17:05:15 <mattdm> #startmeeting Council (2015-11-09, take 2) 17:05:15 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Nov 9 17:05:15 2015 UTC. The chair is mattdm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:05:15 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:05:24 <mattdm> #meetingname council 17:05:24 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council' 17:05:26 <mattdm> #chair mattdm jkurik jwb cwickert rdieter langdon sgallagh decause 17:05:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert decause jkurik jwb langdon mattdm rdieter sgallagh 17:05:28 <tuanta> Yes, I see that too 17:05:28 <mattdm> #topic Introductions, Welcomes 17:05:33 <mattdm> it really _is 17:00, y'all. 17:05:39 <sgallagh> .hello sgallagh 17:05:40 <zodbot> sgallagh: sgallagh 'Stephen Gallagher' <sgallagh@redhat.com> 17:05:54 <tuanta> .hello tuanta 17:05:55 <zodbot> tuanta: tuanta 'Truong Anh Tuan' <tuanta@iwayvietnam.com> 17:05:58 <sgallagh> mattdm: I've got another meeting in 15 minutes 17:06:14 <mattdm> yeah this time seems like maybe it isn't working out. 17:06:20 <mattdm> let's do this... 17:06:21 <sgallagh> But I'd like to get "Conclude the Three Edition Objective" on the agenda 17:06:28 <mattdm> #topic Agenda 17:06:43 <mattdm> 1. Conclude the Three Edition Objective 17:06:46 <sgallagh> We had previously discussed that the F23 release was probably the right time 17:06:49 <mattdm> 2. The APAC FAD 17:06:50 * rdieter waves, sorry to be tardy 17:07:01 <mattdm> 3. Meeting schedule? :) 17:07:09 <mattdm> 4. anything else if time? 17:07:29 <mattdm> I don't know if we have quorum for big decisions, but we can at least talk :) 17:07:41 <mattdm> and let's start #1 fast because sgallagh has to go 17:07:46 <mattdm> #topic Conclude the Three Edition Objective 17:08:02 <mattdm> Yeah, +1 to this. I think it's been a big success 17:08:20 <mattdm> and things like "review PRDs" are now in the regular schedule 17:08:23 <sgallagh> I don't really see any big work left to be done here. 17:08:33 <mattdm> thanks for taking lead on this sgallagh! 17:08:41 <sgallagh> It's been a wild ride :) 17:08:43 <mattdm> #info thanks for taking lead on this sgallagh! 17:08:56 <mattdm> #info also for having and promoting the idea in the first place :) 17:09:03 <rdieter> +1 to all that 17:09:10 <langdon> .hello langdon 17:09:11 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@fishjump.com> 17:09:15 <mattdm> welcome back langdon :) 17:09:19 * langdon back.. and always confused by tzz 17:09:35 * langdon more importantly, so is my calendar 17:09:40 <mattdm> I don't think we need to do anything more formal... 17:09:53 <mattdm> #action mattdm to update documentation for objectives and council membership 17:10:35 <mattdm> #info sgallagh becomes second-ever former council member :) 17:10:46 <mattdm> #topic APAC FAD 17:10:51 <mattdm> #link https://fedorahosted.org/council/ticket/46 17:10:55 <sgallagh> I intend to continue acting in my role as coordinator of the Editions, but I don't see value in it being a full Objective any longer 17:10:57 <sgallagh> Thanks 17:10:58 <mattdm> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Singapore_2015. 17:11:03 <mattdm> #undo 17:11:03 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x7f08aa046490> 17:11:07 <mattdm> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Singapore_2015 17:11:17 <mattdm> sgallagh++ 17:11:31 <mattdm> okay, so, tuanta, want to introduce this? 17:12:20 <tuanta> Ok, it's our second fad for budget planning for APAC 17:12:51 <tuanta> Last year, it's in Phnom Penh 17:13:27 <mattdm> it looks like most of the expense is on travel 17:14:03 <tuanta> Yes, it's expensive In APAC 17:14:52 <mattdm> I don't see anything that strikes me as particularly concerning. I see we're past the Important Deadlines in the wiki, thoug. 