21:00:00 <jflory7> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board 21:00:00 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jun 30 21:00:00 2016 UTC. The chair is jflory7. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:00 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:00:00 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board' 21:00:01 <jflory7> #meetingname magazine 21:00:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine' 21:00:09 <jflory7> #topic Roll Call 21:00:14 <jflory7> .hello jflory7 21:00:15 <zodbot> jflory7: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <me@justinwflory.com> 21:00:52 <x3mboy> .fas x3mboy 21:00:53 <zodbot> x3mboy: x3mboy 'Eduard Lucena' <eduardlucena@gmail.com> 21:01:08 <jflory7> #chair x3mboy 21:01:08 <zodbot> Current chairs: jflory7 x3mboy 21:01:11 <jflory7> Hi x3mboy! 21:01:22 <x3mboy> jflory7, o/ 21:01:28 <x3mboy> jflory7, How are you? 21:01:39 <jflory7> Will wait a few more minutes for some others to roll in. :) 21:01:51 <jflory7> x3mboy: Doing pretty well, thanks! A bit tired. Yourself? 21:02:45 <x3mboy> jflory7, too much work this week, and some extra homework because moving location from my family, but ok 21:03:05 <x3mboy> I will go out for a second 21:03:14 <jflory7> Ahh! Well, hopefully things lighten up for you soon. :) And sure, no problem. 21:04:30 * jflory7 waits a couple more extra minutes 21:07:41 * jflory7 will go ahead and start metrics and see how many people we have at the end of that 21:07:42 <jflory7> #topic Last Week in Review 21:08:08 <jflory7> #info This Month in Views: 258,904 21:08:25 <jflory7> #info Last Month in Views: 165,165 21:08:38 <jflory7> #info Record Month, Nov. 2015: 273,671 21:09:19 <jflory7> #info This Week in Views (so far): 35,381 21:09:32 <jflory7> #info Last Week in Views: 124,728 21:10:04 <jflory7> #info Looking at average views per day, readership still seems to be above average for most days this week. 21:11:09 <jflory7> Given that in Nov. 2015 we had an earlier release than this time around, I think the larger, record-setting number is probably a result of that for Nov. 2015. This release seemed to bring in a fair amount of traffic as well. :) 21:13:08 <ryanlerch> .hello ryanlerch 21:13:10 <jflory7> ryanlerch: o/ 21:13:12 <zodbot> ryanlerch: ryanlerch 'ryan lerch' <rlerch@redhat.com> 21:13:12 <jflory7> #chair ryanlerch 21:13:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: jflory7 ryanlerch x3mboy 21:13:20 <jflory7> #topic Pending Review 21:13:25 <jflory7> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=pending&post_type=post 21:13:36 <jflory7> #info === "How to convert from *.deb to *.rpm with alien" === 21:13:41 <jflory7> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=13572&preview=true 21:14:01 * jflory7 takes a minutes to review 21:14:09 <ryanlerch> sorry for being late all! 21:15:03 <jflory7> ryanlerch: No worries, looking like it's just me and you today. x3mboy said he would be right back, but he's been gone for about 10 minutes or so. 21:15:34 <ryanlerch> jflory7: awesome! 21:15:59 <ryanlerch> so we have hit all the articles this week -- be them about a day behind schedule :) 21:16:17 <ryanlerch> i should have the Vagrant one ready to go by 0800 UTC today 21:16:25 <jflory7> I think the idea on this article is a solid one and something that would be of interest to the Magazine audience, although it could probably use some restructuring and maybe a little extra content to mirror the rest of the Magazine format for articles. 21:16:28 <jflory7> ryanlerch++ Awesome! 21:16:47 <jflory7> I was taking a look at the numbers and readership is going pretty well. :) Still higher than average. 