22:00:19 <stickster> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board 22:00:20 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jan 14 22:00:19 2016 UTC. The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:00:20 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 22:00:20 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board' 22:00:23 <stickster> #meetingname magazine 22:00:24 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine' 22:00:26 <stickster> #topic Roll call 22:00:29 <stickster> .hello pfrields 22:00:30 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com> 22:00:31 <ryanlerch> .hello ryanlerch 22:00:32 <zodbot> ryanlerch: ryanlerch 'ryan lerch' <rlerch@redhat.com> 22:00:38 <jflory7> .hello jflory7 22:00:39 <zodbot> jflory7: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <me@justinwflory.com> 22:01:20 <stickster> #chair ryanlerch jflory7 22:01:20 <zodbot> Current chairs: jflory7 ryanlerch stickster 22:01:26 <jflory7> Evening all. :) 22:01:53 <stickster> hi all 22:01:55 <jflory7> I know decause may be tight for time this week - he's beginning his journey to Raleigh tomorrow / this weekend. 22:02:04 * stickster gives a couple minutes for others to show up just in case 22:02:36 * jflory7 hits "Save" on an awesome article for pending review 22:03:11 <jflory7> Can get to that one later, should be a high priority article for tomorrow. 22:04:04 <stickster> jflory7: excellent! 22:04:18 <stickster> OK, might as well get started 22:04:22 * jflory7 nods 22:04:24 <stickster> #topic week in reivew 22:04:26 <stickster> #undo 22:04:26 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x7f474d469790> 22:04:29 <stickster> #topic week in review 22:04:31 <stickster> :-) 22:05:42 <stickster> So it was kind of a slow week. We did not get the expected design series #1 article from lailah, nor could I finish the systemd remote logging article. 22:06:03 <jflory7> Still that post-holiday catch-up, it seems. 22:06:06 <stickster> I'm actually having problems making it work at all, but I think part of it is my unfamiliarity with the certs. 22:06:21 * stickster will keep plugging away at it but thinks we should remove it from immediate slate 22:06:38 <jflory7> I haven't had a chance to complete the Picard article - it's probably 1/2 done right now, but I haven't had as much time at home as I anticipated. My regular cycles should resume past the 20th or so. 22:06:39 <stickster> Fortunately, cprofitt saved the day with a HDYF article! 22:06:50 <jflory7> cprofitt++ 22:06:51 <stickster> ryanlerch: There is a F24 wallpaper article which we're not sure what to do with 22:07:04 <stickster> ryanlerch: Is that supposed to go out ASAP, or at some future date? 22:07:31 <stickster> In any case, the stats for the week are actually not bad! So still, quite a few people are catching up with our articles 22:07:42 <stickster> only a few % down from the previous week despite a light schedule 22:09:02 <stickster> I'm going to change the agenda order so we can discuss jflory7 SSH article 22:09:10 <jflory7> Sounds good. 22:09:11 <stickster> #topic Pending review 22:09:12 <stickster> #url https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=pending&post_type=post&orderby=date&order=asc 22:09:46 <jflory7> Does #url also work? 22:09:50 <stickster> oops 22:09:53 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=pending&post_type=post&orderby=date&order=asc 22:09:57 <stickster> No, I'm just forgetful :-) 22:09:58 <jflory7> :) 22:10:13 <ryanlerch> stickster: not sure about the f24 wallpaper one -- will chase it up 22:10:21 <jflory7> Also, ryansb++ for putting this out on such short notice! He was a super gracious volunteer for writing that. 22:10:21 <zodbot> jflory7: Karma for ryansb changed to 1 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 22:10:40 <ryanlerch> ryansb++ 22:10:40 <zodbot> ryanlerch: Karma for ryansb changed to 2 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 22:11:06 <stickster> ryanlerch: https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=11442&action=edit 22:11:14 <stickster> ryansb++ 22:11:14 <zodbot> stickster: Karma for ryansb changed to 3 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 22:11:26 <jflory7> Content should be all set, I think. It's mainly going to need a featured image to be fully ready. 