15:00:37 <decause> #startmeeting Summer Coding 15:00:37 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 25 15:00:37 2016 UTC. The chair is decause. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:37 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:37 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'summer_coding' 15:00:46 <decause> #topic rollcall 15:00:50 <decause> .hello decause 15:00:50 <skamath> .hello skamath 15:00:50 <zodbot> decause: decause 'Remy DeCausemaker' <decause@redhat.com> 15:00:53 <zodbot> skamath: skamath 'Sachin S Kamath ' <sskamath96@gmail.com> 15:00:55 * zoglesby is here to watch 15:00:57 <devyani7> .hello devyani7 15:00:57 <lmacken> .hello lmacken 15:00:58 <zodbot> devyani7: devyani7 'Devyani Kota' <devyanikota@gmail.com> 15:01:00 <zodbot> lmacken: lmacken 'Luke Macken' <lmacken@redhat.com> 15:01:07 <vivek_> .hello vivekanand1101 15:01:08 <zodbot> vivek_: vivekanand1101 'Vivek Anand' <vivekanand1101@gmail.com> 15:01:09 <Mathnerd314> .hello Mathnerd314 15:01:11 <zodbot> Mathnerd314: Sorry, but you don't exist 15:01:12 <decause> zoglesby++ 15:01:15 <jflory7> .hello jflory7 15:01:16 <zodbot> jflory7: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <me@justinwflory.com> 15:01:35 <jflory7> Good $TIME_OF_DAY, all :) 15:01:47 <vivek_> Mathnerd314: your FAS name 15:01:56 <Mathnerd314> .hello allangardner 15:01:57 <zodbot> Mathnerd314: allangardner 'Allan Gardner' <man.is.allan@gmail.com> 15:01:58 <c0mrad3> .hello dhanvi 15:02:01 <zodbot> c0mrad3: dhanvi 'Tummala Dhanvi' <dhanvicse@gmail.com> 15:02:52 <Mathnerd314> vivek_: it's weird though, someone did Mathnerd314 + + and that worked before. 15:03:00 <decause> #chair devyani7 lmacken skamath vivek_ zoglesby jflory7 Mathnerd314 c0mrad3 15:03:00 <zodbot> Current chairs: Mathnerd314 c0mrad3 decause devyani7 jflory7 lmacken skamath vivek_ zoglesby 15:03:12 <jflory7> bee2502 mentioned she is changing locations and might be a little late. 15:03:17 <sayan> .hello sayanchowdhury 15:03:18 <zodbot> sayan: sayanchowdhury 'Sayan Chowdhury' <sayan.chowdhury2012@gmail.com> 15:03:22 <ronith> .hello ronith 15:03:24 <zodbot> ronith: Sorry, but you don't exist 15:03:25 <decause> #chair sayan 15:03:25 <zodbot> Current chairs: Mathnerd314 c0mrad3 decause devyani7 jflory7 lmacken sayan skamath vivek_ zoglesby 15:03:29 <decause> #chair ronith 15:03:29 <zodbot> Current chairs: Mathnerd314 c0mrad3 decause devyani7 jflory7 lmacken ronith sayan skamath vivek_ zoglesby 15:03:37 * skamath waves to everyone 15:03:44 <decause> ronith: fasusername 15:03:49 <c0mrad3> #info Tummala Dhanvi (c0mrad3) ; UTC+5:30 ; commops,docs,security,gsoc,* 15:03:49 <ronith> ronit 15:03:57 <decause> .hello ronit 15:03:58 <zodbot> decause: ronit 'Ronit Halder' <ronit.crj@gmail.com> 15:04:04 <decause> ^ 15:04:05 <skamath> c0mrad3: This is not CommOps meeting :p 15:04:33 <decause> mizmo: do we have RHT interns here too, or not yet? 15:04:46 <c0mrad3> skamath: but it's okay to get my name in minutes 15:04:47 <jflory7> Oh yeah, do we want to do #info introductions too? 15:04:50 <mizmo> .hello duffy 15:04:52 <mizmo> decause, they are in the building but dont officially start until friday i think 15:04:53 <zodbot> mizmo: duffy 'Máirín Duffy' <fedora@linuxgrrl.com> 15:04:59 <jflory7> Might be a good idea to know what parts of Fedora everyone will be working on. 15:05:01 <decause> mizmo: nod nod nod, ok 15:05:06 <decause> jflory7: we'll get there ;) 15:05:09 <skamath> c0mrad3: I guess hello does that. 15:05:10 <jflory7> Cool :) 15:05:32 <decause> alright, it's 5 after, so I'm going to move along 15:05:45 <jflory7> Bee o/ 15:05:51 <decause> #topic Welcome to Summer Coding 2016 15:05:59 <bee2502_> Hi jflory7 o/ 15:06:02 <decause> Congratulations! 