14:59:00 <rdieter> #startmeeting kde-sig 14:59:00 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Mar 22 14:59:00 2016 UTC. The chair is rdieter. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:59:00 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:59:00 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'kde-sig' 14:59:07 <rdieter> #meetingname kde-sig 14:59:07 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'kde-sig' 14:59:07 <dvratil> hello 14:59:09 <tosky> hi 14:59:11 <rdieter> #topic roll call 14:59:20 <rdieter> hi all, who's present for friendly kde-sig meeting today? 14:59:34 <pino|work> me, although come-and-go :/ 14:59:43 * jreznik is friendly 14:59:46 * jgrulich is present 14:59:57 <lupinix> .hello lupinix 14:59:58 <zodbot> lupinix: lupinix 'Christian Dersch' <lupinix@mailbox.org> 14:59:58 * pino|work as above ^ 15:00:32 <rdieter> #info rdieter pino|work dvratil tosky jreznik jgrulich lupinix present 15:00:41 <rdieter> #chair pino|work dvratil tosky jreznik jgrulich 15:00:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: dvratil jgrulich jreznik pino|work rdieter tosky 15:00:54 * rdieter waits another minute or 2 15:02:46 <rdieter> ok, let's go 15:03:18 <rdieter> #topic offer kde-sig/working-group seat to lupinix 15:03:22 <rdieter> per https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/kde@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/EMA2AIQONXMT2RDEKCIIDR2O22BNDCYH/ 15:03:41 <rdieter> I suggested to lupinix he post his interest in the vacant seat left by ltinkl 15:04:10 <rdieter> any comments or concerns (before we formally vote)? 15:04:18 <lupinix> i thought it was the seat left by kevin? 15:04:43 <rdieter> lupinix: one of the 2 :) , the other seat was filled by heliocastro 15:05:00 <rdieter> either way, we have a vacancy 15:05:02 <lupinix> ok, i just wrote kevin in my mail 15:06:49 <jreznik> it really doens't matter whose seat :) 15:08:29 <rdieter> ok... let's go ahead and vote on it then.... PROPOSAL: kde-sig offer empty seat to lupinix 15:08:41 <rdieter> sig members, please vote for the record 15:08:44 <tosky> +1 15:09:22 <rdieter> +1 15:09:22 <jgrulich> +1 15:09:32 <than_> present 15:09:37 <dvratil> +1 15:09:39 <rdieter> #info than_ present 15:09:42 <rdieter> #chair than_ 15:09:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: dvratil jgrulich jreznik pino|work rdieter than_ tosky 15:10:06 <jreznik> +1 15:10:42 <than_> +1 15:11:53 <rdieter> ok, I think that's everyone present, and enough to ratify things 15:12:12 <rdieter> #agreed kde-sig appoints lupinix to empty seat 15:12:19 <rdieter> lupinix: welcome aboard 15:12:26 <lupinix> thank you :) 15:12:26 <jreznik> welcome! 15:13:06 * rdieter will try to remember to add you to kde-sig group in FAS after meeting 15:13:34 <rdieter> moving on... 15:13:50 <rdieter> #topic recent updates status: Qt 5.6.0, KF5 5.20, Plasma 5.6 15:14:14 <rdieter> So, I banged out Qt 5.6.0 updates over the past week or so, got everything submitted to bodhi yesterday 15:14:29 <dvratil> KF5 5.20 in rawhide and bodhi as well 15:14:29 <rdieter> purposely left out F22 (for now), per my post onlist 15:14:59 * jreznik agrees with f233 15:15:03 <jreznik> f22 (sorry) 15:15:29 <dvratil> jreznik always planing for distant future :) 15:15:42 <than_> it seems there's a regression in qt 5.6.0. 15:15:44 <rdieter> oh, and recent kde-apps-15.12.3 release, I think it's all in rawhide, will try to find time to submit f24/f23 updates soon 15:15:51 <jreznik> dvratil: as we say in czech - profesni deformace :) 15:16:06 <than_> kcalc doesn't start correctly 15:16:15 <rdieter> than_: there's an update submitted for that 15:16:34 <than_> kcalc update ? 