14:00:03 <Sparks> #startmeeting Security Team Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Security_Team_meetings 14:00:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jul 9 14:00:03 2015 UTC. The chair is Sparks. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:06 <Sparks> #meetingname Fedora Security Team 14:00:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_security_team' 14:00:10 <Sparks> #topic Roll Call 14:00:13 * Sparks 14:00:15 * mhayden is here 14:02:42 * scorneli is not sure if he's supposed to say anything right now 14:02:48 * Sparks thinks this is going to be a short meeting. 14:03:01 <Sparks> scorneli: You can say anything you like any time you like! :) 14:05:06 <Sparks> Okay, lets get started. 14:05:12 <Sparks> #info Participants are reminded to make liberal use of #info #link #help in order to make the minutes "more better" 14:05:19 <Sparks> #topic 90-Day Challenge 14:05:25 <Sparks> #info 90-Day Challenge has a goal to close all 2014 and prior Important CVEs in Fedora 14:05:30 <Sparks> #info It's all done! 14:05:36 <Sparks> #info As of 2015-07-09, of the 38 target bugs 16 have been closed, 4 is On_QA, and 18 are Open 14:06:38 <Sparks> So, congratulations to everyone who helped knock these old bugs out. When the On_QA bugs get closed we'll have closed over half of the targetted bugs. 14:06:50 <mhayden> python-virtualenv and python-pip got bumped to newer versions 14:07:07 <Sparks> nice 14:07:21 <Sparks> Anyone have anything else to say about the challenge? 14:07:40 <mhayden> lxc template improvement is stalled :| 14:07:48 <Sparks> :( 14:08:53 <mhayden> it'd be easier to tell people to stop using them and do something else, honestly ;) 14:09:01 <Sparks> heh 14:09:12 <Sparks> mhayden: I'll let you do that. 14:09:19 <mhayden> for example, the ubuntu-cloud image downloads a .raw file and then uses cloud-init on first boot 14:09:35 <mhayden> Sparks: not sure if i have enough street cred to pull that one off :) 14:09:50 <mhayden> so far, i've also found that people are receptive if you ask to be a co-maintainer 14:10:09 <mhayden> so if you're having trouble getting a package bumped, ask if you can help maintain it (if it's something you're comfortable with) 14:10:12 <Sparks> mhayden: That requires knowledge of the package. :) 14:10:18 <mhayden> true 14:10:59 <Sparks> #topic Outstanding BZ Tickets 14:11:06 <Sparks> #info Thursday's numbers: Critical 0 (0), Important 51 (+8), Moderate 355 (-20), Low 151 (-12), Total 517, Trend -68 14:11:10 <Sparks> #info Current tickets owned: 89 (~17%) 14:11:16 <Sparks> #info Tickets closed: 348 (+20) 14:11:51 <Sparks> Good number drops of moderate and lows. I suspect that's from the EOL of Fedora 20 14:12:32 <mhayden> hooray (i think) 14:12:37 <scorneli> ssshh, don't ruin the good numbers with your explanation :P 14:12:53 <Sparks> #chair mhayden 14:12:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: Sparks mhayden 14:12:59 <Sparks> mhayden: Can you take over for a moment? 14:15:42 * Sparks returns 14:16:07 <Sparks> scorneli: Heh, yeah well... I don't really care about moderate and lows so... :) 14:16:25 <mhayden> Sparks: sure -- but i think i missed it :) 14:16:26 <pjp> Hi, 14:16:31 <Sparks> pjp: Welcome! 14:16:52 * mhayden is answering questions at $dayjob about the openssl cve 14:16:54 <pjp> Sparks: Thank you. Sorry for a late entry :P 14:17:07 <Sparks> mhayden: Pffft... Just refer them to the KB article. 14:17:17 <Sparks> pjp: Anything in regards to bugs? 14:18:01 <pjp> Sparks: Yes, 3 out of 4 rubygems bugs have been closed errata 14:18:17 <pjp> Sparks: 1 rubygems-activesupport I think will take little more time 14:18:30 <Sparks> cool 14:19:01 <pjp> I'm following up about python-virtualenv and python-pip ones 14:19:36 <Sparks> pjp: I think mhayden mentioned earlier that those packages just got a new version. 14:19:37 <pjp> Maybe I'll just push latest builds to EPEL, noone seem to have objections on epel-devel list, 14:19:44 <pjp> Sparks: Oh cool! 14:19:56 <mhayden> yeah, got both maintainers to bump the versions 14:20:07 <mhayden> i got co-maintainer status on virtualenv now so i can help out 14:20:12 <pjp> mhayden: Excellent! 