21:17:21 <ryanlerch> yeah the alien one needs a bit more verbage 21:17:24 <ryanlerch> IMMHO 21:17:54 <jflory7> I'm not that familiar with the topic, but we could reach out the author about it and offer some feedback / writing tips for Magazine articles? 21:18:29 <ryanlerch> yeah, i am not really familar with it either 21:18:49 <jflory7> I can take an action to hunt down the author and offer some feedback / structural tips. 21:19:00 <ryanlerch> i think a better explaination of why (and maybe why not) to use alien would be good too 21:19:21 <jflory7> #idea What are some of the advantages and disadvantages to use Alien? 21:19:46 <ryanlerch> jflory7: and also when to use it, and when not to use it. 21:19:51 <jflory7> #action jflory7 Contact author of Alien article and offer some writing tips for expanding / fleshing out the piece 21:20:03 <jflory7> #idea When to use Alien and when it would not be a good idea to use it 21:20:17 <ryanlerch> i think primarily people use it when the source is not available, but a 3rd party releases only a binary deb 21:20:34 <jflory7> That makes sense. 21:20:50 <ryanlerch> i.e. i have seen it quoted that people use it to turn the spotify deb into an rpm for install on fedora 21:21:30 <jflory7> I think I've seen it used for that too. 21:22:20 <ryanlerch> anyhoo,+1 for contuniiong on this one form me 21:22:21 <ryanlerch> from me 21:22:23 <ryanlerch> :) 21:22:33 <jflory7> Awesome :) Next one! 21:22:46 <jflory7> #info === "Seafile Server behind nginx on Fedora 24 Security Lab Spin" === 21:22:50 <jflory7> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=13603&preview=true 21:22:55 <jflory7> Also a new one this week. 21:22:59 * jflory7 takes a quick glance 21:24:09 <jflory7> Definitely a long and detailed one. 21:25:30 <ryanlerch> jflory7: yes! 21:25:42 <jflory7> Flipping through it, it seems the content is pretty solid, but just needs formatting edits and maybe a little more explanations at some parts. 21:25:48 <ryanlerch> it might need some work turning it from a blogposty to an article 21:25:52 * jflory7 nods 21:25:58 <ryanlerch> it is very conversational at the moment 21:26:00 <x3mboy> .fas x3mboy 21:26:02 <zodbot> x3mboy: x3mboy 'Eduard Lucena' <eduardlucena@gmail.com> 21:26:07 <ryanlerch> hi x3mboy 21:26:10 <jflory7> x3mboy: Hey, welcome back! 21:26:16 <x3mboy> Hi, sorry for delay 21:26:24 <jflory7> No problem :) 21:26:51 <x3mboy> Can anyone catch me up? 21:27:14 <jflory7> x3mboy: Currently taking a look at this article: https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=13603&preview=true 21:27:18 <jflory7> "Seafile Server behind nginx on Fedora 24 Security Lab Spin" 21:27:49 <x3mboy> jflory7, Ok 21:28:14 <jflory7> I'm not sure I can take an action on for this one next week. 21:28:27 <jflory7> I might be able to take on a smaller article. 21:28:39 <ryanlerch> jflory7: yeah this is looking like one requriing a lot of work 21:28:45 * jflory7 nods 21:28:51 <ryanlerch> how long hasit been sitting in the queue? 21:29:08 <jflory7> ryanlerch: This one (and the previous one) just popped up there this week. 21:29:29 <ryanlerch> i think we should start discussions about these ones on the list, with the authors cced 21:29:29 <jflory7> So there is a small backlog of other content that we can probably get through too. 21:29:37 <jflory7> +1 21:29:55 <ryanlerch> i think this one should also just be genericed too 21:30:07 <jflory7> Genericed? 21:30:14 <ryanlerch> there is no real need IMHO for it to focus on the security spin 21:30:25 <jflory7> Ahhh, gotcha. 21:31:31 <x3mboy> Generalized* 21:31:41 <ryanlerch> x3mboy: yeah :) 21:31:46 <x3mboy> I think is a good article, and personally I will try by myself 21:32:00 <ryanlerch> x3mboy: awesome! 