06:01:11 <pravins> #startmeeting G11N 06:01:11 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 28 06:01:11 2015 UTC. The chair is pravins. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 06:01:11 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 06:01:14 <pravins> #meetingname G11N 06:01:14 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'g11n' 06:01:17 <pravins> #topic agenda and roll call 06:01:20 <pravins> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2015-10-28 06:01:33 <pravins> Who else available for meeting today? 06:01:38 <paragan> hi 06:02:19 <mfabian> Hi 06:02:29 <pravins> hi paragan mfabian :) 06:03:03 <tagoh_> hi 06:03:07 <pravins> hi tagoh_ :) 06:03:13 <pravins> #chair paragan mfabian tagoh_ 06:03:13 <zodbot> Current chairs: mfabian paragan pravins tagoh_ 06:04:17 <anish_> Hi! 06:04:34 <pravins> hi anish_ 06:04:39 <pravins> #chair anish_ 06:04:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: anish_ mfabian paragan pravins tagoh_ 06:04:50 <pravins> moving to next topic 06:05:01 <suanand> hi 06:05:06 <pravins> #topic Upcoming schedule 06:05:06 <pravins> #info 2015-11-03 Fedora 23 Final Release 06:05:09 <juhp> hi 06:05:31 <pravins> only remaining thing from F23 is Final release. There was slip of 1 week due to some blocker bugs 06:06:27 <pravins> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/devel-announce/2015-October/001693.html 06:06:43 <pravins> Any concerns from Fedora 23? 06:07:45 <juhp> https://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/milestone/23/final/buglist 06:09:55 <pravins> hoping no further delay in schedule. Specifically since we have F23 release event in FAD ;) 06:10:11 <pravins> on Same day !! 06:10:56 <pravins> moving to next one. 06:11:01 <pravins> #topic New topics 06:11:03 <tagoh_> pravins: in fact early event I suppose so that there are time difference 06:11:04 <pravins> #info #43: G11N FAD in 2015 (pravins) 06:11:19 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/43 06:11:26 <fujiwarat> hi 06:11:35 <pravins> tagoh_: true actually we are doing before public announcement. 06:11:57 <pravins> but in past such things had happened and people used to continue with planned dates. 06:12:05 <pravins> slips are unavoidable :( 06:13:09 <pravins> for Budgeting FAD last year, they did release event one month before actual release, I was one to object it. ;) 06:13:20 <pravins> hi fujiwarat :) 06:13:30 <pravins> #chair fujiwarat juhp 06:13:30 <zodbot> Current chairs: anish_ fujiwarat juhp mfabian paragan pravins tagoh_ 06:14:34 <pravins> 2 important task for FAD today to assign action items to each one for home work/pre-work before FAD 06:14:44 <pravins> and if possible completing hackathon schedule page. 06:15:38 <juhp> would spreadsheet of people vs projects help to see common interests? 06:15:57 <juhp> can't have too many office docs ;o) :-) 06:16:18 <juhp> just an idea dunno how practical it is 06:16:19 <pravins> yes, already too much :) 06:16:43 <juhp> also I don't think google spreadsheet support vertical writing.... 06:17:17 <pravins> #info juhp has sent email to all FAD participants regarding important point for attending FAD. 06:17:17 <juhp> quite a bit of duplication on the Hackathon doc though 06:17:21 <juhp> yes 06:17:48 <pravins> #info FAD wiki page has update schedule now. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_G11N_2015 06:17:50 <anish_> juhp, thanks for email 06:18:10 <pravins> anish_: and suanand can you both sync up for Zanata work? 06:18:15 <juhp> if you have questions please ask, here or via email etc 06:18:22 <suanand> sure Pravin.. :) 06:18:27 <pravins> suanand: will be remote so you both can work/collaborate on IRC 06:18:47 <suanand> sure 06:19:00 <pravins> I think other Zanata members can join same. 06:19:26 <suanand> anish_: I will be available on irc.. 06:20:32 <anish_> i will also work with paragn regarding hunspell web stuff uo and running 06:20:44 <pravins> #action anish_ and suanand to sync on python-zanata-client development. 