14:20:17 <mhayden> kudos to smilner at RHT ;) 14:20:27 <pjp> :) 14:20:47 <mhayden> i assume someone is working on this somewhere in the fedora world -> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1241544 14:21:10 * pjp clicks 14:21:24 <Sparks> mhayden++ 14:21:27 <zodbot> Sparks: Karma for mhayden changed to 1: https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:21:43 <Sparks> how is that possible? mhayden only at a karma level of 1?!? 14:21:59 <pjp> mhayden++ 14:21:59 <zodbot> pjp: Karma for mhayden changed to 2: https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:22:11 <mhayden> wait, what did i do?! 14:22:19 <mhayden> cookies? 14:22:22 <mhayden> i do like cookies... 14:22:26 <pjones> mhayden: oh ugh, I'm going to need to have a look at that as well :/ 14:22:37 <mhayden> http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/09/22/article-0-18297CEF00000578-775_634x426.jpg 14:22:46 <mhayden> pjones: if i can help test, please let me know 14:22:52 <Sparks> cookies! 14:22:53 * mhayden doesn't have a PoC for this CVE 14:23:18 <mhayden> fedbadges.badge.award -- mhayden has been awarded the "Macaron (Cookie I)" badge https://da.gd/GvDI 14:23:20 <pjones> (It'd be a different CVE for me, but sure.) 14:23:24 <mhayden> whee 14:23:49 <mhayden> pjones: are we talking about the openssl one that dropped today? that's what i'm referring to 14:23:57 <pjones> yeah. 14:24:32 <scorneli> the openssl issue should be in good hands, tmraz is usually quick when it comes to providing updated packages 14:25:37 <Sparks> #topic New Meeting Time 14:25:46 <Sparks> #link http://whenisgood.net/98rtz7p/results/eyz7qkh 14:26:00 <Sparks> Any thoughts? 14:27:41 <pjp> It's quite difficult to figure a suitable time for all in that page 14:28:02 <Sparks> Well, that pages shows that there isn't a perfect time 14:28:32 <Sparks> 0001 UTC seems to be the best time 14:28:53 <Sparks> But that is definitely bad for some 14:29:10 <Sparks> I wonder if we should flip-flop meeting times each week 14:29:21 <pjp> Well, if it's suitable for most, maybe we can give it a try 14:29:38 <pjp> it'll be 06:30am IST 14:30:17 <mhayden> Sparks++ 14:30:17 <zodbot> mhayden: Karma for sparks changed to 2: https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:30:20 * mhayden winks 14:30:33 <scorneli> do not pay attention to me when setting the times. I'm ok if I can't attend - it's more important that the majority is happy 14:32:08 <pjp> Sparks: is that 00:01 am or 1:00am ? 14:32:22 <pjp> UTC ? 14:33:26 <Sparks> 00:01 UTC 14:33:35 <Sparks> Midnight UTC 14:34:31 <pjp> Oh okay, that'll be 5:30 am IST, 14:34:42 <Sparks> ewww 14:34:50 <pjp> Okay, let's give it a try if it works for the better 14:35:40 <Sparks> Okay 14:35:57 <Sparks> #action Sparks to advertise new meeting time 14:37:20 <Sparks> #info New meeting time will be Wednesdays at 0001 UTC (Tuesday at 8PM US Eastern) 14:37:53 <Sparks> #topic Open floor discussion/questions/comments 14:37:57 <Sparks> Anyone have anything? 14:38:43 <pjp> Nope, 14:39:01 <Sparks> mhayden ? 14:39:22 <mhayden> not i 14:39:59 <pjp> Sparks: Isn't 8:00pm Thu better, it shows only 4 can't make it 14:40:13 <pjp> Wed it shows 5 can't make it 14:40:28 <pjp> I hope I'm reading it right 14:40:33 <Sparks> pjp: Opps... I was reading the chart wrong 14:41:04 <Sparks> pjp: So... Tuesday or Thu. 14:41:48 <Sparks> I think I'd go with Tuesday over Thursday. 14:42:00 <pjp> Sparks: Mon or Thu, 14:42:22 <Sparks> pjp: You looking at this in what TZ? 14:42:23 <pjp> I'm fine with Tue too, 14:42:50 <pjp> Sparks: US time 14:43:03 <Sparks> I'm seeing three dots next to 8PM on Monday and Thursday which woudl be Tuesday or Friday UTC (And I can't read or type) 14:43:52 <Sparks> Okay, Monday/Tuesday then 14:44:35 <Sparks> #info New meeting time will be Tuesdays at 0001 UTC (Monday at 8PM US Eastern) 14:44:48 <pjp> Okay 14:44:53 <Sparks> Whew! 14:44:57 <pjp> :) 14:44:59 * Sparks needs to go soak his brain. 14:45:03 <Sparks> Okay, anyone have anything else? 14:45:21 * mhayden needs to scurry across the building for a mtg 14:45:31 <pjp> Nope 14:45:49 <Sparks> Okay, everyone have a good day! 14:45:51 <Sparks> #endmeeting