00:59:32 <award3535> #startmeeting FAmNA 00:59:32 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Aug 28 00:59:32 2015 UTC. The chair is award3535. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 00:59:32 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 00:59:38 <nb> .hello nb 00:59:38 <zodbot> nb: nb 'Nick Bebout' <nick@bebout.net> 00:59:44 <award3535> #meetingname FAmNA 00:59:44 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 00:59:48 <linux-modder> award3535, evening 00:59:59 <award3535> #topic === FAmNA Roll Call === 01:00:07 <wrnash1> HI 01:00:10 <danofsatx-lt> .hello dmossor 01:00:14 <zodbot> danofsatx-lt: dmossor 'Dan Mossor' <danofsatx@gmail.com> 01:00:19 * kk4ewt 01:01:28 <award3535> #chair nb wrnash1 danofsatx linux-modder 01:01:28 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 danofsatx linux-modder nb wrnash1 01:01:39 <nb> oops, didn't mean to part 01:01:44 <linux-modder> lol 01:01:49 <nb> it's so easy to right-click with this trackpad 01:01:51 <award3535> #chair kk4ewt 01:01:51 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 danofsatx kk4ewt linux-modder nb wrnash1 01:01:56 <danofsatx-lt> award3535: could you unchair danofsatx and chair danofsatx-lt please? 01:02:07 <nb> #chair danofsatx-lt 01:02:07 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 danofsatx danofsatx-lt kk4ewt linux-modder nb wrnash1 01:02:17 <nb> you cannot unchair 01:02:20 <nb> i don't think 01:02:25 <linux-modder> #unchair danofsatx 01:02:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 danofsatx-lt kk4ewt linux-modder nb wrnash1 01:02:30 <nb> oh you can 01:02:31 <nb> nice 01:02:33 <award3535> #chair danofsatx-IT 01:02:33 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 danofsatx-IT danofsatx-lt kk4ewt linux-modder nb wrnash1 01:02:48 <wrnash1> learn something new every day 01:02:48 <award3535> #topic === Announcements === 01:03:28 <award3535> #unchair danofsatx -IT 01:03:28 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 danofsatx-IT danofsatx-lt kk4ewt linux-modder nb wrnash1 01:03:56 <award3535> #unchair danofsatx-IT 01:03:56 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 danofsatx-lt kk4ewt linux-modder nb wrnash1 01:04:00 <award3535> there 01:04:07 <linux-modder> had a great fosscon with mikedep333 01:04:10 <danofsatx-lt> ok, all fixt up 01:05:01 <award3535> any other things, did anyone go to TXLF 01:05:12 <linux-modder> danofsatx-lt, did 01:05:13 <wrnash1> I went on Sat 01:05:19 <wrnash1> Nice turn out. 01:05:32 <danofsatx-lt> Masta and I were there Friday and Saturday. 01:05:32 <linux-modder> had ~ 400 at fosscon 01:05:35 <award3535> was it worth the trip? 01:05:36 <wrnash1> I think Masta is going the report 01:05:50 <danofsatx-lt> I hope he's doing the report, I haven't talked with him yet 01:06:02 <wrnash1> I ask him on Sat if he was 01:06:09 <nb> I guess the swag got there? 01:06:10 * linux-modder working on the official report for fosscon still 01:06:14 <danofsatx-lt> yes, I remember that 01:06:20 <wrnash1> Shirts arrive sat morning. 01:06:46 <danofsatx-lt> nb: shirts and three hats arrived sat morning. masta had some stickers and temporary tatoos in the box. 01:06:47 <linux-modder> kk4ewt, as I said the other day all but ~40 dvds left from EC box 01:06:51 <nb> hats? 01:06:57 <wrnash1> everything went fast. everyone was asking for cd labels which we had none 01:06:57 * nb wishes he could find a hat 01:07:07 <nb> oh shit 01:07:07 <danofsatx-lt> oh, and we gave out at least 200 DVDs 01:07:08 <linux-modder> ^^ 01:07:09 <award3535> nb I will bring one for OLF 01:07:18 <award3535> just for you 01:07:19 <nb> i forgot to ship case badges 01:07:25 <nb> i think 01:07:30 <danofsatx-lt> We were asked for case badges. A lot. 01:07:32 <nb> award3535, thanks 01:07:38 <linux-modder> award3535, can you bring one for me to to Ohio if you are going (reg'd for ohio) 01:07:50 <linux-modder> case badges? 