20:00:04 <giannisk> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2015-10-14 20:00:04 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 14 20:00:04 2015 UTC. The chair is giannisk. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:04 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:11 <giannisk> #meetingname emea ambassadors 20:00:11 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 20:00:21 <giannisk> #topic Roll Call 20:00:34 <lupinix> .fas lupinix 20:00:34 <zodbot> lupinix: lupinix 'Christian Dersch' <lupinix@mailbox.org> 20:00:35 <andreasch> .fas andreasch 20:00:36 <mitzie> .fas mitzie 20:00:36 <lupinix> hi all 20:00:37 <zodbot> andreasch: andreasch 'Andreas Christoforou' <aceoscy@gmail.com> 20:00:38 <giannisk> Let's see how many people there are around. 20:00:40 <zodbot> mitzie: mitzie 'Zacharias Mitzelos' <mitzie@mitzelos.com> 20:00:43 <giannisk> .fas giannisk 20:00:45 <zodbot> giannisk: giannisk 'Giannis Konstantinidis' <giannis@konstantinidis.cc> 20:00:46 <mitzie> hello everyone 20:01:14 <giannisk> RGeri77: Roll call :) 20:01:20 <RGeri77> .fas rgeri77 20:01:21 <zodbot> RGeri77: rgeri77 'Rákosi Gergely' <rakosi.gergely@gmail.com> 20:01:28 <sesivany> .fas eischmann 20:01:28 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 20:01:34 <RGeri77> hello, just a min, and I will back.thanks 20:01:36 <giannisk> #chair giannisk sesivany 20:01:36 <zodbot> Current chairs: giannisk sesivany 20:02:00 <giannisk> Hello everyone and welcome to yet another meeting for the EMEA region. 20:02:06 <giannisk> I will be acting as the chair for today. 20:02:17 <giannisk> You may find our agenda for today below: 20:02:24 <mailga> .fas mailga 20:02:24 <zodbot> mailga: mailga 'Gabriele Trombini' <g.trombini@gmail.com> 20:02:25 <giannisk> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:EMEA_Ambassadors_2015-10-14#Agenda 20:02:45 <giannisk> Also, a reminder that the meeting protocol is in effect. 20:02:56 <giannisk> That is, if you'd like to speak, type ~ 20:03:03 <giannisk> s/~/! 20:03:12 <giannisk> If you'd like to ask a question, type ? 20:03:20 <giannisk> And when you're done speaking, type eof 20:03:27 <giannisk> #info The meeting protocol is in effect. Please see https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_use_IRC#Meeting_Protocol 20:03:40 <giannisk> Let's move on. 20:03:47 <giannisk> #topic Announcements 20:03:53 <giannisk> Announcements... 20:04:02 <giannisk> I don't have anything particular in mind. 20:04:10 <giannisk> F23 Beta has been around for some time. 20:04:22 <giannisk> F23 is coming out in two weeks from now. 20:04:29 <giannisk> On Tuesday, 27 October, that is. 20:04:47 <giannisk> Anyone who wants to make an announcement? 20:05:45 <sgallagh> ? 20:05:52 <giannisk> sgallagh: sure 20:06:27 <sgallagh> Not really a question. I just wanted to note that F23 is *scheduled* for 27 October, but as the blocker list is still somewhat troubling, a slip is possible. 20:06:31 <sgallagh> EOF 20:06:53 <giannisk> sgallagh: Happens quite often I guess :) 20:07:04 <giannisk> sgallagh: Thanks for letting us know 20:07:14 <sgallagh> giannisk: Well, thus far, F23 has avoided any slips in Alpha or Beta. 20:07:24 <sgallagh> But we won't release if it's not ready. 20:07:29 <sgallagh> EOF 20:07:41 <giannisk> Thank you sgallagh 20:07:46 <giannisk> Anything else, anyone? 20:07:51 <giannisk> If not, we can move on. 20:08:24 <lupinix> nothing here, move on :) 20:08:44 <giannisk> #topic Requests 20:08:54 * giannisk takes a look at the EMEA trac. 20:09:05 <giannisk> Let's see if we have anything... 20:09:34 <giannisk> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/report/1?asc=0&page=1&sort=created 20:09:49 <giannisk> There appears to be only a Funding Request for the EMEA FAD. 20:10:03 <giannisk> However, as mitzie noted, FADs are on a separate budget. 20:10:21 <mitzie> yes giannisk 20:10:24 <giannisk> They're not covered from the regional budgets. 20:10:25 <sesivany> correct 20:10:47 <giannisk> Apart from that, we don't have any other tickets that need to be voted. 