15:16:35 <rdieter> rats, but only f24 so far 15:16:37 <jreznik> I expect with this megaupdate, we should keep it in -testing for longer period 15:16:53 <than_> rdieter: or qt? 15:17:10 <rdieter> than_: I added a workaround patch 15:17:21 <lupinix> jreznik: yes, although i'm using qt 5.6 @f23 for some while now (using the copr) 15:17:29 <rdieter> http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/rpms/kcalc.git/tree/kcalc-15.12.3-qt56.patch 15:17:43 <rdieter> .bug 1315835 15:17:44 <zodbot> rdieter: Bug 1315835 kcalc Doesn't start (with Qt 5.6) - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1315835 15:17:51 <lupinix> no issues yet except the mentioned kcalc issue h 15:17:51 <rdieter> http://bugs.kde.org/360105 upstream 15:17:54 <than_> rdieter: great 15:18:15 <rdieter> fyi, anyone finding qt-5.6 related issues, please block tracking bug 15:18:25 <rdieter> .bug 1291040 15:18:26 <zodbot> rdieter: Bug 1291040 qt-5.6.0 tracker - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1291040 15:18:28 <rdieter> (alias qt-5.6) 15:18:47 <dvratil> for Plasma 5.6 I need to get a couple of new packages reviewed 15:19:02 <dvratil> .bug 1319519 15:19:03 <zodbot> dvratil: Bug 1319519 Review Request: plymouth-theme-breeze - Plymouth Breeze theme - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1319519 15:19:04 <dvratil> .bug 1319520 15:19:06 <dvratil> .bug 1319521 15:19:06 <zodbot> dvratil: Bug 1319520 Review Request: grub2-breeze-theme - Breeze theme for GRUB2 - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1319520 15:19:09 <zodbot> dvratil: Bug 1319521 Review Request: plasma-integration - Qt Platform Theme integration plugin for Plasma - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1319521 15:19:10 <dvratil> .bug 1319522 15:19:12 <zodbot> dvratil: Bug 1319522 Review Request: kactivitymanagerd - Plasma service to manage user's activities - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1319522 15:19:19 <rdieter> I'd mentioned it in #fedora-kde earlier, but to be on record, should definitely keep plasma-5.6 rawhide only until f24-alpha freeze is over 15:19:53 <rdieter> dvratil: thx 15:20:03 <dvratil> yep, and I'd like to get all three (Qt 5.6, KF5 5.20, Plasma 5.6) submitted for stable all together 15:20:46 <rdieter> right, since kf5-frameworkintegration (and soon plasma-integration) have hard dep on the Qt version used to build it 15:21:23 <tosky> what is the risk of (other) regressions with Qt 5.6.0? 15:21:53 <jreznik> tosky: I'd say we already saw enough regressions to expect even more... 15:22:03 <rdieter> good question, we've had a fair number of people using the Qt 5.6 copr for quite awhile 15:22:26 <jreznik> and hitting issues... at least, my case 15:22:37 <rdieter> and it was unfortunate that 5.6.0-rc introduces some qtdbus weirdness, but that should all be resolved now (hopefully) 15:23:08 <tosky> *if* there is a real risk of regressions with Qt 5.6.0, wouldn't it make sense to split the updates for now? (KDE updates vs Qt updates) 15:23:09 <jreznik> yeah, due to that issue I really didn't have much possibility to test 15:23:31 <rdieter> tosky: not possible, since kf5-frameworkintegration has a hard dep 15:23:45 <rdieter> well, we could theoretically do Qt + KF5 first, plasma later 15:23:57 <rdieter> dvratil: ^^ is that possible? 