04:05:06 <nangthang> #startmeeting 04:05:06 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Oct 24 04:05:06 2015 UTC. The chair is nangthang. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 04:05:06 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 04:05:20 <nangthang> #chair nangthang harish 04:05:20 <zodbot> Current chairs: harish nangthang 04:05:30 <nangthang> .fas nangthang 04:05:31 <zodbot> nangthang: nangthang 'Thang Nguyen Nang' <thangnguyennang1988@gmail.com> 04:05:36 <harish> nangthang, thanks for starting it 04:05:39 <harish> .fas harish 04:05:39 <zodbot> harish: appletonprince 'Harish Talluri' <appletonprince@gmail.com> - harishpgc10 'Harish Kumar Gupta' <harishgupta.appin@gmail.com> - harishpgc '' <harishpgc10@gmail.com> - harish386 'Harish Kumar' <harish386@gmail.com> - harishvedha 'Harish Muralidhar' <harishvedha@gmail.com> - vaharish '' <vaharish@gmail.com> - saphar 'hariharan saptharishi' <hariharan.saptharishi@gmail.com> - harishneit 'Harish Tummalacherla' (5 more messages) 04:05:57 <harish> .fas harishpillay 04:05:58 <zodbot> harish: harishpillay 'Harish Pillay' <harish.pillay@gmail.com> 04:06:05 <harish> :-) 04:06:09 <nangthang> harish will we wait for others for about 5mins? 04:06:26 <harish> yep 04:06:28 <rtnpro> HI all 04:07:10 <harish> rtnpro, good morning to you. 04:07:26 <nangthang> #chair rtnpro 04:07:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: harish nangthang rtnpro 04:09:37 <nangthang> #topic Roll Call 04:10:15 <rtnpro> .fas rtnpro 04:10:15 <zodbot> rtnpro: rtnpro 'Ratnadeep Debnath' <rtnpro@gmail.com> 04:10:23 <nangthang> there're 3 persons in the meeting now 04:10:41 <harish> yep 3 currently 04:11:36 <nangthang> #topic Announcements 04:12:07 <nangthang> we're 3 topics to discuss today 04:12:17 <harish> FAS 2015 is planned to be held in Singapore. 04:12:23 <harish> rather FAD 04:12:40 <nangthang> 1. FUDCon PP 2016 04:12:49 <nangthang> 2. FAD Singapore 2015 04:12:59 <nangthang> 3. F23 Release Parties 04:13:33 <nangthang> any other news? 04:13:47 <harish> nothing from me. 04:15:05 <rtnpro> from my side, we will hold another monthly Fedora meetup in Bangalore in November 04:15:06 <nangthang> #info tuanta's absent due to his private work today 04:15:27 <harish> ! 04:15:32 <nangthang> go harish 04:15:43 <harish> FAD 2015 needs to be finalized. 04:15:52 <harish> there has been some discussion on the mailing list. 04:16:14 <harish> It is being proposed for the weekend of Dec 5/6 here in Singapore. 04:16:19 <nangthang> #topic FAD Singapore 2015 04:16:22 <pravins> hi 04:16:42 <nangthang> .fas pravins 04:16:42 <zodbot> nangthang: pravinsp 'Pravin Patil' <pravin.sp26@gmail.com> - pravins 'Pravin Satpute' <psatpute@redhat.com> - pravinshinde 'Pravin Changdeo Shinde' <sndpravin@gmail.com> 04:16:47 <nangthang> .fas nangthang 04:16:48 <zodbot> nangthang: nangthang 'Thang Nguyen Nang' <thangnguyennang1988@gmail.com> 04:17:01 <harish> .fas harishpillay 04:17:02 <zodbot> harish: harishpillay 'Harish Pillay' <harish.pillay@gmail.com> 04:17:04 <nangthang> #chair pravins 04:17:04 <zodbot> Current chairs: harish nangthang pravins rtnpro 04:17:20 <pravins> .fas pravins 04:17:21 <zodbot> pravins: pravinsp 'Pravin Patil' <pravin.sp26@gmail.com> - pravins 'Pravin Satpute' <psatpute@redhat.com> - pravinshinde 'Pravin Changdeo Shinde' <sndpravin@gmail.com> 04:19:07 <nangthang> tody we discuss more detailed about FAD Singapore 2015 04:20:01 <nangthang> harish, organizers will organize in two days, right? 04:20:25 <harish> there are two threads to the FAD 2015. Thread 1: It is a planning event looking at budgets, FUDCon 2016, swag, media 04:21:11 <harish> Thread 2: keeping the budget related stuff on one track and getting some talks going as well. 04:21:27 <harish> yes, it is for 2 days. 04:22:03 <harish> the budget related stuff would have participation of Fedora Ambassadors primarily, one per country. 04:22:16 <harish> I guess that would be led by Tuanta. 