14:04:25 <randomuser> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 14:04:25 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jun 20 14:04:25 2016 UTC. The chair is randomuser. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:04:25 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:04:25 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'docs_project_meeting_-_agenda:_https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/docs_project_meetings' 14:04:27 <randomuser> #meetingname Fedora Docs 14:04:27 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs' 14:04:28 <randomuser> #topic Roll Call 14:04:33 * randomuser unplugs zodbot and plugs it back in 14:04:44 <c0mrad3> .hello dhanvi 14:04:45 <zodbot> c0mrad3: dhanvi 'Tummala Dhanvi' <dhanvicse@gmail.com> 14:04:51 * c0mrad3 waves to randomuser 14:04:58 <randomuser> hello, c0mrad3 14:05:11 <c0mrad3> hello randomuser :) 14:05:39 <terminal__> Hi 14:06:42 * pbokoc 14:08:53 <randomuser> hello also to terminal__ and pbokoc 14:09:02 <randomuser> #chair pbokoc 14:09:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: pbokoc randomuser 14:09:52 <randomuser> #topic Action Item review 14:10:09 <randomuser> mine are getting carried over 14:10:27 <randomuser> c0mrad3, you have a note "find out about other GSoC student work environment" ? 14:10:45 <randomuser> #action randomuser to build 'prerelease' fedora-release-notes rpm for f25 14:10:53 <randomuser> #action randomuser to clear master branch of release-notes repo 14:11:02 <randomuser> #action randomuser to update docs.fp.o redirects 14:11:12 <randomuser> #action randomuser to publish f23 sysadmin and networking guides 14:11:50 <pbokoc> install guide should be ready today - right, cspicer? :) 14:12:06 <cspicer> yep! just trying to push final changes now :) 14:12:11 <randomuser> niiice 14:12:14 <randomuser> cspicer++ 14:12:14 <zodbot> randomuser: Karma for cspicer changed to 1 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:12:36 <c0mrad3> randomuser: yes I did and find out that pagure has to support hooks for doing CI for PR(which he is working on) but we can do continuous deployment easily, will start working on about the same after talking with zoglesby this week 14:13:10 <randomuser> ok, we'll talk more about that in a later topic, thanks c0mrad3 14:13:19 <randomuser> #topic Release Notes 14:14:02 <randomuser> Release Notes are mostly wrapped up at this point, anyone have discussion items for it? 14:14:23 <randomuser> oh, i need to publish 14:14:29 <randomuser> #action randomuser to publish release notes 14:15:58 <randomuser> no clamoring for discussion here, so... 14:16:03 <randomuser> #topic Publishing 14:16:30 <randomuser> okay c0mrad3, tell us us how pagure's CI hooks work and how you will use them 14:18:37 <randomuser> morning, gregdek 14:18:39 <randomuser> ahem 14:18:44 <randomuser> grundblom :) 14:18:51 * grundblom waves sorry I am late 14:18:54 <randomuser> did we lose c0mrad3 ? 14:18:55 <c0mrad3> randomuser: pagure has to set a new hook every time a new pr is created then we can use that hook to ask buildbot / jenkins to verify the pr is okay or the new build fails 14:19:27 <gregdek> randomuser good morning! Even though I'm not the droid you're looking for. 14:19:31 <randomuser> c0mrad3, what does a hook mean in this context? a POST to a restful API call? 14:19:42 * randomuser turns gregdek off and back on 14:19:49 <randomuser> droids getting attitudes... 14:19:57 <gregdek> bleep bloop 14:20:16 <c0mrad3> randomuser: yes similar, ie pagure should send a message when a new pr is created 14:20:30 <randomuser> specifically what kind of message 14:20:50 <c0mrad3> #link https://pagure.io/pagure/pull-request/1030 14:21:37 <c0mrad3> randomuser: message so that the build bot can build again and see if the build is successful or not 14:21:47 <randomuser> I guess we should both read up to find out what constitutes a 'hook' for pagure 14:22:01 <randomuser> I understand what it's purpose is, i'm asking how you intend to implement it 14:22:42 <randomuser> or, if, i suppose 14:22:53 <c0mrad3> implementation is being done by farhan in this pr https://pagure.io/pagure/pull-request/1030 14:23:07 <randomuser> i see that 14:23:36 <c0mrad3> I just need to do the set up the repos and the build bot 14:24:07 <randomuser> ok, can you talk a bit about the plan for that? 14:24:57 <c0mrad3> no I need to talk with zoglesby about the same and how we can implement it 14:26:00 <randomuser> this meeting time would also be a good time to discuss how you'd implement it 14:26:21 <randomuser> but if you're not ready, we can move on 14:26:43 <c0mrad3> I am not yet ready and I need little bit more time 14:27:39 * randomuser nods 14:28:08 * c0mrad3 will have more for sure for the next meeting 14:28:10 <randomuser> it looks like the hook in this fork is POSTing a json object to a jenkins instance over https 14:28:50 * randomuser has no personal