeshedding this without the change owners is weird. 18:57:14 <thozza> what changed now? 18:57:29 <jwb> thozza, the fact that we've had THE SAME CHANGE FOR 3 RELEASES 18:57:34 <jwb> it's stupid 18:57:42 <thozza> jwb: ok, fair enough 18:57:56 <thozza> maybe they should version it 18:57:58 <rishi> Can we invite the change owners to the meeting next week and defer till then? 18:58:11 <thozza> I think that is a good idea 18:58:37 <sgallagh> Gotta run, folks. Sorry. 18:58:38 * nirik suggested further discussion on list about 45min ago. ;) 18:59:12 <nirik> so, yes, I am in favor. I'll even post to the list about this. 18:59:47 <dgilmore> proposal: table this for followup with the Change owners, we need to define the end game, and make the change reflective of what will actually be delivered in Fedora 23, ideally with some kind of rough plan to get to the end game 19:00:08 <ajax> +1 table 19:00:13 <nirik> sure, +1 19:00:28 <jwb> +1 19:00:48 <thozza> dgilmore: +1 19:01:32 <nirik> #agreed table this for followup with the Change owners, we need to define the end game, and make the change reflective of what will actually be delivered in Fedora 23, ideally with some kind of rough plan to get to the end game (+5,0,0) 19:01:38 <nirik> #topic Next weeks chair 19:01:41 <nirik> who wants it? 19:01:51 <nirik> exciting life in the chair lane... 19:02:13 <thozza> I can take it 19:02:54 <nirik> thanks thozza 19:03:00 <nirik> #action thozza to chair next week 19:03:03 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 19:03:07 <nirik> any items for open floor? 19:03:24 <rishi> I wanted to discuss an issue with the local DNS resolver change that we approved last week. 19:03:29 <rishi> But I got to run *now*. 19:03:32 <rishi> So we can do it later. 19:03:38 <rishi> See you next week! 19:03:52 <nirik> ok, fair enough. 19:04:19 <nirik> anything else? if not, will close in a minute 19:04:25 <thozza> rishi: ok, I'll ask the rest of change owners to participate 19:04:29 <dgilmore> nothing here 19:05:23 <nirik> Thanks for coming everyone! 19:05:25 <nirik> #endmeeting