01:08:06 <kk4ewt> yes case badges you had them for fosscon 01:08:09 <nb> award3535, i am not sure if i am going to OLF, I think my name on the wiki is from when you copied stuff from last year 01:08:10 <award3535> I only have a couple left 01:08:14 <nb> but i am going to try to go 01:08:20 <nb> award3535, where did hats come from? 01:08:22 <linux-modder> oh those 01:08:37 <kk4ewt> the one you had to cut apart 01:08:48 <nb> danofsatx-lt, was there enough media? 01:08:56 <nb> i sent some in the event box, and some to arrive the next day 01:08:58 <award3535> kk4ewt had some last year, and I only gave them out to those who really were intereste 01:09:00 <award3535> d 01:09:00 <nb> to save money 01:09:03 <juggler> o/ 01:09:05 <linux-modder> the 'powered by fedora' right? 01:09:14 <kk4ewt> yep 01:09:15 <nb> I have quite a few case badges 01:09:19 <spot> I can bring some to OLF 01:09:20 <nb> i need to ship them to ben and brian 01:09:25 <linux-modder> took a few for my boxes even 01:09:28 <nb> spot, can bring some what? 01:09:33 * spot thinks he has a few hiding at his desk 01:09:35 <spot> case badges 01:09:40 <nb> oh ok 01:09:48 <danofsatx-lt> yes, we had I think 2 boxes left, maybe 1.5 01:10:19 <linux-modder> we had 2 full strips used up at fosscon 01:10:21 <award3535> #topic === Tickets === 01:10:33 <award3535> No tickets, going to open floor 01:10:45 * spot has a few items for open floor 01:10:45 <award3535> #topic == Open Floor === 01:10:48 <wrnash1> I think we need some type of demo to run. 01:11:13 <award3535> I made a history of Fedora presentation that runs in a loop 01:11:23 <linux-modder> there is the multi boot for that wrnash1 i would assume that is the demo you meant 01:11:28 <wrnash1> does it show off fedora features 01:11:35 <kk4ewt> i am working on doing a demo of how to make updated lives 01:11:54 <award3535> just a few, but I am working on more 01:11:56 <linux-modder> nice 01:12:10 <award3535> spot, do you have something for us 01:12:10 <danofsatx-lt> We need banners. 01:12:19 <wrnash1> at the TXLF we had the 2 laptops one with KDE and the other with Gnome but really nothing running to show off the distro 01:12:29 <kk4ewt> ok this sounds like a good segway to discuss stuff from flock 01:12:31 <danofsatx-lt> I was thinking vertical banners that were reproductions of the getfedora.org pages 01:12:38 <spot> The folks at Open Hardware Summit asked if Fedora would be interested in sponsoring this year. 01:12:47 <spot> http://2015.oshwa.org/ 01:13:07 <spot> The cost is $1500 for the sponsorship 01:13:11 <linux-modder> spot, I'd be game to attend at the very least would be great info for my startup 01:13:48 <spot> It's in Philadelphia on Sep 19 01:14:15 <award3535> wow that is cutting it close 01:14:27 <spot> Yeah, sorry. flock and linuxcon had me backlogged 01:14:43 <spot> it comes with two free passes to the summit if we sponsor 01:14:56 <linux-modder> I'd be willing to take a spot if we do sponsor 01:14:56 * spot would be willing to go and represent Fedora if we sponsored 01:14:59 <award3535> do we have the funds available, OLF and Fossetcon are also already on the plate 01:15:14 <kk4ewt> flock and work had be backlogged 01:15:35 <nb> award3535, do you know how much we have in the budget? 