15:06:03 <bee2502_> .hello bee2502 15:06:04 <zodbot> bee2502_: bee2502 'Bhagyashree Padalkar' <bhagyashree.iitg@gmail.com> 15:06:06 <decause> Students 15:06:09 <decause> Mentors 15:06:10 <decause> Admins 15:06:23 <decause> all of you have put in significant effort to make our program possible this year 15:06:38 <skamath> decause++ interns++ 15:06:49 <decause> Fedora (and Friends) have been participating in GSoC for the 10th year now, and Outreachy for about 3 15:07:10 <skamath> Wow! 15:07:12 <decause> My name is Remy, and I am your Faitful Organizational Admin for GSoC and co-organizer for Outreachy 15:07:18 <decause> along with labbott 15:07:37 <decause> this year, once everyone arrives, our program will be comprised of: 15:07:51 <decause> 10 GSoC Interns under the Fedora Umbrella (all may not be joining us) 15:07:54 <decause> 1 Outreachy Intern 15:08:00 <decause> and 3 Red Hat Interns 15:08:12 <decause> we have as many Mentors participating, if not more 15:08:18 <decause> unnofficially 15:08:29 <bee2502_> wohoo that's awesome 15:08:33 <bee2502_> decause++ 15:08:43 <bee2502_> fedora +1 15:08:46 <decause> yes, it is awesome, and we put *lots* of effort into selecting projects and students 15:08:49 <decause> it was not easy 15:09:00 <jflory7> \o/ 15:09:04 <decause> we weren't able to hire everyone we liked to, and didn't get as many slots as we asked for for GSoC 15:09:21 <jflory7> #chair bee2502_ 15:09:21 <zodbot> Current chairs: Mathnerd314 bee2502_ c0mrad3 decause devyani7 jflory7 lmacken ronith sayan skamath vivek_ zoglesby 15:09:33 <decause> but we're confident in our students' abilities to participate meaningfully and move their corners of the project forward 15:09:39 <decause> #chair jflory7 15:09:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: Mathnerd314 bee2502_ c0mrad3 decause devyani7 jflory7 lmacken ronith sayan skamath vivek_ zoglesby 15:09:48 <fhackdroid> decause, o/ 15:09:49 <decause> #chair bee2502_ 15:09:49 <zodbot> Current chairs: Mathnerd314 bee2502_ c0mrad3 decause devyani7 jflory7 lmacken ronith sayan skamath vivek_ zoglesby 15:09:56 <decause> fhackdroid: welcome 15:10:00 <fhackdroid> .fas fhackdroid 15:10:01 <zodbot> fhackdroid: farhaan 'Farhaan Bukhsh' <farhaan.bukhsh@gmail.com> 15:10:24 <fhackdroid> decause, ^^ 15:10:37 <decause> All of you should have seen the "Welcome Kit" by now 15:10:46 <fhackdroid> decause, yes 15:10:48 * jflory7 nods 15:10:50 <decause> #topic Welcome Kit 15:10:51 <c0mrad3> #link http://etherpad.osuosl.org/fedora-gsoc-welcome-2016 15:10:54 <decause> http://etherpad.osuosl.org/fedora-gsoc-welcome-2016 15:10:57 <decause> #link http://etherpad.osuosl.org/fedora-gsoc-welcome-2016 15:11:12 <decause> This document is a working document, and includes *lots* of information 15:11:35 <decause> including instructions that each summer coding participant should follow in order to get "bootstrapped" officially within Fedora 15:11:44 <decause> it includes links to program details 15:11:50 <decause> and timelines for participation 15:11:59 <decause> and resources for further involvement 15:12:13 <decause> This year, we are running our Summer Coding Program a bit differently 15:12:54 <decause> We are including *all* our interns in the experience, so that you folks feel more like a "cohort" or a "class" of folks, not just individuals working out in the cold on your own. 15:13:23 <decause> this is also because unlike years prior, mentors have put lots of thought into how interns and their projects can overlap and help eachother 15:13:45 <decause> before we get into that though, does anyone have questions about the welcome kit? 15:13:59 <decause> #idea Questions About the Welcome Kit 15:14:00 * c0mrad3 no 15:14:15 * skamath has gone through the process 15:14:20 <decause> skamath: nod nod 15:14:29 <fhackdroid> decause, is there a different planet for summer coding ? 15:14:38 <decause> I've added a couple of folks to the Summer Coding FAS group this morning 15:14:44 <fhackdroid> i mean other than fedora planet? 15:14:59 <skamath> Looks like. I had to create a .planet.summer-coding file 15:14:59 <jflory7> I'm nearly finished, still need to do a blog post and an introduction on the mailing list. 15:15:09 <sayan> fhackdroid: yes 15:15:14 <jflory7> Oh! I know of a cool resource for blogs for all of GSoC. I'll dig up a link really fast. 15:15:15 <c0mrad3> #link http://fedoraplanet.org/summer-coding/ 15:15:22 <fhackdroid> decause, I got mail regarding regarding the addition 15:15:25 <decause> fhackdroid: participants will also be publishing their stories/progress on the CommBlog 15:15:45 <devyani7> woah ! cool :) 15:15:50 <decause> but that will be more of an 'official' channel 15:16:00 <fhackdroid> jflory7, which source ? 