#fedora-meeting: FESCO (2015-12-09)

Meeting started by sgallagh at 18:00:29 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. init process (sgallagh, 18:00:29)
  2. #1478 F24 Self Contained Changes (sgallagh, 18:04:43)
    1. AGREED: Self-Contained Change "Koji Signed Repos" is approved (+7, 0, -0) (sgallagh, 18:10:01)

  3. #1511 F24 System Wide Change: Default Local DNS Resolver (sgallagh, 18:13:22)
    1. FESCo would like to assert that DNSSEC is important for the future of the Fedora Project and as such we urge anyone who can do so to assist in working out the remaining issues with implementation. (sgallagh, 18:29:50)
    2. The DNSSEC Change Proposal is deferred from F24 due to lack of resources during the available timeframe (sgallagh, 18:31:06)

  4. #1512 F24 System Wide Change: Node.js 4.2 (sgallagh, 18:31:22)
    1. AGREED: System-Wide Change Node.js 4.2 is approved for Fedora 24 (+8, 0, -0) (sgallagh, 18:34:40)

  5. #1444 updates deliverables (sgallagh, 18:36:37)
    1. AGREED: The PDC will retain a list of the artifacts that will get post-release updates. This list will initially contain: updated RPM repos, atomic repos, atomic installer, cloud base image, cloud base vagrant image, cloud atomic image, cloud atomic vagrant image, docker base image. There will be a deadline set after which this list becomes immutable for that Fedora release. (+5, 0, -0) (sgallagh, 19:14:16)

  6. Next week's chair (sgallagh, 19:14:25)
    1. nirik will chair next week's meeting, assuming he's re-elected. If not, sgallagh will pick it up. (sgallagh, 19:18:48)

  7. Open Floor (sgallagh, 19:20:23)
    1. ACTION: tibbs|w to file a ticket around auto-generated code (sgallagh, 19:35:50)

Meeting ended at 19:39:17 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. tibbs|w to file a ticket around auto-generated code

Action items, by person

  1. tibbs|w
    1. tibbs|w to file a ticket around auto-generated code

People present (lines said)

  1. sgallagh (96)
  2. dgilmore (65)
  3. jwb (53)
  4. thozza (39)
  5. nirik (35)
  6. rishi (25)
  7. tibbs|w (18)
  8. zodbot (15)
  9. ajax (9)
  10. number80 (5)
  11. jkurik (5)
  12. paragan (4)

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