progress to report on publishing tools today 14:29:03 <randomuser> #topic Guide Status 14:29:26 <randomuser> #action randomuser to publish f24 install guide when cspicer is ready 14:30:04 <randomuser> also whatever Capesteve said was ready, i didn't do it right away so now I'll have to check logs and stuff :/ 14:31:48 <randomuser> are we enjoying pagure for guides so far? 14:32:08 <randomuser> any comments about guides at all? 14:32:47 <grundblom> randomuser, I am behind and not sure what pagure does / benifits us / etc 14:32:59 <grundblom> Could someone point me to somewhere where I can catch up on it? 14:33:21 <terminal__> Still yet to start that yum via proxy stuff for the sysadmin guide, in the process of moving house so been a bit hectic 14:33:55 <randomuser> grundblom, it gives us a forum for discussing work in progress, managing pull requests, issues, etc 14:34:19 <terminal__> Also saw immanetize had assigned it to themselves 14:34:27 <randomuser> hmm? 14:34:44 <randomuser> terminal__, feel free to take it 14:34:57 <terminal__> Ahh that's you haha 14:35:02 <grundblom> ah, more of a integration of discussion and git repo? 14:35:31 <randomuser> right; it makes the branch/fork process easier 14:36:48 <randomuser> discussion in PRs and on individual lines of files was especially cool 14:37:11 <randomuser> #topic GSoC Updates 14:37:31 <terminal__> I think steve said the networking guide was ready randomuser, but i could be wrong 14:38:06 <randomuser> c0mrad3, we talked about publishing tools already, but do you want to say anything in general about your GSoC experience, or other things you're working on for your internship? 14:38:25 <randomuser> terminal__, I think you're right, yeah. I'll sync up with him. 14:41:29 <randomuser> hm 14:41:38 <randomuser> #topic Outstanding BZ tickets 14:41:45 <randomuser> #link http://tinyurl.com/lbrq84 14:42:38 <randomuser> yup, there's bugs 14:42:56 <randomuser> at some point, we should move all our bugs to pagure issues 14:43:23 <randomuser> and see about disposing of the 'Fedora Documentation' bz product 14:44:55 <randomuser> #topic Open Floor Discussion 14:45:20 <randomuser> well this is going quickly 14:45:37 <randomuser> nothing else on your mind, folks? 14:45:47 <grundblom> With 24 so close to release, is the release notes pretty much closed up? 14:46:07 <randomuser> I wouldn't say that 14:46:49 <randomuser> it might be too late to get edits in the ISO RPM but we can update the website and rpm at any time 14:47:28 <grundblom> Could you tell me what RPM stands for? 14:47:46 <pingou> RPM package manager 14:48:05 <randomuser> ha, i actually did not know 14:48:18 <randomuser> recursive acronyms ftw! 14:48:45 <terminal__> Will there be issues with moving from bz to pagure due to bz being the universally accepted big tracker? Will we have to keep it round for legacy 14:48:56 <terminal__> bug* 14:49:36 <randomuser> terminal__, bugzilla is arguably more thoroughly supported, that's true 14:49:41 <grundblom> oh rpm as in the package manager? I thought it meant something different in this context 14:49:50 <grundblom> Sorry about my density 14:50:11 <terminal__> Or don't many Fedora users generally log docs bugs? 14:50:47 <randomuser> it seems relatively rare, but I don't know how that compares 14:50:56 <terminal__> Is it more the docs team than general users and they won't notice 14:51:20 <randomuser> it makes sense to me for us to put the issues close to the sources 14:51:30 <terminal__> I agree 14:52:37 <terminal__> Just if general Fedora users want to log a bug on it, they'll have to be made aware i guess 14:53:07 <terminal__> Maybe a link/redirect 14:53:22 <terminal__> I imagine it will be a while coming 14:53:31 <terminal__> There's tons to move 14:53:53 <terminal__> Possibly some fixed/redundant 14:54:25 <randomuser> there is purportedly - and I say it that way because I'm not sure how the implementation works - a way that pintail, the new thing we want to build the site with, can build a link to the source pagure project of the relevant doc in the built html 14:54:58 <randomuser> so, user reads a thing, finds a problem or concern, link at bottom of page takes you directly to somewhere actionable 14:55:11 <terminal__> Ah cool 14:57:07 <terminal__> Do we have a process for moving stuff from bz to pagure? 14:57:40 <randomuser> we're just now at the point in the process where I've proposed the idea for discussion 14:58:24 <grundblom> got to go, have a great day everyone 14:58:53 <randomuser> it is about that time 14:59:03 <randomuser> thanks for coming, everyone 14:59:07 <terminal__> Yep, but it's been on the cards since we began using pagure i feel, i'd be happy to help is kinda what i am saying 14:59:29 <randomuser> terminal__, cool - want to take the lead on it, then? 14:59:40 <terminal__> Sure 15:00:05 <randomuser> #action terminal__ to start planning for bz->pagure move 15:00:10 <randomuser> #endmeeting