20:00:04 <giannisk> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2015-09-30 20:00:04 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Sep 30 20:00:04 2015 UTC. The chair is giannisk. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:04 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:07 <giannisk> #meetingname emea ambassadors 20:00:07 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 20:00:11 <giannisk> #topic Roll Call 20:00:18 <giannisk> let's see how many people we have here :) 20:00:24 <giannisk> use .fas yourusername 20:00:29 <andreasch> .fas andreasch 20:00:29 <zodbot> andreasch: andreasch 'Andreas Christoforou' <aceoscy@gmail.com> 20:00:29 <giannisk> .fas giannisk 20:00:32 <zodbot> giannisk: giannisk 'Giannis Konstantinidis' <giannis@konstantinidis.cc> 20:00:37 <mitzie> .fas mitzie 20:00:37 <zodbot> mitzie: mitzie 'Zacharias Mitzelos' <mitzie@mitzelos.com> 20:01:14 <RGeri77> .fas rgeri77 20:01:14 <zodbot> RGeri77: rgeri77 'Rákosi Gergely' <rakosi.gergely@gmail.com> 20:01:44 <zoltanh7211> .fas zoltanh721 20:01:44 <zodbot> zoltanh7211: zoltanh721 'Hoppár Zoltán' <hopparz@gmail.com> 20:02:30 <giannisk> Only a few people around? 20:02:44 <Pharaoh_Atem> .fas ngompa 20:02:44 <zodbot> Pharaoh_Atem: ngompa '' <ngompa13@gmail.com> 20:02:54 <Pharaoh_Atem> hmm 20:03:02 <Pharaoh_Atem> my name doesn't show up? 20:03:03 <RGeri77> giannisk: I'm equal two :-) 20:03:19 <giannisk> Okay, so welcome everyone to our regular EMEA meeting. 20:03:30 <giannisk> I will be acting as the chair this time. 20:03:38 <giannisk> #info Our agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:EMEA_Ambassadors_2015-09-30#Agenda 20:03:55 <giannisk> RGeri77, nah, you don't ;) 20:04:07 <thunderbirdtr> .fas thunderbirdtr 20:04:07 <zodbot> thunderbirdtr: thunderbirdtr 'Onuralp SEZER' <thunderbirdtr@gmail.com> 20:04:16 <thunderbirdtr> Hello everyone 20:04:18 <giannisk> I'd like to remind you once again that the meeting protocol is in effect. 20:04:25 * giannisk waves at thunderbirdtr 20:04:40 * thunderbirdtr waves back :) 20:04:43 <giannisk> That means, If you have to say something, please type ! 20:04:48 <giannisk> If you need to ask a question, type ? 20:04:56 <giannisk> And when you're done speaking, type eof. 20:05:04 <giannisk> #info The meeting protocol is in effect. Please see https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_use_IRC#Meeting_Protocol 20:05:09 <giannisk> Let's get going :) 20:05:14 <giannisk> #topic Announcements 20:05:24 <giannisk> I've got one to make. 20:05:30 <giannisk> F23 Beta has been around since last week. 20:05:37 <zoltanh7211> wohooo 20:05:42 <giannisk> F23 Final scheduled to be released in less than a month from now. 20:05:51 <giannisk> On Tuesday, 27 October, that is. 20:06:05 <drago01> it always slipped though so ... ;) 20:06:19 <giannisk> drago01, well yeah, let's see how it ends up this time :) 20:06:41 <giannisk> We should start planning our F23 release events in the region. 20:06:46 <giannisk> We can talk about that later on. 20:07:12 <giannisk> That's all from me I guess. 20:07:22 <giannisk> Any other announcements? 20:08:27 <giannisk> If not, we're moving on. 20:08:32 <RGeri77> FAD EMEA 2015 20:08:52 <giannisk> RGeri77, Sure, we can talk about it in the Events section. 20:09:04 <zoltanh7211> later at events rgeri77 20:09:47 <giannisk> Okay, let's move on. 20:09:52 <giannisk> #topic Requests 20:10:02 * giannisk takes a look at the EMEA trac. 20:10:21 <giannisk> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/report/1?sort=created&asc=0&page=1 20:10:28 <decause> .hello decause 20:10:29 <zodbot> decause: decause 'Remy DeCausemaker' <decause@redhat.com> 20:10:50 <giannisk> #info Ticket #512 - Funding Request for FOSSCOMM 2015 20:10:59 <giannisk> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/512 20:11:08 <giannisk> This one is from the Greek community. 