22:46:40 <potty> #startmeeting 22:46:40 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug 26 22:46:40 2015 UTC. The chair is potty. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:46:40 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 22:46:57 <potty> #meetingname Fedora LATAM Meeting 22:46:57 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_latam_meeting' 22:47:04 <potty> #topic Roll Call 22:47:10 <potty> .fas potty 22:47:10 <zodbot> potty: radhakrishnanpotty 'S.Radhakrishnan' <radhakrishnanpotty@hotmail.com> - potty 'Abdel G. Martínez L.' <abdel.g.martinez.l@gmail.com> 22:47:16 * potty Panama 22:47:20 <alexove> .fas 22:47:20 <zodbot> alexove: (fas <query>) -- Search the Fedora Account System usernames, full names, and email addresses for a match. 22:47:33 <blackfile> .fas blackfile 22:47:34 <zodbot> blackfile: blackfile 'Luis Manuel Segundo' <luis@blackfile.net> 22:47:48 <TonetJallo> .fas tonet666p 22:47:49 <zodbot> TonetJallo: tonet666p 'Tonet Pascualet Jallo Colquehuanca' <tonet666p@gmail.com> 22:48:04 <potty> #chair alexove blackfile TonetJallo 22:48:04 <zodbot> Current chairs: TonetJallo alexove blackfile potty 22:48:06 <wolnei> .fas wolnei 22:48:06 <zodbot> wolnei: wolnei 'Wolnei Cândido Tomazelli Junior' <e@wolnei.com.br> 22:48:11 <wolnei> Brazil 22:48:14 <potty> #chair wolnei 22:48:14 <zodbot> Current chairs: TonetJallo alexove blackfile potty wolnei 22:48:39 * alexove Peru 22:49:01 <blackfile> Panama 22:49:46 <wmoreno> .fas williamjmorenor 22:49:46 <zodbot> wmoreno: williamjmorenor 'William Moreno' <williamjmorenor@gmail.com> 22:49:53 * wmoreno Nicaragua 22:50:15 <potty> #chair wmoreno 22:50:15 <zodbot> Current chairs: TonetJallo alexove blackfile potty wmoreno wolnei 22:50:23 <potty> Welcome all to the meeting! 22:50:25 <srkraken> .fas srkraken 22:50:27 <zodbot> srkraken: srkraken 'Efren Antonio Robledo Moreno' <efren.a.rm@gmail.com> 22:50:35 * srkraken Mexico 22:50:36 <potty> Would somebody mind send me the URL of the tickets? 22:51:05 <wmoreno> yo la busco 22:51:15 <TonetJallo> i am on my phone 22:51:19 <alexove> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-latam/report/9 22:51:19 <potty> Thanks 22:53:02 <alexove> There are many old tickets that need be closed 22:53:03 <potty> Do we already check ticket 302? 22:53:14 * potty think the same 22:53:29 <wolnei> Ticket 304 22:53:45 <potty> Thanks wolnei 22:53:50 <wmoreno> ! 22:54:02 <potty> #topic Ticket 304 22:54:10 <potty> wmoreno: go ahead 22:54:21 <wmoreno> pizza bash are informal meetings 22:54:39 <wmoreno> this help to people to income to the Fedora Community 22:55:02 <wmoreno> Neville was very active with this class of event 22:55:12 <wmoreno> and we want to take this again 22:55:31 <wmoreno> I become a Fedora Contributors thank to a Pizza Bash 22:55:42 <potty> Are you the owner? 22:55:46 <wmoreno> not 22:55:58 <wmoreno> is Fernando aka espasmo 22:56:15 <wmoreno> but I can answer any questions 22:56:19 <wmoreno> about the event 22:56:45 <potty> Ok 22:56:57 <potty> Objective of the Pizza Bash? 22:57:11 <potty> Get users or contributors? 22:57:39 <wmoreno> The pizza bash is a event to help Fedora user to become contributors 22:57:59 <wmoreno> the event will be at Universidad Centraomerica 22:58:13 <wmoreno> there is a active LUG in the University 22:58:24 <wmoreno> an the there is a laboratory with Fedora 22:58:25 <potty> How much? 22:58:44 <wmoreno> U$ 40 for pizza and drinks :) 22:58:48 <potty> And how many people are attending? 22:59:10 <wmoreno> around 10 or 15 attendee 22:59:31 <wmoreno> maybe 20 if you count us 22:59:31 <potty> And finally what is your expectation on the audience? How many contributors would you expect to get and in which areas? 23:00:30 <wmoreno> this is a procces, we want to start with the basis, I am planing a talk about Help in Fedora with the easy way 23:00:50 <wmoreno> we need to ensure people do not have a FAS account create one 23:01:15 <wmoreno> and star with easy task like Tagger or sending feedback to updates in Bodhi 23:01:28 <potty> Ok. Important: wiki the event, make report and introduce the newcomers the next meeting 23:01:34 <TonetJallo> i think that is well 23:02:01 <potty> If you anybody else got inquiries then let's vote 23:02:05 <wmoreno> I am working in the wiki page right now 23:02:58 <potty> Let vote then 23:03:28 <wolnei> +1 23:03:31 <potty> +1 23:03:33 <alexove> +1 23:03:38 <srkraken> +1 23:03:40 <blackfile> +1 23:03:44 <TonetJallo> +1 from me 23:04:58 <potty> #agreed Ticket 304 is approved 23:05:05 <potty> Thank you all 23:05:34 <potty> As I see on the trac, there is no other ticket 23:05:47 <TonetJallo> anything else? 23:05:48 <potty> Do anybody got any extra topic before Open Floor? 