17:14:56 <tuanta> Although, Singapore is in the center 17:15:35 <mattdm> I guess one thing I'm unsure about is the part about engaging with the local technical community and papers 17:15:47 <mattdm> that seems more like a mini user-conference than a planning fad 17:16:19 <tuanta> The main purpose is budget planning 17:16:58 <tuanta> Other ones should be secondary 17:17:26 <tuanta> Similar to previous one in PP 17:17:29 <mattdm> okay, the wiki currently has both of those as primary 17:19:40 <mattdm> I would like to see "develop and articulate strategy for user and contributor growth in APAC" as part 1, and developing a budget to support that as part 2. 17:20:10 <mattdm> rather than sitting down to split up money without that being clear 17:20:46 <tuanta> That's a good point 17:21:18 <mattdm> tuanta: cool :) 17:21:32 <tuanta> We think so too. Just change the text to make it clearer 17:21:32 <langdon> tuanta, mattdm can we also add "and the plan will be posted at <blah>"? 17:21:41 <mattdm> langdon++ 17:21:42 <zodbot> mattdm: Karma for langdon changed to 2 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 17:22:14 <mattdm> somewhere under https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Ambassadors_Asia_Pacific_%28FAMAPAC%29?rd=Ambassadors/APAC 17:22:18 <mattdm> i guess :) 17:22:47 <rdieter> the plans look reasonable to me too 17:23:06 <mattdm> #info as part of FAD, we'd like to see a the development of a strategy for user and contributor growth in apac 17:23:34 <mattdm> #info to be posted under https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Ambassadors_Asia_Pacific_%28FAMAPAC%29 17:23:55 <tuanta> Yes, similar this: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/APAC/Budget:2016 17:24:13 <mattdm> tuanta: yes, but that's just the budget. 17:24:29 <mattdm> would like to see the strategy and plan written down too 17:24:38 <tuanta> Ok, it makes sense 17:24:43 <mattdm> thanks :) 17:25:02 <mattdm> I'm going to update the ticket for this saying that we discussed this in the meeting and call for consensus votes 17:25:15 <mattdm> #action mattdm to update ticket on apac fad 17:25:16 <tuanta> Thanks 17:25:21 <mattdm> anyone else have anything on this? 17:25:58 <mattdm> #topic next topic 17:26:07 <tuanta> Hope it could be approved soon 17:26:42 <langdon> mattdm, want to put a deadline in your update? 17:27:03 <mattdm> tuanta: can you be more specific on "soon"? :) 17:27:07 <rdieter> we should, I would suspect there is risk of travel costs going up if things are delayed much more 17:27:31 * langdon proposes end-of-week.. like sunday 17:27:35 <tuanta> Yes, that's the point 17:27:45 <mattdm> our policy says "3 to seven days". ticket filed 4 days ago. 17:28:29 <langdon> mattdm, well.. there you go.. policy to the rescue 17:28:41 <rdieter> good defaults for the win 17:28:41 <tuanta> :) 17:29:01 <mattdm> :) 17:29:05 <mattdm> okay, so, anything else? 17:29:23 <tuanta> That's all. Thanks 17:29:31 <mattdm> tuanta: thanks! 17:29:37 <mattdm> any other topics we want to cover today? 