18:00:00 <mattdm> #startmeeting Council (2016-02-29) 18:00:00 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Feb 29 18:00:00 2016 UTC. The chair is mattdm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:00 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:00 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council_(2016-02-29)' 18:00:02 <mattdm> #meetingname council 18:00:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council' 18:00:04 <mattdm> #chair mattdm jkurik jwb cwickert langdon decause robyduck 18:00:04 <zodbot> Current chairs: cwickert decause jkurik jwb langdon mattdm robyduck 18:00:06 <mattdm> #topic Introductions, Welcomes 18:00:14 <mattdm> good $TIMEOFDAY, everyone! 18:01:18 <decause> .hello decause 18:01:19 <zodbot> decause: decause 'Remy DeCausemaker' <decause@redhat.com> 18:01:27 <jwb> hi 18:01:59 <mattdm> langdon is over talking in the wrong channel. 18:02:03 <decause> #info decause is also listening in on another RHT meeting, FYI 18:02:04 <langdon> .hello langdon 18:02:05 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@fishjump.com> 18:02:32 * langdon notes the window was green.. is not responsible for being able to read... 18:02:56 * decause is at at fault for langdon confusion 18:03:12 * langdon notes it is super easy 18:03:17 <mattdm> cwickert doesn't seem to be in-channel right now. jkurik already gave his regrets 18:03:27 <mattdm> #topic Agenda...ish 18:03:36 <mattdm> this is an open floor meeting so there is no proper agenda :) 18:03:57 <mattdm> sgallagh wanted to speak about the firefox issue, so if he shows up we'll do that :) 18:04:03 <jwb> i'm speaking to that 18:04:08 <jwb> he cannot attend and asked me to do it 18:04:11 <mattdm> jwb oh, cool, then. 18:04:22 <mattdm> decause had some budget and ambassador updates 18:04:26 * decause does 18:04:42 * decause posted some info to discuss list 18:05:17 <mattdm> okay, so, let's get started with firefox 18:05:25 <mattdm> #topic Fedora and Firefox 18:05:55 <robyduck> .fas robyduck 18:05:56 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com> 18:05:56 <jwb> did everyone read sgallagh's email on the topic? 18:06:00 <jwb> i hope so 18:06:04 <mattdm> yes, I did 18:06:13 <mattdm> jwb: do you have a link? 18:06:13 * decause did 18:06:19 * jwb digs one up 18:06:33 <mattdm> ooh i got it 18:06:44 <jwb> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/council-discuss@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/IKWSXYDRMZMI3FQGB4NMXMM6RTWUEBLZ/ 18:06:54 <mattdm> #link http://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/council-discuss@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/IKWSXYDRMZMI3FQGB4NMXMM6RTWUEBLZ/ 18:06:59 <mattdm> yeah. :) 18:07:24 <jwb> so FESCo had a ticket opened against them to discuss Firefox's change in policy here. there was quite a bit of discussion around it 18:07:37 <jwb> initially we decided to try working with mozilla discretely 18:07:50 <jwb> that seems to have failed, despite sgallagh's best efforts 18:07:56 <jwb> namely, we got no reply. 18:08:17 <mattdm> that's.. unfortunate. not even a "thanks, we got your mail"? 18:08:33 <jwb> they replied to the initial email promising a response in 24 hours 18:08:44 <decause> jwb: is there a way to find out which channels we went through? Who did we talk to? 18:08:46 <jwb> then he proceeded to ping them weekly with no further contact 18:09:03 * decause likely can find info in FESCo loop 18:09:06 <jwb> decause: sgallagh would have the details 18:09:22 <decause> #action decause talk to sgallagh about who we reached out to at mozilla 18:09:29 <mattdm> That doesn't seem very friendly. 18:09:46 <jwb> no. in the interim, Mozilla has publicly "blessed" the patches Debian carries in iceweasel, such that Debian is renaming it back to Firefox 18:09:47 <jwb> however 18:09:49 <mattdm> But I'm also concerned about going to the ultimatum approach. 18:10:09 <jwb> one of those patches implements one of the options we discussed in the email 18:10:36 <jwb> which, at face value, seems Mozilla is OK with given that they have said the Debian patches are OK 18:10:47 <jwb> that doesn't actually resolve the issue at hand though 18:11:05 <mattdm> So, why not just email Mozilla and say "so, we're disappointed that we didn't hear back. FYI, we're going to go ahead with the same thing Debian is doing" 18:11:11 <jwb> which is namely that when a distribution reaches out to communicate, ignoring them doesn't seem all that fantastic. 