15:16:04 <bee2502_> .fasinfo bee2502 15:16:05 <decause> the planet, and your blogs, should be about your voice 15:16:06 <zodbot> bee2502_: User: bee2502, Name: Bhagyashree Padalkar, email: bhagyashree.iitg@gmail.com, Creation: 2015-10-14, IRC Nick: bee2502, Timezone: Asia/Kolkata, Locale: en, GPG key ID: None, Status: active 15:16:08 <zodbot> bee2502_: Approved Groups: commops cla_done cla_fpca 15:16:20 <skrzepto> decause: I'm one of the Red Hat interns. Sorry was getting situated in another thread. 15:16:26 <jflory7> fhackdroid: Planet GSoC. 15:16:28 <jflory7> #link https://planetgsoc.github.io/ 15:16:28 <decause> one of the biggest benefits of doing an internship program like GSoC or Outreachy is that you get to develop a personal brand and presence online in the FOSS community 15:16:34 <jflory7> #link https://github.com/planetGSoC/river5 15:16:48 <fhackdroid> jflory7, i need to add my blog to that :P 15:16:49 <decause> we want you to cultivate this presence, and grow your own network so that you can continue being effective even after the internship is over 15:17:01 <decause> we are here to help build you up, just as much as you are here to help us build things 15:17:20 <decause> skrzepto: welcome welcome :) 15:17:23 <jflory7> skrzepto: Greetings! 15:17:29 <decause> skrzepto: have you seen the welcome kit? 15:17:34 <decause> #link http://etherpad.osuosl.org/fedora-gsoc-welcome-2016 15:17:37 <fhackdroid> skrzepto, o/ 15:18:08 <sayan> skrzepto: welcome :) 15:18:12 * jflory7 nods towards decause 15:18:22 * fhackdroid listening to decause 15:18:34 <decause> we are all here to help eachother, and your mentor is just one person. by sharing the load, and answering questions in public, and defaulting to open, we'll all work together to kick down blockers and move forward 15:18:53 * c0mrad3 hmm 15:19:04 <decause> most of the public channels you should start with are in the kit 15:19:24 <decause> but each of you will also be dealing with different parts of Fedora directly (or indirectly) that you should also participate within 15:19:48 <skrzepto> decause: thanks for the link. I have not seen it yet 15:20:15 <decause> skrzepto: our goal in GSoC (and outreachy) is to work closely with you and the other RHT interns, to create a larger "team" environment 15:20:29 <decause> esp since projects like Hubs will span across all parts of Fedora 15:20:40 <devyani7> Hubs++ :) 15:21:00 <decause> so hubs, for example, has it's own public channels 15:21:04 <decause> #fedora-hubs for IRC 15:21:23 <decause> and #fedora-apps where you can ask questions too 15:21:44 <decause> which is the home of #fedora-infra 15:22:25 <decause> the Fedora Infrastructure Team helps to maintain all pipes that deliver Fedora, but also all the pipes that connect our community members 15:22:34 <decause> which is why it is heavily featured in the welcome kit 15:22:41 <jflory7> s/-infra/-admin 15:22:50 <devyani7> jflory7++ 15:22:55 <decause> by getting involved in the Fedora Infra team, you will get to the heart of many aspects of the project from the bottom up 15:23:06 <decause> the Community Operations Team is also featured in the welcome kit 15:23:27 <skamath> CommOps \o/ 15:23:32 <jflory7> commops++ 15:23:45 <decause> CommOps is a team that spans all the teams, and attempts to bring more heat and light to each subproject 15:23:54 * fhackdroid wondering where does pagure fit 15:24:08 <decause> so, between these two teams, you should be able to get familiar with *many* aspects of Fedora 15:24:24 <decause> fhackdroid: it is an app, which means it falls under Fedora Infra 15:24:25 <decause> and 15:24:29 <c0mrad3> fhackdroid: pagure is in infra 15:24:32 <decause> is quickly becoming the core of the project 15:24:47 <decause> Fedorahosted is where we host trac and git repos, and we're migrating to Pagure more each day 15:25:08 <fhackdroid> Pagure \o/ 15:25:19 * c0mrad3 nods to decause even docs are being moved to pagure 15:25:30 <decause> c0mrad3: exactly 15:25:32 * fhackdroid so wanted to do that 15:26:02 <decause> so, for now, be sure to tap into those subprojects as a start 15:26:19 <jflory7> ! 