06:00:06 <pravins> #startmeeting i18n 06:00:06 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Sep 30 06:00:06 2015 UTC. The chair is pravins. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 06:00:06 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 06:00:10 <pravins> #meetingname i18n 06:00:10 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 06:00:11 <suanand> hi 06:00:15 <pravins> #topic agenda and roll call 06:00:17 <mfabian> Hi! 06:00:26 <pravins> hi suanand mfabian :) 06:00:28 <ueno> hi 06:00:44 <pravins> who else for today's meeting 06:01:11 <pravins> hi ueno :) 06:01:11 <ani> hi 06:01:19 <pravins> #chair suanand mfabian ueno ani 06:01:19 <zodbot> Current chairs: ani mfabian pravins suanand ueno 06:01:40 <pravins> with ani :) we have now 4 members, lets go ahead for next topic 06:01:56 <pravins> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2015-09-30 06:02:02 <pravins> #topic Upcoming schedule 06:02:06 <epico> hi 06:02:08 <pravins> #info 2015-10-13 Final Freeze (*) 06:02:08 <pravins> #info 2015-10-27 Fedora 23 Final Release 06:02:16 <pravins> #chair epico 06:02:16 <zodbot> Current chairs: ani epico mfabian pravins suanand ueno 06:02:58 <pravins> Final freeze is just in couple of weeks away. 06:03:31 <anish_> Hi! 06:04:05 <juhp> hi 06:04:13 <fujiwarat> hi 06:04:18 <pravins> hi anish_ epico juhp fujiwarat :) 06:04:28 <pravins> #chair juhp fujiwarat anish_ 06:04:28 <zodbot> Current chairs: ani anish_ epico fujiwarat juhp mfabian pravins suanand ueno 06:04:46 <pravins> Starting with old remaining topic. 06:04:46 <pravins> #topic Outstanding task 06:04:49 <pravins> #info #36: gnome redesign plans for control-center Region and Languages (anishpatil) 06:05:01 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/36 06:05:40 <anish_> pravins, sorry I don't have much update on this 06:05:51 <pravins> We have to disable xkb keyboard layout. 06:06:02 <anish_> pravins, i will update by next week 06:06:30 <pravins> ticket also suggested few more ideas on gnome regional language setup. 06:06:40 <pravins> may be we should split ticket, presently looks to much heavy :) 06:06:47 <juhp> aha 06:07:04 <anish_> good idea 06:08:45 <pravins> Lets go through this ticket again, while F24 planning phase and pick up some task either for changes or imp. bug fixes. 06:09:18 <juhp> yeah I think we need to transform it into upstream bugs 06:09:30 <juhp> and try to help on those 06:09:51 <paragan> Hi 06:10:06 <pravins> yeah, long time nothing happened on this. 06:10:16 <pravins> juhp: liked the idea, good to at least report issues. 06:10:27 <pravins> anish_: do we have bugs for those? 06:10:27 <juhp> right 06:10:50 <anish_> pravins, nope i will report those today 06:10:54 <pravins> excellent. 06:10:58 <pravins> thanks anish_ :) 06:11:13 <pravins> moving to next topic. 06:11:21 <pravins> #topic New topics 06:11:25 <pravins> #info #43: G11N FAD in 2015 (pravins) 06:11:25 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/43 06:11:59 <pravins> as far as i know only epico and ani is remaining for travel and accommodation booking stuff. 06:12:15 <pravins> paragan: hi :) 06:12:31 <pravins> #chair paragan 06:12:31 <zodbot> Current chairs: ani anish_ epico fujiwarat juhp mfabian paragan pravins suanand ueno 06:12:37 <epico> flight ticket is booked, accommodation is remained. 06:12:49 <pravins> epico: nice :) 06:12:51 <ani> pravins, yes I was with my Denmark trip for Libreoffice Conference. Am back now and working on the Tokyo trip arrangements. Sorry for these delay 06:13:16 <pravins> ani: no problem, take your time. 06:13:20 <ani> :) 06:13:43 <pravins> all who requesting Fedora funding should report ticket with estimates of actual reimbursement required. 06:14:06 <pravins> With our list those are paragan ani epico, me, mfabian anish_ 06:14:15 <pravins> and noriko too 06:14:58 <epico> any guide for it? 06:15:04 <epico> the ticket. 06:15:14 <pravins> epico: good question. 06:15:23 <pravins> ticket should be on g11n trac 06:15:39 <epico> ah, I see. 06:15:58 <pravins> may be add same content one emailed by juhp earlier. 06:16:05 <juhp> I guess that will help with transparency of reimbursement 06:16:13 <pravins> exactly. 06:16:33 <pravins> and also help us to trac how much budget available/remaining from our allocated slot. 06:17:00 <juhp> right 06:17:03 <pravins> let me add action item for all. 06:17:14 <epico> https://fedorahosted.org/G11N/ ? 