15:02:03 <adamw> #startmeeting Fedora QA meeting 15:02:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Aug 24 15:02:03 2015 UTC. The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:02:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:02:10 <adamw> #meetingname fedora-qa 15:02:10 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 15:02:15 <adamw> #topic Roll Call 15:02:26 <adamw> ahoyhoy, who's around to A some Q? 15:02:28 * satellit_e listening 15:03:25 * kparal is here 15:03:36 * pschindl is here 15:03:39 <randomuser`> drive-by comment: I would have tested a nightly last night if there was a link to the nightly in the topic for #fedora-qa 15:03:40 * roshi is here 15:03:46 * garretraziel is here 15:04:29 * pwhalen is here 15:04:57 <adamw> randomuser: interesting thought 15:05:17 <tflink> is A for annihilate? 15:05:28 <adamw> A can be for whatever you want it to be 15:06:05 <adamw> randomuser: of course there are ~25 different links to different nightlies, every night...:) 15:06:23 <adamw> #chair kparal roshi 15:06:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw kparal roshi 15:07:26 <adamw> #topic Previous meeting follow-up 15:08:00 <adamw> #info "adamw to find slide deck from Flock 'exploratory testing' talk and post it to the list" - didn't do that yet. I suck. 15:08:08 <adamw> #action adamw to find slide deck from Flock 'exploratory testing' talk and post it to the list 15:08:49 <adamw> info "adamw to store the empty results wikicode for the l10n test day so we can fall back on manual result entry if necessary" - did that, but as it happened the app stuck around long enough and I imported the results on Friday 15:09:05 <adamw> so here comes a big one: "tflink to work on Bodhi 2.0 related tooling changes" 15:09:07 <adamw> tflink? 15:09:39 <kparal> we tried to make taskotron work with bodhi 2.0 15:09:52 <kparal> everything seems to be working, but we can't post comments yet 15:10:00 <kparal> working on it now with infra 15:10:08 <tflink> pretty much done. bodhi comments don't work for taskotron yet but that's in progress until we have proper fedmsg emission from resultsdb 15:10:18 <lmacken> kparal: posting them? where's the issue for that? 15:10:46 <kparal> lmacken: that's the ticket I just pinged you about, I need to clarify a few things before I post a patch for taskotron 15:10:54 * Corey84 takes notes in back row 15:10:55 <lmacken> kparal: that issues is about sending email for comments, not posting them 15:11:04 <kparal> yes 15:11:11 <kparal> that's the reason why we add comments 15:11:24 <adamw> it's basically a hack to get emails sent 15:11:24 <lmacken> it'll send an email for all comments anyway, afaik 15:11:34 <kparal> lmacken: that was my question 15:11:37 <lmacken> or at least fedmsgs->fmn->emails 15:11:40 <kparal> anyway, let's move this to #fedora-apps? 15:11:43 <lmacken> sure :) 15:11:45 <kparal> thanks 15:11:53 <adamw> question: the UI has all this spiffy stuff about requiring certain taskotron tests to pass 15:11:55 <adamw> does that work? 15:12:07 <lmacken> adamw: yeah 15:12:29 <lmacken> adamw: the gating happens in the masher, and if anything doesn't meet the listed tests, it gets ejected from the push and an update.eject fedmsg gets sent (along with an email) 15:12:29 <adamw> speaking for the optimists, lmacken; speaking for the pessimists, tflink? :) 15:12:57 * tflink has no idea what goes on behind the curtains for bodhi - has no reason to question lmacken 15:12:58 <lmacken> we should test one with rpmlint :) 15:13:03 <adamw> alright :) 15:13:22 <tflink> lmacken: and you can field the complaints on that one :-P 15:13:28 <adamw> tflink: behind the curtains it's just all just lmacken typing really, really fast 15:13:44 <adamw> he decided in the end that'd be less trouble than dealing with all the questions about when bodhi2 was gonna be done 15:13:45 <tflink> so ... lmacken == oz? 15:14:23 <adamw> the oz of Fedora 15:14:34 <tflink> i think that upgradepath and depcheck are working well enough to rely on for this - so long as it can be overridden 15:14:45 <lmacken> hahaha 15:14:57 <adamw> tflink: for now it's an opt-in thing, so we could try it with a few packages and see if the mechanism works 15:15:08 * adamw could enable it for some of his updates 15:15:29 <adamw> so aside from taskotron, what's the status of other things wrt bodhi 2? 