15:04:56 <rdieter> #startmeeting kde-sig 15:04:56 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Dec 15 15:04:56 2015 UTC. The chair is rdieter. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:04:56 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:04:56 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'kde-sig' 15:04:57 <tosky> :) 15:04:59 <rdieter> #meetingname kde-sig 15:04:59 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'kde-sig' 15:05:03 <rdieter> #topic roll call 15:05:12 <rdieter> hi all, friendly kde-sig meeting, who's present today? 15:05:12 <tosky> hi 15:05:22 * jgrulich is present 15:05:49 <than_> present 15:05:58 <heliocastro> present 15:07:10 <rdieter> #info rdieter tosky jgrulich than_ heliocastro present 15:07:17 <rdieter> #chair tosky jgrulich than_ heliocastro 15:07:17 <zodbot> Current chairs: heliocastro jgrulich rdieter than_ tosky 15:08:10 <dvratil> hi all 15:08:35 <rdieter> #info dvratil present 15:08:38 <rdieter> #chair dvratil 15:08:38 <zodbot> Current chairs: dvratil heliocastro jgrulich rdieter than_ tosky 15:08:39 <jreznik_> hi 15:08:44 <rdieter> #info jreznik_ present 15:08:50 <rdieter> #chair jreznik 15:08:50 <zodbot> Current chairs: dvratil heliocastro jgrulich jreznik rdieter than_ tosky 15:08:55 <rdieter> #topic agenda 15:09:00 <rdieter> ok, what to discuss today? 15:09:24 <rdieter> status updates for kf5-5.17/plasma-5.5 (dvratil,rdieter) 15:10:01 <rdieter> kf5 kdepim in rawhide (resolving conflicts, bug #1290143) 15:10:13 <rdieter> anything else? 15:11:12 <rdieter> heliocastro: worth giving update on qt-5.6/moc situation? 15:11:24 <heliocastro> Don't think so 15:12:05 <jreznik> heliocastro: any updates on qt 5.6 and multimonitor issue? 15:12:16 <heliocastro> Nope, didn't touch on that 15:12:23 <heliocastro> Ok, maybe a quick about moc 15:12:40 <rdieter> ok, maybe we can have a general "qt-5.6 status" topic 15:12:46 <rdieter> anything else to discuss? 15:12:47 <heliocastro> yes 15:13:28 <heliocastro> * yes for the general 5.6 topic 15:13:44 <rdieter> ok, let's get started 15:13:50 <rdieter> #topic kf5-5.17/plasma-5.5 15:14:12 <dvratil> 5.17 is in rawhide and Bodhi for F22 and F23 15:14:28 <rdieter> dvratil++ 15:14:30 <rdieter> hero 15:14:36 <dvratil> I have temporarily patched out the #ifdefs in frameworkintegration that were breaking build due to the moc bug 15:15:01 <dvratil> for Plasma 5.5 I imported an upstream patch for the taskbar issue 15:15:20 <dvratil> and thanks to rdieter pulling in all the other upstream patches things should now be pretty solid 15:16:35 <dvratil> some karma for the pending updates would be nice 15:16:40 <dvratil> <EOR> 15:17:13 <rdieter> on kf5-5.17 gotcha, a few apps actually had bugs that previous versions of kf5 covered up, wrt application.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(false); calls 15:17:45 <rdieter> this hit (at least): ark and kate 15:18:09 <rdieter> I put patched kate buids into the kf5-5.17 update 15:18:48 <rdieter> for ark, I was initially trying to update to ark-15.12.0, but then hit trouble with ark-unar-06.patch , it needs a bit of porting/fixing 15:19:14 <rdieter> anyone able/willing to help there (in ark master/ branch) would be lovely 15:19:37 <rdieter> else, I'll resort to backporting fix to ark-15.08.3 15:20:33 <rdieter> secondary topic: looks like upstream is planning on releasing minor plasma releases... weekly (fast!) 15:20:37 <rdieter> and 5.5.1 came out today 15:20:48 <tosky> I think by-weekly, but still 15:20:56 <rdieter> we probably won't be able to track all of those releases for anything except maybe rawhide 15:21:09 <rdieter> tosky: oh ok, that's a little better 15:21:18 <rdieter> so just, fyi 15:21:35 <tosky> I stand corrected: weeky for 5.5.1 and 5.5.2, then more relaxed: 15:21:41 <tosky> https://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/Plasma_5 15:22:19 <rdieter> any other kf5/plasma5 comments ? 