04:23:11 <harish> The talks, OTOH, could cover Fedora 23 related activities, and if there are takers, some code sprints 04:24:08 <harish> the plan is to hold it in the Red Hat Singapore office - if only Thread 1 is decided upon 04:24:16 <nangthang> The main goal of FAD is "Budget planning for the next FY 2017", so I think we shoud focus more time to this work 04:25:20 <nangthang> harish, any issues for the FAD event? 04:25:34 <harish> agreed. and if that is the focus, then it would be very, very important to decide as much as possible WAY before and use the face to face to close off tricky issues. it would be a waste if the face to face goes around in circles. 04:25:38 <nangthang> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Singapore_2015 04:25:40 <harish> I have none. 04:26:12 <harish> I personally don't want to be having a FAD for budget only discussions, frankly. 04:26:34 <pravins> +1 04:26:45 <nangthang> +1 harish 04:27:02 <pravins> indeed if number of people gathering, that also specifically Ambassador who are working in Fedora for so long. 04:27:07 <harish> I want to be able to build comunity and do stuff. 04:27:18 <pravins> It make sense to have aligned event specifically focused on Fedora. 04:27:33 <harish> indeed, pravins 04:28:19 <harish> all the budget related conversations can and should be done to the extent possible (ie more than 95% decided) on mailing lists/IRC meetings. The remaining in person and that should not take two days. 04:28:42 <pravins> good point. 04:28:44 <harish> it should take at most 2 hrs in total. 04:29:12 <nangthang> +1 harish 04:29:17 <pravins> right, if we do home work. i.e. couple of meetings before FAD on irc/phone. 04:29:29 <nangthang> we shoud prepare well before the FAD 04:29:43 <harish> and since we have fedora ambassadors from around the region in town, it would be good to have a series of talks, events and activities to grow the community in Singapore. 04:30:30 <harish> I have a huge challenge growing that in Singapore (for many reasons) and unless we are clever about this, Singapore Fedorans would be a very tiny group. 04:31:28 <pravins> so FAD on 5-6 Dec and event on 7th? 04:32:13 <harish> again, FAD to discuss budget should be 1/2 day on 5th. 04:32:21 <harish> I feel very strongly about that. 04:32:41 <harish> Dec 5 and 6 for Fedora activities. 04:32:42 <pravins> aha, in that case we can have event on 6th. 04:32:51 <harish> certainly. 04:32:58 <harish> or even the other way around. 04:33:43 <pravins> #info Planning to have couple of meeting prior to FAD for finalizing budget. 04:33:44 <nangthang> harish, will you organize F23 rp on 5th or 6th Dec? 04:34:04 <pravins> #info Once most of the home work done, it will take around 1/2 day for decision making on budget stuff. 04:34:05 <harish> either one is fine. 04:34:43 <harish> I don't think i want to call it a Release Party per se. Personally i want to move away from that. 04:35:22 <harish> so if we have saturday 5th for all things Fedora, then sunday 6th for budget related stuff, i think we should be good to go. 04:35:37 <nangthang> It's ok for me to organize RP along with other Fedora activites 04:36:13 <pravins> yeah, we recently decided to call it Release Event rather than party. 04:36:21 <nangthang> +1 harish 04:36:42 <nangthang> we have 2 days, so we can organize works and activities suiteable 04:37:22 <pravins> harish: you plan looks good. 04:37:38 <nangthang> but IMO, it shoud take about 2-4 hours for decision making on budget 04:37:39 <harish> well we need others to buy in as well. 04:38:26 <nangthang> about attendee? 04:38:26 <pravins> harish: since most of the people not available today, lets create ticket and request all to give approval on ticket itself. 04:38:37 <pravins> Do we need approval from Fedora council as well? 04:39:40 <pravins> AFA i think we already have budget allotment for this FAD in last budget meeting 04:39:41 <harish> not sure if that is needed, but go ahead and get it. who would do that? Tuanta? 