01:16:05 <award3535> nb, I have no access to any of that, and I dont know since the numbers were not given to me 01:16:34 <nb> oh 01:16:37 <spot> out of curiosity, who does know? 01:16:44 * nb thought everyone was supposed to be telling award3535 01:16:45 <award3535> we have OLF approved for 3.5K and Fossetcon approved for 2k 01:16:56 <kk4ewt> we are guessing Ruth 01:16:57 <nb> spot, ruth i guess? 01:17:08 <award3535> nb you are right, but I never got the starting numbers 01:17:15 <nb> oh ok 01:17:39 * spot is trying to summon Ruth 01:17:46 <spot> but while we wait, lemme toss out my other item 01:17:47 <award3535> and I only got information from a few folks, would be more than happy to track the budget but I was not cut in 01:17:49 <ParadoxGuitarist> I'm +1 for this 01:18:04 <award3535> #chair ParadoxGuitarist 01:18:04 <zodbot> Current chairs: ParadoxGuitarist award3535 danofsatx-lt kk4ewt linux-modder nb wrnash1 01:18:10 <ParadoxGuitarist> if that makes a difference 01:18:19 <award3535> evening guitar guy 01:18:24 <spot> Lulzbot (the people who make the 3d printer that I took to SCALE) invited me to represent Fedora as part of their booth at CES 01:18:40 <linux-modder> nice 01:18:42 <ParadoxGuitarist> That's cool. 01:19:10 <spot> In order to do that, I'd need funding for hotel/airfare 01:19:19 <juggler> hey Paradox 01:19:22 <spot> and since CES is in Vegas, that's not cheap. 01:19:33 <linux-modder> never cheap in sincity :P 01:19:44 <ParadoxGuitarist> Hotel room should be =) 01:19:57 <spot> My rough estimate is 2300 for the total. 01:20:18 * spot might be able to come in cheaper, but I'd rather be realistic than go over. 01:20:35 <linux-modder> which hotel hosts CES ? 01:20:39 <award3535> when is CES 01:20:47 <spot> its at the convention center, not a hotel 01:20:55 * nb thinks having Fedora represented at CES would be nice 01:20:59 <linux-modder> ^^ 01:21:08 <spot> https://cesweb.org/ 01:21:15 <spot> Jan 6-9. 2016 01:21:19 <spot> but the hotels fill up FAST 01:21:24 <ParadoxGuitarist> Yeah 01:21:32 <ParadoxGuitarist> we need to approve this right now 01:21:47 <award3535> thats on next years buget 01:21:56 <nb> i thought redhat didn't start until February 01:21:57 <kk4ewt> nope thats this years 01:22:18 <kk4ewt> +1 3k budget for this 01:22:21 <ParadoxGuitarist> yeah, Fiscal year is not on Jan 1st from what I remember. 01:22:26 <spot> assuming you're on the RH fiscal budget, that goes until the first day of march. 01:22:27 <award3535> no youre right 01:22:36 <ParadoxGuitarist> +1 01:22:36 <nb> +1 3k budget for this, spot please make an event wiki page 01:22:39 <wrnash1> +1 01:22:42 <danofsatx-n6> linux-modder: https://goo.gl/photos/acZbGmCYmULXsZty8 01:22:50 <juggler> +1 01:22:50 <spot> nb: ack. 01:22:54 <danofsatx-lt> ^^ case badge 01:23:22 <award3535> is that 1.3k proposal 01:23:36 <award3535> or 13k 01:23:41 <nb> award3535, $3,000 01:24:10 <award3535> got it, +1 from me if the money is available 01:24:12 <linux-modder> spot, may have a connect for lodging cheaper than that 01:24:49 <mikedep333> hi, I was at work 01:24:50 <spot> linux-modder: okay, let me know soon, because i want to book hotels before they're all either gone or absurd 01:24:52 <kk4ewt> i think the exposure for fedora is worth the 3K and i know spot will do everyhting he can to come in under budget 01:24:56 <mikedep333> I am a new ambassador 01:25:06 <nb> kk4ewt, i agree 01:25:14 <linux-modder> I personally know the CEO of hilton and wyndham 01:25:14 <danofsatx-lt> oh, and +1 for the proposal on the table 01:25:40 <linux-modder> several of both in the list on ces page 01:25:54 <linux-modder> #chair mikedep333 01:25:54 <zodbot> Current chairs: ParadoxGuitarist award3535 danofsatx-lt kk4ewt linux-modder mikedep333 nb wrnash1 01:26:02 <award3535> #agreed $3K for CSE for Spot to attend 01:26:04 <linux-modder> welcome mike 01:26:08 <mikedep333> :) 01:26:36 <award3535> linux-modder who is mikedep333 01:26:47 <spot> i think ruth is coming. 