15:26:20 <decause> as you work more within Fedora, you'll find more and more places that impact your work 15:26:24 <decause> jflory7: go ahead 15:26:54 <jflory7> decause: If it's relevant for now since Pagure came up - was wondering if the sumemr-coding Pagure group will be used for anything among us soon. 15:26:59 <jflory7> * summer-coding 15:27:12 <decause> jflory7: that is a resource for us to assign tickets 15:27:21 <Mathnerd314> so, w.r.t. joining the summer-coding FAS group; the page says we should have gotten an invitation email. is that still true? I don't think I got one 15:27:27 <decause> and commit files that relate to the program itself 15:27:33 * jflory7 nods to decause 15:27:47 <decause> I imagine using it for things like assigning evaluations to mentors, and making sure they are completed on time 15:27:58 <c0mrad3> jflory7: just like in github :) 15:27:59 <jflory7> decause: One more follow-up question. Do we want to use this for task management or were we going to use something like Taskwarrior (or could we use whichever one we prefer...?)? 15:28:02 * bee2502_ is listening 15:28:27 <decause> jflory7: each individual student should work with their mentor to identify which is the preferred workflow for task delegation 15:28:31 * jflory7 nods 15:28:34 <jflory7> Okay, thanks. eof 15:28:48 <devyani7> ! 15:29:02 <decause> taskwarrior is a very useful tool, and I'm a huge fan. Hopefully we can get someone like lmacken or threebean or pingone (pingou) to do a demo/share best practices 15:29:09 <decause> devyani7: go ahead 15:29:31 <devyani7> decause: what if a person didn't get an invitation to the summer coding fas group. 15:29:38 <bee2502_> same here 15:29:39 <jflory7> I have discussion about Taskwarrior that I want to save for open floor at the end of the meeting. 15:29:39 <decause> devyani7: you have to apply for it 15:29:40 <devyani7> can he/she apply? 15:29:43 <decause> yes 15:29:56 <devyani7> decause: roger. thanks <eof> 15:30:00 <decause> if you go to the http://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts, and then "groups" you should be able to search for it 15:30:00 <devyani7> :) 15:30:06 <mizmo> are all of the interns, in part, working on hubs? 15:30:13 <decause> (assuming I got that url correct) 15:30:41 <jflory7> #link https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts/group/view/summer-coding 15:30:49 <decause> mizmo: I think that because we have such a large portion of interns working on hubs, that there will be a heavy focus in those disucssions 15:30:54 <fhackdroid> mizmo, I guess yes 15:30:56 <devyani7> jflory7: thanks 15:31:01 <decause> mizmo: I would also invite interns directly to hack on it as well 15:31:14 <decause> who are not already on it as their "main" project 15:31:20 <mizmo> i wonder if using taiga ors omething like that would help organize work 15:31:33 <mizmo> meghan and i used taiga last summer for the hubs ux work 15:31:34 <decause> mizmo: yes, I know that taiga is what Fedora Infra uses 15:31:36 <jflory7> I may be contributing Ansible playbooks towards Hubs farther along in my timeline. 15:32:06 <decause> mizmo: I anticipate there being a time, before Flock, where we *all* are giving Hubs dedicated attention 15:32:18 <decause> same for Pagure likely 15:32:20 <decause> so 15:32:26 <decause> lets talk about Flock 15:32:31 <decause> #topic Flock 15:32:35 <fhackdroid> I am using Hubs in pagure for bringing CI to pagure 15:32:39 <decause> #link http://flocktofedora.org 15:32:47 <skamath> fhackdroid++ 15:32:48 <zodbot> skamath: Karma for farhaan changed to 7 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:32:59 <fhackdroid> skamath, ^^ 15:33:30 <decause> Flock is fedora's annual North America and European Contributor Conference 15:33:40 * fhackdroid nods 15:33:44 <decause> it takes place this year from August 2nd to August 5th 15:34:00 <decause> it is the largest gathering of Fedorans in one place physically each year (usually) 15:34:15 <jflory7> flock++ 15:34:29 * c0mrad3 hmm 15:34:33 <decause> this conference, though not at the "end" of your cycles, should be factored into your plans of work with your mentors 15:34:40 <decause> so, start talking about Flock now with them 15:34:53 * fhackdroid feels sad that he wont be able to attend 15:35:04 <mizmo> fhackdroid, i cant go either! 