06:00:15 <pravins> #startmeeting g11n(i18n focused) 06:00:15 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 11 06:00:15 2016 UTC. The chair is pravins. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 06:00:15 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 06:00:15 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'g11n(i18n_focused)' 06:00:20 <pravins> #meetingname g11n(i18n focused) 06:00:20 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'g11n(i18n_focused)' 06:00:24 <pravins> #topic agenda and roll call 06:00:29 <pravins> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2016-05-11 06:00:30 <tagoh_> hi 06:00:32 <suanand> hi.. 06:00:35 <ueno> hi 06:00:36 <pravins> hi tagoh_ suanand :) 06:00:42 <juhp> hi 06:00:57 <paragan> hi 06:01:01 <pravins> hi juhp ueno paragan :) 06:01:08 <pravins> #chair tagoh_ suanand ueno juhp paragan 06:01:08 <zodbot> Current chairs: juhp paragan pravins suanand tagoh_ ueno 06:01:22 <mfabian> Hi! 06:01:28 <pravins> hi mfabian :) 06:01:30 <pravins> #chair mfabian 06:01:30 <zodbot> Current chairs: juhp mfabian paragan pravins suanand tagoh_ ueno 06:01:53 <pravins> Lets see upcoming schedule 06:01:58 <pravins> #topic Upcoming schedule 06:01:59 <pravins> #info 2016-05-31 Final Freeze (*) 06:01:59 <pravins> #info 2016-06-14 Fedora 23 Final Release 06:02:22 <epico> hi 06:02:31 <pravins> As you might have seen already, Beta released yesterday. 06:02:35 <pravins> https://fedoramagazine.org/fedora-24-beta-released/ 06:03:00 <pravins> Now for final freeze only around 3 weeks remaining, should put more time in testing F24 now. 06:03:16 * pravins going to update stable machine to Fedora 24 today. :) 06:03:27 <pravins> more F24 Beta !! 06:03:32 <pravins> hi epico :) 06:03:35 <pravins> #chair epico 06:03:35 <zodbot> Current chairs: epico juhp mfabian paragan pravins suanand tagoh_ ueno 06:03:58 <satya4ever_> hey 06:04:15 <pravins> hi satya4ever_ :) 06:04:55 <pravins> moving to next topic 06:05:09 <pravins> #topic #36: gnome redesign plans for control-center Region and Languages 06:05:25 <pravins> unfortunately Anish not able to do anything on this for Fedora 24. 06:05:40 <pravins> We need someone to take over on this bugs. 06:05:45 <pravins> Anyone interested? 06:06:06 <pravins> It basically disabling XKB Indic imes in gnome. 06:07:01 <pravins> umm 7month no update :) 06:07:36 <mfabian> pravins: I don’t remember exactly, but it was mainly moving them from one fine to another in /usr/X11/xkb, wasn’t it? 06:07:47 <pravins> yes. 06:08:04 <pravins> mfabian: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=756939 06:08:47 <juhp> is there a patch? 06:08:54 <pravins> no. 06:09:06 <mfabian> juhp: I think it would be quite easy to make a patch, but 06:09:13 <juhp> mfabian, great 06:09:14 <mfabian> juhp: should it go upstream? 06:09:23 <juhp> I think so 06:09:24 <pravins> under this initiative we had number of discussion and idea. May be we should create few more ticket from discussions in this ticket. 06:09:26 <mfabian> It would be a patch against xorg. 06:10:45 <mfabian> mfabian@ari:/usr/share/X11/xkb/rules 06:10:45 <mfabian> $ rpm -qf base.xml 06:10:45 <mfabian> xkeyboard-config-2.16-2.fc23.noarch 06:10:45 <mfabian> mfabian@ari:/usr/share/X11/xkb/rules 06:10:48 <mfabian> $ rpm -qf base.extras.xml 06:10:49 <juhp> I think the ticket is too terse though 06:10:51 <mfabian> xkeyboard-config-2.16-2.fc23.noarch 06:10:54 <mfabian> mfabian@ari:/usr/share/X11/xkb/rules 06:10:58 <mfabian> $ 06:11:02 <mfabian> 06:11:05 <mfabian> Moving them from base.xml to base.extras.xml. 06:11:21 <mfabian> I can make a patch for the Fedora package ... 06:11:27 <juhp> mfabian, I am not sure we want to remove the keymaps completely - I think the idea was to filter them from the g-c-c? 06:11:45 <pravins> right, blacklist them. 06:11:51 <mfabian> juhp: They are not removed if they are listed in base.extras.xml 06:11:57 <mfabian> They are still usuable. 06:11:57 <juhp> ah 06:12:01 <juhp> okay 06:12:06 <juhp> that should okay then 06:12:09 <juhp> be 06:12:15 <mfabian> But gnome-control-centre ignores everything which is in "extras". 06:12:27 <juhp> mfabian, cool - I think still it could be upstreamed though 06:12:36 <pravins> I will do some cleanup on ticket and open new ticket if there are any ideas in discussions. 06:12:41 <juhp> I don't think it should be so fedora specific 06:12:58 <pravins> +1 for upstream. 