20:11:20 <giannisk> Let me explain a few things. 20:11:44 <giannisk> FOSSCOMM is the largest Greek foss-related conference, which takes place every year in different parts of the country. 20:12:02 <giannisk> This year it will be held between 6-8 November, in Athens. 20:12:18 <giannisk> We're planning for a solid Fedora presence throughout the conference. 20:12:36 <giannisk> For the time being, me an mitzie have arranged to give a presentation about the project. 20:12:59 <giannisk> And there are several other community members interested in hosting workshops or presentations. 20:13:17 <giannisk> Estimated attendance: ~200-300 people, judging by the previous editions. 20:13:34 <giannisk> Anyone who wants to ask any questions? :) 20:14:03 <giannisk> Total budget requested is 415 EUR (~463 USD) for travel and lodging. 20:14:06 <thunderbirdtr> Can we still submit for talk ? 20:14:26 <giannisk> thunderbirdtr, sure thing, you can 20:14:37 <giannisk> thunderbirdtr, just please note that the conference will be mostly in Greek :) 20:15:22 <thunderbirdtr> Well that will be need to check for sure :) thanks for notice :) 20:15:39 <giannisk> thunderbirdtr, sure, if you need anything you can ask me or mitzie 20:15:39 <RGeri77> giannisk: thats the best part of it ;-) 20:15:53 <zoltanh7211> If the event can handle few foreginer speaker, and the visitors too that would be cool 20:16:23 <zoltanh7211> but seems to me fine stable event for locals 20:16:24 <giannisk> zoltanh7211, I know, but for some reason these years it has hosted Greek speakers and visitors mostly. 20:17:00 <giannisk> zoltanh7211, It would be definitely a good move to make it "look international" but that's not up to me. 20:17:11 <giannisk> Anyways. 20:17:15 <thunderbirdtr> giannisk, well are they know English or mostly locals ? 20:17:37 <giannisk> thunderbirdtr, most of them speak English, yes. 20:17:45 <giannisk> thunderbirdtr, if not all of them. 20:17:49 <thunderbirdtr> giannisk, that will be enough I think then :=) 20:18:02 <giannisk> thunderbirdtr, it's just that these years they haven't attracted any foreign speakers or visitors. 20:18:12 <giannisk> thunderbirdtr, which is, frankly, weird 20:18:19 <giannisk> thunderbirdtr, but it's not up to me as I said :) 20:18:24 <zoltanh7211> at least one guest speaker can power others to join the community at booth 20:18:40 <thunderbirdtr> giannisk, well maybe they want to stick local ? I'll check the website and get more info If It's gonna happen I'll ping you for extra help etc. 20:18:51 <thunderbirdtr> giannisk, will see ... 20:18:57 <giannisk> thunderbirdtr, sure thing 20:19:00 <thunderbirdtr> giannisk, thanks 20:19:07 <FedoraUser> .hello fedorauser 20:19:08 <zodbot> FedoraUser: fedorauser 'Medic Momcilo' <medicmomcilo@gmail.com> 20:19:19 <giannisk> Can we vote on this ticket please? :) 20:19:24 <FedoraUser> Sorry for being latr, connectivity issues 20:19:24 <thunderbirdtr> +1 :) 20:19:29 <zoltanh7211> +1 20:19:30 <andreasch> +1 20:19:34 <RGeri77> +1 20:19:36 * FedoraUser catching up 20:19:38 * thunderbirdtr FedoraUser hello from turkey :=) 20:19:56 <giannisk> One more vote needed. 20:20:00 <mitzie> +1 20:20:19 <giannisk> thank you everyone :) 20:20:36 <giannisk> #agreed Ticket #512 approved 20:21:07 <giannisk> I don't see any other requests that need to be voted. 20:21:15 <giannisk> Anyone who wants to ask anything? 20:21:30 <decause> not asking anything, just saying hello :) 20:21:45 * giannisk waves at decause 20:22:11 <giannisk> Okay, we can move on then :) 20:22:12 * decause waves 20:22:18 <zoltanh7211> decause: nice to see you 20:22:34 <giannisk> #topic Ambassadors Schedule 20:22:45 * giannisk looks for the link 20:23:18 <giannisk> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-23/f-23-ambassadors-tasks.html 20:23:34 <RGeri77> decause: the beatboxer :-), nice to see you 20:23:47 <giannisk> There's a deadline for requesting budget for the F23 release events. 