15:23:59 <tosky> rdieter: well, only if you compile it with that version of Qt 15:24:07 <tosky> frameworksintegration should work with Qt 5.3 15:24:09 <dvratil> honestly I'd like to avoid any potential issues that could arise from mixing the versions 15:24:39 <dvratil> tosky: according to distibutions@k.o we should always recompile -integration plugins against current Qt (they might be using private API or something) 15:24:42 <rdieter> I *do* agree, doing Qt + Kf5 + Plasma all at once is bug and scary 15:24:52 <rdieter> heh s/is bug/is big/ 15:25:13 <dvratil> there could also be the issue with KActivities 15:25:21 <dvratil> since 5.20 does not have kactivitymanagerd 15:25:24 <tosky> dvratil: yes, so my point was: do all against Qt 5.5; there are Frameworks every month, at some point it will be synchronized with Qt 5.6 15:25:30 <jreznik> but it can be properly tested together instead of fighting issues later with mix of versions as dvratil pointed out 15:25:34 <tosky> oh, kactvitymanagerd 15:25:41 <dvratil> we'd need to add kactivitymanagerd package to the Frameworks update 15:26:01 <dvratil> which is not a big problem once the package is reviewed 15:26:17 <rdieter> fwiw, I would've liked to get Qt 5.6.0 out by itself first, but I'd missed sufficiently warning dvratil, and he's already merged kf5-5.20 to f23/f24 branches 15:26:42 <tosky> by mix of version you mean Qt 5.5 (which is the one tested on KDE CI) with Frameworks 5.20 and Plasma 5.6? 15:27:13 <rdieter> but it does appear that KF5-5.20 + Plasma-5.6 kinda have to go out together, to minimize headaches (due to recent kactivities splits) 15:28:44 <rdieter> dvratil: ^^ is that accurate? 15:29:06 <dvratil> yes, but as I said, we could just add kactivitymanagerd to the Frameworks update 15:29:11 <dvratil> that should solve the problem 15:29:30 <rdieter> oh, if we could do KF5 5.20 by itself first, that would make me happier (and I think tosky too) 15:30:25 <dvratil> okay 15:30:26 <tosky> it's a basic risk assessment 15:30:29 <rdieter> dvratil: as long as it's feasible and not (too much) extra work? 15:31:01 <dvratil> not for me, just need to get review for kactivitymanagerd, build it and add it to the KF5 update in Bodhi 15:31:23 * lupinix could do the review now 15:31:30 <rdieter> fwiw, I have a few reviews waiting, that I'd like to get done in time for f24 too 15:31:56 <rdieter> .bug 1287201 15:31:57 <zodbot> rdieter: Bug 1287201 Review Request: kf5-kross-interpreters - Kross interpreters for KDE Frameworks 5 - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1287201 15:32:20 <rdieter> .bug 1314974 15:32:21 <zodbot> rdieter: Bug 1314974 Review Request: kdepim4 - KDE4 PIM (Personal Information Manager) applications - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1314974 15:32:31 <rdieter> ^^ for knode mostly 15:33:03 <rdieter> but I think dvratil's are more important, if you have to choose 15:33:49 * lupinix ← already running fedora-review @kactivitymanagerd 15:33:56 <rdieter> ok, anything else on these recent updates? or can we move on? 15:34:11 <rdieter> lupinix++ 15:35:10 <rdieter> moving on... 15:35:22 <rdieter> #topic f24, theming, etc... 15:36:05 <rdieter> so, in the short term (f24-alpha), I'd submitted updates for kde-spin to use upstream breeze looknfeel 15:36:22 <rdieter> https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-c984441023 15:36:33 <rdieter> .bug 1319043 15:36:34 <zodbot> rdieter: Bug 1319043 Include F24 Alpha backgrounds in next RC - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1319043 15:36:51 <rdieter> to address blocker bug ^^, blocker text is strictly that we need to not use fedora-1 theming 15:37:36 <rdieter> after alpha, we will switch things to use the standard