06:13:08 <juhp> but we probably need some info/references in the bug to justify the change 06:13:20 <mfabian> juhp: It might be gnome specific, I have no idea whether the other desktops list the stuff in "extras" or not. 06:13:27 <pravins> There was some discussion on mailing list for this. 06:13:34 <juhp> ah not that that bug then - so se need a new FDO bug? 06:13:47 <juhp> pravins, aha 06:14:07 <juhp> mfabian, maybe doesn't matter? 06:14:26 <mfabian> juhp: Yes, I also think this doesn't matter much. 06:14:33 <juhp> I mean if they do, then no change for them, and if they don't it is probably the desirable behaviour anyway? 06:15:01 <juhp> maybe we could test kde? 06:16:00 <juhp> mfabian, filing a patch sounds good anyway :-) 06:16:10 <mfabian> OK, I’ll make a patch today. 06:16:17 <pravins> great. thanks mfabian :) 06:16:20 <juhp> mfabian ++ 06:16:33 <juhp> mfabian++ 06:16:33 <zodbot> juhp: Karma for mfabian changed to 3 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 06:16:52 <pravins> #action mfabian will create patch to blacklist xkb indic maps. 06:17:02 <pravins> #action pravins to update ticket and make it to the point. 06:17:19 <pravins> #topic #57: Fedora 24 change planning 06:17:25 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/57 06:17:57 <pravins> I think more important point here is now to check Changes are properly documented in release notes and article. 06:19:43 <pravins> hmm, i dont see glibc subpackaging on first page of https://fedoramagazine.org/fedora-24-beta-released/ 06:20:30 <pravins> It should come to "Fedora-Wide Changes" 06:23:57 <pravins> Will come back to this again :) 06:24:16 <pravins> #topic #58: Prioritizing bugs for Fedora 24 release 06:24:22 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/58 06:24:51 <pravins> We have now completed most of the tasks for F24. Lets do some bug triaging today. 06:25:10 <pravins> As you know bugs are listed in meeting dashboard. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2016-05-11 06:25:52 <pravins> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=__open__&f1=OP&f2=assigned_to&f3=cc&f5=keywords&f6=CP&j1=OR&list_id=5099639&o2=substring&o3=substring&o5=substring&product=Fedora&v2=i18n-bugs%40lists.fedoraproject.org&v3=i18n-bugs%40lists.fedoraproject.org&v5=i18n&version=23 06:26:13 <pravins> .bug 862367 06:26:14 <zodbot> pravins: Bug 862367 'Ctrl + Space' not working, ibus frontend for fbterm does not show up - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/862367 06:26:46 <pravins> This one is assigned to dchen, fujiwarat is this bug still exists? 06:27:40 <pravins> lots of bugs on my side as well. liberation-fonts and lohit-*-fonts :( 06:28:18 <pravins> Rawhide bugs 06:28:20 <pravins> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=NEW&f1=OP&f2=assigned_to&f3=cc&f5=keywords&f6=CP&j1=OR&list_id=5099810&o2=substring&o3=substring&o5=substring&product=Fedora&v2=i18n-bugs%40lists.fedoraproject.org&v3=i18n-bugs%40lists.fedoraproject.org&v5=i18n&version=rawhide 06:28:49 <fujiwarat> pravins: I closed that bug now. 06:29:22 <pravins> fujiwarat: excellent, thanks :) 06:31:48 <pravins> .bug 1087448 06:31:49 <zodbot> pravins: Bug 1087448 RFE: ibus-typing-booster keybinding customization - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1087448 06:32:12 <pravins> Tab key is conflicting with terminal tab completion feature. 06:33:17 <mfabian> Lots of stuff in the terminal does not work while i-t-b is active. Mostly that cannot be fixed. But the keys should be configurable ... 06:33:43 <pravins> Do we recommend i-t-b in terminal? ;) 06:33:55 <mfabian> Depends on what you do in the terminal. 06:34:07 <mfabian> I would not use it for programming. 06:34:09 <pravins> good one !! 06:34:30 <mfabian> but if you use some irc client in a terminal or type some text with vi, then it is useful. 06:35:01 <pravins> yes, in that case user can enable it after starting vi or irc in terminal. 06:35:13 <juhp> I guess it conflicts with shell not terminal?? 06:35:16 <pravins> and then it should not conflict. 06:35:21 <juhp> nod 06:36:32 <pravins> it looks not fixable issue :) 06:36:47 <mfabian> pravins: The conflict with the shell is not really fixable. 06:37:00 <mfabian> But the keybindings should be configurable in future, I plan to do this. 06:37:22 <mfabian> fujiwara also writes in that bug: “xfce4-terminal has the black background and I feel the preedit attributes are not needed.” 06:37:39 <mfabian> He is certainly right there, the dark blue preëdit makes it unusable on dark backgrounds. 06:38:11 <mfabian> I should fix that immediately, it is so annoying ... 06:38:28 <pravins> great. 06:38:47 <pravins> one thing is clear to me. We need bug triaging activity soon. 06:39:00 <pravins> How to you think for spending whole next meeting on bug triaging? 