20:23:59 <giannisk> That is, until 9th October. 20:23:59 <decause> RGeri77: :) 20:24:07 <decause> :P 20:24:13 <zoltanh7211> jeez that way close 20:24:44 <thunderbirdtr> giannisk, we need extend that :) too close looks like 20:25:41 <giannisk> thunderbirdtr, well F23 Final is scheduled to be released on 27th October 20:26:02 <giannisk> thunderbirdtr, release events would make more sense to be held within a month or so after the release. 20:26:58 <giannisk> thunderbirdtr, so people should start planning these release events soon enough :) 20:27:01 <FedoraUser> well, f23 release is not a surprise, so deadline seems pretty appropriate 20:27:16 <FedoraUser> :) 20:27:48 <thunderbirdtr> giannisk, It's just our winter season gonna start a little bit later so that's why normally It's fine but well I guess It's not hurt to be late as one week I think . 20:28:36 <thunderbirdtr> giannisk, I wanna put event on linux turkey community website so we can be known better in turkey as plan I'm working on it. 20:28:52 <giannisk> thunderbirdtr, we can be slightly flexible, no worries :) 20:28:57 <giannisk> thunderbirdtr, sure thing, please do 20:30:01 <giannisk> Is there anyone who wants to ask or say something? 20:30:09 <giannisk> If not, we can move on. 20:31:01 <giannisk> #topic Events 20:31:19 <giannisk> I guess our friends from Hungary have some updates regarding the EMEA FAD :) 20:31:30 <giannisk> ping zoltanh7211, RGeri77 20:31:34 <zoltanh7211> giannisk: yes 20:31:47 <giannisk> zoltanh7211, please go ahead 20:32:08 <zoltanh7211> we have volunteered for to FAD EMEA to be held at Budapest 20:32:12 <zoltanh7211> for a first time 20:32:30 <zoltanh7211> this is the closing event for the ambassadors in EMEA 20:32:57 <zoltanh7211> where we speak what we have done, what happened,and we do some planning ahead for the next year 20:33:28 <zoltanh7211> we have mad an website for it, and we still calculating the cost, and so on 20:33:59 <zoltanh7211> but you can sign your name already in the table down under if you wish to come 20:34:20 <zoltanh7211> the best would be to have at least one person per region 20:34:28 <zoltanh7211> to have more event reports 20:34:50 <zoltanh7211> but if you can't come no problems we gladly see you if you coming only online 20:35:23 <zoltanh7211> the event site 20:35:24 <zoltanh7211> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Budapest_2015_bid 20:35:59 <zoltanh7211> I know - we have stuffed it with plenty of infos into this wiki - and gonna be cleaned up more soon 20:36:01 <zoltanh7211> eof 20:36:29 <giannisk> thanks zoltanh7211 and the Hungarian community for planning this 20:36:32 <FedoraUser> Awesome! 20:36:43 <giannisk> Solid :) 20:37:09 <zoltanh7211> ! 20:37:15 <giannisk> zoltanh7211, sure thing 20:37:31 <zoltanh7211> If you want to come, and you signed your name - please make it sure that you coming 20:37:33 <zoltanh7211> eof 20:37:46 <giannisk> zoltanh7211, makes sense 20:38:07 <zoltanh7211> usually this is a long weekend 20:38:34 <zoltanh7211> where people arrive at friday, and leaving in sunday 20:39:25 <zoltanh7211> approx afternoon 20:40:07 <giannisk> Cool 20:40:11 <zoltanh7211> also if you are vegetarian, and you have other wishes please mark on the table down in the list with your country sign together 20:40:38 <giannisk> zoltanh7211, eof? :) 20:41:03 <zoltanh7211> eof - if any question is appearing - mail to me or rgeri77 20:41:42 <giannisk> zoltanh7211, thank you 20:42:13 <giannisk> Anything else regarding events? 20:42:32 <giannisk> Anything interested happening in your region? 