15:35:07 <decause> as Org admin, I'm going to be speaking with Google and GNOME about what travel stipends may be available for getting students there 15:35:22 <mizmo> decause, for outreachy it has been $500 15:35:26 <mizmo> which is likely not enough 15:35:38 <decause> mizmo: yes, I want to make sure that we can access it 15:35:43 * bee2502_ wanted was looking forward to meeting mizmo at flock 15:35:50 <decause> GSoC typically funds *after* the program is done too 15:36:06 <decause> but I think they can make special considerations 15:36:09 <fhackdroid> decause, does that mean that there is a chance we can attend ? 15:36:23 <mizmo> bee2502, :( 15:36:47 <gil_> hi 15:36:47 <gil_> no more sound in system: control panel recognize but unused "GK208 HDMI/DP Audio Controller Digital stereo" 15:36:47 <gil_> and not listed "Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) (rev 40) Subsystem: ASRock Incorporation Device 0892" 15:36:47 <gil_> the problem seem similar to http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=110572 15:36:47 <gil_> any ideas? 15:36:48 <decause> fhackdroid: speaking proposals are closed now 15:37:04 <jflory7> gil_: You will probably need to ask that in #fedora. 15:37:08 <skamath> gil_: Try #fedora 15:37:15 <decause> gil_: please join #fedora for answers to tracebacks and issues :) 15:37:27 <decause> gil_: there is also the users' list 15:37:37 <decause> oop, well, goodbye :P 15:37:45 * jflory7 shrugs 15:37:57 * fhackdroid waves at mizmo 15:37:58 * skamath wonders how he ended up in the meeting channel 15:38:00 <decause> the reason I'm mentioning Flock is so that you'll ask your mentor where that fits into your plan of work *now* 15:38:32 <decause> for projects like Hubs, we are really working backwards from our ideal demo state as a strategy for getting our workflows aligned 15:38:50 <decause> ideal/reasonable 15:38:51 <decause> ;) 15:38:52 <decause> ok 15:38:57 <decause> I didn't want to do *all* the talking today 15:39:03 <decause> I wanted to cover the book-ends 15:39:10 <decause> the beginning and the end 15:39:12 <fhackdroid> decause, my talk didn't get in :P 15:39:14 <decause> welcome and Flock 15:39:26 <decause> fhackdroid: maybe next year :) 15:39:41 <fhackdroid> decause, hopefully :) 15:39:41 <decause> fhackdroid: I've been rejected in the past 15:39:54 <decause> it's just because we have *so* many good ones :) 15:39:55 <decause> so 15:40:07 <fhackdroid> decause, true that :) 15:40:14 <bee2502_> decause : that can't be possible ! 15:40:16 <decause> #topic Fedora Friends 15:40:34 <decause> I've been a Fedora user for some time now (2006) 15:40:44 <decause> and a contributor since 2008 15:40:51 * fhackdroid wondering about the topic ;) 15:41:01 <decause> but I've used other distros and software too 15:41:10 <decause> the thing that makes Fedora different 15:41:13 <decause> totally unique 15:41:14 <decause> for me 15:41:19 <decause> is the people who are here 15:41:29 <decause> this place, is a magical place, where we *do* stuff 15:41:31 <decause> things get done 15:41:35 <decause> not just code 15:41:35 * c0mrad3 agrees 15:41:38 <decause> but designs 15:41:39 <skamath> and dnf ;) 15:41:40 <decause> and events 15:41:53 <decause> and all kinds of other activity that drives so much of the FOSS world 15:41:54 <fhackdroid> and sudo 15:41:56 <jflory7> Freedom Friends Features First <3 15:41:58 <decause> even outside of our repos and mailing lists 15:42:06 <decause> the people who are here, are what make this place what it is 15:42:16 <skamath> jflory7++ 15:42:17 <decause> and you are those people too 15:42:57 <decause> #topic introductions 15:43:35 <decause> #info decause; UTC-4; CommOps, Council, GSoC, Budget, * 15:43:54 <decause> #info username; timezone; subprojects/and project work for summer 15:43:59 * c0mrad3 I have done it already :) doing it again 15:44:33 <skamath> #info skamath; UTC +5.30; CommOps, Metrics, Python 15:44:55 <jflory7> #info Justin W. Flory (jflory7); UTC-4; CommOps, Marketing / Magazine, Ambassadors, Diversity, soon-to-be Infrastructure; Working with CommOps and Fedora Infrastructure to create Ansible playbooks for specific services in the Infrastructure and help begin porting to 2.0 API 15:45:24 <jflory7> And puiterwijk / decause are my mentors. :) 15:45:40 <decause> #info My Summer Coding Work will be primarily about Administration of GSoC and other programs, making sure that all of our students and mentors have a productive and positive experience this year :) 15:45:53 <fhackdroid> #info fhackdroid ; UTC+5.30; Pagure 