17:09:15 <decause> #startmeeting
17:09:15 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Oct  5 17:09:15 2015 UTC.  The chair is decause. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
17:09:15 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
17:09:25 <decause> #chair mattdm langdon rdieter sgallagh cwickert jkurik jwb
17:09:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert decause jkurik jwb langdon mattdm rdieter sgallagh
17:09:36 <decause> #topic rollcall
17:09:42 <decause> .hello decause
17:09:43 <zodbot> decause: decause 'Remy DeCausemaker' <decause@redhat.com>
17:09:49 <rdieter> .hello rdieter
17:09:50 <zodbot> rdieter: rdieter 'Rex Dieter' <rdieter@math.unl.edu>
17:09:53 <rdieter> hola
17:09:53 <langdon> decause and *odbot sitting in a tree...
17:09:56 <jkurik> .hello jkurik
17:09:57 <zodbot> jkurik: jkurik 'Jan Kurik' <jkurik@redhat.com>
17:10:00 <langdon> .hello langdon
17:10:01 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@fishjump.com>
17:11:25 <decause> anyone else
17:11:28 <decause> going once
17:11:29 <decause> going twice
17:11:31 <decause> going thrice
17:11:35 <decause> #topic Agenda
17:11:55 <decause> 1) Tickets
17:12:01 <decause> 2) Outreachy Update
17:12:08 <decause> 3) Open Floor
17:12:21 <decause> #topic tickets
17:12:59 * Southern_Gentlem 
17:13:37 <decause> #link https://fedorahosted.org/council/ticket/1
17:13:46 <decause> this ticket is an oldy-but-goody
17:14:25 <decause> last week during our 1x1, I spoke with mattdm about reaching out to Red Hat marketing to discuss what insitutional wisdom there might be for us to tap in conducting a user survey
17:15:17 <decause> #action decause reach out to Red Hat marketing about how to conduct user surveys and other best practices
17:15:35 <decause> #link https://fedorahosted.org/council/ticket/41
17:15:57 <decause> this is the ticket for allocation of budget for Outreachy interns for Winter session
17:16:08 <decause> we'll talk more about this ticket in the next agenda item
17:16:52 <decause> #link https://fedorahosted.org/council/ticket/22
17:17:08 <decause> though this ticket is closed, there has been movement on the University Objective
17:18:19 <jwb> sorry, here now
17:18:19 <decause> #link https://fedorahosted.org/council/attachment/ticket/22/
17:18:30 <decause> there is attached now to this ticket 2 files
17:18:40 <decause> one is an ascii diagram of what a logic model looks like
17:19:15 <decause> and the other is a spreadsheet that is the result of session between me/sgallagh/mattdm to get the rough framework for the EDU specific pieces laid out
17:19:43 <decause> I'd call it version 0.3 perhaps
17:20:18 <decause> it could use some more fleshing out in the Resources/activities sections, but I think there is enough in the impacts/outcomes
17:20:54 <decause> I'm going to submit a request to the design team in the near future to help turn this spreadhsheet into something that is visually interesting
17:21:10 <decause> I think that there is just a little-bit-too-much text for it to fit neatly into a chart
17:21:21 <decause> but we can make this a one-pager for sure
17:21:33 <langdon> decause, i am a little confused about how mentor->FAD
17:21:45 <decause> langdon: so, that is not a direct mapping, unlike the other columns
17:21:59 <langdon> decause, ahh ok.. the png might need some help then too ;)
17:22:04 <decause> a spreadsheet is not a *perfect* tool for organizing these thoughts
17:22:24 <decause> langdon: please add that into the ticket as a comment
17:22:33 <langdon> decause, ack
17:22:33 <decause> I think the others do map nicely, so maybe we can make them all match
17:22:41 <decause> langdon++
17:23:00 <decause> I'm also interested in input on what other resources Fedora has to bring to bear on the EDU initiative
17:23:18 <decause> I have things like apps.fp.o, and fedorahosted, and mostly infrastrcture
17:23:30 <langdon> decause, personally, I would just put an empty col between resources and activities.. but if #design is thinking about it already...