f24-backgrounds-kde 15:38:24 <rdieter> one question I had, was how to implement that moving forward. historically, we'd created a separate fxx-kde-theme pkg, containing a copy of breeze's looknfeel, but with wallpaper replaced 15:38:48 <rdieter> I was considering moving away from that, and use plasma scripting to set wallpaper instead 15:39:12 <rdieter> pro: avoids proliferation of fXX-kde-theme pkgs, (arguably) simpler 15:39:37 <rdieter> con: well, it's no longer a nice looknfeel theme, that users can (more) easily switch to/from 15:39:54 <rdieter> thoughts? 15:40:52 <rdieter> fwiw, http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/rpms/kde-settings.git/tree/set_wallpaper.js that heliocastro had offered late last cycle (for plasma-5.4) no longer seems to work 15:41:05 <dvratil> I prefers having a proper look-n-feel package, but then I'm not doing any of the work.... 15:41:25 <tosky> I don't know the plasma scripting mechanism too much, how does then user go back to the "standard" theme? Does the added js basically "transform" the base theme? 15:41:30 <rdieter> so, in the absense of working plasma scripting, look-n-feel is really our only option 15:42:01 <rdieter> tosky: all the script does is run once, and sets users' wallpaper as specified 15:42:09 <tosky> I see 15:42:26 <rdieter> thinking out loud, that means, folks upgrading to f24 will get their wallpaper changed (which may not be expected) 15:42:29 <dvratil> also isn't just copying the breeze package and replacing couple wallpapers files in spec file much easier than Plasma scripting? :) 15:42:45 <lupinix> so the current selection for fedora theme will vanish from settings? 15:42:45 <rdieter> dvratil: in the end, I guess it's about the same 15:43:04 <rdieter> lupinix: yes, there won't be a "f24" looknfeel, if we go with that approach 15:43:10 <tosky> mmhh... 15:43:16 <jreznik> dvratil: yeah, I believe it's easier 15:43:55 <rdieter> ok, I think I'm getting convinced that making a f24-kde-theme pkg for looknfeel is the way to go, I'll start working on that 15:44:13 <rdieter> next subtopic: gtk theming 15:44:23 * lupinix would prefer a proper look n feel package too 15:44:32 <rdieter> subtopic a: I assume we want to use breeze-gtk ? 15:44:56 <dvratil> are there any alternatives? 15:45:02 <rdieter> subtopic b: implementation, xsettings-kde+kcm-gtk(kde4 kcm) vs kde-config-gtk 15:45:11 <rdieter> dvratil: continue using (default) adwaita 15:46:08 * dvratil prefers breeze-gtk 15:46:14 <rdieter> for b, while I (still) find the xsettings-kde implementation superior, the fact that it only integrates with (kde4) kcm-gtk is ... bad 15:46:46 <lupinix> i prefer breeze-gtk too 15:46:49 <rdieter> dvratil: how long have you used it (breeze-gtk)? 15:47:03 <rdieter> mind you all, it's pretty new, not well tested yet 15:47:21 <rdieter> I haven't looked, does breeze-gtk support both gtk2/gtk3 ? 15:47:27 <dvratil> 5.4/5.5? Basically since it was introduced 15:47:38 <rdieter> dvratil: oh right, i forgot 15:47:56 <rdieter> I think 5.5, I erroneously thought it was new in 5.6 15:48:21 <dvratil> and yes, it supports both gtk2 and gtk3 15:48:47 <heliocastro> late arrival /o\ 15:48:55 <rdieter> #info heliocastro present 15:49:10 * heliocastro enters and someone says support gtk :-P 15:49:14 <rdieter> heliocastro: currently discussing f24 theming issues (gtk in particular right now, whether to use breeze-gtk or not) 15:49:19 <heliocastro> ( nice catch the thing on the middle ) 15:49:38 * heliocastro listening 15:50:02 <rdieter> ok, I haven't seen anyone speak against breeze-gtk 15:50:07 <rdieter> let's go with that 15:50:25 <jreznik> anyone tried it already? 