15:11:00 <rdieter> #startmeeting kde-sig 15:11:00 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jun 28 15:11:00 2016 UTC. The chair is rdieter. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:11:00 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:11:00 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'kde-sig' 15:11:06 <rdieter> #topic roll call 15:11:14 <lupinix> .hello lupinix 15:11:16 <zodbot> lupinix: lupinix 'Christian Dersch' <lupinix@mailbox.org> 15:11:16 <rdieter> hi all, who's present for a friendly kde-sig meeting today? 15:11:40 * jgrulich is present 15:11:41 <tosky> hi 15:12:22 <rdieter> #info rdieter lupinix jgrulich tosky present 15:12:27 <rdieter> #chair lupinix jgrulich tosky 15:12:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: jgrulich lupinix rdieter tosky 15:15:17 <rdieter> #topic agenda 15:15:21 <rdieter> ok, what to discuss today? 15:15:49 * rdieter will report on recent updates: kf5-5.23, kde-apps-16.04.2 15:16:18 <jgrulich> Qt 5 plans? I'm just curious whether we want to bring Qt 5.7 to Fedora 23 and F24 or we will keep Qt 5.6.1 for a while and maybe wait for Qt 5.7.1 15:17:18 <jgrulich> or have you already decided/discussed that before? 15:17:58 <lupinix> if i remember correctly: qt 5.7 will be available @copr first,. then see how things go on? 15:17:59 <rdieter> jgrulich: we can discuss it, I think only informally so far (w/heliocastro mostly) 15:18:31 * jreznik is here 15:18:36 <rdieter> anything else to discuss today? 15:18:58 <lupinix> nothing here 15:19:43 <rdieter> ok, let's get started 15:19:50 <rdieter> #topic recent pkg updates 15:20:16 <rdieter> ok, so last week banged out plasma-5.6.5 and kf5-5.23.0 15:20:43 <rdieter> 5.6.5 is in stable updates, and kf5 is on it's way (queue'd) 15:21:13 <tosky> and 5.6.5 seems to be working properly (checked on f23) 15:21:15 <rdieter> doing kde-apps-16.04.2 for f24 today (kdepim-16.04.x stack is the highlight) 15:21:43 <lupinix> rdieter++ 15:21:43 <zodbot> lupinix: Karma for rdieter changed to 1 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:21:44 <rdieter> then can think about how much of that all can be built for f23 too (not pim of course) 15:22:17 <rdieter> *Then*, can work on Qt-5.6.1 updates 15:22:36 * jgrulich can do the Qt 5.6.1 update 15:22:39 <rdieter> .bug 1347385 15:22:39 <zodbot> rdieter: Bug 1347385 – Qt 5.6.1 tracker - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1347385 15:22:44 <rdieter> tracker bug ^^, mentions the rebuilds needed 15:23:14 <rdieter> jgrulich: ok, you could do that almost right away I think 15:23:27 <rdieter> f24-kde f23-kde koji targets are ready 15:23:44 <rdieter> jgrulich: actually, wait until I get kde-apps done today before starting though 15:23:56 <jgrulich> rdieter: I'll start tomorrow in the morning 15:23:57 <rdieter> (I'd rather not pollute the buildroot) 15:24:01 <rdieter> jgrulich: perfect, thanks 15:25:01 <rdieter> anything else? move on? 15:27:11 <rdieter> moving on... :) 15:27:14 <rdieter> #topic Qt5 plans 15:27:32 <rdieter> heliocastro has Qt 5.7.0 in qt5-next copr, fyi 15:27:51 <rdieter> https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/kdesig/qt5-next/ 15:28:10 <rdieter> initial builds were done with clang (for fun I guess), next interation will use gcc 15:28:19 <jgrulich> rdieter: is there any reason why to switch to Qt 5.7.0? Some visible improvements? 