22:11:47 <jflory7> Since it's a security concern, I imagine this one might be high traffic. It would be great to make sure it's lined up for social media tomorrow. 22:12:34 <stickster> jflory7: Your SSH article looks good. I would say, let's line it up to publish no later than 03:30 blog time 22:12:44 <stickster> jflory7: I'll make an image for it when we get done here 22:12:55 <stickster> anyone against? 22:13:03 <jflory7> stickster: Awesome. And I forgot, is the good publish time 3:30 UTC or US EST? 22:13:03 <ryanlerch> +1 from me 22:13:13 <stickster> jflory7: UTC 22:13:24 <jflory7> Oh. Whoops! 22:13:27 <stickster> wait 22:13:30 <stickster> I could be wrong 22:13:34 <jflory7> puiterwijk might need to make a small change to the cron job then, hahah. 22:13:44 <stickster> sorry, 3:30 US EST 22:13:48 <jflory7> Oh, perfect. 22:13:59 <ryanlerch> yeah blogtime is in EST 22:14:00 <puiterwijk> jflory7: no, should be fine, once I manage to figure out why my cronjob isn't firing. 22:14:08 <jflory7> Also, we should keep to 8:00 UTC for scheduling, on the dot, for now. 22:14:26 <puiterwijk> The cron is scheduled for every 5 minutes, so if it's fixed, it'll work for any time 22:14:46 <jflory7> puiterwijk: Okay, awesome! Hopefully this time all should be good. :) 22:15:05 <stickster> ryanlerch: Is it? I just went to Settings/General and it says UTC 22:15:11 <puiterwijk> Not yet. I haven't had time today yet to fix it 22:15:17 <puiterwijk> ryanlerch: no, we switched that to UTC 22:15:24 <puiterwijk> A while ago, an announcement went to the list 22:15:24 <stickster> right 22:15:51 <stickster> So... we would want the publication time to be 08:00 or 08:30 blog time (UTC), right? 22:16:08 <puiterwijk> From a tech point of view: makes no difference. 22:16:15 <stickster> That would mean late afternoon BNE and we catch most of the world while awake 22:16:18 <puiterwijk> Both equally broken at the moment :( 22:16:31 <puiterwijk> (and equally fixed once I get time) 22:16:31 <jflory7> Hahah - then +1 to the current time then. 22:16:49 <jflory7> Will be helpful if someone in that time zone has a reminder to check the Magazine to make sure it went out. 22:16:49 <stickster> OK 22:17:12 <stickster> jflory7: At worst I can look at 07:00-ish EST, so we'd only lose a few hours 22:17:17 * jflory7 nods 22:17:21 <jflory7> Sounds good to me then. 22:17:32 <stickster> #agreed push this out tonight 22:17:33 <jflory7> Let's shoot for originally proposed schedule time of 8:30 UTC 22:17:38 <puiterwijk> jflory7: if you want me to, I can check more regularly, as 8UTC is perfectly fine for me 22:17:52 <jflory7> puiterwijk: If you could remember to take a quick look, that would be awesome. :) 22:17:56 <stickster> #action jflory7 schedule for publication at 08:30 UTC (which is 08:30 blog time too) 22:17:57 <jflory7> puiterwijk++ 22:18:07 <stickster> puiterwijk++ 22:18:31 <jflory7> Then that should be it for pending, for now. 22:18:55 <jflory7> Article is set and scheduled. 22:19:04 <stickster> We don't really have any new pitches this week, so I think the best thing for us to do now is probably to go over next week's plan for publishing 22:19:20 <stickster> #topic Next week's plan for publishing 22:19:45 <stickster> Jiří is working on his email clients post. We hope to have that next week but not sure we can count on it 100%. 22:20:35 <jflory7> I'm thinking about seeing if lailah still wants to write the Beginner's guide to IRC article and focus on the design articles instead. The IRC beginner's guide is one I think I could help write. 22:20:35 <stickster> I'm don't know whether we can count on the design series, since we have about half a dozen posts started by Sylvia but none ready for review, and I haven't heard from her since last meeting. 