06:01:37 <pravins> #startmeeting i18n 06:01:37 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Sep 16 06:01:37 2015 UTC. The chair is pravins. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 06:01:37 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 06:01:37 <pravins> #meetingname i18n 06:01:37 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 06:01:37 <pravins> #topic agenda and roll call 06:01:37 <pravins> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2015-09-16 06:01:52 <fujiwarat> hi 06:01:52 <pravins> Hi all 06:02:32 <epico> hi 06:02:44 <paragan> hi 06:02:47 <suanand> Hi 06:02:51 <pravins> hi fujiwarat epico paragan suanand :) 06:03:34 <pravins> while other joins, lets go through upcoming schedule. 06:03:38 <pravins> #topic Upcoming schedule 06:03:43 <pravins> #info 2015-09-22 Beta Release 06:03:43 <pravins> #info 2015-10-13 Final Freeze (*) 06:03:43 <pravins> #info 2015-10-27 Fedora 23 Final Release 06:04:01 <pravins> few days remaining for Beta Release. 06:04:34 <juhp> hi 06:04:54 <mfabian> Hi 06:05:00 <pravins> #chairs juhp fujiwarat epico pahuang suanand mfabian 06:05:09 <pravins> #chair juhp fujiwarat epico pahuang suanand mfabian 06:05:09 <zodbot> Current chairs: epico fujiwarat juhp mfabian pahuang pravins suanand 06:05:14 <pravins> hi juhp mfabian :) 06:05:23 <pravins> lets move to our trending topic - FAD 06:05:28 <pravins> #topic New topics 06:05:33 <pravins> #info #43: G11N FAD in 2015 (pravins) 06:05:37 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/43 06:05:55 <pravins> Finally we presented to council on G11N activities on last Monday. 06:06:01 <pravins> Log is available on https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2015-09-14/council.2015-09-14-16.56.log.html 06:06:36 <pravins> Hangout session got recorder, you can watch it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T84Sq85ZFiY 06:07:01 <pravins> Overall council impressed with the activities we are doing presently and plans for upcoming FAD 06:07:24 <pravins> They are in favour of extending budget for FAD but same time need to check with Ruth is there is extra budget available. 06:07:38 <pravins> Mostly we will get update by coming Monday, regarding availability of extra budget. 06:08:20 <anish_> i 06:08:22 <anish_> Hi 06:08:26 <pravins> hi anish_ :) 06:08:50 <pravins> So how many booked Air tickets? 06:08:59 <juhp> pravins, thank you for presenting to Council - good job! 06:09:11 <anish_> i have booked the air tickets 06:09:12 <mfabian> pravins: I booked. 06:09:15 <pravins> thanks juhp :) it was good experience. 06:09:20 * pravins done with Air ticket booking and also Hotel booking. 06:09:27 <pravins> mfabian: both Hotel and Air ticket? 06:09:56 <pravins> epico: how about you? 06:10:21 <paragan> I am also done with booking Air Ticket( still to receive it from travel agent) and hotel booking 06:10:32 <apeter> I will be booking my tickets and hotel by tomorrow 06:10:46 <pravins> juhp: you done with booking for you? :) 06:10:53 <juhp> not yet 06:11:22 <juhp> I should start book hotel at least - train should be no problem 06:11:31 <epico> pravins: will book and apply visa. 06:11:36 <pravins> great. 06:11:47 <mfabian> pravins: yes, air ticket 531.04€, hostel 48.63€ (3 nights) 06:12:12 <pravins> mfabian: nice. 06:12:24 <pravins> I think we should update FAD page with information regarding booking done. 06:12:35 <mfabian> pravins: approximately 722.85$. 06:13:06 <pravins> very much in budget :) 06:13:34 <pravins> #info mfabian pravins paragan anish_ done with Travel and Hotel booking. 06:14:22 <pravins> #info epico noriko and apeter not booked yet - who falls under Fedora OSAS budget. 06:14:46 <pravins> Venue booking is done, right? Sorry asking this question again. :) 06:14:56 <apeter> mine will be completed latest by Sept 18th, Friday 06:15:30 <pravins> apeter: nice. 06:15:30 * apeter waiting for my credit card authorization ;) 06:15:33 <apeter> :) 06:16:01 <pravins> if any issues please email to me, juhp or tagoh_ 06:16:31 <juhp> yeah tagoh_ is away until next Fri 06:16:51 <anish_> cool 06:17:01 <pravins> juhp: Venue booking is done, right? 06:17:09 <juhp> I think so 06:17:17 <pravins> great. 06:17:18 <juhp> let's reconfirm with tagoh_ later 06:17:23 <pravins> sure. 06:17:49 <pravins> #action Confirm with tagoh_ if anything remaining from Venue room reservation. 06:17:56 <pravins> now next step if finalizing schedule. 06:18:09 <pravins> We need L10N and Zanata members for finalizing schedule. 06:18:20 <pravins> so next weeks G11N meeting is idea candidate for it. 06:18:53 <pravins> #action Discuss on schedule in next week G11N meeting. 