05:07:37 <zsun> #startmeeting APAC 2016-05-13 05:07:37 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri May 13 05:07:37 2016 UTC. The chair is zsun. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 05:07:37 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 05:07:37 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'apac_2016-05-13' 05:07:42 <zsun> #topic Roll Call 05:07:50 <sayan> .hello sayanchowdhury 05:07:50 <amit> .hellomynameis amitshah 05:07:51 <zodbot> sayan: sayanchowdhury 'Sayan Chowdhury' <sayan.chowdhury2012@gmail.com> 05:07:52 <zsun> .hellomynameis zsun 05:07:55 <zodbot> amit: amitshah 'Amit Shah' <amit.shah@redhat.com> 05:07:58 <zodbot> zsun: zsun 'Ziqian SUN (Zamir)' <sztsian@gmail.com> 05:08:01 <pjp> Hi, 05:08:09 <zsun> #chair amit sayan GIANT_CRAB pjp 05:08:09 <zodbot> Current chairs: GIANT_CRAB amit pjp sayan zsun 05:08:10 <sayan> pjp: hi 05:08:17 <GIANT_CRAB> Huiren, GMT +0800, Ambassador, common ops 05:08:41 <zsun> #chair pravins 05:08:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: GIANT_CRAB amit pjp pravins sayan zsun 05:11:00 <zsun> #info today's topic https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/report/9 05:11:29 * pjp clicks 05:12:15 <pjp> An update about FY17 APAC Delegates 05:12:33 <zsun> #topic FY17 APAC Delegates 05:12:42 <zsun> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/234 05:13:01 <pjp> Gerard Braad who had earlier expressed interest to be a 'Story Teller' for APAC, has decided to opt out 05:13:32 <zsun> I talked with him earlier this week, he is currently too busy with his dayjob. 05:13:50 <pjp> Ie. the position now remains open, we need a new candidate 05:13:59 <pjp> zsun: I see, 05:14:31 <zsun> pjp: as we mentioned during FAD, I guess I can take this role for Q3 Q4 of FY17, but not now 05:14:58 <pjp> zsun: :) 05:15:32 <pjp> zsun: We'll send out a mail announcement saying the position remains open, 05:15:52 <zsun> yes 05:16:33 <gnokii> .fas gnokii 05:16:34 <zodbot> gnokii: gnokii 'Sirko Kemter' <buergermeister@karl-tux-stadt.de> 05:16:46 <zsun> and if there are no response till late times (we need a deadline here), I'll just do this 05:16:52 <zsun> #chair gnokii 05:16:52 <zodbot> Current chairs: GIANT_CRAB amit gnokii pjp pravins sayan zsun 05:17:36 <pjp> gnokii: current #topic is - FY17 APAC Delegates 05:18:18 <pravins> hi all !! 05:19:48 <gnokii> mmh 05:20:35 <zsun> then when shall the deadline be 05:20:37 <pjp> zsun: I'll send out an email, we can move on for now, unless someone has any inputs/comments about it 05:20:56 <pjp> zsun: This month end? 05:21:11 <zsun> then I guess next APAC meeting maybe a good idea 05:21:20 <pjp> zsun: Yes 05:22:05 * zsun Thesis defence next meeting time :-( 05:23:00 <zsun> #action pjp send out email on finding candidates for APAC 'Storyteller' FY17 05:23:20 <zsun> any more for this topic? 05:24:08 <zsun> #info zsun can act as 'Storyteller' for Q3Q4 of FY17 05:24:20 <pjp> zsun: Great! 05:24:24 <hanthana> .fas snavin 05:24:25 <zodbot> hanthana: snavin 'Danishka Navin' <danishka@gmail.com> 05:24:26 <pjp> zsun++ 05:24:28 <zodbot> pjp: Karma for zsun changed to 2 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 05:24:44 <zsun> #chair hanthana 05:24:44 <zodbot> Current chairs: GIANT_CRAB amit gnokii hanthana pjp pravins sayan zsun 05:25:08 <zsun> then next topic? 05:25:10 <pjp> zsun: Next topic no FAD meeting update about venue in Indonesia, plan b 05:25:13 <pjp> ? 05:25:37 <zsun> #topic FAD APAC 2016 05:26:41 <zsun> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Yogyakarta_2016 05:26:49 <pjp> Since Prima is inaccessible, we need to figure out another venue if we are set on Jul 9-10 week-end for it. 05:27:01 <zsun> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/236 05:27:46 <gnokii> mmh I dont know why there are some ppl in CC 05:28:55 <zsun> the ticket was created with these cc 05:28:56 <pjp> gnokii: they are from prospective regions that came up in the last meeting, 05:29:11 <gnokii> ahja where is me then? 05:29:48 <hanthana> :) 05:30:04 <zsun> I've replied with my concerns for\ China 05:30:40 <pjp> gnokii: You are active, they are mostly invisible, idea was to explicitly reach out to them to avoid things like I didn't see the ticket 05:31:06 <pjp> hanthana: -> https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/439#comment:4 05:31:20 <pjp> zsun: Yes, 05:31:54 <gnokii> means I have to crouch through trac to see whats going on 05:32:56 <hanthana> pjp, i will have a chat with gnokii regarding the design details 05:32:58 <hanthana> thanks 05:33:06 <pjp> hanthana: Okay, 05:34:22 <pjp> So, any preferences for the FAD venue from the list ? 