06:21:06 <pravins> #action pravins to prepare for Fedora G11N discussion and planning. 06:21:31 <pravins> Noriko and Ani missing :( 06:21:52 <pravins> #action Noriko and Ani to sync up on "Fedora L10n status and discussion" 06:22:33 <juhp> pravins, this is homework right? 06:22:37 <pravins> yes. 06:23:03 <juhp> s/sync/prepare/ might be clearer :) 06:23:12 <pravins> #undo 06:23:12 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by pravins at 06:21:52 : Noriko and Ani to sync up on "Fedora L10n status and discussion" 06:23:27 <pravins> #action Noriko and Ani to prepare up on "Fedora L10n status and discussion" 06:23:28 <juhp> anyway as long as people as informed/reminded :) 06:23:30 <pravins> corrected :) 06:23:35 <juhp> :) 06:23:40 <juhp> just clarifying 06:24:36 <pravins> #action tagoh_ to prepare for Fedora I18n status and discussion. 06:25:06 <pravins> #action Alex and Carlos to prepare for Zanata status and discussions. 06:25:14 <pravins> moving to hackathon now. 06:25:49 <pravins> i hope we not missed anything else for first day. 06:25:59 <pravins> #info hackathon schedule https://docs.google.com/document/d/17LU-PmtuirbGd7wfxUuKTz7X6fsv82PVPgZaDELi4js/edit 06:27:20 <pravins> dunno how to proceed for hackathons 06:27:57 <pravins> lots of topics and number of people involved in more than one topic. 06:28:05 <pravins> Any idea? 06:29:03 <juhp> self-organizing :) 06:29:03 <pravins> #info Fedora template for slides https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Presentations/Template 06:29:09 <pravins> juhp: +1 06:29:17 <pravins> self organizing is only best idea. 06:29:43 <anish_> +1 06:29:58 <juhp> or bar-camp style but I think with the small-ish size people can just group by themselves naturally - I hope so anyway 06:30:25 <juhp> it is large FAD though 06:30:33 <juhp> I believe 06:30:34 <pravins> yeah 06:30:47 <pravins> May be we can simply list topic on board 06:30:58 <pravins> and ask everyone to start there name while starting?? 06:31:23 <pravins> and other can join?? 06:31:39 <pravins> so scheduling 5 topic in first hackathon session. 06:31:46 <pravins> 5 topics in next hackathon session?? 06:31:51 <pravins> is this looks good. 06:32:23 <pravins> definitely starting all 19 hackathon topics at single session going to help. 06:32:39 <tagoh_> thought I asked before, do we need a white board for groups during hackathon? 06:33:08 <pravins> yes, white board will be required. to write imp. point 06:33:12 <pravins> or explain. 06:33:21 <pravins> sorry, if missed earlier :( 06:33:32 <tagoh_> 4? 06:33:48 <juhp> tagoh_, good question - had forgotten to ask that too 06:33:54 <pravins> 4 sufficient 06:33:56 <juhp> I think whiteboard(s) would be good 06:34:15 <juhp> for interactive discussions 06:34:33 <juhp> 4 should be plenty 06:34:38 <pravins> So how do you feel scheduling around 5-6 topics for each session? 06:34:43 <juhp> do we have so many available? 