15:46:13 <skamath> decause is my CommOps mentor and bee2502_ is my Metrics mentor \o/ 15:46:16 <skrzepto> #skrzepto UTC -6, Hubs 15:46:17 <bee2502_> #info Bhagyashree ; UTC +5.30 ; CommOps , Metrics , Elections 15:46:18 <fhackdroid> pingone, is my mentor 15:46:42 <c0mrad3> #info Tummala Dhanvi (c0mrad3) ; UTC+5:30 ; CommOps, Docs, Security, GSoC, * ; will be working with the fedora docs newer tool chain as my GSoC more about me https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:dhanvi; zoglesby is my mentor 15:46:53 <ronith> #info ronit: UTC +5.30; Tinykdump, commops 15:47:12 <Mathnerd314> #info allangardner; UTC-6; ostree, rpm-ostree, Project Atomic, Fedora Modularization, and whatever else fits into the schedule 15:47:24 <fhackdroid> #info farhaanbukhsh.wordpress.com 15:47:26 <ronith> my mentors are caiqian and linuxmodder 15:47:27 <vivek_> #info Vivek Anand; UTC+5: 30; Pagure; Pingo(u) is my mentor 15:47:34 <sayan> #info Sayan Chowdhury; UTC+5:30; Infrastructure, Cloud, CommOps, Ambassadors 15:48:00 <bee2502_> # info Will be working with skamath for developing some metrics tools for Fedora apart from working on statscache widgets myself 15:48:18 <skamath> bee2502++ 15:48:33 <mizmo> #info Máirín Duffy, Fedora UX designer, lead designer of Fedora Hubs. I will be mentoring Radhika who is one of the Red Hat summer interns and will be starting later this week. I'm based in Boston, I think we're UTC-4 right now. 15:48:46 <decause> mizmo: nod nod 15:48:57 <devyani7> #info devyani7; UTC+5.30; Python, Hubs, Infrastructure; Will be working with on Hubs as my GSoC project, hub-pages,widgets and other cool features before Flock. pingone, sayan, decause, lmacken, corey are my mentors. 15:49:16 <devyani7> For more info : https://devyani7kota.wordpress.com/ 15:49:29 <c0mrad3> mizmo++ 15:49:29 <zodbot> c0mrad3: Karma for duffy changed to 30 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:49:51 <decause> did we miss anyone? 15:50:08 <decause> going once 15:50:10 <decause> going twice 15:50:11 <decause> going thrice 15:50:21 <fhackdroid> sold 15:50:23 <fhackdroid> :P 15:50:27 <devyani7> :P 15:50:29 <vivek_> lol 15:50:29 <skamath> .nextmeeting #fedora-meeting 15:50:30 <jflory7> Really cool to see all of the other students and mentors in GSoC. Super excited to see what everyone is working on!! 15:50:31 <zodbot> skamath: In #fedora-meeting is EMEA Ambassadors (starting in 5 hours) 15:50:34 <zodbot> skamath: In #fedora-meeting is Security Team Meeting (starting in a day) 15:50:37 <zodbot> skamath: In #fedora-meeting is Modularity WG (starting in a day) 15:50:39 <zodbot> skamath: - https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/location/fedora-meeting%40irc.freenode.net/ 15:50:50 <decause> #topic Weekly Reports 15:51:08 <decause> in the future, this meeting block (whenver it lands) will be mostly about weekly reporting 15:51:38 <decause> a time for us to check in on the exciting work that everyone is working on, and make sure we're there to help promote our wins, and tackle our challenges 15:52:00 <decause> it is common practice within Fedora to give "status reports" 15:52:23 <decause> everyone does theirs slightly differently 15:52:34 <decause> but the gist is "what got done this week" 15:53:00 <decause> one of the tasks I'll be working with skamath on, is developing a regular way for us to report back all the amazing work that you're doing to the community 15:53:05 <c0mrad3> #info c0mrad3 got started with working on packaging asciidoctor-mallard https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/dhanvi/asciidoctor-mallard/monitor/ and build was successful except for few platforms 15:53:21 <decause> this has 2 reasons: 15:53:44 <decause> 1) It keeps us accountable to eachother, and ensures that everyone will have no problem passing during their midterm and final evaluations 15:53:55 <skamath> Yes :) I've started working on it. 15:54:03 <mizmo> decause, can you go over the difference between the summer-coding and summer-coding-discuss lists? eg if someone couldn't make the IRC meeting, which would they send a status report to? which will get the meeting minutes emails? 