22:21:28 <jflory7> I just asked her on Telegram if she is around, hopefully can get an update this meeting. 22:21:34 <stickster> coolio 22:22:04 <jflory7> Okay-- 22:22:37 <stickster> jflory7: On the other hand, don't you have Picard partly/mostly done? Maybe beginner IRC is something I could take on. It would be far less frustrating than systemd remote logging at this point. I've burned about 10 hours so far on that, with nothing to show for it. 22:22:50 <jflory7> I also think I can confidently commit to either Thursday / Friday for Picard... I know it's been a super long time but I had my entire setup on my desktop, and I left it over the holiday at my university. 22:23:04 <jflory7> Then I think that might be a good plan then, stickster. 22:23:07 <stickster> Oh no worries 22:23:20 <Kohane> Hi! 22:23:21 <stickster> jflory7: It would really get me out of the dumps about this systemd article :-) 22:23:26 <jflory7> Hi Kohane! :) 22:23:35 <Kohane> 😊 22:24:03 <jflory7> stickster: I could definitely agree to that. Plus, I will be back at RIT next Tuesday, and classes don't start for another week after then. I will have a lot of time next week. :P 22:24:04 <stickster> Kohane: we were talking about articles, and I would like to take over writing the beginner's IRC article if it's OK with you 22:24:40 <stickster> jflory7: and there's nothing wrong with stacking up some non-time-sensitive articles for future use... ;-) 22:24:57 <jflory7> Yeah, I've had a few ideas churning that I've wanted to get out 22:25:03 <Kohane> Yes, it's OK 22:25:31 <jflory7> Which reminds me!! I forgot to make a pitch. The Year in Review announcement on the Magazine can be drafted npw. The CommOps example is soon to be published, and it will be easier to write the Magazine version now with an example to point to. 22:25:39 <stickster> Kohane: great! 22:25:44 <Kohane> I actually forgot it, I was focused on the design series and installing desktop articles 22:25:56 <stickster> #action stickster take over draft for Beginners IRC and have it ready for next week 22:26:07 <Kohane> Perfect 22:26:21 <jflory7> #action jflory7 Finish Picard by 2016-01-21, Thu. (by latest, next meeting) 22:26:48 <jflory7> #action jflory7 Begin drafting pointer article for Fedora "Year in Review", to go out as soon as possible 22:26:57 <Kohane> I made a post on my WordPress with some samples of font types. To use it in the design series banner 22:27:23 <stickster> Kohane: Were you still interested in working on the design apps series? Because if so, I would suggest taking the intro article, and rather than writing an intro, just write the article about the first app you'd like 22:27:50 <jflory7> That one has a huge time priority on it too. CommOps would really like to get that one out soon too, so I'm thinking even Monday or Tuesday. That's one I know I can have done too since it's more or less slimming down something that was already written. 22:28:10 <jflory7> In fact, I could commit to that one being bright and early for Monday if someone could make a featured image. 22:28:20 <stickster> jflory7: +1 on pointer article, I would be totally in favor of publishing it Monday 0830 UTC 22:28:37 <Kohane> https://crossingtheair.wordpress.com/2016/01/14/this-is-not-the-banner/ 22:28:41 <Kohane> Thk 22:28:49 <jflory7> +1 to that date and time too. 22:28:53 <Kohane> Those are some fonts 22:29:19 <jflory7> If you or ryanlerch think you could get a featured image, I say let's commit it to Monday now. 22:29:23 <Kohane> I'm getting lost... 22:29:40 <ryanlerch> i can get the graphic done on monday my time 22:29:48 <Kohane> Yes. I can get featured image and post it 22:29:49 <ryanlerch> which article is this for again? 22:30:07 <Kohane> Introducing the design series 22:30:19 <jflory7> Kohane: I'm talking with stickster and ryanlerch about planning an article for a Fedora "Year in Review" - a little bit confusing talking about two articles at once, sorry. :) 22:30:22 <Kohane> ryanlerch: thanks! 