18:01:26 <decause> #startmeeting Fedora Council 18:01:26 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jan 4 18:01:26 2016 UTC. The chair is decause. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:01:26 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:01:26 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_council' 18:01:37 <decause> #chair mattdm langdon rdieter sgallagh cwickert jkurik jwb tatica 18:01:37 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert decause jkurik jwb langdon mattdm rdieter sgallagh tatica 18:01:40 <jkurik> .hello jkurik 18:01:41 <zodbot> jkurik: jkurik 'Jan Kurik' <jkurik@redhat.com> 18:01:46 <decause> #topic Rollcall 18:02:46 <decause> .hello decause 18:02:48 <zodbot> decause: decause 'Remy DeCausemaker' <decause@redhat.com> 18:03:08 * decause thinks that today is going to be very lightly-attended meeting ;) 18:03:18 <jkurik> :) 18:03:37 <decause> other folks can chime in as they arrive 18:03:42 <decause> #topic Agenda 18:03:51 <decause> #link http://etherpad.osuosl.org/fedora-council-010416 18:04:02 <jkurik> looks like people are still sobering from new year parties 18:04:19 <decause> #info 1) Post-Holiday Schedule 18:04:19 <decause> 2) FLOCK Bids 18:04:28 <decause> #info 2) FLOCK Bids 18:04:34 <decause> #info 3) Open Floor 18:04:52 <decause> #topic Post-Holiday Schedule 18:05:04 <decause> #info Dec 21: Skipped for Holidays 18:05:04 <decause> #info Dec 28: Skipped for Holidays 18:05:04 <decause> #info Jan 04: Open Floor (mattdm will be traveling) 18:05:04 <decause> #info Jan 11: Tickets/Ongoing 18:05:04 <decause> #info Jan 18: Open Floor (decause will be moving to Raleigh) 18:05:20 <langdon> .hello langdon 18:05:21 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@fishjump.com> 18:05:34 * decause waves to langdon 18:05:39 <langdon> decause, hey.. sorry im late.. 18:06:02 <decause> langdon: no worries, today is going to be a short meeting from the looks of it :) 18:06:05 <decause> glad you can make it 18:06:13 <langdon> decause, yeah.. just read the scrollback 18:06:14 <decause> mattdm is travelling, and will not being joining us today 18:06:42 <decause> #topic FLOCK Bids 18:06:53 <decause> #info Vienna has updated their bid, but we're still waiting on a few questions to be answered 18:07:00 <decause> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Flock2016-Vienna-proposal 18:07:09 <decause> #info There is now a FLOCK bid for Krakow Poland 18:07:16 <decause> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Flock2016-Krakow-proposal 18:07:38 <decause> this is good news 18:07:55 <decause> Flock bid selection will pick up steam again once mattdm is back on the grid 18:07:56 <langdon> where are the qs on the vienna bid? /me *cannot* type vienna 18:08:21 <decause> langdon: they were on the council ticket, IIRC 18:08:31 <langdon> decause, ohhh gotcha 18:08:57 * bexelbie I can answer questions/take notes for Krakow if things come up in this meeting 18:09:01 <decause> bexelbie++ 18:09:01 <zodbot> decause: Karma for bex changed to 1 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 18:10:00 <decause> awesome 18:10:13 <decause> we will check back in next week on bid progress 18:10:38 <decause> unless I missed any, (besides Toulouse and Paris) I think this is all the Flock EMEA bids 18:10:52 <decause> kk 18:10:52 <bexelbie> can you link me to the VIE questions so I can make sure we have them answered on the wiki by next week? 18:11:12 <decause> #action decause follow-up with bex about Vienna bid questions after council meeting 18:11:18 <decause> no prob 18:12:11 <decause> any other Flock questions/comments? 18:12:13 <decause> going once 18:12:15 <decause> going twice 18:12:17 <decause> going thrice 18:12:29 <decause> #topic Open Floor 18:13:01 <jkurik> I wanted to check who from the Council will be visiting Brno for the DevConf conference 18:13:15 <jkurik> However the next week will be probably better time for this 18:13:19 * langdon waves 18:13:30 * decause will be at DevConf 18:13:40 * decause knows mattdm will also be at devconf 18:13:56 <decause> and both visiting brno 18:14:04 <jkurik> do we plan to have a face-to-face council meeting ? 18:14:23 <langdon> probably should if we can swing it 18:14:31 <decause> jkurik: that would be super cool 18:14:36 <jkurik> I do not have any specific topic, I am just courios to be sure I make a time for it if needed 18:14:51 <decause> when is devconf done? 18:14:53 <decause> Sunday? 18:14:58 <jkurik> yes 18:15:18 <decause> jkurik: not sure what other RHT/Fedora Eng/REl-eng meetings are happening tho 18:15:25 <decause> I'd proabably try to coordinate with stickster 18:15:35 <jkurik> ok 18:16:07 <decause> action item to open a loop work for you? 18:16:10 <decause> jkurik: ^ 18:16:39 <jkurik> what does it mean 'loop work' ? 