18:11:20 <decause> it seems like now is a good time to ask again 18:11:35 <jwb> mattdm: because that let's them off the hook with 0 clear indication they wish to be collaborative 18:12:06 <jwb> decause: we did ask again. 18:12:19 <decause> as a diplomatic type, I think we need to exhaust *all* available channels 18:12:23 <mattdm> jwb *nod* 18:12:37 <jwb> so FESCo is asking if the Council can get behind one final attempt at private communication with a deadline before doing an open letter 18:12:56 * decause is +1 on that, and we should cast a wider net than what we did the first time 18:13:04 <langdon> well.. just to be clear, the preferred solution, a set of config'ble signing auths is not what debian did, right? 18:13:12 <jwb> yes, it's an ultimatum. but it isn't an ultimatum for a solution. it is literally an ultimatum to _respond_ 18:13:38 <jwb> langdon: we aren't even pushing for a particular solution. we want a dialogue. 18:13:57 <mattdm> jwb Yeah. I'm +1 as long as we make that part crystal-clear 18:14:01 * robyduck is for asking for a clear statement, also with ultimatum. Otherwise they will continue the way they did. 18:14:14 <jwb> Mozilla may reply with nothing mroe than "use the Debian patch". fine. at least it's a response 18:14:16 <langdon> jwb, ack.. i was responding to mattdm's comment that we just "proceed with the debian solution" 18:14:27 <robyduck> jwb: right 18:14:44 <jwb> the open letter comes into play only if they fail to respond further 18:15:07 <decause> right now "Open Letter" is a *very* loaded term 18:15:15 <mattdm> I assume they don't really view that as a scary threat, loaded or not 18:15:35 <jwb> decause: ok... a very prominent blog post on fedoraproject.org. 18:15:50 <jwb> mattdm: they don't. and it isn't. it isn't a threat. 18:15:55 <decause> jwb: :) we can title it whatever, but that is me wearing my "PR" hat a lil bit 18:16:05 * jwb shrugs 18:16:10 <linuxmodder> okay what is this firefox issue exactly ? 18:16:24 <decause> linuxmodder: we linked to the email thread above 18:16:29 <jwb> linuxmodder, please read the link. i'm not going to rehash in the meeting 18:16:42 <decause> #link http://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/council-discuss@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/IKWSXYDRMZMI3FQGB4NMXMM6RTWUEBLZ/ 18:16:59 <jwb> mattdm: the thinking is more along the lines of having something to rally other distributions around if we need to somehow do so 18:17:07 <mattdm> jwb *nod* 18:17:10 <jwb> whether that matters remains to be seen 18:17:41 * decause is not FESCo, but wants to help how he can to close this loop 18:17:42 <mattdm> Okay, so, is anyone _oppposed_ to the proposed course (ask for a response by a certain date) 18:17:53 <jwb> so this is simply an attempt to further the conversation by the means at our disposal instead of doing something like switching the default browser in Fedora 18:18:01 <jwb> and yes, that topic has repeatedly come up because of this 18:18:12 <decause> that'd be a bummer 18:18:23 <decause> let's hope it doesn't come to that 18:18:38 <jwb> it might also help to add Council member's names to the email and theoretical public post should that come to pass 18:18:49 <robyduck> +1 here to the proposal 18:18:52 <mattdm> jwb yeah 18:18:54 <jwb> a FESCo+Council joint venture if you will 18:19:02 <robyduck> and I'm fine putting my name on that too 18:19:07 <robyduck> jwb++ 18:19:07 <zodbot> robyduck: Karma for jwboyer changed to 7 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 18:19:11 <langdon> jwb, so.. how is the proposed "ultimatum" any different than what has already been done in the email you linked too? 18:19:41 <langdon> just cause it isn't fedora-devel? or fed-mag? 18:19:42 <jwb> langdon: we had no date listed, nor did we say we would do a public posting 18:19:50 <decause> again, I'm hopeful it doesn't come to this, but in the case it does, commops can work to get a draft ready in CommBlog 18:19:54 <langdon> i meant it is now a public letter.. 