22:30:31 <stickster> jflory7: I can do a featured image for your Year in Review. I just found a suitable Flickr image that's CC licensed 22:30:34 <Kohane> Aaaaahhh 22:30:39 <jflory7> ryanlerch: It would basically be something about a retrospective / reflection / review of the past year. 22:30:45 <jflory7> \o/ 22:31:09 <jflory7> Either stickster or ryanlerch can do it, as long as there's an image I can handle the rest. :) 22:31:10 <stickster> jflory7: Just so I'm clear -- this is the ASAP "Year in Review is in progress, coming soon" type pointer article? 22:31:17 <jflory7> stickster: Correct. :) 22:31:27 <stickster> Great, I got your back! 22:31:46 <ryanlerch> stickster is on a roll with the featured images! 22:31:49 <ryanlerch> stickster++ 22:31:50 <jflory7> stickster / ryanlerch: It will almost be exactly like this but a lot shorter. https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/share-your-year-in-review-with-fedora/ 22:31:53 <jflory7> stickster++ 22:32:14 <stickster> ryanlerch: I had a good tutor ;-) 22:32:34 <stickster> #action stickster create featured image for Year in Review article 22:32:43 <stickster> #action stickster create featured image for SSH article -- ASAP!!! 22:32:48 <jflory7> #agree Fedora "Year in Review" pointer article to be written, edited, and scheduled for Monday, 2016-01-18 @ 8:30 UTC 22:33:35 <stickster> So that on Monday... I'm going to shoot for IRC article publishing Tuesday or Wednesday 22:34:01 <Kohane> Okay 22:34:03 <jflory7> +1 to IRC article 22:35:10 <jflory7> So, I'm seeing this as the potential schedule: 22:35:32 <Kohane> Yes? 22:35:53 * stickster listens 22:36:15 <jflory7> Mon, Jan. 18th, Fedora Year in Review; Wed, Jan. 20th, IRC Beginner's Guide; Fri. Jan. 22nd, Picard 22:36:31 <jflory7> Kohane: Do you think one of your design articles could be ready for next week? 22:36:45 <Kohane> Yes. I can do one 22:37:06 <jflory7> We could also play with pushing one or another article back into the next week. So take either IRC, Picard, or Design and toss it into the next week to make sure we have a nice queue built up. 22:37:24 <Kohane> But you asked me for a banner with somewhat "artistic" fonts 22:37:32 * linuxmodder late 22:37:40 <jflory7> Hi linuxmodder :) 22:37:57 <jflory7> Kohane: Ahh, are you looking at creating the banner for one of your articles? 22:38:00 <Kohane> Should I pick any font I like? Or how should it be? 22:38:03 <stickster> Kohane: I'd like to see examples of those fonts at a larger size to judge correctly 22:38:21 <stickster> Kohane: None of them seem particularly readable to me, but it could be the size is too small to judge well 22:38:34 <Kohane> Uhm... 22:38:39 <linuxmodder> jflory7, anything you aren't in ? 22:38:40 <linuxmodder> :) 22:38:41 <Kohane> I can pick others 22:38:48 <jflory7> linuxmodder: Development. ;) 22:39:03 <Kohane> linuxmodder: Hill 22:39:06 <Kohane> Hi 22:39:12 <linuxmodder> jflory7, with time I doubt you won't screw with that too young grasshopper 22:40:01 <linuxmodder> by banner are we talking a full spread banner ? Kohane 22:40:05 <jflory7> linuxmodder: Granted, you're probably right :P 22:40:13 <jflory7> linuxmodder: One of the featured image banners for the Magazine. 22:40:13 <stickster> Kohane: It would be nice to have the new font feel somewhat "fancy" or "flowing"... we have a font that is friendly and Sans-like (Monserrat); one that is friendly but with serifs (Roboto Slab); one that is heavy and feels technical (Molot) 22:40:25 <Kohane> linuxmodder: ye 22:40:46 <stickster> Kohane: Perhaps something that is like a script, but it probably needs to be on the less ornate side, so it's easily legible 22:40:51 <jflory7> stickster: That's some good info to write down somewhere. 