20:10:50 <giannisk> We can move on. 20:10:54 <RGeri77> yes, thanks the correction. We will send an email to the council 20:11:05 <RGeri77> oh sorry 20:11:11 <giannisk> Is there anyone who wants to ask or say something regarding the Requests? 20:11:33 <RGeri77> I have an old fuel ticket, its make sense now ? 20:12:00 <giannisk> RGeri77: Hmm, can you tell us which one it is? Was it approved? 20:12:01 <lupinix> ? 20:12:14 <RGeri77> giannisk: 485 20:12:26 <giannisk> RGeri77: Let me have a look. 20:12:35 <RGeri77> giannisk: Its an old one 20:13:05 * mailga links FAD howto https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_organize_a_FAD the ticket has to be submitted to the council. 20:13:11 <giannisk> RGeri77: That one is already approved. 20:13:24 <giannisk> RGeri77: You need to consult with jsimon for reimbursement. 20:13:40 <RGeri77> giannisk: Thanks. I will. 20:13:49 <giannisk> RGeri77: You're welcome 20:13:56 <giannisk> lupinix: yes? 20:14:02 <lupinix> any news about open reimbursements? i'm still waiting (#496) 20:14:39 <giannisk> lupinix: not much that can be done from our side 20:14:55 <giannisk> lupinix: please try pinging jsimon and ask for a reimbursement 20:15:13 <giannisk> As far as I know, jsimon has moved to a new job and has been quite busy lately. 20:15:13 <lupinix> ok, thx :) 20:15:25 <sesivany> ! 20:15:30 <giannisk> It might take some more time to get everyone reimbursed. 20:15:34 <giannisk> sesivany: sure 20:15:51 <sesivany> I haven't created a ticket for that because we need to discuss it first. 20:16:13 <sesivany> but F23 is around the corner and we haven't decided if we wanna do DVD and if so how many. 20:16:41 <giannisk> sesivany: True, thanks for bringing this up. 20:17:08 <giannisk> You know everyone, the feedback we got at LinuxCon Europe a week ago was clear. 20:17:14 <giannisk> People don't use DVDs. 20:17:23 * sesivany notes we produced 2000 of Workstation and 1000 of Alternative Desktops. 20:17:46 <giannisk> So, it's not that much needed to have so many DVDs produced for F23. 20:17:58 <giannisk> Maybe produce 1000 Workstation DVDs and that's it. 20:18:03 <sesivany> giannisk: so just 1000? 20:18:06 <sesivany> ok 20:18:12 <giannisk> We can spend the budget for other swag. 20:18:14 <RGeri77> giannisk: I think DVDs needed because on the events people can catch and feel material.. 20:18:27 <sesivany> and I would not produce any Alternative Desktop ones then. 20:18:31 <lupinix> ! 20:18:33 <RGeri77> anyway its looks well on the desk 20:18:53 <giannisk> lupinix: yes 20:19:15 <lupinix> my experience from FrOSCon: many people are interested in other desktops, so if we produce dvd, we should have alternative too 20:19:29 <RGeri77> lupinix : +1 20:20:01 <lupinix> but i also can confirm: many people don't use DVDs 20:20:01 <sesivany> lupinix: if we only produce 1000 of Workstation, it doesn't make sense to produce 1000 of Alternative because there is still much higher demand for Workstation. 20:20:17 * sesivany notes 1000 is the minimal amount. 20:20:24 <lupinix> much higher? 20:20:57 <sesivany> lupinix: yes, I've been to like 10 events this year, so I can compare. 20:21:14 <lupinix> i can talk about FrOSCon only 20:21:52 <lupinix> but imho other material like cheat cube would be more effective 20:22:06 <giannisk> Hmmm, could we produce Multi-Desktop DVDs? Like what we used to do? 20:22:22 <sesivany> I mean we can also produce 1000 of them if others really insist, but we really want to produce a minimal amount of DVDs, I'd stick only with the default. 20:22:29 <giannisk> Workstation + Alternative Desktops in one DVD. 20:22:49 <sesivany> giannisk: this was discussed many times. 20:23:31 <sesivany> giannisk: the marketing strategy is to have distinguished products, if you mix them with other spins on one DVD, then you pretty much break the strategy. 20:24:11 <lupinix> problem @workstation only: there are many people around who dislike gnome3… if we only present this flavour they won't even try fedora… 20:24:30 <giannisk> They can always download Fedora themselves. 