14:09:59 <randomuser> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 14:09:59 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Apr 11 14:09:59 2016 UTC. The chair is randomuser. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:09:59 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:09:59 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'docs_project_meeting_-_agenda:_https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/docs_project_meetings' 14:10:02 <randomuser> #meetingname Fedora Docs 14:10:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs' 14:10:02 <randomuser> #topic Roll Call 14:10:08 * randomuser kicks zodbot 14:10:20 * grundblom is here ~derp~ 14:11:09 * pbokoc 14:14:02 <randomuser> whoo, meeting, whoo 14:15:31 <pbokoc> \o/ 14:16:12 <grundblom> ? 14:16:50 <randomuser> #topic New Writers 14:17:04 <bexelbie> .hello bex 14:17:05 <zodbot> bexelbie: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bex@pobox.com> 14:17:28 <randomuser> Any new writers, or reports of new writers? 14:19:07 <randomuser> we'll say no 14:19:17 <randomuser> #topic Release Notes 14:19:27 <randomuser> we have release notes! 14:19:55 <randomuser> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-24/f-24-docs-tasks.html 14:20:17 <randomuser> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Documentation_beats?rd=Documentation_Beats 14:20:47 <randomuser> #info Beta freeze is next Tuesday, conversion from wiki should happen soon 14:21:27 <pbokoc> I'll try to get some relnotes done this week, but no promises, a friend is getting married this weekend and there's some stuff I need to do 14:21:35 <randomuser> afaik, very little has gone into the wiki so far, so maybe not 'conversion' per se 14:23:00 <pbokoc> randomuser, you don't use KDE by any chance, do you? 14:23:10 <randomuser> No, I don't 14:23:54 <randomuser> why do you ask, pbokoc ? 14:24:20 <pbokoc> randomuser, https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1322084 showed up on the relnotes mailing list so someone should cover it 14:24:52 <pbokoc> but I have no idea what it's actually about since I never even touched KDE. It's probably fairly minor though. 14:25:42 <randomuser> yeah, I also have no idea 14:28:22 <randomuser> ahem 14:28:25 <randomuser> well then 14:28:30 <randomuser> #topic Publishing 14:28:50 <randomuser> no real news here; there's a FAD being planned 14:29:08 <randomuser> zoglesby was trying out `pintail`, it seems interesting 14:30:46 <randomuser> #topic Guide Status 14:30:56 <randomuser> any news on guides? plans for guides? 14:30:59 <pbokoc> no news here either I'm afraid 14:31:46 <grundblom> the virt getting started guide is going though the changes Kristi, Smcann and I were working on 14:31:55 <grundblom> now that I am in place I can work on stuff again 14:32:49 <randomuser> cool 14:33:05 <grundblom> I am hoping to have it ready for F24 release, structure changes happened last week and this weekend, I am proof reading this week 14:34:03 <grundblom> I was hoping to ask kirsti for more help in getting it ready 14:35:27 * zoglesby is late, as always. 14:36:46 <randomuser> good morning, zoglesby 14:37:09 <randomuser> and thanks, grundblom. Any other guide related updates? 14:38:57 <randomuser> ok then 14:39:17 <randomuser> #topic Outstanding BZ Tickets 14:39:24 <randomuser> #link http://tinyurl.com/lbrq84 14:39:39 <kirsti> grundblom sorry day job meeting 14:40:30 <randomuser> there be bugs 14:41:30 <randomuser> yup, bugs. 14:41:41 <randomuser> #topic Open Floor Discussion 14:41:48 <randomuser> #chair zoglesby 14:41:48 <zodbot> Current chairs: randomuser zoglesby 14:42:11 <randomuser> zoglesby, I see you made a pintail relnotes branch, but I haven't checked it out yet 14:42:18 <randomuser> how's that working out/ 14:42:20 <zoglesby> just wanted to let everyone know that I am working on getting docs to build in pintail, if you seem be make a branch that is why 14:42:29 <zoglesby> we are on the same page... 14:43:00 <randomuser> heh 14:43:04 <zoglesby> I still have a few more issues that I need to work out with shaunm, but I am making progress 14:43:21 <zoglesby> as soon as I have something that works okay, I will share that with the team 14:43:24 <randomuser> shaunm seems responsive to such things 14:43:31 <zoglesby> very much! 14:43:40 <zoglesby> makes this a lot easier 14:44:17 <zoglesby> Pintail is still missing features that would make things easy (like trans) but overall I think it is the right path 14:44:29 <zoglesby> very near what we wanted to build 14:44:47 <randomuser> yeah, when I read the feature list I got a sense he's been paying attention :P 14:45:20 <zoglesby> indeed 14:45:35 <zoglesby> I don't have anything else on that for now, but it will come up again. 14:45:43 <zoglesby> I do have one other item 14:46:28 <zoglesby> A trans team member mailed the list about wanting to add a topic to the fad, while I think that is an important conversation I don't think we can cover it at that time 14:46:40 <zoglesby> thoughts? 14:46:57 <randomuser> I'll have to reread it, I skimmed and read flock and not fad 14:47:23 <randomuser> but, I do know he's translated the release notes and is frustrated that they haven't been republished. 14:47:25 <randomuser> that's my fault. 14:47:51 <zoglesby> thats all i had, need to run to next meeting 14:47:55 <zoglesby> thanks everyone! 14:48:47 <randomuser> hm, it is FAD 14:48:55 <randomuser> I tend to agree 14:49:29 <pbokoc> I dunno, I think we could fit that in. It doesn't seem he's asking for any in-depth discussion or any big changes, we just pretty much have to be better at uploading new sources to zanata and announcing to the translations list that new sources are in 14:49:36 <pbokoc> and then publishing them, of course :) 14:50:05 * randomuser nods 14:50:25 <randomuser> but the point of the FAD is in-depth discussion and big changes :) 14:50:46 <pbokoc> yeah, I guess that's true 14:53:14 <randomuser> we'll further the discussion on the list. I'm not especially opposed, but suspect he has feedback about a process we're trying to change so it may be low value 14:56:47 <randomuser> so, anything else? 14:57:51 <randomuser> ok, see you around 14:57:55 <randomuser> #endmeeting