06:39:26 <pravins> if few urgent topic, we can add them. 06:40:36 <pravins> #chair 06:40:37 <zodbot> Current chairs: epico juhp mfabian paragan pravins suanand tagoh_ ueno 06:41:57 <pravins> If no objection, lets invest more time for bug triaging next time. 06:43:23 <pravins> lets move ahead. 06:43:23 <Satya> yep, we are interested in bug triaging 06:43:36 <pravins> Satya: sure, will do that. We have lots of bugs :) 06:43:46 <pravins> #topic #61: FTBFS bugs for Rawhide 06:43:47 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/61 06:43:53 <pravins> 3 bugs are still open 06:44:17 <pravins> .bug 1308190 06:44:18 <zodbot> pravins: Bug 1308190 tomoe-gtk: FTBFS in rawhide - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1308190 06:44:36 <pravins> aha, nice this is fixed now. 06:44:48 <pravins> so only, 2 bugs remaining 06:44:57 <pravins> .bug 1307714 06:44:58 <zodbot> pravins: Bug 1307714 libUnihan: FTBFS in rawhide - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1307714 06:45:25 <pravins> .bug 1308194 06:45:26 <zodbot> pravins: Bug 1308194 translate-toolkit: FTBFS in rawhide - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1308194 06:45:34 <pravins> If anyone interested, feel free to look into it :) 06:45:45 <pravins> moving to next topic 06:45:51 <pravins> #topic #62: F24 Documentation beat 06:45:51 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/62 06:46:03 <pravins> I gone through few bugs and found some release notes for i18n. 06:46:07 <pravins> Reported bug yesterday https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1334305 06:46:15 <pravins> .bug 1334305 06:46:16 <zodbot> pravins: Bug 1334305 Fedora 24 Release notes content for Internationalization - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1334305 06:48:13 <pravins> please check Notes at https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1334305#c0 and feel free to improve/add. 06:48:39 <pravins> moving to next topic 06:48:45 <pravins> #topic #21: Language installation not working in Rawhide 06:48:45 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/G11N/ticket/21 06:49:07 <pravins> puiterwijk: reported this one week back, somehow missed this in last meeting. 06:50:39 <juhp> is that true for f24 too?? 06:51:03 <puiterwijk> juhp: I didn't test F24 yet. I can do that later today 06:51:29 <pravins> nope, F24 it works fine. 06:52:33 <paragan> well I have already told dnf-langpacks plugin need not be removed from Fedora 06:53:18 <paragan> probably missed to update all the referenced on wiki pages 06:53:35 <paragan> I will find such references and update them to new langpacks Change 06:54:04 <juhp> puiterwijk, ah langinstall! 06:54:07 <puiterwijk> paragan: then what is the current way to install langpacks? 06:54:24 <pravins> Should we update glibc subpackages to groupinstall japanese-support? 06:54:27 <juhp> puiterwijk, you just need to install langpack-ja and things should work I believe 06:54:31 <pravins> Its deprecated though. 06:54:34 <puiterwijk> juhp: yes, either dnf groupinstall language-support and dnf langinstall 06:54:38 <paragan> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_langpacks_packages 06:56:15 <paragan> puiterwijk, Please use commands from above page for langpacks 06:56:45 <puiterwijk> paragan: will try to do that and update my ticket. But if that's the current way, the user-facing documentation really needs updating 06:56:46 <pravins> paragan: make sense, one of the intention behind langpacks is to remove language-groups from comps. 06:57:06 <juhp> (sorry langpacks-ja) 06:57:20 <paragan> puiterwijk, sure I am updating now wiki pages 06:57:26 <juhp> great 06:57:44 <puiterwijk> Great, thanks. I really couldn't figure out what to do otherwise 06:57:54 <pravins> sure, lets update ticket for now. 06:58:15 <pravins> #action paragan to update Wiki pages with user-facing documentation. 06:58:27 <pravins> moving to next ticket 06:58:31 <pravins> #topic Live media with langpacks included 06:58:32 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/G11N/ticket/17 06:58:39 <pravins> paragan: should we make any noise about this? 06:59:25 <pravins> at least, i will comment on ticket :) 06:59:35 <pravins> moving to last topic 06:59:36 <paragan> feel free to do that 06:59:36 <pravins> #topic Open Floor 06:59:47 <pravins> Almost on time today !! 06:59:52 <pravins> anything we missed? 07:00:25 <pravins> #info Next i18n meeting will be more on bug triaging side. 07:00:37 <pravins> if nothing else lets close meeting in 2 minutes.. 07:01:48 <pravins> thank you all for the meeting :) 07:01:52 <pravins> #endmeeting