15:22:25 <tosky> for ark, I think that simply contacting upstream would help 15:22:36 <tosky> now that there are active maintainers again 15:23:04 <rdieter> tosky: about unar? there's an old/inactive review request for that, fyi, but it's been stale for ~2 years :( 15:23:26 <tosky> rdieter: maybe it was not seen by the new maintainers 15:23:42 <tosky> what is the big advantage? The usage of unar for unrar v3? 15:23:55 <rdieter> unar is free, unrar is not 15:24:15 <rdieter> ie, nice to be able to ship ark that works with free implementation 15:24:19 <tosky> yes, I see 15:25:27 <rdieter> anyway, if no one steps up to help, I'll go with the backporting plan in the meantime 15:25:46 <rdieter> (no one steps up asap, today'ish that is) 15:26:03 <dvratil> regarding the Plasma update - I propose we do 5.5.1 update (I can do it later this week), I doubt anyone will be able to get 5.5.2 in if it's released just before Christmas 15:26:04 <rdieter> moving on... 15:26:21 <rdieter> dvratil: good plan, +1 15:26:43 <rdieter> I can help too, maybe work to relax BuildDeps so we can build most of it in parallel too 15:26:52 <rdieter> (if that's not already possible) 15:27:01 <dvratil> that should be checked by the script on update 15:27:11 <rdieter> ie, BuildRequiers: plasma-foo >= 5.5 , intead of BR: plasma-foo >= %{version} 15:27:43 <dvratil> ah, well, I think we have only 5 build groups now, we just quite good 15:27:54 <rdieter> unless upstream really enforces that in CMakeLists.txt 15:27:54 <dvratil> better than the dozen or so for frameworks :) 15:28:30 <rdieter> dvratil: so you'd rather not relax the build deps 15:28:31 <rdieter> ? 15:28:54 <dvratil> if it does not make my automation checks harder, I'm OK with it 15:29:02 <rdieter> (relaxing will help others too, like seconary archs) 15:29:03 <dvratil> but let's solve that another time 15:29:08 <rdieter> ok, 15:29:18 <rdieter> moving on... 15:29:32 <rdieter> #topic kf5 kdepim in rawhide (resolving conflicts, bug #1290143) 15:29:37 <rdieter> .bug 1290143 15:29:42 <zodbot> rdieter: Bug 1290143 kdepim dependency issue - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1290143 15:29:54 <rdieter> the conflicts in ^^ (I think) are currently causing live image compose failures 15:30:28 <rdieter> I think we can remove all (most!?) of the Obsoletes/Conflicts: akonadi/kdepimlibs 15:30:48 <rdieter> now that we've made (qt4) akonadi parallel-installable with kf5-akonadi 15:31:13 <rdieter> (it is libraries-only now, it doesn't actually work, just a compat hack to be able build stuff that depends on it) 15:31:25 <dvratil> +1, the libs should be coinstallable 15:31:34 <jgrulich> rdieter: all kf5-pim stuff has now removed all obsoletes/conflicts with kdepimlibs 15:31:41 <jgrulich> missing kdepim and kdepim-runtime 15:31:48 <rdieter> jgrulich: and akonadi ? 15:32:11 <rdieter> I guess most of the conflicts was indeed just kdepimlibs 15:32:16 <jgrulich> kf5-akonadi, kf5-akonadi-calendar and kf5-akonadi-search 15:32:27 <rdieter> jgrulich: thanks 15:32:43 <rdieter> that was fast! 15:32:51 <rdieter> I guess nothing else to discuss then :) 15:32:54 <rdieter> moving on... 15:33:04 <rdieter> #topic Qt 5.6.0 status 15:33:14 <heliocastro> ok 15:33:30 <rdieter> .bug 1291040 15:33:30 <heliocastro> So, i really believe the moc issue is ours 15:33:31 <zodbot> rdieter: Bug 1291040 qt-5.6.0 tracker - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1291040 15:33:38 <rdieter> fyi, bug tracking qt-5.6 related issues 15:34:41 <heliocastro> qt 5.6 in general is fine, even with gold linker 15:35:08 <heliocastro> moc is including all subdirectories * should not 15:35:37 <heliocastro> Reaching qtglobal.h and then creating invalid QT_VERSION 15:36:02 <rdieter> how is that not an upstream issue ? 15:36:05 <heliocastro> Qt trolls say moc sohuld follow directory chain 15:36:19 <heliocastro> Which make me more confuse 15:36:35 <heliocastro> So i need now other eyes on this issue to help 15:37:02 <rdieter> possibly because our qconfig.h is custom ? 15:37:13 <heliocastro> Big change 15:37:17 <heliocastro> ĉhance 15:37:20 <heliocastro> arghh 15:37:28 <rdieter> we patch it to avoid multilib conflicts 15:37:31 <rdieter> http://paste.fedoraproject.org/301142/93838145 15:38:04 <rdieter> does moc try to parse qconfig.h directly or something ? 