18:00:02 <thozza> #startmeeting FESCO (2015-06-24) 18:00:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jun 24 18:00:02 2015 UTC. The chair is thozza. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:02 <thozza> #meetingname fesco 18:00:02 <thozza> #chair ajax dgilmore jwb mitr nirik paragan rishi thozza sgallagh 18:00:02 <thozza> #topic init process 18:00:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fesco' 18:00:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: ajax dgilmore jwb mitr nirik paragan rishi sgallagh thozza 18:00:17 <thozza> Hi all 18:00:17 <nirik> morning 18:00:23 <mstuchli> heya 18:00:27 <mhroncok> hi 18:00:30 <rkuska> hello 18:00:36 <jkurik> hi there 18:00:39 <jwb> hi 18:01:02 <mgrepl> hey 18:01:09 <mitr> Hello (I am only partly paying attention today I’m afraid) 18:01:39 <thozza> That's 4 18:03:32 <thozza> So let's wait a bit longer 18:03:40 <jkurik> we need at least five, right ? 18:03:46 <jwb> yes 18:04:05 * nirik nods 18:04:20 <nirik> just FYI, I will not be here next week. 18:04:32 <thozza> how long should we wait? 18:04:41 <jwb> 5 more minutes, max 18:04:59 <thozza> jwb: sounds reasonable 18:06:03 <mhroncok> paragn, rishi: ping 18:06:30 <thozza> dgilmore: ping 18:06:31 <zodbot> thozza: Ping with data, please: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/No_naked_pings 18:06:34 <nirik> paragn said on list he wouldn't be here. 18:06:41 <nirik> dgilmore is traveling 18:07:01 <nirik> sgallagh is at summit I think 18:08:13 <thozza> well, it doesn't look we'll have a quorum today I'm afraid... too bad I asked all changes owners to participate :-/ 18:08:43 <mhroncok> thozza: not your fault 18:08:46 <mstuchli> happens 18:08:49 <mstuchli> Yeah :) 18:09:04 <mstuchli> I think we'll gradly come next time as well 18:09:27 <mhroncok> or we can get accepted by default :D 18:09:28 <rkuska> my first visit to this room so I don't mind, it looks crowdy here 18:09:33 <mstuchli> mhroncok++ 18:09:34 <zodbot> mstuchli: Karma for churchyard changed to 3: https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 18:09:35 <rkuska> mhroncok: + 18:09:46 <rkuska> oh karma trap 18:09:58 <mhroncok> mstuchli: not quite sure if that's what you wanted to do, but thanks ayway 18:10:14 <thozza> #info No quorum today. The meting is canceled. See you next week. 18:10:14 <thozza> #endmeeting