15:54:08 <decause> 2) It gives us a record of the impact that this program has, justifying the project's future investment in summer coding 15:54:16 <skamath> decause++ 15:54:38 <decause> you are not just here to accomplish your tasks for the summer, it is much bigger than that 15:54:51 <decause> we are building an ecosystem for onboarding new contributors via these summer programs 15:55:06 <decause> some of you may end up mentoring the next batch of interns someday :) 15:55:11 <decause> and we want to lay a path 15:55:17 <decause> and establish protocol 15:55:33 <decause> and build more than just code 15:55:36 <decause> we build community 15:55:41 <decause> so, you are all a part of that 15:56:04 <decause> :) 15:56:11 <decause> so 15:56:14 <decause> to mizmo's question 15:56:16 <c0mrad3> mizmo: I think summer-coding is for mentors and admins (private) which is useful to decide which also helps to pick students and other is public for students and everyone 15:56:29 <mizmo> ah ok 15:56:40 <decause> the difference between summer-coding and summer-coding-discuss is that one is for mentors and one is for students (discuss is for students) 15:56:45 <decause> c0mrad3: yes 15:56:49 <mizmo> decause, ah looks like discuss is the mentors one 15:57:09 <decause> you will be posting your weekly reports to your appropriate mailing lists, and your blogs, and then linking to them here in these status meetings 15:57:17 <decause> err, yes? 15:58:10 <bee2502_> and back ! 15:58:15 <decause> these meetings are meant as a way for us all to keep the program on track, and give the Admins and Mentors a chance to check on the health of the program 15:58:24 <decause> we want you all to succeed 15:58:37 <decause> the work is too important 15:58:49 <jflory7> bee2502_: Welcome again :) 15:58:51 <skamath> I'm sure all of us will :) 15:59:00 * jflory7 nods to decause 15:59:03 <decause> and these meetings and checkins will help make sure 15:59:04 <decause> so 15:59:12 <decause> some tips: 15:59:16 <decause> #topic Tips 15:59:26 <decause> Early and Often 15:59:35 * fhackdroid listening 15:59:38 * c0mrad3 decause agrees and I and my mentor agreed to have a daily status update 15:59:44 <decause> Ship early and often - that is, commit and push code as soon as you can 15:59:54 <decause> Communicate Early and Often 16:00:05 <decause> it is tempting to "want it to be perfect" 16:00:27 <decause> it is tempting to wait until you've "fixed" something to report that something is wrong 16:00:37 <decause> don't wait 16:00:40 <decause> don't be afraid 16:00:44 <decause> we are all here to grow 16:00:58 <decause> as soon as you are having an issue, contact your mentor 16:01:16 <decause> a good general rule is "Don't stall on a task for more than an Hour" 16:01:41 <decause> you can learn by getting lost and diggin in, but you can only get so far 16:01:44 <decause> ask lots of questions 16:01:50 <decause> you can ping me anytime 16:01:50 <mizmo> dont be afraid to ask for help 16:01:56 <decause> and 16:01:59 <decause> do it in public 16:02:09 <decause> because I, or mizmo, or other single people 16:02:15 <mizmo> i updated the list of mailing lists in the etherpad with descriptions 16:02:16 <decause> we are a single point of failure 16:02:21 <decause> mizmo: thank you 16:02:26 <jflory7> #DefaultToOpen 16:02:28 <sayan> decause++ 16:02:29 <jflory7> :) 16:02:35 <decause> make sure that you are socializing your questions, so taht we can all work as a team to build eachother up 16:02:39 <fhackdroid> decause++ 16:02:39 <zodbot> fhackdroid: Karma for decause changed to 47 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 16:02:41 <decause> the Friends Foundation 16:02:44 <skamath> mizmo++ 16:02:44 <zodbot> skamath: Karma for duffy changed to 31 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 16:02:46 <decause> it is one of the strongest 16:02:51 <mizmo> so the summer-coding list is the main list you folks want to use - it's good to ask questions on there bc the most people can benefit from the answers that way and there's a record 16:03:02 * fhackdroid have been doing that a lot 16:03:09 <sayan> fhackdroid: :) 16:03:21 <mizmo> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/summer-coding@lists.fedoraproject.org/ 16:03:32 <fhackdroid> sayan, ^^ 16:03:35 <mizmo> you dont even have to sign up for email you can participate in the web interface, whatever you like 16:03:42 * fhackdroid waves at