18:01:25 <puiterwijk> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2016-01-14) 18:01:25 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jan 14 18:01:25 2016 UTC. The chair is puiterwijk. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:01:25 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:01:25 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure_(2016-01-14)' 18:01:25 <puiterwijk> #meetingname infrastructure 18:01:25 <puiterwijk> #topic aloha 18:01:25 <puiterwijk> #chair smooge relrod nirik abadger1999 lmacken dgilmore mdomsch threebean pingou puiterwijk pbrobinson 18:01:25 <puiterwijk> #topic New folks introductions / Apprentice feedback 18:01:25 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 18:01:25 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 dgilmore lmacken mdomsch nirik pbrobinson pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge threebean 18:01:47 <puiterwijk> Any apprentices wanting to give a one-line intro or having questions? 18:02:45 <aryasaatvik> Hi I am Saatvik and I am interested in joining sysadmin-web FIG. I am a RHCSA (Red Hat Certifed System Administrator) and have completed training for RHCE (Red Hat Certified Engineer). I can contribute 5-6 hours a week easily as I am a student (Grade 10) with no experience. 18:03:36 <puiterwijk> aryasaatvik: great, welcome! I would suggest you to join #fedora-websites and ask them for info on how to join the web team 18:04:45 <puiterwijk> Any others wanting to give an intro or with questions? 18:04:46 <aryasaatvik> puiterwijk thanks, should attend this meeting or continue to #fedora-websites 18:05:10 <puiterwijk> aryasaatvik: you can stay here if you're interested, but for -web, you should ask the people in that channel 18:06:47 <puiterwijk> Okay, guess not. Then let's continue to announcements. Hold on to your IRC clients 18:07:00 <puiterwijk> #topic announcements and information 18:07:10 <puiterwijk> #info Smooge and Nirik in phx2 datacenter all week - smooge / nirik 18:07:10 <puiterwijk> #info Large FMN backlog this week. Fix rolled out to prod. - Ralph 18:07:10 <puiterwijk> #link http://threebean.org/fedmsg-health-week.html#FMN 18:07:10 <puiterwijk> #info [release] fedora-packages: 3.0.3 - Ralph 18:07:10 <puiterwijk> #link http://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/infrastructure@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/PPPT7GQOWGAAXODM6EHYZQWIV36AWAEN/ 18:07:10 <puiterwijk> #info [release] mdapi: 2.3 - Pierre-Yves 18:07:10 <puiterwijk> #link http://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/infrastructure@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/N72WJE6KUMMOIE77YXRFDYEXV7A5CESR/ 18:07:11 <puiterwijk> #info [release] MirrorManager2: 0.7 - Pierre-Yves 18:07:11 <puiterwijk> #link http://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/infrastructure@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/63SFIR3A2775ZWCBMVPVUMDVBFYPBE57/ 18:07:40 <puiterwijk> Any other info that anyone wants to share or discuss? 18:07:55 <puiterwijk> threebean: you around for tech debt week retrospective? 18:08:28 <puiterwijk> Hah, never mind this all. I messed up 18:08:47 <puiterwijk> No, I did not. I hate timezones, but it seems there's just nobody else here for the meeting 18:08:56 <smdeep> .hello smdeep 18:08:57 <zodbot> smdeep: smdeep 'Sudeep Mukherjee' <smdeep@gmail.com> 18:09:43 <smdeep> seem the holiday season is continuing 18:09:46 <puiterwijk> Seems threebean is not around, so guess we won't be discussing tech debt week retrospective 18:10:18 <puiterwijk> smdeep: yeah, looks like it, and the fact that nirik and smooge are in the datacenter 18:10:47 <smdeep> I apologize I was just joking 18:11:01 <puiterwijk> No problem 18:11:20 <puiterwijk> Guess that if nobody else comes along, we're going to have a very short meeting this week... 18:11:46 <aikidouke> i have a topic, but if noone is around, maybe i will just email infra list 18:11:46 <smdeep> Ok 18:11:56 <puiterwijk> aikidouke: What's it? 18:12:11 <puiterwijk> We can always defer to the list if preferred, but we can at least see if it's suitable 18:12:20 <aikidouke> community ops is looking for each group to do a year in review post 18:12:43 <aikidouke> they have a template, starting with numbers, then acheivements, etc 18:13:05 <puiterwijk> Ah, and you also want infra to participate in that? 18:13:10 <aikidouke> im thinking i could pull some tickets closed, tickets opened, outages, machines 18:13:36 <aikidouke> well they were requesting participation from everyone, do you think it would be a good thing? 18:13:37 <puiterwijk> Right. Would make sense to send that to the list, so more people can chime in. 18:13:43 <aikidouke> ok, will do 18:14:39 <puiterwijk> I personally think it would be interesting to add infra, but we can discuss that on the list 18:15:26 <puiterwijk> Anything else someone wants to bring up? 18:15:38 <odin2016> not i. 18:16:12 <puiterwijk> I'm going to give people one more minute, and then I'm going to close out very early this week 18:17:10 <odin2016> ok.just as long as it's before the tumbleweeds are sentient. 18:17:44 <puiterwijk> Well, that was a very short meeting.. Thanks for coming everyone, and let's see whether next week is going to be more busy with people back from the datacenter and such. 18:18:03 <puiterwijk> #endmeeting