17:29:58 <mattdm> anything in https://fedorahosted.org/council/report/1 jump out? 17:30:12 <mattdm> decause_trains: you around? :) 17:30:15 <decause_trains> yes 17:30:21 <decause_trains> dst-- 17:30:28 <decause_trains> decause-- 17:30:34 <mattdm> yeah seriously dst is terrible :) 17:30:53 <mattdm> If no one has immediate topics, I'm inclined to endmeeting 17:31:00 <langdon> mattdm, so what is the "council" topic you switched to? 17:31:08 <langdon> ohh sorry 17:31:08 * decause_trains will note council meetings direct after osas allhands from here til march 17:31:11 <langdon> misread it 17:31:14 <mattdm> langdon: :) 17:31:42 <decause_trains> outreachy selection is due by 9/17 17:31:49 <mattdm> #action all please go through https://fedorahosted.org/council/report/1 and help update and close off things 17:31:50 <decause_trains> applications are in 17:31:59 <mattdm> #topic outreachy update 17:32:01 * decause_trains noted 17:32:18 <mattdm> #info outreachy selection is due by 9/17 ... applications are in 17:32:31 <mattdm> decause_trains: I assume the mentors make the primary decision here? 17:32:35 <decause_trains> i updated EDU logic model ticket with graphic from design team 17:32:39 <decause_trains> yes 17:32:48 <mattdm> decause_trains: cool 17:33:10 <decause_trains> it looks pretty god, needs one more pass. feedback welcome. 17:33:18 <decause_trains> s/god/good 17:34:14 <decause_trains> i reckon thats it for my council updates for now 17:34:18 <langdon> decause_trains, link? 17:34:19 <mattdm> decause_trains: how about connecting down to more specifics? 17:34:40 <langdon> decause_trains, do you mean ticket #41? 17:35:10 <decause_trains> we have the outcomes connected to inputs, but i think we need to add a separate sheet for activities->outcomes 17:35:24 <decause_trains> yeah, i reckon #41 17:36:00 <mattdm> decause_trains: *nod* 17:36:14 <decause_trains> zodbot can .ticket or something, right? 17:36:29 <decause_trains> zodbot: .councilticket 41 17:36:48 <mattdm> decause_trains: it can for fesco. probably needs to be hooked up for council 17:36:58 <decause_trains> #action decause level up zodbot foo 17:37:04 <mattdm> decause_trains: +1 17:37:07 <mattdm> #topic meeting time 17:37:26 <mattdm> So.... do we want to switch the meeting to 18:00 UTC for the duration of non-DST? 17:37:38 <mattdm> iirc, that was better for josh too 17:37:38 <decause_trains> i did file a ticket with infra to make meeting topics a hard requirement, FYI 17:37:46 <mattdm> decause_trains: ooh cool, thanks. 17:37:48 <rdieter> fine with me either way 17:38:00 <mattdm> decause_trains: an hour later is better for you, right? 17:38:09 * decause_trains wouldnt mind the extra hour between meetings 17:38:16 <langdon> +1 on 18h utc 17:38:30 <langdon> i actually am in another one now as well 17:38:33 <decause_trains> but will go with whats best for council on the whole 17:38:59 <mattdm> okay, I'll put it to the list 17:39:05 <mattdm> and.... anything else? 17:39:21 * mattdm could maybe meet wife for sushi if we end meeting in next five minutes 17:39:33 <decause_trains> so, 18utc = 1pm edt? 17:39:38 <rdieter> sushi++ 17:39:38 <zodbot> rdieter: Karma for sushi changed to 1 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 17:39:42 <rdieter> oh ha 17:39:46 <decause_trains> lolol 17:39:58 <mattdm> that's awesome. 17:40:07 * decause_trains can internet that utc later 17:40:16 <decause_trains> end yes sushi yes 17:40:17 <mattdm> decause_trains: no, we're on EST now :) 17:40:24 <decause_trains> again 17:40:28 <decause_trains> dst-- 17:40:45 <rdieter> 1pm eastern, 12 central 17:40:48 <mattdm> right :) 17:40:51 <decause_trains> go mattdm 17:40:56 <decause_trains> :) 17:41:09 * langdon wants mattdm to bring him sushi 17:41:37 <mattdm> langdon: join us in porter square at 1:15 :) 17:41:43 <langdon> :) 17:41:50 <mattdm> that invite is open to anyone nearby :) 17:41:57 <mattdm> thanks everyone! 17:42:01 <mattdm> #endmeeting