18:20:04 <jwb> langdon: oh, i see. yes, the letter is technically public. but we aren't trying to do publicity around it 18:20:32 <jwb> i originally thought sgallagh was going to send it to council-private tbh 18:20:36 <decause> jwb: what is our timeline like for this? 18:20:41 <langdon> jwb, ack.. 18:20:47 <jwb> decause: let me look it up. we had specific dates 18:20:51 * jwb needs one sec 18:20:59 <decause> jwb: nod nod, we can follow up later if it's too deep to dig 18:21:04 <decause> can follow up with you/sgallagh 18:21:20 <decause> I'd like to have a "happy" draft too maybe 18:21:35 <decause> where we announce "Mozilla and Fedora agree on the things" 18:21:42 <langdon> decause, jwb, et al.. i think this would belong on fed-mag if it is meant as a "call to action" as it were 18:21:54 <jwb> March 10th was the "please reply" deadline. if the Council agreed here, we were goign to send that email today 18:22:06 <langdon> also, has anyone done any outreach to other distros to see where they stand on this issue? 18:22:25 <decause> langdon: Magazine does have a wider reach, but is User-centric, and not something I can 'guarantee' a post in like I can commblog 18:22:34 <jwb> decause: i'm not in favor of writing a presumptuous resolution email/post. too many assumptions would have to be made there 18:22:45 <jwb> decause: but when we have a resolution we can do so 18:22:57 <mattdm> langdon: not that I know of, but that seems separate from the "mozilla won't return our calls" issue 18:23:01 <decause> jwb: having an alternative narrative ready in the case that we are successful will help us get where we want to go, IMHO 18:23:07 <langdon> decause, i think the council should be able to get something in.. and.. it is a user issue.. and a relationship issue.. not a commuity issue.. IMO 18:23:17 <mattdm> and probably part of figuring out next steps if it comes to that 18:23:20 <jwb> langdon: part of the reason for bringing this to the Council is to do so if needed. that is not a FESCo task. 18:23:22 <decause> "Fedora has carrots" v.s. "Fedora has sticks" 18:23:27 <jwb> langdon: the outreach thing 18:24:07 <jwb> decause: Fedora has neither at this time. 18:24:24 <langdon> jwb, ack.. i think i would propose that as part of the council decision on moving forward should also be the council taking on some outreach to other distros .. privately.. just to see if they have a difference of opinion 18:24:24 <jwb> we have nothing but a phone with silence on the other end. 18:24:42 <mattdm> I am interested in what opensuse is doing, given this https://en.opensuse.org/OpenSUSE_Firefox_extension 18:24:46 <decause> jwb: I would hate for it to be a switchboad issue though, turned into a political one 18:24:59 * langdon notes with an actual phone you can at least beat it against the desk in frustration ;) 18:25:01 <decause> again, I think we agree we want to try one more time 18:25:02 <jwb> decause: hence the final private email with a reply deadline 18:25:17 <decause> let's just cast a wide net so we get a response, and can go forward informed 18:25:57 <decause> kk, we're almost at half-way, timecheck 18:26:22 <langdon> im +1, especially if we assign some "other distro outreach" to mattdm ;) 18:26:42 <mattdm> lol. sure, I can do that. but let's start with okaying the letter at hand 18:26:54 <mattdm> which I think we all basically already did, so, on the interest of that timecheck ... :) 18:26:56 <langdon> is this literally the letter to be sent? 18:27:18 <jwb> langdon: with the deadline added. 18:27:30 <mattdm> langdon: I assume not, since it's not addressed to mozilla as it stands 18:27:40 <langdon> jwb, ok.. langdon notes a couple of typos.. and i would think the "council" should sign it as well 18:27:40 <jwb> mattdm: uh... 18:27:46 <jwb> mattdm: it is? 18:27:46 <decause> mattdm: I can help with the 'other distro' outreach stuff too 18:27:59 <jwb> "Greetings, Mozilla Foundation, " 18:28:26 <mattdm> jwb: the -original- one, sure. but the new part about a deadline? 