sayan 16:04:09 <decause> please fill out the polls for meeting slots in the welcome kit 16:04:14 <sayan> I would also like to add that if you learn something new blog it :) 16:04:19 <decause> that will dictate what time we hold this weekly meeting again 16:04:45 <decause> we're at 5 past the hour, so I want to be respectful of people's time 16:04:58 <decause> anything that isn't in the welcome kit, you can ask your mentors about, and also me, anytime 16:05:14 * c0mrad3 nods 16:05:26 * sayan waves back to fhackdroid 16:05:27 <decause> Happy Hacking all, and I look forward to seeing all the amazing things that you will build this cycle :) 16:05:36 * fhackdroid \m/ 16:05:37 <devyani7> decause: sayan: mizmo: those tips sure have motivated us :) thanks a lot. 16:05:40 * jflory7 is super excited 16:05:44 <skrzepto> thanks :) 16:05:46 <mizmo> \o/ 16:05:47 * devyani7 is too 16:05:53 <jflory7> decause++ mizmo++ sayan++ gsoc++ fedora++ 16:05:56 <mizmo> make sure you sign up for that summer-coding mailing list 16:06:01 <fhackdroid> mizmo, how are you doing ? 16:06:07 <jflory7> I have two things quick for an open floor if we have time 16:06:11 <mizmo> you can sign up here: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/admin/lists/summer-coding.lists.fedoraproject.org/ 16:06:12 <decause> thank you students, and mentors, and admins 16:06:16 <jflory7> One question, one announcement 16:06:20 * decause holds 16:06:28 <fhackdroid> jflory7, a lot of "++" 16:06:33 <jflory7> fhackdroid: :) 16:06:57 <jflory7> The announcement was that puiterwijk sends his regards for being unable to make it to today's meeting, but he is out celebrating his birthday today, so I think it's justified. ;) 16:06:59 <jflory7> Also, question: 16:07:08 <decause> puiterwijk++ 16:07:22 <c0mrad3> puiterwijk++ 16:07:22 <zodbot> c0mrad3: Karma for puiterwijk changed to 51 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 16:07:26 <sayan> puiterwijk++ 16:07:28 <zodbot> sayan: Karma for puiterwijk changed to 52 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 16:07:30 <bee2502_> puiterwijk++ 16:07:32 <devyani7> puiterwijk++ 16:07:33 <fhackdroid> jflory7, woaah happy birthday puiterwijk 16:07:51 <c0mrad3> puiterwijk: and many many happy returns of the day :) 16:07:52 * decause is holding for announcement, then will endmeeting 16:08:16 <vivek_> even god has done ++ for puiterwijk today 16:08:24 <decause> :P 16:08:25 <fhackdroid> #info puiterwijk helped a lot and still helping me to setup pagure on aws instance 16:08:27 <jflory7> For Taskwarrior, it's easiest when there is an instance of Taskserver set up to sync tasks between multiple devices. I was trying to set up a Taskserver instance using threebean's Copr, but was having a few issues with it. I was wondering if it might be possible to have a Fedora Taskserver we might be able to use for GSoC (and maybe beyond it too as a service for Fedorans, kind of like Gobby for Infra). 16:08:47 <decause> jflory7: good question in #feodra-apps, via summer-coding list 16:08:51 * jflory7 nods 16:08:59 <jflory7> Wasn't sure if that was something that others may be interested in 16:09:01 <decause> but yeah, taskwarrior is awesome 16:09:09 <sayan> If you are planning to learn, this tutorial is great - https://taskwarrior.org/news/news.20150627.html 16:09:12 * skamath didn't know taskwarrior had multi-device support 16:09:13 * jflory7 clicks 16:09:19 <zoglesby> jflory7: you can also use https://inthe.am/ 16:09:21 <jflory7> skamath: Kinda, sorta. 16:09:24 <jflory7> zoglesby: Ohh! 16:09:27 * jflory7 clicks again 16:09:30 <zoglesby> if you are okay with someone else hosting it for you 16:09:32 <decause> another useful tool is: 16:09:35 <decause> #link https://apps.fedoraproject.org/datagrepper/raw?user=decause 16:09:36 * c0mrad3 googling about taskwarrior 16:09:38 <zoglesby> also has a nice web interface 16:09:39 * fhackdroid clicks and clicks 16:10:00 <skrzepto> decause: the link seems dead 16:10:02 <jflory7> zoglesby: Whoa, that is seriously amazing, I think I might just use this then. Super super useful. 16:10:12 <decause> ok 16:10:15 <jflory7> zoglesby++ 16:10:17 <jflory7> Okay, eof from me 16:10:31 <decause> more tools in irc channels later, please post to list. we'll check in next week :) 16:10:36 <decause> #endmeeting