15:50:29 <rdieter> #agreed configure f24/plasma environment to default to using breeze-gtk 15:50:36 <heliocastro> Nope. but i can 15:50:42 <rdieter> jreznik: dvratil has 15:50:51 <lupinix> jreznik: i'm using it 15:51:14 <heliocastro> is there a ready kcm ? 15:51:30 <rdieter> though I vaguely recall someone mentioning #fedora-kde recently that firefox + breeze-gtk => a little ugly. 15:51:40 <rdieter> heliocastro: kde-config-gtk ? 15:51:51 <heliocastro> thanks. 15:51:59 <mbriza> just trying the breeze theme out 15:52:00 <heliocastro> I almosy gone to kcm-gtk 15:52:02 <mbriza> it looks pretty good 15:52:04 <rdieter> I think I got that pkg name wrong 15:52:20 <rdieter> kde-gtk-config 15:52:22 <rdieter> there 15:52:59 <rdieter> that brings us to topic b: I guess we should start using it (kde-gtk-config), and eol/retire xsettings-kde/kcm-gtk ? 15:53:25 <rdieter> or I suppose we could theoretically skip eol'ing them, and keep them available in repos for another release (or 2) 15:53:33 <rdieter> (just no longer install them by default) 15:54:05 <lupinix> +1 @kde-gtk-config 15:54:07 <heliocastro> Agreed. +1 against duplication and misleading users on the proper one 15:54:31 <rdieter> would anyone be able/willing to work in implementing/testing the gtk theme/intergration bits we just talked about? 15:55:06 <rdieter> (I could help, not sure how much time I'll have in the short-term, my plate is already pretty full) 15:55:29 * lupinix is quite busy as he has to finish his thesis in ~3 weeks 15:57:08 <rdieter> #action kde-sig (any help appreciated) to work on spin using breeze-gtk by default, and using kde-gtk-config (instead of current xsettings-kde/kcm-gtk combo) 15:57:22 <rdieter> our hour's almost up... 15:57:27 <rdieter> #topic open discussion 15:57:31 <rdieter> anything else for today ? 15:57:42 <dvratil> just two short reports 15:58:07 <dvratil> we had a couple of packages that had no owner (because we filed group::kde-sig as owner which does not work), it should be all fixed now (https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/6376). Let me know if you find any more KDE packages without an owner 15:58:09 <jreznik> there's still that xorg plasma breakage so we should be careful to test all updates hitting updates-testing 15:58:26 <rdieter> dvratil: ah, I'd noticed one today... umm... ah. libkface 15:58:41 <dvratil> and second: I requested EPEL7 branches on all Frameworks and they were created; I need to submit phonon5 package for review (because RHEL already has KDE4 phonon packages which we can't change to have the Qt5 version too) and once done I'll start building 5.20 (maybe 5.21?) into EPEL. After that we can hopefully start looking into getting Plasma build for EPEL in a Copr repo. 15:59:05 <rdieter> \o/ 15:59:18 <lupinix> dvratil++ 15:59:18 <zodbot> lupinix: Karma for dvratil changed to 3 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:59:28 <dvratil> libkface was on the list 16:00:00 <rdieter> fwiw, I recall a fellow in #kde recently working on kf5/plasma5 for centos7, which I've been giving advice recently, I think luminoso 16:00:14 <rdieter> I've invited them to #fedora-kde 16:00:21 <heliocastro> Yes, good thing 16:00:32 <dvratil> ok, I'll ping him after the meeting 16:00:43 <rdieter> (hopefully I'm remembering the nick right) 16:01:24 <rdieter> dvratil++ 16:01:26 <rdieter> thax 16:01:28 <rdieter> thanks even 16:02:01 <rdieter> well, time's up, and good meeting, thanks everyone! 16:02:06 <rdieter> #endmeeting