15:28:35 <rdieter> jgrulich: 5.7.x has some nice new features 15:28:48 <rdieter> which we'll want for rawhide at least sooner or later 15:29:18 <rdieter> since 5.6.x is LTS, definitely want to track that for EPEL builds moving forward 15:30:10 <rdieter> that also means we could seriously consider keeping f23 and possibly f24 on 5.6.x too 15:31:21 <rdieter> I don't think we can decide for sure prior to 5.7.x getting into rawhide, getting dependant pkgs built against it successfully, and some runtime testing 15:32:01 <rdieter> (the copr can help with at least some of that) 15:32:24 <jgrulich> right, rawhide first and then we will see 15:32:38 <rdieter> In particular, once in rawhide, we can move 5.7 to https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/kdesig/Qt5/ 15:33:56 <rdieter> ok, sounds like we have a plan 15:34:22 <rdieter> any other comments wrt Qt5 ? 15:35:54 * tosky agrees on LTS for f23 for sure, let's see f24 15:36:46 <rdieter> moving on... 15:36:48 <rdieter> #topic open discussion 15:36:53 <rdieter> anything else to discuss today? 15:38:22 <lupinix> when would be the right date to start default browser discussion again? :D 15:39:07 <lupinix> imho qupzilla works very well now, so imho (!) we could think about it @f25 15:39:10 <tosky> I will try qupzilla after the update to f24 (hopefully really soon) 15:39:50 <RaphGro> it's nasty to see konqueror trying to go in the way 15:40:11 <lupinix> i think about a version of qtwebengine in rpmfusion btw 15:40:23 <lupinix> with enabled codec stuff 15:40:35 <rdieter> lupinix: now's the time 15:40:43 <lupinix> have this locally here, works fine too (but default one from kevin also works with most stuff) 15:41:18 <rdieter> tosky: there's a qupzilla copr too, if you don't want to wait 15:41:41 <tosky> I really really need to update 15:41:45 <rdieter> https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/kkofler/qtwebengine/ name is a wee bit misleading 15:41:53 <lupinix> yes, just one important thing: don't try old 1.8 release :D 15:42:06 <lupinix> 1.8 is the old webkit based one 15:42:26 <lupinix> btw i read there is an effort to continue qtwebkit 15:42:48 <rdieter> my main concern is supporting i686 moving forward (affects more than just qtwebengine though) 15:43:04 <jreznik> I see qupzilla mentioned - anyone tried it with kerberos? it should work as chrome works but maybe support has to be compiled, right path for config, not sure... it's huge package to (qtwebengine) to figure it out 15:43:14 <tosky> that's what I want to try 15:43:15 <rdieter> lupinix: there is, but... are there any (good) browsers using qt5-qtwebkit ? 15:43:40 <lupinix> rdieter: i'm not thinking about browser, but other stuff using it 15:43:55 <rdieter> ok, I thought we were still discussing default browser 15:44:03 <tosky> well... if the kpart works with an updated qtwebkit... 15:44:23 <rdieter> tosky: I think the ongoing work is only for qt5 15:44:33 <lupinix> rdieter: is the problem i686 in general or "only" non-sse2 15:44:43 <tosky> rdieter: yes, sure 15:45:04 <rdieter> lupinix: sse2 mostly, the patches/hacks accumulating in qtwebengine packaging is becoming very non-trivial 15:45:33 <lupinix> do our guidelines allow to require sse2? 15:45:55 <rdieter> lupinix: baseline i686 arch support is no-sse2 15:46:44 <rdieter> what *is* allowed, is to build both non-sse2 and sse2-enabled libs (of course, that assumes that non-sse2 is still possible) 15:46:48 <lupinix> at least for some numerical packages (like numpy if i remember correctly) there are sse2 versions, 15:46:51 <lupinix> ok 15:47:14 <lupinix> so the other option would be dropping i686 in general... :( 15:47:39 <rdieter> yes, if it's a choice between that and accumulating more downstream hacks, I'd chose the former 15:48:11 <rdieter> i686 has already been demoted to be a non-blocking arch 15:51:55 <rdieter> ok, looks like we're winding down, will close meeting soon unless someone else chimes in 15:53:18 <rdieter> thanks everyone! 15:53:20 <rdieter> #endmeeting