23:06:09 <TonetJallo> lets go to open floor 23:06:25 <potty> #Topic Open Floor 23:07:05 <potty> This is open floor and this time TonetJallo is going to perform 23:07:41 <TonetJallo> ahh? 23:07:55 <TonetJallo> okay 23:07:57 <potty> Que vas a bailar en el Open Floor 23:08:13 <potty> Meeting is going to end in 1 minute 23:08:16 <TonetJallo> la la lalalala lalaal alala, where is toshio? 23:08:20 <TonetJallo> lalallala 23:08:21 <srkraken> je je je je je lol 23:08:27 <wolnei> jajajaaja 23:08:35 <blackfile> lol 23:08:44 <potty> Va la craia? 23:09:07 <TonetJallo> lorddemon o/ 23:09:17 <TonetJallo> what is about your ticket? 23:09:22 <lorddemon> .fas lorddemon 23:09:22 <zodbot> lorddemon: lorddemon 'Gonzalo Nina Mamani' <g.nina.m@gmail.com> 23:09:23 <srkraken> potty no seas malo define Craia 23:09:27 <wolnei> Si vai lacraia 23:09:30 * lorddemon Bolivia 23:09:32 <potty> Yes lorddemon 23:09:53 <potty> What is the status of your ticket? 23:10:07 <lorddemon> truth is not whether the budget? 23:10:53 <lorddemon> Daniel Bruno me dijo que habia espacio para dar charla de fedora pero no sabia si habia presupuesto. 23:10:58 <TonetJallo> are you confirmed? 23:11:15 <lorddemon> Daniel Bruno told me he had space to talk fedora but did not know if there was budget. 23:11:21 <potty> Recuerda que debias confirmar si tu charla va o no va 23:11:41 <potty> Remember that you have to confirm is your talk go or not 23:12:14 <potty> lorddemon: ? 23:12:26 <lorddemon> yes, space exists, the problem is the budget 23:13:14 <TonetJallo> then, if you have a space, i think i could be aproved 23:13:26 <TonetJallo> what do you think guys? 23:13:46 <TonetJallo> correction, it could be aproved 23:13:57 <potty> Let me get straight. I know the space is there, but do you fill that space? Lets not think about budget for a minute. 23:15:08 <potty> If your answer is yes, lorddemon then we can vote next meeting 23:15:18 <potty> If no, then confirm us through the ticket 23:15:20 <wolnei> We have space at booth, but we already confirm the talks to event grid two weeks ago 23:15:36 <potty> So its official then? 23:15:58 <lorddemon> ok, wolnei 23:16:03 <wolnei> But he can talk if select by Latinoware organization 23:16:34 <wolnei> That 5 talks confirmed are reserved slots 23:17:08 <potty> wolnei: so right now he is not officially confirmed as a speaker 23:17:14 <potty> ? 23:17:16 <wolnei> Yes 23:18:04 <lorddemon> wolnei, the 5 slot is full? 23:18:10 <potty> When will they confirm? 23:18:38 <wolnei> The organization selection will be know at September 23:18:49 <potty> Ok 23:19:04 <wolnei> Yes we have a deadline, two weeks ago 23:19:31 <potty> #action Wait until September for Latinoware decision on talks. lorddemon will notify if he is selected or not. 23:19:38 <potty> Lets end the meeting 23:19:40 <potty> In 5 23:19:44 <TonetJallo> ok 23:19:51 <anamativi> hey guys idk if this is a good time to ask (no one answered in the latam channel a few days ago), can someone accept me in the latam list? 23:19:51 <lorddemon> ok 23:19:52 <potty> 4 23:19:58 <potty> 3 23:19:59 <TonetJallo> 4.5 23:20:08 <TonetJallo> hahaha 23:20:12 <potty> anamativi: who are you? 23:20:19 <TonetJallo> i have latency 23:20:20 <potty> .fas anamativi 23:20:21 <zodbot> potty: 'anamativi' Not Found! 23:20:30 <anamativi> .fas mativi 23:20:30 <zodbot> anamativi: mativi 'Ana Clara Mativi de Souza' <acmativi@hotmail.com> 23:20:33 <potty> Which is your FAS? 23:20:41 <potty> Where are you from? 23:20:57 <lorddemon> potty don't remember 23:20:58 <TonetJallo> hi anamativi 23:20:58 <wmoreno> .fasinfo mativi 23:20:59 <zodbot> wmoreno: User: mativi, Name: Ana Clara Mativi de Souza, email: acmativi@hotmail.com, Creation: 2015-04-14, IRC Nick: None, Timezone: UTC, Locale: C, GPG key ID: None, Status: active 23:21:02 <zodbot> wmoreno: Approved Groups: ambassadors fedora-br cla_done cla_fpca 23:21:10 <anamativi> Brazil, dbruno mentored me 23:21:12 <lorddemon> is Nica 23:21:17 <lorddemon> ups 23:21:18 <potty> Thanks wmoreno 23:21:23 <potty> Ok 23:21:33 <potty> Apply on the list 23:21:47 <potty> Go to fedora-latam channel and we will help you there 23:21:58 <potty> Meeting have ended 23:22:00 <anamativi> ok thanks 23:22:04 <potty> #endmeeting