22:41:02 <jflory7> I could add that to the featured images private page on the Magazine for now so it doesn't get lost. 22:41:02 <stickster> ryanlerch: you could probably come up with far better help here than I :-) 22:41:08 <ryanlerch> those are the fonts that that we typically use in the featured images 22:41:08 <decause> .hello decause 22:41:09 <stickster> jflory7: Sure thing 22:41:09 <zodbot> decause: decause 'Remy DeCausemaker' <decause@redhat.com> 22:41:10 <Kohane> stickster: fancy or flowing.... Sounds nice 22:41:33 <ryanlerch> cant remember the name of the scripty font i ahve used in the past, but the pomodoro image uses it 22:41:42 <stickster> ryanlerch: Oh! I forgot we had one!!! 22:41:45 <jflory7> #action jflory7 Add "advised fonts" to featured image private page on Magazine (we have a font that is friendly and Sans-like (Monserrat); one that is friendly but with serifs (Roboto Slab); one that is heavy and feels technical (Molot)) 22:41:45 * decause got *real* deep writing letters of recommendation for one of our outreachy applicants to go to gradschool before a deadline tomorrow 22:41:47 <stickster> Kohane: that may be the solution :-) 22:41:58 <ryanlerch> Kohane: if you dig in the svg for that image you should find the name of that font 22:42:04 <jflory7> decause++ Well-deserved :) 22:42:29 <Kohane> Ryanlerch: OK 22:42:41 <Kohane> What image? 22:42:41 <stickster> ryanlerch: Does "Grand Hotel" sound familiar? 22:43:02 <Kohane> I have that one 22:43:09 <stickster> Kohane: I think I've found it already for you :-) Look for Grand Hotel 22:43:15 <Kohane> Grand hotel 22:43:18 <stickster> I think that would be perfect 22:43:22 <Kohane> Yes, I have it 22:43:35 <stickster> jflory7: add that one to the list! 22:43:41 <Kohane> I don't e 22:43:48 <stickster> ryanlerch++ thanks! 22:43:51 <jflory7> #undo 22:43:51 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by jflory7 at 22:41:45 : jflory7 Add "advised fonts" to featured image private page on Magazine (we have a font that is friendly and Sans-like (Monserrat); one that is friendly but with serifs (Roboto Slab); one that is heavy and feels technical (Molot)) 22:43:57 <Kohane> I don't remember how does it looks like 22:44:03 <stickster> Kohane: http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/grand-hotel 22:44:23 <jflory7> #action jflory7 Add "advised fonts" to featured image private page on Magazine (we have a font that is friendly and Sans-like (Monserrat); one that is friendly but with serifs (Roboto Slab); one that is heavy and feels technical (Molot); and "Grand Hotel" for a script-y feel) 22:44:55 <linuxmodder> something like the font on my blog Kohane https://linuxmodder.wordpress.com/category/fedora/ 22:44:58 <Kohane> stickster: ye I've got that 22:45:04 <stickster> great 22:45:19 <stickster> Kohane: I would suggest, go with that for the text :-) 22:45:42 <stickster> jflory7: Sorry, do we have another item still to close on? I worry I got offtrack here 22:46:14 <stickster> or are we just making sure Kohane is good to go, for her design article to be ready next week? 22:46:23 <jflory7> stickster: I think we're mainly looking at finalizing this week. I think if we can agree on the aforementioned article, we could try to fit some follow-up on some of the long-time drafts and see where they are 22:46:23 <Kohane> stickster: So I use Grand hotel? 22:46:25 <jflory7> Which reminds me-- 22:46:32 <stickster> Kohane: yes 22:46:40 <Kohane> Right 22:47:11 <jflory7> #action jflory7 Email williamjmorenor about his article being approved and ready to begin drafting 22:47:31 <jflory7> Does this schedule sound good for final approval? +1/-1: 22:47:41 <Kohane> Any thoughts or advise for the banner? 