15:15:38 <lmacken> easy karma still broke 15:15:42 <tflink> blockerbugs should be working 15:15:51 * tflink has a patch for most of f-e-k 15:15:57 <tflink> was waiting on some bodhi bugs to finish it 15:16:12 <lmacken> excellent. feel free to tag them as critical on github 15:16:32 <tflink> will do 15:16:37 <danofsatx> I heard there's a meeting going on. nasty rumours? 15:16:51 <adamw> no no, there's no meeting here 15:16:54 <adamw> nobody here but us chickens 15:16:59 <adamw> ...squawk. 15:17:15 <handsome_pirate> oy 15:17:35 * handsome_pirate flaps his arms 15:18:00 <adamw> #info "tflink to work on Bodhi 2.0 related tooling changes" - taskotron is mostly done, may still be an issue about comment posting. blockerbugs should be working, easy-karma is broken but tflink has a patch which is waiting on some bodhi issues 15:18:07 <adamw> anyone looked at gooey-karma? 15:18:38 <tflink> not yet - it'll probably have similar problems to f-e-k 15:19:32 <adamw> #info fedora-gooey-karma will likely also need work 15:19:37 <tflink> data member name changes, different assumptions about what's valid/invalid 15:20:01 <adamw> ok. thanks for the update 15:20:05 <adamw> and thanks to lmacken for bodhi 2! 15:20:48 <adamw> anything else for follow-up before i move on? 15:21:13 * roshi has nothing 15:21:28 <adamw> alrighty 15:21:31 <adamw> #topic Cloud Test Day status 15:21:43 <adamw> so we have the Cloud test day coming up this week according to the calendar 15:21:47 <adamw> has anyone been taking care of that? 15:21:48 <roshi> I'm working with Dustymabe on this one 15:22:45 <adamw> oh dear. i also suggested 08-27 for cinnamon. i'd better update the cinnamon ticket and see if we can move it to next week 15:22:56 <roshi> we'll get the rest of the wiki page up and done soon 15:23:29 <roshi> I don't know if there'd be much overlap in users there - they could be ran concurrently I think 15:23:58 <adamw> it's a mess to communicate though 15:24:08 <adamw> also we'd probably need a bit more time to set up cinnamon 15:24:27 <roshi> fair enough 15:24:28 <adamw> so basically status for the event is it's a-ok and all on track? 15:24:33 <roshi> yep 15:24:38 <roshi> gonna do a blog post on it 15:24:51 <adamw> awesome 15:25:17 <adamw> #info Cloud test day is on track and roshi is taking care of helping set it up 15:25:33 <adamw> #action adamw to suggest a new date for Cinnamon test day that would have collided with Cloud 15:25:38 * satellit_e running f23 cinnamon live (EFI) here 15:26:56 <adamw> #topic Compose status reporting 15:27:45 <adamw> so just to mention this briefly - we've more or less got it set up now so that openQA tests run nightly (assuming there are images to test) and then a 'compose report' email is sent to the list 15:28:04 <adamw> that's what the 'Fedora XXX compose check report' emails that have been showing up lately are 15:28:47 <adamw> if anyone had thoughts or suggestions on that, please say so, there's certainly scope for improving the reports 15:31:28 <adamw> #info the 'official' openQA will now be running tests and sending out the compose reports nightly, if all goes well 15:31:40 <adamw> if no-one had any notes we'll move on :) 15:32:10 <kparal> maybe it would be good to attach some link to an explanation of what all of this "openqa fedora testing" is 15:32:18 <kparal> but first someone would have to write it :) 15:34:26 <adamw> hehe, true 15:34:48 <adamw> i guess i'll look if one of the text files in the git repo is sufficiently non-scary 15:36:15 <adamw> various paths i keep thinking down with this stuff seem to wind up involving a step 'and then of course i'll write a webapp', at which point i stop thinking down them and start drinking 15:36:19 <adamw> anyhoo. moving on! 15:36:25 <adamw> #topic Open floor 15:36:35 <adamw> that's all I had for the agenda - anything I missed? 15:37:00 <adamw> for F23 status, beta TC1 is scheduled for tomorrow 15:37:17 * roshi has nothing to add 15:37:17 <danofsatx> chit, beta already? 15:37:25 <roshi> blocker review here in a couple minutes 15:37:26 <adamw> so i guess i'll stop writing things to tell us that nightly composes are all explodey and go find out *why* they're all explodey today 15:39:08 <adamw> #info Beta TC1 is scheduled for tomorrow 15:42:08 <adamw> alrighty, if there's nothing for open floor we can all take a break before blocker review funtimes 15:43:40 <adamw> thanks for coming, folks 15:43:43 <adamw> #endmeeting