05:34:44 <pjp> China is out, India we discussed in the last meeting would be expensive 05:34:54 <pravins> pjones: where is list? 05:35:02 <pjp> Indonesia no updates yet, 05:35:06 <gnokii> pjp its lesser about preferences its more about possibilities 05:35:14 <zsun> pravins: see ticket 236, 05:35:25 <pravins> zsun: thank you. 05:35:38 <pjp> pravins: -> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/236 05:36:07 <zsun> agree with gnokii. 05:36:49 <pjp> gnokii: Agreed, just trying to narrow down the list, then we could reach out to the ambassador's there. 05:36:59 <pravins> Can Tuan make it in Vietnam? 05:37:07 <gnokii> pjp didnt I do that last meeting? 05:37:22 <gnokii> pravins this guy has no time for organizing anything 05:37:33 <pjp> :) 05:37:33 <zsun> let's say, who is available to arrange this in his own country 05:37:51 <pravins> right. 05:38:13 <pjp> zsun: No candidates from the respective regions here, 05:38:20 <zsun> oops 05:38:29 <pjp> Where is Izhar these days? Any ideas? 05:38:46 <gnokii> pjp izhar comes not really to meetings 05:39:09 <pjp> As said earlier Malaysia maybe good 05:39:29 <pjp> We could check with Izhar, 05:39:50 <gnokii> yeah but same as Tuan would be happier Izhar does his tasks still waiting for FAD Singapore 05:42:43 <zsun> I think we can check the expense matrix for hotels/hostels if still no update. 05:43:59 <gnokii> what matrix check hu 05:44:15 <pjp> Time check - 15 mins to go 05:44:30 <zsun> sorry, I mean check the expense and make a matrix 05:45:10 <pjp> zsun: For each country ? That won't help, we need someone to take charge on the ground there. 05:45:28 <zsun> then I've no more ideas :( 05:45:39 <gnokii> pjp so looks like plan C 05:47:29 <pjp> I've just pinged Izhar, let's see, 05:47:37 <pjp> gnokii: plan C - Cambodia ? 05:47:48 <gnokii> yeah 05:48:16 <pjp> gnokii: Great! :) 05:48:19 <pjp> Does it work for all ? 05:48:31 <zsun> fine with me 05:48:38 <sayan> wfm 05:49:05 <hanthana> +1 05:50:19 <pravins> As per order listed, if Vietnam, Malaysia not able to do it. I am good with Cambodia. 05:50:58 <pjp> Cool! That's settled then. 05:51:10 <pjp> gnokii++ 05:51:10 <zodbot> pjp: Karma for gnokii changed to 14 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 05:51:27 <pjp> zsun: Next topic ? 05:51:30 <gnokii> so when Tuan and Izhar not respond positive it plan C then? 05:51:38 <pjp> gnokii: Yes, 05:51:51 <zsun> gnokii: right. Deadline is also next APAC meeting I guess 05:51:58 <pjp> zsun: Yes 05:52:00 <sayan> zsun: yes 05:52:09 <pjp> I'll update ticket #236 05:52:14 <zsun> ok 05:52:14 <gnokii> deadline for the result not deadline for their answer 05:52:24 <zsun> +1 gnokii 05:52:24 <pjp> Yep 05:52:27 <gnokii> already 14 days gone for nothing 05:53:46 <zsun> #info Cambodia can be the option for FAD APAC 2016 05:53:55 <zsun> #action pjp update ticket #236 05:54:09 <zsun> #topic Media/Swag production 05:54:13 <zsun> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-apac/ticket/229 05:54:25 <zsun> I see the ticket is still open. Any input needed? 05:55:29 <zsun> if not, I guess we can remove the keyword 'meeting' 05:55:39 <pjp> zsun: I had asked ambassador's to update the ticket with their requirement, they've done so 05:56:15 <zsun> okay and I think I'll remove the keyword 05:56:24 <pjp> Okay 05:56:32 <zsun> #action zsun remove 'meeting' keyword from ticket #229 05:57:15 <zsun> any more topics today? 05:57:51 <gnokii> that ticket is strange 05:58:21 <pjp> zsun: nope, 2 mins to go 05:59:26 <paragan> I have some topic for open floor 05:59:48 <zsun> time is almost up 05:59:54 <pjp> Yep 06:00:01 <paragan> I have a request here for you all, can someone check the discussion happening in https://fedorahosted.org/council/ticket/58 ? Please keep an eye on our APAC budget requirement, someone said we uses high budget. 06:00:13 <GIANT_CRAB> Sec 06:00:22 * pjp clicks 06:00:23 * sayan clicks 06:01:00 <paragan> Maybe if needed we can have discussion in next meeting 06:01:19 <pjp> Yep 06:01:54 <paragan> thanks 06:02:01 <hanthana> gnokii, I have updated the design ticket #439 06:02:11 <zsun> #info discuss the council ticket 58 next meeting 06:02:19 <zsun> #link https://fedorahosted.org/council/ticket/58 06:02:32 <zsun> then I'll close the meeting 06:02:33 <gnokii> paragan: we use high budget 06:02:52 <gnokii> and our budget for APAC gets raised so what is your problem with that? 06:03:42 <pjp> Let's take that on the list ? 06:03:44 <paragan> nothing we should get what we needed 06:05:18 <pjp> zsun: conclude for today, 06:05:23 <gnokii> what APAC needs is more people that think the get not enough 06:06:34 <gnokii> hanthana: so you want ¨case badges¨ 06:06:51 <pjp> zsun: there? 06:07:00 <zsun> I think we should spend money wisely, spend less is not the point. Maybe we need to talk about it in FAD this year and then bring the ideas to council 06:07:32 <zsun> close meeting now. We can talk about this point next meeting 06:07:40 <zsun> #endmeeting