20:42:40 <giannisk> s/interested/interesting 20:43:17 <giannisk> Any events you had organised and would like to report back? 20:44:37 <giannisk> Alright, we can move on then. 20:44:38 <andreasch> Yes Pentest Cyprus event I had a booth everything went well 20:44:48 <giannisk> andreasch, perfect 20:45:00 <giannisk> andreasch, would you like to tell us more about it? 20:45:39 <andreasch> I gave all the stickers DVDs;) 20:46:09 <giannisk> andreasch, you were so lucky to get them in time ;) 20:46:09 <andreasch> And I got a good feedback from Cypriots 20:46:29 <zoltanh7211> andreasch: we have a company here called balabit, who are interested in security - is this an recurring event? 20:46:36 <linuxmodder> topic 20:46:53 <linuxmodder> sorry for noise 20:47:20 <andreasch> I will ask and let you know zoltanh7211 20:47:51 <zoltanh7211> andreasch: thx 20:47:58 <andreasch> :) 20:48:42 <zoltanh7211> andreasch: eof? 20:49:53 <lupinix> .fas lupinix 20:49:53 <zodbot> lupinix: lupinix 'Christian Dersch' <lupinix@mailbox.org> 20:49:55 <giannisk> andreasch, are you done speaking? :) 20:49:58 <lupinix> sorry i'm late 20:50:07 * giannisk waves at lupinix 20:50:30 <lupinix> :) 20:50:48 <zoltanh7211> giannisk: go ahead 20:50:57 <giannisk> zoltanh7211, yeap. 20:51:04 <giannisk> Anything else regarding Events? 20:51:15 <zoltanh7211> no from our side 20:51:40 <giannisk> If there isn't anything else, we can move on. 20:52:07 <giannisk> Alrighty. 20:52:14 <giannisk> #topic Action items from previous meetings 20:52:20 * giannisk looks for the previous meeting minutes 20:52:42 <giannisk> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2015-09-16/emea_ambassadors.2015-09-16-20.00.html 20:53:02 <giannisk> There were two action items during the last meeting. 20:53:21 <giannisk> One was for mitzie: he did send out that reminder on the ambassadors list. 20:53:42 <giannisk> And we have had the actual bid from the Hungarian community. 20:54:24 <giannisk> The other action item was for sesivany: to open the tickets regarding the new leadership initiative in the EMEA region. 20:55:11 <giannisk> I'm not seeing anything, neither on the EMEA nor on the FAMSCO trac, so I will put the same action item again. 20:55:31 <giannisk> #action sesivany to create the tickets about the new leadership initiative in EMEA 20:55:53 <giannisk> Anything you'd like to ask here? 20:56:01 <giannisk> Or say? 20:56:14 <lupinix> no 20:56:35 <giannisk> If not, we can then move to Open Floor. 20:57:26 <giannisk> Alrighty. 20:57:31 <giannisk> #topic Open Floor 20:57:41 <giannisk> I've got something to announce. 20:59:10 <lupinix> announce it :D 20:59:26 <giannisk> jsimon is moving to a new job and will be a little bit busy over the next weeks. 20:59:34 <giannisk> and the current EMEA reimbursements might take a little big longer to be carried out. 21:00:01 <giannisk> So, if you're one of the people (like me) waiting to get a reimbursement, it might take a little bit more time. 21:00:09 <lupinix> ok 21:00:14 * lupinix is waiting too 21:00:14 <thunderbirdtr> giannisk, I maybe on that list too :) 21:00:22 <thunderbirdtr> giannisk, yeap I have one :) 21:00:34 <zoltanh7211> can you put into that as info into the meeting logs 21:01:08 <giannisk> #info Current reimbursements for the EMEA region might take some more time to be carried out. 21:01:36 <zoltanh7211> thx 21:01:36 <giannisk> thanks to zoltanh7211 for being the messenger here :) 21:01:54 <zoltanh7211> as always at your service to any fedora community 21:02:21 <giannisk> Anything else for Open Floor? 21:02:48 <zoltanh7211> yes 21:02:57 <andreasch> Yes 21:02:58 <giannisk> zoltanh7211, sure 21:03:08 <zoltanh7211> we planning to have baloons, and we have the prises for it 21:03:41 <zoltanh7211> earlier was a great success, but if you need too, or you are interested - say yes to us 21:04:02 <zoltanh7211> I think we make the ticket and ask for support and spread them 21:04:02 <zoltanh7211> eof 21:05:32 <giannisk> zoltanh7211, perfect 21:05:52 <giannisk> zoltanh7211, you can go ahead and open a ticket, and we can vote on this during the next meeting 21:07:26 <giannisk> andreasch, you wanted to say something? 