06:17:19 <pravins> yes 06:18:36 <pravins> #action noriko, ani, anish_ paragan mfabian pravins To report ticket on G11N trac for reimbursement request with approx/exact travel and accommodation value. 06:19:20 <pravins> juhp: tagoh_ we done with conference room bookings? 06:19:30 <pravins> May be we should add details in Wiki about it. 06:19:49 <juhp> good idea I guess 06:20:07 <tagoh_> pravins: yes, we've booked the room for FAD already 06:20:14 <juhp> tagoh_, maybe only logistic is access on the Sunday 06:20:30 <pravins> excellent. 06:20:32 <juhp> maybe we need to fix meeting point outside the building? 06:20:32 <tagoh_> juhp: and Tuesday as well, yes 06:20:36 <juhp> right 06:20:42 <pravins> #info Conference rooms booking done. 06:20:52 <tagoh_> juhp: yes, we have to. 06:21:05 <juhp> guess there is still time 06:21:38 <juhp> first day will probably be harder since it is will be first time for most of the participants to come to the office 06:21:54 <juhp> maybe meeting in the station will be safer 06:22:34 <pravins> yeah, station will be fine. 06:22:43 <anish_> yeah 06:23:36 <pravins> Sorry, i forgot. When we are planning for F23 release party. 06:23:41 <tagoh_> juhp: or someone can wait for participants outside the building? 06:23:43 <pravins> schedule is still not finalize yet though. 06:23:56 <juhp> tagoh_, yep if they can find it :) 06:24:08 <juhp> alright we can work that out 06:24:31 <juhp> station exit it might be a clearer landmark 06:24:49 <juhp> on Tue outside building should be fine 06:25:41 <pravins> Few people are travelling by Train and some of like me and paragan will be At Hotel ebisu. Even juhp i think. 06:26:00 <juhp> probably most people will be by train 06:27:05 <juhp> even so meeting in the station is fine 06:27:17 <pravins> sure. 06:27:21 <pravins> I sent email to "David Ramsey" dramssey. Fedora Ambassador at Tokyo. 06:27:29 <juhp> as long as they wait at the right exit ;o) 06:27:34 <pravins> he was asking when you are planning for F23 release party. 06:27:39 <pravins> :) 06:28:10 <pravins> AFAI remember, we decided to do it on public holiday, so community members can travel. 06:28:30 <pravins> Tuesday is right day? 06:29:49 <juhp> right 06:29:58 <juhp> Tue afternoon was the proposal I think 06:30:10 <juhp> I guess we need to decide actual time 06:30:45 <juhp> again entering the building is going to be tricky but someone can wait outside the building or at the JR station exit 06:30:47 <pravins> juhp: we are doing scheduling in tomorrow meeting, right? 06:31:01 <juhp> probably 06:31:09 <juhp> yes I mean 06:31:12 <anish_> pravins, can we do it in Sunday afternoon because its holiday 06:31:15 <juhp> of some form ;) 06:31:22 <juhp> anish_, so is Tue 06:31:51 <pravins> and good to complete high priority task in first day. 06:31:59 <anish_> ohh Tue is holiday did not know that 06:32:01 <juhp> national Culture Day holiday in Japan 06:32:50 <anish_> okay thanks 06:32:51 <pravins> #info Fedora 23 release party mostly on 3rd day (Tuesday) afternoon. 06:33:10 <pravins> anything we missing on G11N FAD? 06:33:11 <juhp> 2 or 3pm perhaps? 06:33:32 <pravins> we need approx. 2hrs, so 3 will be good. i.e. 3-5 06:33:48 <juhp> yeah after we could go for dinner/drinks 06:34:14 <pravins> yes. 06:34:20 <ani> :) 06:34:23 <anish_> cool 06:34:25 <tagoh_> dunno if the time is conflict with the flight time if anyone is going to be back Tuesday? 06:34:38 <anish_> good point 06:35:10 <paragan> I am going back on Wednesday 06:36:08 <pravins> that is good point to consider, while scheduling. 06:36:15 <paragan> I also think mostly people are not going back on Tuesday 06:36:25 <pravins> all travelling please add your time on https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_G11N_2015 Arrive and departure date. 06:37:19 <pravins> if nothing more on G11N FAD, lets move to next topic. 06:37:41 <pravins> #info #55: Proposal to call "G11N" meeting (pravins) 06:37:44 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/55 06:38:11 <juhp> is there still fedora l10n (trans) meeting? 06:38:30 <pravins> juhp: nope. 06:38:54 <juhp> maybe "merge" is better word but I think we know what this means 06:39:00 <juhp> okay 06:39:10 <pravins> hmm 06:39:20 <juhp> I mean merge the meetings 06:39:28 <juhp> same thing anyway 06:39:47 <pravins> only problem with merging is, we may be not able to cover all the topics. 06:39:55 <juhp> right 06:40:26 <pravins> short meeting will be fine with specific focus. 