22:47:50 <Kohane> +1 22:47:54 <jflory7> Mon, Jan. 18th, Fedora Year in Review; Wed, Jan. 20th, IRC Beginner's Guide; Fri. Jan. 22nd, Picard (with flexibility of using Design article in place of 1/20 or 1/22, if needed, otherwise next week) 22:48:24 <linuxmodder> +1 22:48:36 <Kohane> +1 22:48:47 <linuxmodder> who has the IRC one again btw 22:49:00 <stickster> jflory7: Sounds *perfect* 22:49:00 <jflory7> linuxmodder: stickster is taking that one on. 22:49:01 <stickster> linuxmodder: I do 22:49:09 <stickster> oops, +1 22:49:10 <linuxmodder> cool 22:49:13 <jflory7> #agree PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Mon, Jan. 18th, Fedora Year in Review; Wed, Jan. 20th, IRC Beginner's Guide; Fri. Jan. 22nd, Picard (with flexibility of using Design article in place of 1/20 or 1/22, if needed, otherwise next week) 22:49:20 <stickster> jflory7: It might be "#agreed" 22:49:37 <stickster> yeah, it is 22:49:39 <Kohane> Yes, you're right 22:49:39 <jflory7> Whoops -- looks like I have a couple to correct then. :) 22:49:43 <stickster> no worries 22:49:55 <jflory7> #agreed Fedora "Year in Review" pointer article to be written, edited, and scheduled for Monday, 2016-01-18 @ 8:30 UTC 22:50:00 <jflory7> #agreed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Mon, Jan. 18th, Fedora Year in Review; Wed, Jan. 20th, IRC Beginner's Guide; Fri. Jan. 22nd, Picard (with flexibility of using Design article in place of 1/20 or 1/22, if needed, otherwise next week) 22:50:11 <stickster> coolio 22:50:16 <Kohane> Perfect 22:50:23 <stickster> I think we're good for next week, I'll open the floor wider 22:50:25 <jflory7> So, in the last ten minutes, I have a few questions about existing drafts started in 2015 22:50:30 <stickster> #topic All Other Business (AOB) 22:50:31 <jflory7> Yeah, Open Floor is good. 22:50:35 <stickster> go for it jflory7 ! 22:50:36 <jflory7> I also have an info bit too! 22:51:06 <Kohane> You have all my attention... 22:51:08 <jflory7> #info A pull request was added to møte (Meetbot) to add Fedora Magazine under the Marketing category, making our logs more easily accessible (kind of hard to find as is) 22:51:15 <stickster> nice! 22:51:16 <jflory7> Then, a few questions: 22:51:27 <jflory7> Following up on that Shotwell article: 22:51:31 <jflory7> By cprofitt: 22:51:36 <jflory7> Did we decide where we wanted to go with that? 22:51:53 <jflory7> I can't remember if we were going to turn it into comparison of other software or something else. 22:52:03 <jflory7> We could also just make it a highlight of Shotwell now too, if cprofitt is up for it. 22:52:07 <Kohane> I'd like to know what happened to Shotwell... 22:52:31 <stickster> jflory7: so there's been an evolution in the story too, which is that Shotwell really *is* on the way out 22:52:45 <jflory7> Ouch. So it that something we should broadcast on the Magazine then? 22:53:00 <jflory7> Or best to just convert it to a cover feature on alternatives entirely? 22:53:13 <jflory7> (Maybe with a subtle note that Shotwell is on the way out) 22:53:24 <stickster> jflory7: not precisely in the way the article does, I think... it sort of makes the case that people should jump into a discussion randomly with the Workstation maintainers and that doesn't seem very productive 22:53:41 <cydrobolt> Hey jflory7 22:53:49 <Kohane> So Shotwell won't be shipped with Fedora anymore? 22:53:51 <cydrobolt> Oh no! I'm late :( 22:54:00 <stickster> jflory7: Yeah -- I think showing the alternatives makes a lot of sense, and highlighting that GNOME Photos will likely become a future default for Workstation, but not in F24 22:54:05 <cydrobolt> Will read minutes 22:54:07 <jflory7> Not sure how controversial of news that is, but if it's touchy, then I think we should avoid mention of it at all in the interest of making sure the article is productive in recommending other software (and can be recycled later when Shotwell really does go) 22:54:23 <jflory7> If it's a mild topic, I think it could be a small detail in the feature article of other programs 22:54:50 <cydrobolt> jflory7, saw your PR on mote. Will try to merge it and implement it soon! 22:54:51 <Kohane> I don't think it's controversial 22:55:03 <stickster> The controversial part is that Photos probably isn't ready *yet* -- and of course people love to gripe based on current status, not N months more development 22:55:04 <Kohane> I love Shotwell, but... 22:55:14 <stickster> yeah, the problem is Shotwell is no longer maintained 22:55:26 <cydrobolt> whois jflory7 22:55:28 <cydrobolt> oops 22:55:29 <Kohane> 😢😢 22:55:40 <jflory7> So I think with that in mind, we should update the vision for the article, maybe mention that "GNOME Photos is coming, check out the development!", and then ask if cprofitt is still interested. If not, we can add it to the holding pen for someone else to pick up in the future. 