21:07:44 <andreasch> I think for each Ambassador (per country) must have a table cloth and banner so the booth will be more professional and more attractive. 21:08:13 <giannisk> andreasch, makes sense 21:08:42 <giannisk> andreasch, if it's a fedora-branded tablecloth, please have in mind however that it will be kinda expensive 21:08:48 <lupinix> how much table cloth and banners do we have? 21:09:05 <giannisk> andreasch, we can always use generic (plain blue, or black) tableclothes 21:09:15 <mitzie> andreasch: I agree 21:09:29 <giannisk> lupinix, I think it's 1 or 2 tablecloths for the EMEA region 21:09:34 <giannisk> lupinix, most likely 1 21:09:36 <RGeri77> .fas rgeri77 21:09:36 <zodbot> RGeri77: rgeri77 'Rákosi Gergely' <rakosi.gergely@gmail.com> 21:09:38 <lupinix> @froscon we had nice fedora table cloth 21:09:58 <giannisk> lupinix, I see 21:10:11 <andreasch> We need more it takes time to send them 21:10:32 <giannisk> Hmmm 21:10:46 <giannisk> Would you be interested to bring this on the ML list for discussion? 21:10:56 <lupinix> and roll up banners, but they are a bit damaged, we used duck tape to fix them :D 21:11:02 <giannisk> It definitely makes sense for each community in EMEA to have a roll-up banner and a tablecloth. 21:11:16 <thunderbirdtr> +1000 :) 21:11:17 <giannisk> As you mentioned, it makes us look overall more professional and well-organised. 21:11:18 <andreasch> yes 21:11:19 <lupinix> +1 21:11:27 <FedoraUser> +1 21:11:29 <andreasch> +1 21:11:48 <RGeri77> +1 21:11:49 <giannisk> Perfect, please bring it up on the ML :) 21:12:09 <zoltanh7211> yes we need one for emea fad either 21:12:16 <lupinix> is there a wiki page with an overview for such equipment? or sth similar? 21:12:43 <giannisk> lupinix, there's the inventory page of the EMEA trac. 21:12:46 <zoltanh7211> lupinix: yes, but always outdated - would be great to have a system for it 21:12:50 <giannisk> lupinix, however it's kinda out-dated 21:13:14 <zoltanh7211> our member - Levex 21:13:32 <zoltanh7211> is working on a kind of inventory if anyone interested 21:13:39 <zoltanh7211> and he actually needs help 21:14:08 <zoltanh7211> http://fedinv.ilevex.eu/ 21:14:11 <zoltanh7211> check it here 21:14:30 <zoltanh7211> and search for him in #fedora-hu if you are interested 21:14:32 <zoltanh7211> eof 21:14:42 <giannisk> zoltanh7211, I have already a fully working front-end for such a system :) 21:14:52 <giannisk> zoltanh7211, developed for our local foss community 21:14:59 * lupinix takes a look at it 21:15:11 <zoltanh7211> giannisk: then why we have not in here for our use? 21:15:22 <giannisk> zoltanh7211, so I can talk with Levex and collaborate:) 21:15:34 <zoltanh7211> yes I beg you and to everyone 21:15:41 <zoltanh7211> we have to clean down this mess 21:15:43 <lupinix> https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/wiki/Inventory wow, fedora 19 :D 21:15:59 * thunderbirdtr not that old :P :) 21:17:09 <giannisk> Anything else here? 21:18:03 <lupinix> giannisk: thank you for chairing :) 21:18:07 <giannisk> If not, we can end this meeting in 2. 21:18:15 <giannisk> 2 minutes, that is :) 21:18:24 <giannisk> lupinix, always a pleasure 21:18:32 <lupinix> and sorry again for being late, i felt asleep :D 21:18:46 <thunderbirdtr> make it now :) IMO ? :) and thanks for meeting another awesome meeting ended :) 21:18:49 <FedoraUser> lupinix, +1 21:18:59 <andreasch> thank you giannisk for chairing 21:19:02 <lupinix> good night everyone 21:19:10 <giannisk> you're welcome, everyone 21:19:13 <giannisk> have a good night 21:19:15 <mitzie> good night everyone 21:19:17 <RGeri77> thanks 21:19:18 <giannisk> and see you in two weeks time 21:19:19 <FedoraUser> 'night all 21:19:23 <mitzie> thank you giannisk 21:19:26 <RGeri77> see you all soon 21:19:26 <andreasch> Good night 21:19:56 <giannisk> #endmeeting