04:39:57 <harish> go ahead pravins 04:40:03 <harish> please do the needful 04:40:39 <pravins> sure. 04:41:39 * rtnpro needs to step away 04:42:54 <nangthang> harish, how about the total event budget for the event? 04:43:22 <harish> nangthang, i am not aware of the budget for this. Is it on the wiki somewhere? 04:44:02 <nangthang> I donot see it on the wiki, so I donot know how it planned? 04:44:06 <pravins> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/APAC/Budget:2016 but this does not list budget for FAD. 04:45:08 <harish> Some expense items: airfare <city> to/from Singapore, hotel in singapore possibly Dec 4-6. 04:45:20 <pravins> We have very less members today. Lets call one specific meeting to discuss on this FAD. 04:45:24 <pravins> how do you feel about this? 04:45:38 <harish> Location can be RH singpaore office and I can cover that separately. 04:45:47 <harish> yes we should. 04:47:08 <nangthang> +1 harish, it's a good location to organize FAD 04:48:15 <nangthang> it's about one mount for preparation, so we can call fore another meetings to disccus about FAD 04:48:45 <pravins> yes. 04:48:47 <harish> ok. lets take this on to the mailing list/ticket and move on to other topics. 04:49:23 <nangthang> +1 04:49:29 <pravins> +1 04:49:53 <pravins> rtnpro: is away already. 04:50:19 <harish> +1 04:50:32 <nangthang> #topic F23 Release Parties 04:51:01 <nangthang> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/23/Schedule 04:51:24 <nangthang> F23 Final will release on 3rd, Nov 04:52:04 <nangthang> On the next week, all Ambassadors should make detailed plan to organize series of rp 04:52:24 <nangthang> and we also have a final plan on next week 04:52:53 <harish> ok 04:52:58 <pravins> nangthang: We already have one planned F23 release party 04:53:00 <pravins> AT Tokyo FAD 04:53:09 <pravins> luckily its exactly on 3rd Nov :) 04:53:50 <pravins> since we don't have quorum today, can we give vote on ticket itself? 04:53:53 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/213 04:54:22 * pravins hope no further slip will happen in F23 release :) 04:54:23 <nangthang> the Fedora team in Tokyo usually have the earlies rp :) 04:55:37 <nangthang> in Vietnam, I and Tuanta will organize F23 RP on 6th in plan 04:55:43 <harish> can release parties be held at hackerspaces in your respective cities and do some cool stuff with f23? 04:56:36 <nangthang> it's ok harish 04:56:43 <harish> after 22 releases, I am curious to find out how effective/useful release parties are? 04:57:06 <nangthang> but it usually held separately 04:57:37 <pravins> right, we should have specific objectives for release parties/events 04:57:48 <harish> i would want to have something measurable come out of a "release party" apart from the fact that x number of people attended etc. we should go up the value chain on this. 04:59:53 <pravins> +1 This can be one of the topic for Ambassador FAD. 05:01:10 <nangthang> +1 pravins 05:01:27 <harish> i guess my question above about running release events at hackerspaces is directed at the those of you who are aware of such spaces in your respective cities. 05:01:40 <nangthang> we can discuss more about media production for the release parties 05:01:59 <nangthang> or for other Fedora activites 05:03:12 <pravins> Unfortunately we dont have quorum today, so i think good to close meeting. May be we can have meeting next week again since not much decision making happened in this meeting. 05:03:16 <harish> i still think we need to change the media idea. i would like to revisit the suggestion I made some time ago about getting people to donate/bring their thumbdrives and we give them the ISOs and/or set up a Live USB on it. 05:03:30 <pravins> Will propose one on mailing list. and if people interested will execute. 05:03:32 <harish> yes. let's close this. 05:03:51 <harish> it is 3 minutes past the allotted time. 05:04:02 <nangthang> +1 harish, it's one of good ideas 05:05:33 <nangthang> will we close the meeting now? 05:06:13 <harish> +1 05:06:53 <nangthang> thanks everyone for joining today 05:06:56 <nangthang> #endmeeting