20:24:43 <giannisk> Most people in Europe have broadband connections anyways. 20:24:43 <lupinix> but then you do not need dvd in general 20:25:09 <giannisk> DVDs nowadays are nice-to-have maybe for a collection. 20:25:13 <sesivany> lupinix: yes, but at the same time, you say people don't use DVDs, so the only few DVDs we produce could be the default, people would not care much since most of them don't use DVDs anyway. 20:25:20 <giannisk> At least in countries with broadband connections. 20:25:21 <sgallagh> lupinix: Suggestion: stop talking about the DE 20:25:36 <sesivany> to have DVDs on the table doesn't mean we only need to promote what's on the DVDs. 20:26:03 <giannisk> sesivany: +1 20:26:10 <sgallagh> Just talk about this being "Fedora for getting stuff done" 20:26:11 <RGeri77> .fas rgeri77 20:26:11 <lupinix> sgallagh: i justed wrote about my *experience* with users @froscon 20:26:13 <zodbot> RGeri77: rgeri77 'Rákosi Gergely' <rakosi.gergely@gmail.com> 20:26:49 <sgallagh> lupinix: I think this is related to a topic on the Council list right now: the value of going to linux-focused events vs. more generalized events with a higher opportunity of bringing in new people 20:26:58 <mailga> gannisk EMEA is not only europe, elsewhere people aren't able to have fast connections. IMO 20:27:17 <sesivany> we currently have more Alternative Desktop ones left than Workstation ones even though we produced 2x more of them. So producing the same amount doesn't really make sense. 20:27:36 <sesivany> but as I said, if others really insist, I don't have a strong opinion about it. 20:27:42 <giannisk> mailga: This is absolutely correct, however the majority of DVDs go to European countries anyways. 20:27:50 <lupinix> sgallagh: people start talking about DE by themselves ;) 20:28:39 <sesivany> hopefully we will be able to replace DVDs by this soon: https://sesivany.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/11224288_10206597676134664_1988108589250032943_o.jpg 20:29:12 <giannisk> sesivany: This looks very cool 20:29:16 <lupinix> looks nice 20:29:17 <sgallagh> lupinix: Then what you are dealing with is a person who already has the means to acquire a different system. 20:29:34 <sgallagh> If they are knowledgeable enough to have a preferred DE, then they probably don't need you to hand a DVD to them 20:29:52 <sesivany> sgallagh: +1 20:30:21 <edgates> .fas edgates 20:30:21 <zodbot> edgates: edgates 'Elijah Hanson' <pkwesihanson@yahoo.com> 20:30:37 <sgallagh> The DVDs are mostly useful for engaging with potential new users. 20:31:06 <sgallagh> If they know enough to want a specific alternative desktop, remind them that they can install it after the fact or else download their preferred spin at spins.getfedora.org 20:31:16 <sesivany> and new users don't usually care about DE, believe me. 20:32:10 <sesivany> we gave introduction of Fedora to 500 computer science students and they had quite a few issues with Fedora, but no one complained about DE. 20:33:01 <sgallagh> sesivany: Side-bar: could you (did you?) do a write-up of that experience? 20:33:32 <lupinix> sesivany: same experience here at university, it depends on location… @FrOSCon almost everyone already uses some kind of linux and we want to get them to fedora :D 20:33:39 <sesivany> sgallagh: yes, the "Getting Started with Fedora" guide is heavily based on that experience. 20:33:56 <sgallagh> sesivany: Very cool. Thanks! 20:34:19 <mitzie> great sesivany 20:34:25 <lupinix> imho the guide is better than DVD 20:34:30 <lupinix> sesivany++ 20:34:30 <zodbot> lupinix: Karma for eischmann changed to 5 (for the f22 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:34:54 <giannisk> Okay. This can be an interesting discussion. 20:35:03 <sgallagh> sesivany: Mind linking that in the meeting minutes? 