01:26:51 <linux-modder> the gent I was at fosscon with 01:26:56 <award3535> plus chair is run by me 01:27:01 <mikedep333> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Mikedep333 01:27:08 <linux-modder> shared the table with me ( a new ambassador) 01:27:21 <mikedep333> I was also at Flock: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48_-GpNFj4E 01:27:27 <nb> oh, mikedep333 is the one I met at flock! 01:27:30 <nb> the x2go person 01:27:31 <mikedep333> :) 01:27:35 <mikedep333> Yes 01:27:35 <nb> x2go is working nicely 01:27:37 <linux-modder> that's him 01:27:43 <mikedep333> glad to hear it 01:27:47 <mikedep333> there is more integration work too do though 01:27:48 <spot> i take that back. ruth is not coming. she's unavailable. 01:27:51 <award3535> is he an ambassador 01:27:53 <mikedep333> *to do 01:28:06 <linux-modder> new one yes 01:28:28 <nb> what do we want to do about open hardware summit? 01:28:36 * nb thinks it is a good idea, as long as we have funds 01:28:45 <mikedep333> http://mikedep333.blogspot.com/2015/08/fedora-fosscon-2015-wrap-up.html 01:28:48 <linux-modder> I can make it up without reimburse 01:29:07 <nb> i did it again :( 01:29:11 <award3535> it was agreed earlier nb pending funding 01:29:22 <kk4ewt> we have someone wanting to attend so if the budget exists i say +1 01:29:40 <linux-modder> 2 people kk4ewt spot and I 01:29:50 * spot has budget from RH to attend 01:29:52 <kk4ewt> that works for me 01:29:54 <nb> oh it was? i thought we just voted on CES? 01:29:59 <nb> although i'm +1 to OHS anyway 01:30:00 <kk4ewt> we did 01:30:04 <linux-modder> nb, before ces 01:30:08 <nb> oh ok 01:30:13 <nb> that's fine 01:30:13 <kk4ewt> we never voted 01:30:20 <spot> so the proposal would be for 1500 for sponsorship (and that gets the two passes) 01:30:27 <kk4ewt> +1 01:30:30 <nb> +1 01:30:31 <linux-modder> +1 01:30:33 <wrnash1> +1 01:30:35 <juggler> +1 01:30:47 <award3535> ok was this for OHS or CES 01:30:52 <nb> this is for OHS 01:30:54 <nb> earlier was CES 01:30:55 <kk4ewt> OHS 01:31:19 <award3535> #agreed $1.5K for OHS 01:31:37 <spot> thanks 01:31:37 <kk4ewt> https://fedorapeople.org/groups/designteam/design-team/designteam/Fedora%20Collateral/Posters/Four%20Foundations%20Cloverleaf%20Banners%20-%20Set%20of%202/PDF/banner-1_freedomfeatures.pdf 01:31:54 <kk4ewt> https://fedorapeople.org/groups/designteam/design-team/designteam/Fedora%20Collateral/Posters/Four%20Foundations%20Cloverleaf%20Banners%20-%20Set%20of%202/PDF/banner-2_friendsfirst.pdf 01:32:02 <spot> award3535: you might want to also email ruth and politely ask her to remind you of the current remaining budget amount. :) 01:32:11 * spot doesn't want to spend fedora money that doesn't exist 01:32:20 <award3535> will do spot 01:32:32 <danofsatx-lt> +1 01:32:37 <kk4ewt> ok at flock i sat down with moe and got the graphics for the banners 01:32:44 <kk4ewt> the current banners 01:33:06 <ParadoxGuitarist> +1 01:33:07 <kk4ewt> now if we want another set of the same we have the graphics 01:33:23 <wrnash1> How much are the banners 01:33:44 <kk4ewt> IIRC $600 a set 01:33:59 <linux-modder> cheaper than I would have thought 01:34:12 <kk4ewt> been a few years we priced any 01:34:17 <wrnash1> I agree cheaper then I thought 01:34:54 <ParadoxGuitarist> +1 I think we need them. 01:34:56 <kk4ewt> trying to find the email where i got max to order them 01:36:16 <kk4ewt> someone said they wanted a single banner and was going to talk to design about that 01:36:27 <spot> kk4ewt: if you can't find it, just email me and i'll ask the person who just bought banners for OSAS to tell me what they paid 01:36:28 <danofsatx-lt> we definately need them. 01:36:37 <award3535> we also need new table cloth 01:36:40 <juggler> let me know if you need another source. i know a guy who did shirts recently for our club...he might do banners, not sure.. 01:36:50 <kk4ewt> also moe is working on a small sticker for the windows key 01:36:51 <danofsatx-lt> our booth was....bare. We had a "Fedora blue" bedsheet that served as a tablecloth, that was it. 01:37:09 <nb> yeah, only east coast box has a fedora tablecloth 01:37:10 <kk4ewt> danofsatx-lt, i will take the blame for that 01:37:13 <linux-modder> nice (evil empire sticker) 01:37:23 * nb thinks we need to order tablecloths 01:37:34 <award3535> hmm I just mentioned that 01:37:37 <ParadoxGuitarist> We've approved this twice already 01:37:39 <wrnash1> https://goo.gl/photos/ZtXXUeFV1qXjWvTm8 01:37:54 <danofsatx-lt> Being situated directly opposite the Ubuntu and Rackspace booths, we looked rather cheap. 01:38:20 <kk4ewt> thats were my blue sheet went 01:38:22 <ParadoxGuitarist> We should check with Ruth, since I have an email from her saying she was going to order one. 01:38:22 <wrnash1> Rackspace had a very nice setup. 01:38:37 <ParadoxGuitarist> Or two 01:38:42 <ParadoxGuitarist> I think I asked for two. 01:39:01 <spot> if you need help getting branded items like tablecloths or banners or whatever, please let me know. my team at Red Hat does this all the time and would be happy to help. 01:39:04 <juggler> danof any lessons learned from that? could we have provided some additional stuff, etc.? 01:39:10 <kk4ewt> spot go ahead and ping please i can always shop around 01:39:51 <danofsatx-lt> Banners. Something to go vertical. 01:40:10 <kk4ewt> danofsatx-lt, banners was my goof up i forgot them (worked 80 hours that week after flock ) 01:40:19 <danofsatx-lt> Some pamphlets would be nice, too,. 01:40:49 <kk4ewt> remi said he would look into the pamplets like the ones we had from sxsw 01:40:57 <danofsatx-lt> We just discussed in the server meeting this week some tri-fold pamphlets that would extol the features of the products. 01:41:10 <danofsatx-lt> s/product/editions 01:42:00 <award3535> we have not had pamphlets in a long time 01:42:29 <ParadoxGuitarist> true award3535 01:42:36 <linux-modder> agree it'd be a nice touch if we can swing it 01:42:43 <kk4ewt> there maybe one or two in a event box somewhere 01:43:03 <linux-modder> there were 2 in the EC iirc 01:43:05 <danofsatx-lt> kk4ewt: understood about the banners. 01:44:04 <juggler> EC? 01:44:08 <kk4ewt> banners pamplets, evil empire sticker nb what welse from flock 01:44:12 <juggler> event case? 01:44:16 <linux-modder> East Coast Box 01:44:18 <kk4ewt> else 01:44:20 <juggler> ah 01:44:25 <spot> i think i have the source files for those old sxsw tri-folds somewhere if mo doesn't. 01:44:34 * spot helped make them like, a million years ago 01:44:45 <kk4ewt> spot if you dont i figure ruth does 01:44:52 <danofsatx-lt> mo was in the process of making new or updating, one of the two 01:44:54 <spot> kk4ewt: she might. she helped a lot on them. 01:45:07 <danofsatx-lt> she was in the server meeting too 01:45:07 <kk4ewt> we need to update them and make some more 01:45:32 <juggler> anyone know the file format for those source files? 