06:19:09 <pravins> any further questions on FAD? 06:20:05 <juhp> next Wed is holiday in Japan though 06:20:17 <pravins> ohh 06:20:24 <juhp> actually Mon-Wed 06:21:06 <pravins> then may be we will finalized separate meeting for it. 06:21:11 <pravins> can we work on schedule on Friday? 06:22:04 <pravins> may be around 04:30UTC? 06:22:15 <anish_> okay no problem thanks! 06:22:46 <pravins> i will send email, if more people available will do. 06:22:59 <pravins> lets move to next topic. 06:23:03 <pravins> #info #50: Feature/Change planning for Fedora 23 (pravins) 06:23:09 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/50 06:23:14 <pravins> Did anyone found issues while testing change proposals? 06:23:36 <juhp> this Friday? 06:23:58 <pravins> juhp: yeah. 06:24:21 <juhp> ok 06:24:34 <pravins> if more people are available we can do it. 06:25:35 <pravins> moving to next topic 06:25:39 <pravins> #info #52: Fedora 23 Test day planning (pravins) 06:25:42 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/52 06:27:16 <pravins> Adam has moved results to page: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2015-09-01_i18n#Test_Results 06:27:26 <pravins> We need to prepare report now. 06:27:43 <pravins> not sure, if tagoh_ has done it already. 06:28:13 <pravins> apeter: any idea on l10n test day report? 06:28:26 <pravins> i am planning to combine both report and prepare post for Fedora Magazine. 06:28:27 <apeter> pravins, will be ready in couple of days 06:28:38 <pravins> thanks apeter. 06:28:46 <pravins> next topic. 06:28:47 <pravins> #info #54: Fedora 23: Documentation beat (pravins) 06:28:50 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/54 06:28:53 <pravins> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Documentation_I18n_Beat 06:28:58 <pravins> Deadline given to us was last Friday. 06:29:16 <pravins> I think we can add more contents to it. 06:29:21 <pravins> few things are missing. 06:29:42 <pravins> please give at least one look to it :) 06:29:57 <pravins> if more update then we will report bug to docs for updating it. 06:30:44 <juhp> I looked 06:30:52 <juhp> are we missing anything to be added there 06:30:58 <juhp> fujiwarat, anything for ibus? 06:31:08 <juhp> though I think deadline was last Friday 06:31:21 <juhp> any new fonts? 06:31:29 <pravins> yes, Deadline was last Friday but still we can report bug and ask to update them. 06:31:30 <juhp> shall we remove Others 06:31:42 <pravins> i think there might be some new packages, need to check through package review bugs. 06:31:54 <pravins> yes, we can remove other. 06:31:54 <juhp> so no point to edit the page now - dunno if it has been imported yet? 06:32:18 <pravins> We can edit page and ask them to pull contents. 06:32:23 <pravins> once done. 06:33:18 <juhp> okay I removed everything irrelevant/empty 06:33:24 <juhp> okay 06:33:32 <juhp> who will do that? :) 06:33:48 <juhp> basically no changes though - I assume they would do same 06:34:08 <pravins> normally we report bug to docs for update. 06:34:54 <pravins> i will give on looks on changes in Fedora 23, by going through bugzilla. 06:35:49 <pravins> moving to last topic. 06:36:14 <pravins> #info #53: Prioritizing bugs for Fedora 23 release (pravins) 06:36:26 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/53 06:36:36 <pravins> Any bug to discuss? 06:37:03 <pravins> mfabian: i think we should resume our plan for discussing on glibc locale sub-packaging meeting. 06:37:44 <mfabian> pravins: yes! 06:37:52 <pravins> in council meeting, they also said we should do some meeting around it. 06:38:17 <pravins> dunno if Carlos is again extreme busy. 06:38:28 <pravins> but if we start now, at least we will have something by F24 :) 06:38:42 <pravins> and it will also help for hackthon in FAD. 06:39:13 <pravins> #agreed Should start planning discussion around glibc locale subpackaging. 06:39:41 <pravins> If anyone feel any important fix is pending for Fedora 23. Please raise it either here or on ticket. 06:40:05 <pravins> moving to last topic 06:40:07 <pravins> #topic Open Floor 06:40:27 <pravins> If nothing else here, will close in couple of minutes. 06:40:46 <juhp> pravins, +1 06:43:18 <pravins> In between you might have noticed. We have one new member in Fedora Globalization 06:43:35 <pravins> Please welcome to suanand (Sundeep Anand) :) 06:44:04 <pravins> Welcome suanand to Fedora project !! 06:44:55 <paragan> suanand, Welcome to Fedora G11N as well :) 06:44:56 <juhp> welcome suanand 06:45:05 <anish_> welcome suanand !! 06:45:43 <suanand> Thanks Pravins, Paragan, Juhp, Anish_ 06:46:06 <pravins> closing meeting in one minute. 06:47:05 <pravins> Thanks everyone for meeting :) 06:47:06 <pravins> #endmeeting