17:23:40 <decause> but, folks who have been around longer, or are more famliiar with other subprojects, may know of good places/people/things that make sense
17:23:54 <decause> langdon: design is *not* thinking about it yet
17:23:54 * langdon just realized "#" has a different meaning in this context than "twitter"
17:24:16 <decause> generally, before you can ask for a layout, you want to have all your content
17:24:30 <langdon> decause, predicts the future at 19:20 CEST
17:24:32 <decause> once we feel like all the words are there, I will move onto design
17:24:37 <decause> hopefully that is EoB this week
17:25:24 <decause> and by hopefully, I mean
17:25:56 <decause> #action decause file a ticket on design-team trac for fedoraedulogicmodel. due Friday 10/9
17:26:10 <decause> ok
17:26:31 <decause> that does it for tickets
17:26:38 <decause> unless I missed any
17:26:40 <decause> goin once
17:26:42 <decause> goin twice
17:26:43 <decause> goin thrice
17:26:50 <decause> #topic Open Floor
17:27:11 <langdon> decause, i would recommend talking to design now.. they should be able to help you diagram the relationships.. which will help you flesh out the content.. waiting to bring design in to the last minute has always resulted in my being chided
17:27:14 <decause> if anyone has any new/old biz they'd like to bring to the council, we're listening :)
17:27:18 * langdon types to slowly
17:27:24 <langdon> *too
17:27:25 <decause> langdon: duly noted
17:27:31 * decause will file the ticket sooner than later
17:27:33 <decause> langdon++
17:27:35 <decause> other biz?
17:27:51 * jkurik has nothing for today
17:31:07 * decause gives it another few minutes
17:32:17 * cwickert has a flaky internet connection
17:32:34 * langdon is a flaky internet connection
17:32:50 <decause> :P
17:32:51 <cwickert> decause: can we discuss the topic of FOSCO at some point again? Sorry I did not push this forward.
17:33:20 <decause> cwickert: that would be a good discussion to have, yes.
17:34:07 <decause> cwickert: are there any specific things you had in mind?
17:34:25 <cwickert> decause: I basically want to pick up the conversation
17:34:39 <cwickert> you offered me an IRC chat, but I'm afraid this is not the right format
17:34:45 <decause> cwickert: last we discussed it, in case you missed it, the council will fill the gap on any budgetary decisions that FAMSco handled
17:35:18 <cwickert> we either stick to mail or have a phone call I suggest
17:35:36 <cwickert> decause: well, that's another question. why does famsco no longer handle budget?
17:35:36 <decause> cwickert: happy to do either. perhaps we can start with a phone call, and then report back to the list.
17:35:55 <decause> cwickert: FAMSco didn't hold elections this past release
17:36:15 <cwickert> yes, because we were looking forward to the transition to FOSCo
17:36:23 <decause> there were discussions at FLOCK about possibly running one for the next one, but I can't say that that was an official decision
17:36:58 <decause> cwickert: we should def touch base on this soon
17:36:59 <cwickert> did FAMSCo ask the council to take over budget?
17:38:24 <decause> cwickert: FAMSCo has stopped holding meetings, and as far as I can tell, is dormant.
17:38:49 <decause> in the case that decisions that typically are held by FAMSCo needed to be made moving forwad, the council agreed to help
17:39:02 <decause> while we figure out what this transition looks like
17:39:17 * langdon proposes cwickert and decause (and, maybe mattdm ) get together and discuss? then look for council review?
17:39:29 <decause> and by we, I mean ambassadors/former famsco/council
17:39:34 <cwickert> I'm sorry, I cannot even open a website or so, so any discussion at this point if useless
17:39:56 <decause> cwickert: it isn't useless, it is good that you want to help
17:39:56 <cwickert> decause: let's arrange a phone call, I will get back to you
17:40:14 <cwickert> decause: it is useless for me because I cannot refer to meeting minutes or wiki pages ;)
17:40:14 <decause> cwickert: yes awesome please
17:40:37 <decause> #action cwickert schedule a conf call with decause/mattdm about FAMSco transition
17:40:38 <langdon> cwickert, i would assume the call would be doc'd with minutes, no?
17:41:10 <decause> reporting will happen after the fact, yes
17:41:17 <decause> langdon++
17:41:24 <cwickert> langdon: I have no idea. I don't even know how to schedule and hold a call now that we no longer have our own pbx
17:42:07 <decause> cwickert: I'm happy to use bluejeans, or g+ hangouts, or regular-ole-cellphone
17:42:07 <langdon> cwickert, ha.. sorry :) ... propose decause set up con-call !
17:42:51 <decause> sure, I can help make that happen. Let's start with an email loop and go from there?
17:42:53 <cwickert> decause: ok, fine
17:43:20 <decause> ok
17:43:28 <decause> any other open floor business?