06:40:30 <juhp> there could be some dilution but to an extent as you write in the ticket we are already starting to do it 06:40:53 <pravins> problem, we are facing is mostly L10N and Zanata people used to be away during i18n meeting and we discuss some topics where they should be in meeting. 06:41:04 <juhp> we could alternate emphasis between more i18n and l10n if appropriate/topics are there 06:41:12 <juhp> yep 06:41:28 <juhp> what do others think about it? 06:41:36 <juhp> particularly i18n people? 06:41:48 <juhp> well everyone 06:42:29 <juhp> on the counter side - g11n people might feel weekly meeting is too much/frequent... 06:42:54 <paragan> good if more collaborative topics gets discussed among all peoples 06:42:57 <juhp> in quieter periods perhaps we could slow to biweekly too 06:43:24 <juhp> yes 06:45:49 <pravins> yeah, we can definitely drop meeting, if no topics 06:46:12 <pravins> regarding timing, i think we should keep existing timing. 06:46:26 <pravins> lets see how it goes. 06:46:49 <tagoh_> just moving the topics related to g11n to g11n meeting isn't enough? not strong opinion about this though, as pravins is concerned, it is also the fact that there are some topics they are not interested in. 06:47:24 <pravins> aha, right. i missed this one. 06:49:17 <pravins> problem is sometime due to deadline we need to discuss topic on high priority. 06:49:42 <pravins> example, it could be good to discuss Zanata survey in todays meeting. 06:49:49 <juhp> right dilution is certainly a concern but of course I think it is good idea or worth trying 06:50:04 <juhp> s/of course/overall/ ;) 06:50:41 <juhp> tagoh_, I think the boundaries of the two meeting are already unclear to many of us 06:50:43 <tagoh_> we have the common topics at this moment but not sure in the future. that said, we need to discuss i18n related something more or less as we did so in the past. so we need to keep the duration to have the meeting after merging I guess. 06:51:00 <juhp> I agree 06:51:18 <juhp> non-i18n people might feel weekly is too much 06:51:36 <pravins> true. 06:52:23 <juhp> we could do weekly g11n meeting leading up the the FAD and then decide what to do going forward? 06:52:30 <juhp> after that 06:52:57 <pravins> yes, this idea looks good. Since FAD is nearer we all (G11N) should sync up weekly. 06:53:00 <tagoh_> worth trying. 06:53:34 <pravins> same time, Fedora is in final release stage, so should be fine. 06:54:17 <pravins> Proposal: Till G11N FAD have weekly G11N meeting. 06:54:19 <pravins> please vote. 06:54:36 <pravins> again, no L10N members here :( 06:54:42 <pravins> lets do this on mailing list. 06:54:56 <juhp> +1 06:54:58 <pravins> #action pravins to Drop email on g11n list for weekly g11n meeting till FAD. 06:55:01 <juhp> okay 06:55:33 <pravins> moving to next topic. 06:55:34 <pravins> #info #50: Feature/Change planning for Fedora 23 (pravins) 06:55:37 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/50 06:56:04 <pravins> All change proposals are already done. May be i should remove this ticket from next meeting. 06:56:16 <pravins> #info #52: Fedora 23 Test day planning (pravins) 06:56:19 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/52 06:56:51 <pravins> tagoh_: only report is remaining. 06:57:23 <tagoh_> sure. will summarize in the ticket shortly 06:57:59 <pravins> great. thanks :) 06:58:31 <pravins> ani: are you also planning to prepare report for L10N test event? 06:58:55 <pravins> #info #53: Prioritizing bugs for Fedora 23 release (pravins) 06:58:58 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/53 06:59:05 <pravins> no time for discussing bugs today. 06:59:38 <ani> pravins, yes its still in my to do list. 06:59:58 <pravins> still if any important bugs feel free add to ticket. 07:00:18 <pravins> ani: nice. I will close ticket before next meeting then. :) 07:00:22 <pravins> #info #54: Fedora 23: Documentation beat (pravins) 07:00:26 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/54 07:00:46 <ani> shall do the needful soon. thanks 07:01:38 <pravins> content already moved to git. If anyone has any update please report bugs against doc. 07:01:45 <pravins> i will close this ticket today. 07:02:01 <pravins> moving to last topic. 07:02:03 <pravins> #topic Open Floor 07:03:00 <pravins> please bring up if any missing topics 07:04:28 <pravins> if not, lets close meeting in couple of minutes. 07:06:20 <pravins> thank you all for meeting. 07:06:25 <pravins> #endmeeting