06:34:46 <pravins> lets participant decide where to contribute 06:34:57 <tagoh_> juhp: dunno 06:34:58 <juhp> pravins, dunno 06:35:16 <juhp> tagoh_, okay even one better than none :) 06:35:30 <tagoh_> sure. let me ask. 06:35:57 <juhp> pravins, I feel better to let people decide in general - but it could be good to have option 06:36:05 <juhp> but not forced 06:36:32 <juhp> pravins, some people may like that 06:37:03 <pravins> my only concern was, we have around 19 topics and 14 participants 06:37:31 <pravins> if at first session 14 participants start working on 14 task then there will be less collaboration. Though this is less likely to happen :) 06:38:00 <juhp> yeah 06:38:05 <pravins> dunno i thought good to have some order or let people list topics on board 06:38:08 <pravins> and other join 06:38:09 <juhp> I guess not all topics will be covered 06:38:16 <juhp> again the spreadsheet could help 06:38:16 <pravins> yeah. 06:38:23 <juhp> to see that 06:38:55 <pravins> At least we can categorize L10N. I18n and Zanata 06:39:04 <pravins> and try to make some parallel. 06:42:00 <pravins> I think we can work on this later and even on the fly will work but better if we try to do some organization for everyone understanding. 06:42:53 <juhp> yep 06:43:05 <pravins> One more things required from all participants, specifically funded. 06:43:17 <juhp> let's try to prepare something before the Hackathon 06:43:27 <pravins> +1 06:43:54 <pravins> #action Try to prepared some ordering/organization for hackathons before FAD. 06:44:11 <pravins> #undo 06:44:11 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by pravins at 06:43:54 : Try to prepared some ordering/organization for hackathons before FAD. 06:44:19 <pravins> #action Try to prepare some ordering/organization for hackathons before FAD. 06:44:37 <pravins> I have wrote one blog already 06:45:02 <pravins> #link http://pravin-s.blogspot.in/2015/10/five-days-to-go-for-first-ever.html 06:46:04 <pravins> Anything on FAD? 06:46:26 <pravins> I will be travelling today late night to Tokyo, will check email in between. 06:47:41 <suanand> pravins: has provided my inputs to anish_, anish_: thanks :) 06:48:28 <pravins> suanand: nice :) 06:49:14 <pravins> some of FAD attendees are already present at Open Stack summit. 06:49:27 <pravins> Carlos and Alex 06:49:59 <pravins> lets go to next topics 06:50:01 <pravins> #topic New task 06:50:09 <pravins> #info #2: Moving translation deadlines around Beta 06:50:09 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/G11N/ticket/2 06:50:27 <pravins> Was thinking to have some discussion on this before FAD. But looks like we can do some during FAD itself :) 06:50:39 <pravins> moving to next one 06:50:40 <pravins> #info #3: Zanata translation platform user survey 06:50:43 <paragan> yes 06:50:43 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/G11N/ticket/3 06:51:31 <pravins> Today is deadline for completing survey. I was earlier Ani and Luke was talking about this, 06:51:36 <pravins> So will get email soon on this. 06:51:47 <pravins> Summary presentation will happen in FAD. 06:51:58 <pravins> #topic Open Floor 06:52:12 <pravins> please bring if anything we missed? 06:52:45 <pravins> Out test day reports are available on Fedora Magazine now 06:52:47 <pravins> #link http://fedoramagazine.org/globalization-test-days-report-fedora-23/ 06:53:09 <pravins> Marketing team started community blogs now. i.e. specifically for Fedora developers and contributors. 06:53:13 <paragan> pravins++ 06:53:14 <zodbot> paragan: Karma for pravins changed to 1 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 06:53:26 <tagoh_> nice 06:53:56 <pravins> #link http://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/ 06:54:13 <pravins> and our G11N test report are luckily first post there :) 06:54:20 <pravins> s/there/there as well :) 06:54:56 <pravins> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/marketing/2015-October/018187.html 06:55:20 <pravins> Anything else before we close? 06:56:34 <pravins> Wishing happy journey to all travelling members and all the best for productive Fedora G11N FAD :) 06:56:42 <suanand> +1 06:56:50 <pravins> closing in 2minutes 06:59:17 <pravins> thanks all for meeting 06:59:21 <pravins> #endmeeting