18:29:00 <jwb> i don't see that causing massive differences. maybe a few sentences about this being another follow up after silence and the deadline info 18:29:03 <decause> I think we need on the list: 1) The Letter We're sending 2) The list of people we're sending it to. When do we need these done by? 18:29:12 <jwb> today 18:29:23 <jwb> tomorrow at the latest 18:29:42 <mattdm> jwb: yeah, just want to make sure that's worded to focus the "ultimatum" part on the communication 18:29:54 <mattdm> decause: I don't really think that's necessary, for the next step in _private_ communication 18:30:01 <decause> jwb: kk. I def think we need to add channels, esp if we've not gotten repsonses yet 18:30:29 <decause> mattdm: kk, just wanting you to know I'm here to back you up :) 18:30:44 <mattdm> decause: knowing sgallagh, I'm confident he did due diligence with finding the right people to contact 18:30:55 <jwb> decause: define channels? 18:31:01 <jwb> i mean... i agree with what mattdm just said 18:31:09 <jwb> and the more channels we add, the less private this is 18:31:17 <decause> mattdm: I have a short-list of mozillians that have been responsive to me in the past 18:31:31 <decause> they may/may not be the 'right' folks, but can help it up the chain 18:32:14 <decause> jwb: I think a quick talk with sgallagh will help me understand who we've already asked 18:32:17 <decause> jwb++ 18:32:18 <zodbot> decause: Karma for jwboyer changed to 8 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 18:33:06 <mattdm> I don't see that as necessarily in conflict -- FESCo can send this letter as planned, and you can check with sgallagher about whether it'd help to mention it "backchannel" to other people 18:33:17 <jwb> to be clear, my personal interest here is in making sure we have a healthy relationship with mozilla first and foremost, and then preventing another iceweasel situation that doesn't really need to happen 18:33:26 <langdon> jwb, im fixing up some of the typos while we are in the meeting.. want me to add the "deadline" while i am at it? 18:33:53 <mattdm> I have the same interest as jwb 18:33:55 <decause> jwb: nod nod nod 18:33:56 <jwb> langdon: feel free. make sure sgallagh gets it, as i think we'll want to maintain a single point of contact for them for the time being 18:34:56 <mattdm> okay. anything more on this? 18:35:08 * langdon just had some workers show up.. so distracted for ~10 mins 18:35:10 <mattdm> jwb, does fesco want an official #agreed stamp? 18:35:25 <jwb> mattdm: would be nice, particularly if we're adding Council names 18:35:49 <jwb> mattdm: want me to make a formal proposal? 18:35:57 <mattdm> jwb: sure :) 18:36:54 <jwb> proposal: #agreed The Council supports FESCo's attempt to further communication privately with Mozilla on a timeline of March 10th and will lend it's names to the effort. If that fails, the Council will help with public communication and outreach on the issues 18:37:07 <mattdm> s/it's/its/ :) 18:37:18 <jwb> sure, i'll fix it if we vote positively 18:37:25 <mattdm> :) 18:37:29 <mattdm> +1 18:37:33 <robyduck> +1 18:37:48 <jwb> +1 18:38:03 <jwb> i'm pretty sure langdon was for this earlier 18:38:07 <jwb> and now he's distracted 18:38:10 <jwb> decause: ? 18:38:14 <decause> +1 18:38:32 <jwb> #agreed The Council supports FESCo's attempt to further communication privately with Mozilla on a timeline of March 10th and will lend its names to the effort. If that fails, the Council will help with public communication and outreach on the issues 18:38:32 <linuxmodder> not a council membeer but +1 18:38:57 <jwb> ok, thank you all. i think we can move on 18:39:05 <mattdm> yes. thanks jwb! 18:39:31 <mattdm> #topic ambassadors and budget and stuff 18:39:35 <decause> thanks jwb 18:39:41 <mattdm> decause sent an update to the list 18:39:49 <mattdm> don't necessarily need to rehash all that... 18:39:58 <mattdm> although decause if you want to paste that in for the record, go for it 18:40:06 <decause> kk 18:40:07 <mattdm> and we can discuss any aspects that need more discussin' 18:40:08 <decause> pasting 18:40:20 <decause> #topic Budget 18:40:27 <decause> #info Budget website v1.0 has been pushed to Fedora-web repo. It has been merged into the master branch on pagure, and after testing for the next few days, should make it into staging later this week! 18:40:35 * langdon +1 on the mozilla proposal 18:40:40 * langdon is back 18:40:43 <jwb> (yay) 18:40:44 <decause> #link Budget v1.0 static site screenshots here: http://imgur.com/a/ujXRI 18:41:08 <robyduck> I have a local build screenshot if you like: http://imgur.com/J5ZupCz 18:41:18 <robyduck> oh..sorry. 