15:38:13 <heliocastro> The fact is that some include is killing the VERSION variable 15:38:20 <heliocastro> moc read the includes 15:38:33 <heliocastro> if includes point to qconfig.h, then moc reads it 15:38:48 <dvratil> hmm, I guess MOC chokes on the __WORDSIZE 15:38:53 <dvratil> check that we added 15:39:29 <rdieter> we've been doing it that way for a *long* time, fwiw 15:39:42 <rdieter> (same hack is used in qt(4) packaging) 15:39:51 <heliocastro> dvratil: Nope, otherwise just remove the QT_VERSION macro would not work 15:40:26 <rdieter> anyway, I can test omitting the qconfig.h multilib hack to see if that helps or not after meeting 15:41:01 <dvratil> I have to run now, sorry guys 15:41:04 <rdieter> dvratil: thanks 15:41:07 <heliocastro> see you 15:41:23 <heliocastro> But from one side is a relief that is not a build issue 15:41:37 <heliocastro> And is really a config/system issue 15:41:48 <rdieter> other qt-5.6.0 issue may or may not be related to moc too, is that some apps now FTBFS due to Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN use and now getting undefined symbols when linking 15:42:12 <rdieter> apps affected include: qupzilla, trojita 15:42:55 <RaphGro> trojita upstream builds from git with Qt5.6, so I expect they do not suffer from that. 15:43:08 <jgrulich> I also need to leave → boring christmas shopping 15:43:23 <heliocastro> rdieter: I beleieve is moc issue as well 15:43:32 <rdieter> RaphGro: ok, I'll include those when I test the moc after meeting 15:43:46 <RaphGro> rdieter, include what? 15:43:47 <rdieter> heliocastro: question now is: what to do about it? Any ideas yet? 15:44:19 <rdieter> RaphGro: I'm going to revert our qconfig.h hacks, to see if that helps fix moc related issues. so part of my test will include testing qupzilla/trojita builds too 15:44:40 <RaphGro> rdieter, ok. 15:45:08 <heliocastro> rdieter: I will take another look tonight 15:45:28 <rdieter> heliocastro: giant hammer would be to move -headerdir %{_includedir}/qt5 to -headerdir %_libdir/qt5/include 15:45:39 <rdieter> but we can't realistically do that in any stable release 15:45:56 <heliocastro> rdieter: No, this would be hackish and we would be putting everything under carpet 15:46:01 <rdieter> then we wouldn't have to worry about multilib conflicts 15:46:24 <rdieter> we'd only be putting headers in a multilib-safe location 15:46:44 <heliocastro> But doesn't matter where tehy are 15:46:53 <heliocastro> still need to be included in some way 15:47:00 <rdieter> if our qconfig.h hacks are the cause, then yes it matters 15:47:21 * heliocastro trusts rdieter 15:47:24 <rdieter> if we moved them, then we would no longer need the qconfig.h hacks, and stuff would 'just work' 15:47:59 <rdieter> otherwise, we need to find a multilib-safe qconfig.h what also works with moc 15:48:07 <rdieter> s/what/that/ 15:48:16 <heliocastro> *if* they are the cause 15:48:20 <rdieter> true 15:48:30 <rdieter> anything else on qt-5.6 ? 15:48:46 <heliocastro> jreznik mentioned about 3 screens + 15:48:56 <heliocastro> But is not 5.6 at all 15:49:00 <heliocastro> Is plasma related 15:49:31 <rdieter> fyi, qt5-qtbase-5.6.0-0.8 and newer includes the latest committed/upstream fixes related to screen connect/disconnect 15:49:57 <heliocastro> rdieter: I know, i even compiled here 15:50:00 <heliocastro> Still crashing 15:50:05 <heliocastro> lxqt runs fine 15:50:16 <heliocastro> plasmashell only crash, kde itself works 15:50:51 <rdieter> seems no upstream kde.org/plasma devs use multiple screens? 15:51:00 <heliocastro> 2 screens == fine 15:51:06 <heliocastro> 3+ kabumm 15:51:09 <RaphGro> same question here all the time … 15:51:19 <heliocastro> Guys, i need to go 15:51:24 <rdieter> heliocastro: thx 15:51:33 <heliocastro> o/ 15:51:40 <rdieter> moving on... 15:51:44 <rdieter> #topic open discussion 15:51:48 <rdieter> anything else for today? 15:55:24 <rdieter> sounds quiet, ok, thanks everyone for coming today 15:55:28 <rdieter> #endmeeting