22:55:57 <jflory7> stickster: So then maybe just a general announcement of, "Hey, look at this new thing coming and how you could help!"? 22:56:11 <Kohane> Besides Photos, is there any other programme like Shotwell? 22:56:19 <seseri> gthumb, digikam 22:56:22 <jflory7> .fasinfo jflory7 22:56:23 <zodbot> jflory7: User: jflory7, Name: Justin W. Flory, email: me@justinwflory.com, Creation: 2014-05-19, IRC Nick: jflory7, Timezone: US/Eastern, Locale: en, GPG key ID: CD24DFA53FFCDADA8980FF7EB6CEE9CFD172C836, Status: active 22:56:26 <zodbot> jflory7: Approved Groups: +gitfossrit +marketing ambassadors +commops @magazine cla_fpca cla_done 22:56:26 <stickster> jflory7: Most of our readers aren't developers, so it's not clear *how* they'd help with new features 22:56:26 <jflory7> cydrobolt: ^ :) 22:56:39 <jflory7> stickster: Yeah, I was kind of thinking the same 22:56:44 <jflory7> Hmmmm. 22:56:44 <cydrobolt> I don't think we've generally been comfortable promoting unfinished software 22:56:46 <Kohane> Digikam is way more than Shotwell 22:57:04 <jflory7> Is Digikam pretty popular and offers the same functionality? 22:57:05 <Kohane> cydrobolt: neither I 22:57:05 <cydrobolt> I think it'd be more productive if we promoted it once it is released 22:57:05 <stickster> jflory7: But I agree with you, update the goal for the article to be "here are some other photo utilities," and at most a one sentence mention buried somewhere about Photos in future Fedora 22:57:11 * jflory7 nods 22:57:18 <Kohane> jflory7 no 22:57:25 <jflory7> I think we can what cprofitt is up for too and then redefine from there. 22:57:26 <stickster> cydrobolt: ALL software is unfinished. It's like art -- never done, just abandoned. 22:57:37 <stickster> Open source doubly so ;-) 22:57:53 <jflory7> Kohane: I'm not familiar with Digikam - do you have a link to it? Might be a good suggestion for what direction to take the article. :) 22:57:53 <cydrobolt> stickster, right, but if it isn't released yet, it can be frustrating for novice users 22:58:05 <Kohane> Exactly!! 22:58:08 <stickster> cydrobolt: It is released, and you can use it currently in F23. It's not ready to be the *default* yet 22:58:14 <cydrobolt> Ah. I see 22:58:18 <jflory7> So since we're close to the border, I think this should work for now-- 22:58:29 <Kohane> jflory7: I have no links here 22:58:53 <stickster> jflory7: Thank you so much for the excellent use of AOB :-) 22:58:59 <Kohane> But I use it and it's way more complicated and featured than Shotwell 22:59:07 <cydrobolt> stickster, hmm, that's tough. If it's released but not yet the default, perhaps mentioning it is good 22:59:09 <jflory7> #action jflory7 Post to Marketing mailing list about follow-up on Shotwell article, open discussion about its confirmed discontinuation, and look into writing alternatives. cprofitt's input for what he wants to write is important as it's his article. :) 22:59:12 <seseri> and what about gthumb Kohane? 22:59:27 <stickster> cydrobolt: Exactly. I like the idea of looking at alternatives, we don't need to worry about when/if it's default. 22:59:29 <jflory7> Kohane: No worries - I could dig some up after the meeting. I'll be jetting pretty much right after we finish, though. 22:59:35 <jflory7> stickster: AOB? :o 22:59:36 <stickster> I think we're all on the same page :-) 22:59:40 <cydrobolt> Yeah 22:59:41 <stickster> jflory7: All Other Business 22:59:44 <jflory7> Ahhhh. :) 22:59:57 <stickster> OK, I'll work on the SSH featured image right after closing up here. 23:00:10 <stickster> Thank you for coming to the meeting and making it excellent, everyone! 23:00:13 <stickster> #endmeeting