18:41:26 <decause> #topic Ambassador: FUDCon APAC 2016 18:41:27 <decause> robyduck++ 18:41:45 <decause> #info robyduck was very helpful and patient with me during the port last week 18:41:57 <mattdm> that's some nice ascii art table work there :) 18:42:00 <pingou> robyduck++ 18:42:01 <decause> #info FUDCon APAC 2016 proposal going through FAMSCo approval process now. Should come to Council discussion next week. 18:42:14 <decause> #topic GSoC 2016 18:42:23 <decause> #info Fedora/Atomic should be notified at some point today about acceptance into GSoC program (fingers crossed) 18:42:47 <decause> #info thank you jberkus, walters, and mmcgrath for help with the last-minute application updates 18:43:04 * langdon notes, it is imperative that we preserve mattdm's ascii art in the budget website 18:43:10 <decause> #topic RHT Summit 18:43:15 <decause> #info Fedora Friends BoF proposal was rejected from RHT Summit (and DevNation likely) 18:43:24 <mattdm> langdon++ 18:43:39 <decause> #info decause just put in a proposal for RHT Summit Community Track today 18:43:41 <mattdm> otherwise people will start thinking I contribute nothing of substance to this whole project 18:43:44 <langdon> decause, devnation will not have "pre scheduled bofs" 18:43:58 <langdon> mattdm++ for ascii art 18:43:59 <zodbot> langdon: Karma for mattdm changed to 9 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 18:44:08 <jwb> i'm not sure the majority of the Council will be at Summit 18:44:11 <decause> langdon: yes, but since I hadn't heard "officially" yet, wanted to leave it open-ish 18:44:24 <mattdm> decause: what's your proposal? 18:44:25 <langdon> decause, and it still isn't ;) 18:44:32 <decause> mattdm: something like 18:45:02 <decause> #info Community as an Iceberg: Surfacing data in the Fedora Community 18:45:35 <decause> it will talk about our Impact Metrics gathering, and things that will be shown with Hubs in the next year (proposed) 18:46:00 <jwb> is that relevant for Summit? 18:46:04 * jwb has no idea 18:46:16 <decause> jwb: there is a community track, which says it's supposed to be 18:46:57 <decause> kk 18:47:00 <decause> last topic 18:47:10 <mattdm> I was vaguely thinking of doing something like "Why Fedora for RHEL users?" 18:47:20 <mattdm> but I didn't actually get around to submitting such a thing 18:47:21 <decause> mattdm: in that case: 18:47:36 <decause> #link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1VkS9Hf3BDTxW4Bb0D_0LIOd5h3ON2ak_KNO4LkuPwsQ/viewform 18:47:57 <decause> #info CFP closes EoB today, unfortunately 18:48:00 <mattdm> yeah "The deadline for submissions is February 8th, 2016 at 11:59 Eastern" :) 18:48:12 <decause> today is the absolutely last day 18:48:19 * decause got confirmation today 18:48:21 <mattdm> I'll go ahead and put in my idea. Imma gonna be there anyway 18:48:36 <decause> mattdm++ 18:48:37 <decause> ok 18:48:40 <decause> last topic 18:48:56 <decause> #topic Fedora Up In Lights 18:48:59 <decause> #link mattdm got some great ink in PCWorld! http://www.pcworld.com/article/3038353/linux/fedora-project-leader-matthew-miller-reveals-whats-in-store-for-fedora-in-2016.html 18:49:23 <decause> #undo 18:49:23 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x13f625d0> 18:49:30 <decause> #info mattdm got some great ink in PCWorld! http://www.pcworld.com/article/3038353/linux/fedora-project-leader-matthew-miller-reveals-whats-in-store-for-fedora-in-2016.html 18:49:39 <decause> #link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1VkS9Hf3BDTxW4Bb0D_0LIOd5h3ON2ak_KNO4LkuPwsQ/viewform 18:49:42 <decause> ugh 18:49:43 <decause> #undo 18:49:43 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x13f625d0> 18:49:46 <decause> #link http://www.pcworld.com/article/3038353/linux/fedora-project-leader-matthew-miller-reveals-whats-in-store-for-fedora-in-2016.html 18:49:50 <decause> ok, there 18:49:51 <decause> :P 18:50:02 <mattdm> it's always interesting to see which things I say over the course of an interview get the writer's attention and interest for an article 18:50:10 <decause> mattdm: nod nod nod 18:50:11 * langdon notes that is a FANCY headshot of mr miller 18:50:32 * decause has posted it to FB, will get a pointer article on commblog too (possibly FM?) 18:50:37 * mattdm notes that he took that himself, and it is not so fancy :) 18:51:06 <jwb> very BA though 18:51:14 <decause> #agreed 18:51:23 <decause> nice work mattdm 18:51:31 <mattdm> thanks :) 18:51:33 * decause is now done with topics on the discuss list 18:51:37 <mattdm> decause++ 18:51:41 <mattdm> #topic jitsi? 