20:35:04 <sesivany> lupinix: yes, but such users don't install from DVDs, but if someone feels it sends a strong message that we are not a single DE distro, why not. 20:35:07 <sgallagh> sesivany++ 20:35:07 <zodbot> sgallagh: Karma for eischmann changed to 6 (for the f22 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:35:11 <giannisk> I'd like to suggest to bring it to the ambassadors mailing list and get some feedback from other people as well. 20:35:23 <giannisk> Whether we should produce DVDs for the EMEA region. How many. And which. 20:35:40 <sesivany> giannisk: ok, good idea. 20:35:54 <giannisk> sesivany: Can you initiate the discussion please? 20:36:11 <sesivany> giannisk: ok I will 20:36:22 <giannisk> #action sesivany Post on the ambassadors mailing list regarding the F23 Media Production. 20:36:28 <giannisk> sesivany: thank you :) 20:36:34 <sesivany> #link https://github.com/celestian/fedora_handbook/raw/master/handbook.pdf 20:36:49 <giannisk> sesivany++ 20:36:49 <zodbot> giannisk: Karma for eischmann changed to 7 (for the f22 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:36:54 <sesivany> that's a link to the guide, it's in Czech right now, but we can get an idea what it is about. 20:37:13 * sesivany is looking for volunteers for translations. 20:37:38 * giannisk can translate the guide into Greek, along with the rest Greek community members. 20:37:38 <sesivany> right now not to translate, but to figure out some viable system for it. 20:38:24 <giannisk> Okay. 20:38:28 <giannisk> Anything else here? 20:38:38 <sesivany> me eof 20:38:38 * lupinix can work @german translation 20:38:43 <giannisk> We can continue the discussion about the media production later on the ML. 20:39:10 <giannisk> If there isn't anything else, we can move on. 20:39:59 <giannisk> Okay. 20:40:04 <giannisk> #topic Ambassadors Schedule 20:40:12 * giannisk looks for the link. 20:40:23 <giannisk> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-23/f-23-ambassadors-tasks.html 20:40:45 <giannisk> Not much to add here. 20:41:21 <giannisk> F23 Final is "originally" schedule to be released on 27th Oct. 20:41:43 <giannisk> But the release date could be postponed, as sgallagh mentioned earlier. 20:42:12 <giannisk> Now is a good time to start planning your release events. 20:42:18 <b10n1k> .fas b10n1k 20:42:18 <zodbot> b10n1k: b10n1k 'jiannis Bonatakis' <jbonatakis@gmail.com> - jobo 'jiannis bonatakis' <california17@gmail.com> 20:42:43 <giannisk> That's it pretty much. 20:42:51 <giannisk> Anything else to add or say here? 20:43:01 <sesivany> any upcoming events? 20:43:19 <RGeri77> ! 20:43:25 <giannisk> sesivany: maybe we can discuss about those on the next topic :) 20:44:10 <giannisk> RGeri77: Is this about an event? 20:44:52 <RGeri77> giannisk: yes, but as you mentioned will be discous at the next topic 20:45:00 <robyduck> .hello robyduck 20:45:02 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com> 20:45:07 <giannisk> RGeri77: Perfect, moving on then. 20:45:12 <giannisk> #topic Events 20:45:18 <giannisk> RGeri77: Go ahead :) 20:46:04 <RGeri77> so, we will have a Free Software Freedom day on saturday. Its a one day event, and I will have a workshop 20:46:36 <RGeri77> in November I will have a talk on a Sysadmin meetup 20:47:10 <RGeri77> and in october I will have a presentation in a school 20:47:20 <mitzie> great RGeri77! 20:47:25 <RGeri77> and after we will have a FAD..Thahts all 20:47:26 <giannisk> RGeri77: Aren't you a bit late now for SFD? :P 20:47:34 <giannisk> RGeri77: Just kidding, go ahead :P 20:48:00 <giannisk> cool RGeri77 20:48:06 <sesivany> ! 20:48:11 <giannisk> sesivany: sure 20:48:11 <RGeri77> giannisk: :-) its never late :-) so thats all the events for this year 20:49:11 <sesivany> Miro Hroncok got a booth for Fedora at the very first Czech PyCon. 20:49:40 <sesivany> all they want from us is to purchase a ticket for the event for people who will be at the booth. 20:50:08 <sesivany> the cost should be about €250, I think he's planning to file a ticket for that. 20:50:45 <sesivany> eof 20:50:52 <giannisk> sesivany: cool, thank you 20:51:04 <robyduck> ! 