01:45:34 * kk4ewt hated handling them but they are needed 01:45:59 <kk4ewt> scribus IIRC 01:46:08 <danofsatx-lt> if anyone is interested, that meeting is here: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2015-08-25/serversig.2015-08-25-15.02.log.html/ 01:46:31 <spot> juggler: i think they were scribus files, but maybe they were inkscape svg. it was a long time ago, and i wore a tux costume for almost all of sxsw, so i might have some memory loss. 01:46:34 <kk4ewt> so we need to contact marketing about this 01:47:36 <kk4ewt> ok linux-modder just reminded me 01:47:49 <linux-modder> I reminded you of what? 01:47:52 <juggler> i might be able to help out a little with the pamphlet if needed. i don't know scribus (yet), but i'd be willing to tinker with it if needed 01:48:32 <juggler> might need help from y'all with verbiage as necessary 01:48:36 <kk4ewt> there is an updated multidesktop on http://tinyurl.com/Live-respins for ambassadors to use at events 01:49:03 <mikedep333> kk4ewt, yup, it is awesome 01:49:09 <linux-modder> side note: I plan to *try* to update the multi periodically as well for Cons / Events 01:49:16 <kk4ewt> *** F22-20150826 updated lives are available at http://tinyurl.com/Live-respins *** 01:49:39 <wrnash1> when is f23 beta will be release 01:50:06 <linux-modder> My blog post goes live @ 0300 UTC and has a note for ambassadors to that effect 01:50:06 <kk4ewt> spot do we get table space at OHS? 01:50:25 <spot> kk4ewt: lemme see 01:51:04 <spot> "An opportunity to have a product demo/showcase during the summit" 01:51:13 <spot> i think thats their equivalent of a table 01:51:15 <linux-modder> spot, I will be making calls /emails about CES lodging tomorrow will keep updated 01:51:34 <spot> linux-modder: ack, thanks. 01:52:30 <kk4ewt> VT installfest just got planned i would like to request a budget of $50 for pizza 01:52:46 <linux-modder> when is that kk4ewt ?> 01:52:50 <spot> kk4ewt: when is that? (i might come up for it) 01:52:54 <kk4ewt> sept 6th 01:53:24 * spot retracts that statement, gonna be at dragoncon 01:53:33 <danofsatx-lt> yeah, what is that? 01:53:41 <kk4ewt> wow dragoncon is very late 01:53:43 * danofsatx-lt might like to organize such an event at UIW 01:54:11 <linux-modder> kk4ewt, times? may be able to make that 01:54:31 <kk4ewt> installfest is where people come in to get linux installed on there computers 01:54:45 <linux-modder> I know what it is :P 01:54:46 <spot> if it's a university event targeting students, and i'm available, there is EDU budget from my team at Red Hat for events like that. email me. 01:54:54 * linux-modder missed danofsatx-lt asking my bad 01:55:12 <ParadoxGuitarist> spot: Good to know, I may hit you up on that as well. 01:55:12 <linux-modder> vt == virginia tech 01:55:51 <award3535> so, there is still a request there that needs a vote 01:55:55 <linux-modder> spot, gmu is planning a hackathon much like pennapps in march / april heads up 01:56:03 <danofsatx-lt> UIW == University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, TX, USA. https://www.uiw.edu 01:56:10 <spot> linux-modder: can you email me the details? <spot@fedoraproject.org> 01:56:11 <kk4ewt> award3535, he told me to use his budget 01:56:26 <award3535> ok that works missed that line 01:56:48 <kk4ewt> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0QUuD620t1iZ3dCUFU5ZzE5UkU 01:57:07 <spot> kk4ewt: just email me and remind me that i'm buying pizza for that installfest. :) 01:57:19 <mikedep333> sorry, where are the details on the VT event? 