18:51:51 <mattdm> langdon say that stuff you were telling me 18:51:57 <decause> ooooo, yeah 18:51:58 <langdon> ha 18:52:20 <jflory7> jitsi++ 18:52:30 <decause> Fedora Infra tested it for their "Office Hours" for webdev. and COmmops had been experimenting with this for our "hacksessions" over the past week 18:53:06 <langdon> so.. the fedora-apps folks (or some subset) are doing a "how to web dev" every friday now.. using jitsi.. thought we might see how their experience with it is.. and use it for council meetings.. jitsi is open source video meetings.. not sure how/what it does for the VLOG format though 18:53:27 <decause> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/friday-fedora-web-dev-clinic/ 18:53:29 * langdon mutters "or decause can say it for me" .... :) 18:53:39 <decause> langdon: :P my bad 18:53:43 <mattdm> We haven't been having a lot of live guest viewers 18:53:44 * robyduck has no strong opinion about jitsi 18:54:10 <jwb> so not to be all lazy and stuff, but does anyone have a link to this magic software? 18:54:11 * decause would be willing to follow up with infra to see how it went 18:54:18 <mattdm> decause: thanks! 18:54:24 <langdon> jwb, jitsi.org 18:54:28 <mattdm> #link https://jitsi.org/ 18:54:31 <decause> #link https://meet.jit.si/ 18:54:52 <langdon> jwb, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=jitsi 18:54:55 <langdon> :) 18:55:03 <robyduck> :) 18:55:34 <decause> #action decause follow-up with threebean and #fedora-apps to see how the jitsi meeting tech worked out for their meeting :) 18:55:46 * jwb thanks you all on behalf of the people that will read the summaries and now have #links. 18:56:01 <threebean> it was nice! 18:56:26 <mattdm> cool. sounds promising. 18:56:33 <langdon> threebean, recordings that persist? 18:56:45 <threebean> that's the one missing feature (if its there, I haven't found it yet) 18:56:52 <threebean> we really wanted multi-person screensharing.. and it has that. 18:57:02 <langdon> woah 18:57:09 <threebean> it has built-in persistant etherpad too. 18:57:20 <mattdm> threebean: ooh, recording is kind of important for the council meetings. 18:57:23 * langdon wishes bjn had that 18:57:41 * decause considers if using 'recordmydesktop' on top of jitsi would be too hackish? 18:57:51 <robyduck> does it need plugins or stuff to run? 18:57:52 * langdon thinks there was some gremlin web service that would log in to your video meeting as a "human" and record it.. 18:57:55 <mattdm> decause: as long as I don't have to do it :) 18:58:01 <decause> mattdm++ 18:58:02 <threebean> robyduck: none out of the box. but screensharing needs a plugin. 18:58:27 <jwb> threebean: none out of the box using Firefox? 18:58:34 <threebean> jwb: yes, iirc. 18:58:37 <mattdm> I really like the zero-effort-oh-hey-its-on-youtube feature of using hangouts 18:58:56 <robyduck> threebean: sounds good 18:59:01 <threebean> mattdm: agreed :/ 18:59:02 <mattdm> not that youtube is great in terms of openness, but it's certainly useful in terms of visibility to end users 18:59:06 <decause> timecheck: we're at 2 mins 18:59:13 <mattdm> one minute, even :) 18:59:19 <mattdm> #topic any last minute open floor comments? 18:59:22 <decause> threebean: thank you for popping in! 18:59:25 <mattdm> threebean++ 18:59:28 <decause> threebean++ 18:59:49 <langdon> and thanks to threebean for doing the talks.. 18:59:52 <langdon> threebean++ 18:59:53 <zodbot> langdon: Karma for ralph changed to 26 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 19:00:14 * decause will let council know when we hear back on GSoC 19:00:34 <decause> #action decause report back to council when we hear back on GSoC org application status (hopefully EoB today) 19:00:48 <mattdm> okay, ending meeting :) 19:00:50 <mattdm> #endmeeting