14:00:36 <smccann> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings #meetingname Fedora Docs #topic Roll Call 14:00:36 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jul 6 14:00:36 2015 UTC. The chair is smccann. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:36 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:01:44 * smccann is here 14:02:55 * kirsti2 is here 14:03:14 * rkratky is here, but the rest of Czech Rep. ppl won't probably show up. Bank holiday here. 14:03:22 * randomuser is here, for now, will probably leave early 14:04:35 <smccann> randomuser - what is the format for the pingdocs command ? I tried it and it did nothing (prepended a hashtag) 14:05:09 <randomuser> ".pingdocs" 14:05:20 <smccann> gracias 14:05:38 * Capesteve wves 14:05:50 * Capesteve waves 14:05:58 <smccann> okay getting started 14:06:00 <smccann> #topic New Writers 14:06:07 * lnovich is here 14:06:22 <smccann> do we have new writers here? 14:07:27 <smccann> ok guessing not. moving on 14:07:32 <lnovich> #info Laura is now in the US, office hours will change - all new writers who need / want assistance should stay on the #fedora-docs channel after this meeting to arrange a new meeting time that better suits the US time zone 14:07:51 <smccann> thanks lnovich! 14:07:59 <smccann> #topic Release Notes Beats 14:08:00 <kirsti2> ack lnovich 14:08:47 <smccann> We have F23 changes - #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/23/ChangeSet?rd=Releases/23#Fedora_23_Accepted_Self_Contained_Changes_Proposals 14:09:58 <smccann> #info please take a look at the upcoming F23 changes and find something to adopt for documentation needs 14:10:55 <smccann> anyone have anything else on f23 beats? 14:12:09 <smccann> and the world moves on... 14:12:13 <smccann> #topic Publican/Publishing 14:12:27 <smccann> Anything new and exciting here? 14:12:37 <randomuser> not from me, sorry 14:13:06 * zoglesby is late 14:13:37 <smccann> Welcome zoglesby 14:13:53 <lnovich> i would love to have a timeline as to when tool changes will be happening 14:13:57 <smccann> #topic Guide Status 14:14:04 <smccann> Anything on guide updates? 14:15:06 <smccann> grundblom had a question on the email list about whether we really need separate docker getting started or just use their docs 14:15:53 <smccann> #info email discussion on whether we need getting started guide for docker... please go read and respond 14:16:11 <smccann> I'm nibbling away on the virt deploy guide to remove RHEL references. 14:17:03 <lnovich> maybe all we need in that instance is to put links to the Docker docs in our RN and to possibly just include installation instructions if needed somewhere? 14:17:51 <lnovich> thanks smccann, that will keep u busy for a while, but we should discuss what needs to be cut from that guide before you invest too much time 14:18:10 <smccann> could be. I'm too close to the clueless edge when it comes to containers. Someone sent out a link a bit back 14:18:32 <smccann> on fedora and docker... I think it might have been from the docker site (*starts searching*) 14:19:09 <zoglesby> yeah, I don't think a fedora docker guide is a great idea. 14:19:32 <zoglesby> We need guides for fedora server more than one that focuses on a specific upstream 14:19:37 <smccann> #info - docker has install notes for fedora 14:19:41 <smccann> #link https://docs.docker.com/installation/fedora/ 14:19:52 <lnovich> ok so then a link from the RN would be helpful 14:20:36 <lnovich> and if there are other open source projects whose docs are fine, we should link to them as well - no need to re-invent the wheel in those cases 14:20:37 <smccann> zoglesby - can you elaborate on what the guide needs are for fedora server? is this docker related or something bigger? 14:21:11 <zoglesby> We need to document https://getfedora.org/en/server/ 14:21:47 <zoglesby> stuff like cockpit and server roles 14:21:50 <smccann> #info we need to document fedora server 14:22:02 <smccann> #link https://getfedora.org/en/server/ 14:22:18 <smccann> #info - fedora server guide needs cockpit, server roles, etc 14:22:22 <zoglesby> Server is fundamentally a diffrent product, but we don't have documentation 14:22:40 <smccann> ok for the unwashed masses (aka me) - is there no fedora server guide yet? or it's there but not updated? 14:22:55 <smccann> ok think u answered me already :-) 14:23:07 <lnovich> has a request gone on the mailing list for the server docs? 14:23:50 <zoglesby> lnovich: a few times 14:23:56 <smccann> might be something that benefits from a wiki planning page - to pull in what needs to be in a sever guide and who the peeps in the know are etc 14:23:57 <lnovich> and no reply? 14:24:45 <zoglesby> #link https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/docs/fedora-server-guide.git/ 14:25:23 <zoglesby> I started working on it during the first release,but I did not have time and did almost no work 14:26:40 <lnovich> understood zoglesby, how much work do you think it needs - hours/months? 