15:02:50 <rdieter> #startmeeting kde-sig 15:02:50 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Apr 26 15:02:50 2016 UTC. The chair is rdieter. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:02:50 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:02:50 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'kde-sig' 15:03:00 <tosky> hi 15:03:05 <rdieter> #topic roll call 15:03:08 * lupinix is here 15:03:15 <rdieter> hi all, who's present for a friendly kde-sig meeting ? 15:03:32 * jgrulich is present 15:04:24 <rdieter> #info rdieter tosky lupinix jgrulich present 15:04:31 <rdieter> #chair tosky lupinix jgrulich 15:04:31 <zodbot> Current chairs: jgrulich lupinix rdieter tosky 15:04:34 <danofsatx> .hello dmossor 15:04:34 * jreznik is here, made it on time :) 15:04:34 <zodbot> danofsatx: dmossor 'Dan Mossor' <danofsatx@gmail.com> 15:04:43 <rdieter> #info danofsatx present 15:04:47 <rdieter> #chair danofsatx 15:04:47 <zodbot> Current chairs: danofsatx jgrulich lupinix rdieter tosky 15:05:26 <rdieter> #topic agenda 15:05:32 <rdieter> alrighty, what to discuss today? 15:05:54 * rdieter has: f23 plasma-5.6.x, ready for stable updates? 15:06:09 * lupinix has no special topics 15:06:29 * tosky no special topic either 15:06:36 <rdieter> I guess I can give status on importing kde-apps-16.04.0 15:07:40 <rdieter> ok, let's get started 15:07:53 <rdieter> #topic f23 plasma-5.6.2, ready for stable updates? 15:08:08 <lupinix> works fine here on 4 machines 15:08:16 <rdieter> https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-d67632bb64 15:09:06 <rdieter> seems like forever, but it's actually only been in -testing for a little over a week so far. 15:09:15 <tosky> I've been using it for few days; not sure if it's due to new Qt or new Plasma, I have less troubles when switching from/to the docking station 15:09:25 <tosky> still some troubles but definitely better 15:09:32 <tosky> I guess this means I should add a +1 15:09:34 <rdieter> tosky: probably a little of both 15:09:40 <jreznik> tosky: I have less troubles too, but still not what I'd like to see 15:10:24 <jgrulich> here too (on F24), seems to be a bit better with Qt 5.6 and Plasma 5.6 15:11:16 <rdieter> #info jreznik present 15:11:28 <jgrulich> except a bug in Plasma notifications, they sometimes don't disappear and display the entire text in notification so if I get a long message from irc then the notification becomes huge 15:11:29 <rdieter> ^^ looks like I missed mentioning that for posterity 15:11:56 <jreznik> :) 15:11:59 <tosky> stupid question: lxqt-config, hawaii-system-preferences and spectacle are part of the update because they depend on something, right? (guess kwin) 15:12:04 <rdieter> jgrulich: any bug(s) tracking that yet? 15:12:19 <rdieter> tosky: libkscreen-qt5 (bumped soname) 15:12:29 <tosky> ah, right 15:13:16 <jgrulich> rdieter: nope, I'm always lazy to solve my issues, I'll try to report it if I don't find any already opened bug 15:13:34 <rdieter> anyway, I'm in no rush here to push stable. To be honest, I think I'd prefer to wait until f24 beta freeze is lifted first (provided that's not *too* much longer) 15:13:38 <danofsatx> yeah, new release brought back my "no video on resume from standby" bug with nouveau. It was fine for a glorious two weeks, now it's back. 15:14:21 <jreznik> I'm going to +1 update but we don't have to rush 15:15:17 <jgrulich> rdieter: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=361389 15:15:21 <rdieter> checking -1 karma, the only valid/outstanding issue I see is from _stefanb about session management (LegacySession items) 15:16:36 <rdieter> not a huge deal, considing SM has been semi-flaky before 15:16:41 <rdieter> considering... even 15:16:59 <rdieter> jgrulich: thx 15:17:58 <rdieter> ok, I think we have a semi-consensus to wait a bit more, maybe up to another week 15:18:37 <lupinix> +1 15:18:42 <tosky> oki 15:18:47 <rdieter> holler at me, or onlist if you would prefer something else :) 15:18:55 <rdieter> #topic kde-apps-16.04.0 status 15:19:13 <rdieter> I've almost got all kde-apps-16.04.0 imported into rawhide, and f24 updates submitted 15:19:48 <rdieter> exception being kdepim-stuff, mostly due to new modules introduced, haven't had time to look too closely at that yet 15:20:11 <tosky> there was an update from spectacle with two patches on kde-distro list 15:20:29 <rdieter> ah right, I'd imported those and submitted builds shortly before this meeting :) 15:20:41 <tosky> \o/ 15:21:14 <RaphGro> what is the bodhi update for plasma 5.6 f23? 15:21:25 <rdieter> RaphGro: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-d67632bb64 15:21:28 <tosky> do you plan an update of the applications for f23 after f24 beta freeze is lifted and they can be pushed to f24? 15:21:47 <rdieter> tosky: good question, definite maybe 15:22:17 <RaphGro> rdieter, hreindl gave +1, wow! 15:22:18 <rdieter> more likely than not 15:22:22 <RaphGro> so I'm also +1 :P 15:22:42 <rdieter> RaphGro: double plus good for realz 15:24:02 <rdieter> one small 16.04 highlight, is that ark upstream implemented good/proper support for unar 15:24:48 <rdieter> that at least that would be a good candiate for backporting to f23 15:25:09 <tosky> not so small 15:25:45 <tosky> worth noting that Ark developers focused on that (also) to address the issue with the custom patch 15:25:52 <rdieter> ah, I guess I submitted kuser backports to bodhi too 15:26:18 <rdieter> tosky++, so we have a moral imperative/obligation to use it :) 15:26:40 <rdieter> kuser : https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2016-ed48efbccf 15:26:52 <rdieter> .bug 1209019 15:26:54 <zodbot> rdieter: Bug 1209019 Missing default login shell for new users - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1209019 15:26:54 <rdieter> for ^^ 15:27:35 <rdieter> that's all I have 15:28:42 <rdieter> ok, moving on... 15:28:46 <rdieter> #topic open discussion 15:28:54 <rdieter> anything else worth mentioning ? 15:29:36 <lupinix> nothing here 15:29:37 <danofsatx> nothing here 15:30:11 <tosky> nothing here 15:31:11 <rdieter> ok, thanks everyone! 15:31:13 <rdieter> #endmeeting