20:51:11 <giannisk> robyduck: sure 20:51:37 <robyduck> Probably I just missed it, but did we ever vote for the FAD location? What if there are other proposals? 20:52:21 <sesivany> robyduck: are there any other? 20:52:28 <giannisk> robyduck: There was only a bid from the Hungarian community. 20:52:38 <giannisk> For the FAD to be held in Budapest. 20:52:44 <giannisk> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Budapest_2015_bid 20:52:53 <mitzie> nothing else was sent in the list 20:53:06 <robyduck> sesivany: not now, but what if we have another upcoming? (this would be over deadline, that's clear) 20:53:57 <giannisk> robyduck: That would be way overdue and the Hungarian community has been planning the FAD in their country already. 20:54:08 <robyduck> ok, so it's set already 20:54:26 <giannisk> robyduck: it is 20:54:30 <robyduck> EOF 20:54:32 <robyduck> thx 20:54:44 <giannisk> robyduck: we don't have any time to consider any other proposals right now 20:55:01 <giannisk> robyduck: and as I mentioned, the Hungarian community is already organising the FAD. 20:55:06 <giannisk> robyduck: you're welcome 20:55:19 <giannisk> Okay. 20:55:33 <giannisk> By the way, I'd also like to report back from LinuxCon Europe. 20:55:45 <giannisk> This year it was held in Dublin, Ireland. 20:56:16 <giannisk> Between 5-7 October. 20:56:20 <robyduck> giannisk: probibly, but AFAICS we never decided for it in a metting or whatever. We just assumed, no other bid, then it's clear. I'm fine with it, but then we also need to change the wiki page, it's not just a bid anymore. 20:56:42 <giannisk> Fedora had a booth presence there. 20:56:55 <giannisk> I was there with sesivany and jonar. 20:57:29 <giannisk> An estimated attendance of like 600 people I'd say. 20:57:48 <giannisk> We engaged with several users and developers. 20:58:12 <giannisk> As I had mentioned earlier, we got some interesting feedback about the DVDs. 20:58:24 <giannisk> People don't use them. 20:59:25 <giannisk> I will write a more detailed event report when I have the time. 20:59:34 <giannisk> That's it. 20:59:59 <giannisk> Anything else regarding events? 21:00:08 <giannisk> Any questions? 21:00:52 <giannisk> If not, we can then move on. 21:02:14 <giannisk> Okay. 21:02:17 <giannisk> #topic Action items from previous meetings 21:02:50 * giannisk looks for the link to the previous meeting minutes 21:03:05 <rgeri7712> .fas rgeri77 21:03:05 <zodbot> rgeri7712: rgeri77 'Rákosi Gergely' <rakosi.gergely@gmail.com> 21:03:06 <giannisk> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2015-09-16/emea_ambassadors.2015-09-30-20.00.html 21:03:31 <giannisk> There was one action item left from the previous meeting. 21:04:03 <giannisk> sesivany: Did you have the time to open the tickets regarding the new leadership initiative in the EMEA region? 21:05:08 <sesivany> giannisk: nope :( but you pretty much took over the chairing and mitzie the treasurer role, there is nothing else formal left. 21:05:28 <sesivany> giannisk: the FAmSCo membership needs to wait for elections anyway. 21:05:43 <giannisk> sesivany: alrighty then 21:06:20 <giannisk> I'm "marking" this as complete. 21:06:30 <giannisk> #info No action items left from the previous meeting. 21:06:37 <giannisk> Cool. 21:06:51 <giannisk> Any questions? Or anything else to add? Everyone. 21:07:46 <giannisk> Okay then, let's move on to the Open Floor. 21:07:54 <giannisk> #topic Open Floor 21:08:07 <giannisk> Everything else goes here :) 21:08:32 <lupinix> i'm out, good night everyone :) 21:08:43 <giannisk> If there isn't anything else to be discussed, we can end the meeting in two minutes. 21:09:16 * giannisk waves goodbye to lupinix 21:10:28 <giannisk> Thanks everyone for attending. 21:10:34 <giannisk> See you again in two weeks time. 21:10:56 <mailga> see you soon giannisk thanks for chairing. 21:11:06 <edgates> Night :) 21:11:09 <giannisk> mailga: always my pleasure :) 21:11:11 <lupinix> thanks for chairing giannisk 21:11:16 <giannisk> #endmeeting