17:43:38 <decause> I have one if no one else does :)
17:43:55 <decause> this weekend was the 30th Anniversary of the FSF
17:44:13 <decause> #link https://www.fsf.org/fsf30/summit
17:44:29 <decause> as part of that celebration, there was a summit and gathering afterwards
17:44:30 <rdieter> and we can even sing happy birthday song
17:45:00 <decause> #info there was a live multi-lingual performance of the Free Software Song
17:45:21 <decause> thre were more than one cameras pointed at it, so the internet should have a copy soon
17:45:23 <langdon> #action decause to schedule con-call via email with cwickert & mattdm re: fosco/famsco
17:45:45 <decause> langdon: thanks, I thought I had made an action item, but more than one can't hurt :P
17:45:56 * langdon reversed the resp. ;)
17:46:11 <decause> kk, got it
17:46:37 <decause> there was a really great hallway track at the summit, as you can imagine, along with the sessions too
17:47:03 <decause> the closing keynote by Eben Moglen was inspiring as per usual, and I have a ~4000 word transcript from that event
17:47:15 <decause> likely I will be pitching something to the Fedora Magazine in the nearish future
17:47:26 * decause is already 2, maybe 3 articles deep in that queue already though
17:48:02 <decause> #info according to Moglen, FreedomBox is going to be able to be demo'd at the end of October
17:48:28 <decause> #link http://freedomboxfoundation.org/
17:48:45 * langdon notes news regarding an event deteriorates in value quickly after the event
17:49:20 <decause> nod nod nod
17:49:44 * decause is going to ship the raw copy somewhere and post to decauseblog after one editorial pass
17:50:03 <langdon> so.. what is the q on this?
17:50:04 <decause> but yeah, that is an aside, maybe not interesting to the entire council :P
17:50:37 <decause> langdon: Fedora Magazine holds an editorial meeting on THursdays at 5pm, where we handle the queue and approve pitches/drafts
17:50:53 <decause> if you get an account on the wordpress instance, you can see the articles in queue
17:51:02 <decause> on my plate, personally, are 2:
17:51:05 <langdon> decause, yep.. on my calendar.. just hasn't collided with me being available yet
17:51:08 * jkurik wants to hear the live multi-lingual performance of the Free Software Song
17:51:17 <decause> 1) Software Freedom Day wrap-up post (final draft in progress)
17:51:20 <langdon> i meant what is the q to the council re: fsf anni?
17:51:34 <decause> 2) FLOCK wrapper article (pointing to community.rh.com post)
17:51:55 <decause> 3) EDU Logic Model: How Objectives become reality (working title, you get the idea though)
17:52:12 <decause> langdon: that is my personal queue right now
17:52:19 <decause> but there are others in the instance that are not me, obv
17:52:26 <decause> ok
17:52:27 <decause> timecheck
17:52:28 <langdon> q= question ... not q = line ;)
17:52:42 <decause> langdon: lolol
17:52:49 <decause> yeah, so no, there wasn't really a question
17:53:01 * langdon apologizes for accidentally ratholing(tm) more
17:53:24 <decause> kk
17:53:25 <decause> :P
17:53:33 <decause> timecheck, we're down to about 5 mins or so
17:53:41 <decause> does anyone have any other outstanding business?
17:54:15 * cwickert doesn't
17:54:51 <decause> I have one: Council members please be sure to respond to the poll that was posted to the private list to schedule a budget session
17:55:08 <decause> #topic Outreachy
17:55:23 <decause> We need to decide by Friday whether we are going to allocate budget to Outreachy Interns
17:55:50 <decause> getting that budget meeting in place first is necessary for us to decide
17:56:00 <decause> so please please please respond
17:56:17 <decause> #topic Open Floor (again)
17:56:30 * langdon notes that he thought that action had expired
17:56:47 <langdon> propose decause send out an email re-asking..
17:57:01 <decause> langdon: /me sent an email on Saturday, but can send another
17:57:01 <langdon> *i propose
17:57:22 <decause> #action decause re-ping council-private to respond to budget meeting for allocating outreacy funds
17:57:30 <langdon> i thought that was about today.. hence my confusion.. but I am not that bright, have been on the road, and had many plane hassles
17:57:43 <decause> langdon: yeah, the private session was cancelled last minute
17:58:00 <decause> langdon: glad you are here though eitherway :)(
17:58:01 <decause> :)
17:58:12 <langdon> bconoboy, see, you aren't the only one effected :)
17:58:19 <decause> 2 minutes
17:58:23 <decause> anything else?
17:58:28 * bconoboy reads scrollback
17:59:01 <bconoboy> not I
17:59:16 <decause> going once
17:59:18 <decause> going twice
17:59:20 <decause> going thrice
17:59:53 <decause> alright everyone, thank you for your time today, and let's keep in touch this week on the list so we can make Outreachy happen :)
18:00:08 <decause> thanks for your time, and see you next week
18:00:12 <decause> #endmeeting