01:57:25 <mikedep333> nm 01:57:25 <linux-modder> spot, what i have sure 01:57:29 <mikedep333> that link was it 01:57:59 <mikedep333> I should be able to attend. 01:58:02 <mikedep333> I can just drive down. 01:58:24 * ParadoxGuitarist needs to step out. good meeting. 01:58:30 <mikedep333> I was president of Penn State's LUG :) 01:58:32 <juggler> night PG 01:58:42 <kk4ewt> mikedep333, you are welcome to come if you want to, but i definitely have the event covered 01:58:55 <linux-modder> mikedep333, I'll add you to spot's email on gmu hackathon then 01:58:55 <mikedep333> kk4ewt, I want to come personally. 01:59:01 <mikedep333> thanks 01:59:14 <linux-modder> they are planning to model it after the MHL run there 01:59:43 <kk4ewt> thats everything on my plate but i will reserve my room for OLF 01:59:45 <linux-modder> kk4ewt, I'll likely be there 02:00:38 <award3535> linux-modder are you planning on going to OLF 02:00:51 <spot> kk4ewt: i'm speaking at OLF this year, but I have to fly out Saturday afternoon 02:00:53 <linux-modder> not sure I can but would love to yes 02:01:09 <linux-modder> OLf is the one in Nov yes? 02:01:16 <kk4ewt> no oct 02:01:17 <spot> linux-modder: october 02:01:20 <award3535> if Nb does not go you certainly can 02:01:30 <award3535> Nov is My event in orlando 02:01:41 <linux-modder> tehn I retract last I may be able to then 02:01:54 <linux-modder> yours I likely can't make :( 02:01:58 <kk4ewt> well if nb comes he can share the room with us 02:02:22 <kk4ewt> if nb doesnt and corey does he can share the room with us 02:02:37 <mikedep333> hmm, the fastest route from me to Virginia Tech is 406 miles 02:02:42 <award3535> there was a budget set up for nb 02:02:49 <kk4ewt> ok 02:02:58 <kk4ewt> i like coming in under budget 02:03:06 <kk4ewt> was there a budget for me 02:03:08 <award3535> so, he can certainly go 02:03:09 <linux-modder> mikedep333, look at megabus or bestbus to VT 02:03:19 <mikedep333> linux-modder, yeah 02:03:20 <award3535> yes we did 3.5K for us 02:03:23 <linux-modder> they go to blacksburg 02:03:23 <mikedep333> I will reply back with my plans. 02:03:29 <kk4ewt> mikedep333, from? 02:03:34 <mikedep333> King of Prussia, PA 02:03:47 <mikedep333> Philly Suburbs 02:03:55 <kk4ewt> something wrong 02:04:12 <kk4ewt> here to fosscon is 350 miles 02:04:18 <award3535> kk4ewt I emailed you earlier tonight with some questions 02:04:19 * danofsatx-lt just emailed the department staff asking if we can sponsor a LUG and/or InstallFest here on campus 02:04:26 <nb> nb has budget for OLF? 02:04:50 <award3535> yes, we did 3.5K for us 02:04:53 <nb> oh ok 02:04:55 <mikedep333> linux-modder, yeah, I will look into them 02:05:19 <kk4ewt> award3535, i will be driving as always 02:05:25 <linux-modder> they are what I used for fosscon was $55 round trip to union station , DC 02:05:28 <award3535> Me as well 02:05:34 <mikedep333> yeah 02:05:38 <mikedep333> part of the issue though 02:05:47 <mikedep333> if I drive directly down, I can do not need a hotel 02:05:56 <mikedep333> *I do not 02:06:02 <mikedep333> anyway, I will figure it out and let you know 02:06:40 <linux-modder> the vt event is 5 hours mikedep333 02:06:50 <mikedep333> yes, 12 to 5 02:07:32 <award3535> ok guys we are out of our time window, you can move your conversation to the ambassadors irc 02:07:41 <mikedep333> Ack 02:08:02 <juggler> evening all. take care everyone. 02:08:24 <award3535> see you all next week..... 02:08:28 <award3535> #endmeeting