14:26:49 <smccann> okay from the sounds of it, no docker guide just a link or two in the RN, and if someone has bandwidth, consider adopting the server guide 14:27:38 <zoglesby> lnovich: if someone walks into it without any knowledge it is going to take some work 14:27:57 <zoglesby> I would like to convice randomuser to work on it with me and try and get something done before the next release 14:28:13 <randomuser> it's possible :) 14:28:16 <zoglesby> s/convice/convince/ 14:28:39 <zoglesby> between two busy people, maybe we could get it done 14:29:02 <smccann> if there's enuf beer involved, it could be conVICE :-) 14:29:05 <randomuser> let's sync up in the evening soon 14:30:17 <smccann> #action randomuser and zoglesby to discuss fedora server guide plan 14:30:23 <smccann> Okay any other guide stuffs? 14:30:41 <smccann> oh before I forget. 14:31:02 <smccann> #info decision made to use links to docker docs in RNs for now instead of rolling our own guide 14:31:37 <smccann> ok moving on 14:31:37 <smccann> #topic New User Personas 14:31:56 <smccann> An oldie but a goodie! Not sure we have the people here to update on that tho? 14:33:03 <lnovich> most of the personas from what I remember were detailed, the next step is to align the docs to them - and have an old fashioned audit 14:33:30 <lnovich> make sure what we want is what we have and if not change what we have to make it what we want 14:33:49 <smccann> say that 3x fast! 14:33:52 <randomuser> that sounds like a lot of work 14:34:07 <randomuser> i was envisioning us using the personas going forward, not going back 14:34:20 <kirsti2> an audit sounds like something i can help with 14:35:08 <smccann> do we use it for things like what goes in a server guide? and do we need a cloud guide update etc etc? based on the pesonas 14:35:21 <lnovich> we should 14:35:51 <lnovich> ideally all writing should be aligned to the personas (once we have finalized them of course) 14:36:44 <smccann> maybe first step is use them in new docs or those getting major uphaul, like virt deploy and server guides 14:36:59 <lnovich> how about we open it to a vote? let everyone look at them and at the next meeting vote to accept them or change them and provide the change by next week 14:37:43 <lnovich> get the personas accepted and then make a plan how to use them in the guides, and which guide/s we will use as a pilot 14:38:05 <lnovich> see if we like the change/s and then move on to more guides 14:38:10 <smccann> is this the correct link to personas? https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_Focus 14:39:21 <lnovich> smccann: I think so 14:39:25 <lnovich> looks like it 14:39:43 <lnovich> needs to be cleaned up though so it makes more sense 14:40:04 <smccann> #action all - look at the personas and we'll vote to approve them at the next meeting 14:40:08 <smccann> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_Focus 14:41:23 <lnovich> What I would like to see as well is an icon made for tips that are specific to each cohort 14:41:31 <smccann> okay moving on... 14:41:36 <lnovich> and to use them in the docs 14:42:25 <smccann> #info for personas - consider an icon for each one that we can use in tips specific to a persona in the docs 14:43:00 <lnovich> maybe the design team can help us with that/ 14:44:27 <lnovich> or the brand team? 14:45:39 <smccann> #topic Outstanding BZ Tickets 14:45:43 <smccann> #link http://tinyurl.com/lbrq84 14:46:00 <smccann> so we have bugs :-) 14:46:25 <smccann> if you've adopted a guide, consider sorting the list for your guide and see what's there that needs fixin' 14:47:14 <smccann> #topic Open floor discussion 14:47:26 <smccann> okay floor is open - any other topics to discuss? 14:48:24 <randomuser> I don't think there is a fedora brand team 14:48:39 <pingou> marketing? 14:49:00 <lnovich> i think it is a division of the marketing team 14:50:26 <smccann> we'd also need to consider if the visual icons would make sense to anyone but us? 14:51:10 <smccann> especially across cultures etc 14:51:17 <lnovich> correct and according to https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design - the design team says they will do illustration/icon work for docs 14:51:23 <lnovich> so we should get their help 14:52:06 <lnovich> maybe attend their meeting - tomorrow at 1900 UTC 14:52:06 <smccann> #info - we could reach out to the design team for help w/ icons 14:52:10 <smccann> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design 14:53:17 <smccann> any other topics before we roll to an end? 14:54:02 <randomuser> afaik the marketing team mostly does fedoramagazine.org 14:55:34 <smccann> brings up a slightly different idea - do they already have icons for the different fedora products (workstation vs cloud vs server etc) 14:55:56 <smccann> and rather than persona tip icons, could we use product icons if content pertains more to a server user vs workstation? 14:57:24 <smccann> okay we're winding down to the top o the hour.... 14:57:44 <smccann> reminder that lnovich will be in fedora-docs channel after this to reschedule her office hours. 14:57:52 <smccann> and... 14:57:56 <smccann> we are going.... 14:58:10 <smccann> going.... 14:58:29 <smccann> gone! thanks everyone! 14:58:33 <smccann> #endmeeting