18:16:53 <decause> jkurik: :P 18:17:07 <langdon> jkurik, i don't know either 18:17:14 <decause> start an email with me/stickster/mattdm/you 18:17:15 * langdon thinks it must be a rochester thing 18:17:23 * decause has too many decause-isms 18:17:28 <misc> just write "for (i=1;;)" on a paper 18:17:52 <langdon> misc, are you saying it will be an endless loop? cause that is just mean ;) 18:17:56 <jkurik> decause: ok, I can accept this action 18:18:06 <decause> #action jkurik start an email with decause/mattdm/langdon/stickster to coordinate possible council meeting in Brno 18:18:10 <decause> jkurik++ 18:18:36 <decause> jkurik: happy to help with coordination via email too 18:18:56 <jkurik> decause: ok, thanks 18:19:06 <decause> good good 18:19:14 <decause> speaking of DevConf 18:19:19 <decause> right beforehand is FOSDEM 18:19:40 <decause> unofficially, I believe I got a "Fedora by the Numbers" talk accepted into the disto-devroom 18:19:59 <decause> and I will be helping to moderate the track, and MC'ing during FOSDEM 18:20:12 <langdon> decause, it is official: https://fosdem.org/2016/schedule/event/fedora_by_the_numbers/ 18:20:19 <decause> #info Fedora will have representation at FOSDEM Distro Devroom 18:20:30 <decause> #link https://fosdem.org/2016/schedule/event/fedora_by_the_numbers/ 18:20:38 <langdon> decause, i also have a talk in there.. about modularization 18:21:16 <decause> sweet link there at the bottom too 18:21:29 <langdon> #link https://fosdem.org/2016/schedule/event/rethinking_linux_distributions/ 18:21:30 <decause> #action decause see if you can fix/update the FOSDEM talk description 18:21:41 <decause> langdon++ 18:21:45 <decause> congrats! 18:22:06 <langdon> thanks, i think 18:22:14 <decause> I think atomic got a talk or two accepted also 18:22:46 <decause> strong presence at FOSDEM this year. Great work all. 18:22:56 <langdon> #action langdon also needs to fix his abstract (fosdem seems to have included both short and long abstracts in the web page) 18:23:06 <decause> langdon: nod nod nod 18:23:43 <decause> langdon: the printing deadline has not pass yet (IIRC) and I think the short-desc is used in the books 18:23:52 <langdon> decause, ack 18:24:12 <decause> there has been talk of an EMEA ambassador meetup at FOSDEM as well: 18:24:37 <decause> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/ambassadors%40lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/7RK2IXRZ6CA353YT2ZGO3HE3C7VPGKR2/ 18:24:47 <decause> sorry, at DevConf rather 18:25:16 <decause> I will be following up on this thread too and encouraging something similar at FOSDEM possibly for those who will be there 18:25:42 <decause> #actoin decause follow-up with EMEA ambassadors about FOSDEM meeting 18:25:59 <decause> #action decause follow-up with EMEA ambassadors about FOSDEM meeting 18:26:17 <decause> ok 18:26:24 <decause> any other open floor business? 18:26:47 * jkurik has no more business 18:26:53 <decause> jkurik: ack 18:26:59 <decause> anyone else? 18:27:32 <decause> I think Flock bids and prepping for FOSDEM/DevConf are the big updates from me Community Wise 18:28:26 <decause> in recent but still big news, I think it is worth mentioning again that Elections happened successfully 18:28:31 <decause> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/commops-2015-elections-retrospective/ 18:28:34 <decause> jkurik++ 18:29:14 <decause> congrats to all the winners, and thank you to everyone who ran 18:29:16 <jkurik> decause: thanks to the people from commops team 18:29:35 <decause> def, big thanks to bee2502, and jflory7, and the rest of the team 18:30:11 <decause> I've got one last thing from CommOps 18:30:21 <decause> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/share-your-year-in-review-with-fedora/ 18:30:58 <decause> We're putting together some "Year in Review" content for the community blog, and encouraging teams and projects to submit some bullet points to be included 18:32:05 <decause> it was published right before Holidays, but I think we'd like to get the content out before February 18:32:30 <decause> there are templates and suggested questions to help make it very easy for folks to submit their info 18:32:49 <decause> commops will help polish your raw data and stories, we just need some bullet points :) 18:34:13 <langdon> decause, so, should we wrap? 18:34:15 <decause> that is all I got for open floor today 18:34:16 <decause> yeah 18:34:19 <decause> let us wrap 18:34:26 <decause> any other business? 18:34:30 <decause> going once 18:34:32 <decause> going twice 18:34:36 <decause> going thrice 18:34:48 <decause> Thanks all for your time today, and we'll see you next week! 18:34:58 <decause> #endmeeting