21:32:17 <x3mboy> I lost the discussion about my own article? 21:32:19 <jflory7> x3mboy++ That would be awesome :) 21:32:26 <jflory7> x3mboy: I see yours as actually up next. 21:32:34 <ryanlerch> my main issues with it at the moment, is the conversational style, 21:32:40 <x3mboy> jflory7++ 21:32:46 <ryanlerch> the lack of info on what seafile actually does 21:33:08 <ryanlerch> and generalizing it :) 21:33:23 <ryanlerch> but we can discuss this with the autor on the list too! 21:33:31 <x3mboy> ryanlerch, these can be mentioned via email with the author? 21:33:41 <x3mboy> ryanlerch++ 21:33:42 <zodbot> x3mboy: Karma for ryanlerch changed to 7 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:33:47 * ryanlerch is trying to drive more of this conversation into the list :) 21:33:48 * jflory7 nods 21:33:55 <ryanlerch> thanks x3mboy 21:33:58 <ryanlerch> x3mboy++ 21:33:58 <zodbot> ryanlerch: Karma for x3mboy changed to 3 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:34:09 <jflory7> Alrighty. Do we want to move on to the next one? 21:34:15 <ryanlerch> jflory7++ 21:34:15 <zodbot> ryanlerch: Karma for jflory7 changed to 13 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:34:41 <jflory7> More cookies! 21:34:48 <x3mboy> yeap 21:34:49 <jflory7> #info === "SSH Clients in Fedora" === 21:34:53 <jflory7> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=13543&preview_id=13543 21:34:57 <jflory7> This one is x3mboy's :) 21:35:03 <x3mboy> <3 21:35:06 * jflory7 takes a glance over here again too 21:35:53 <x3mboy> I think the style is a little rough but it keeps the main idea of overview the features of open source ssh clients 21:36:00 <ryanlerch> x3mboy: you should fill out your Bio in the mag instance too! 21:36:43 <x3mboy> ryanlerch, oh! I think this should link to my wiki page 21:36:59 <jflory7> I took a quick scrollthrough and the content seems good to me. There's some minor formatting problems, but those are easy to fix. :) I think this is one I could take on for a Wednesday publication. 21:37:00 <x3mboy> ryanlerch, I will do then tomorrow morning 21:37:11 <ryanlerch> also are all of these available in Fedora? 21:37:21 <x3mboy> Yes 21:37:29 <ryanlerch> x3mboy: in the repos? 21:37:34 <x3mboy> Even PAC Manager 21:38:15 <x3mboy> No, no in repos, but all are license compatible with Fedora policy 21:38:21 <x3mboy> For example PAC manager again 21:39:00 <x3mboy> It's hosted in sourceforge and have a rpm package that works, but it isn't in any repo 21:39:48 <x3mboy> gcm is a little abandoned so I suppose that nobody upload it to the repos again, but is still a good tool 21:39:56 <ryanlerch> hmmm, when it comes to this kind of stuff, i am always wary of advising people to install from not the fedora repos 21:40:03 <x3mboy> The other ones are in main repos 21:40:09 <ryanlerch> especially with something like an SSH client 21:40:24 <ryanlerch> otherwise a big +1 from me! 21:40:26 <ryanlerch> :) 21:41:01 <jflory7> Would it be better to reword the title to make it not imply they are available in Fedora's repos, maybe? 21:41:02 <x3mboy> I think I make the warning in the article 21:41:03 <ryanlerch> primarialy because of lack of secutity updaes from installing a client that is not being supported anymyore 21:41:05 <jflory7> Like with Netdata? 21:41:06 <x3mboy> I'm not sure 21:41:54 <x3mboy> jflory7, like Open Source SSH Clients? 21:42:49 <jflory7> I think that might be a better title. I'm not familiar with all the clients, but like ryanlerch said, if there's some that aren't getting updates anymore (like for security bugs), it might be a good idea to skip over it. 21:42:54 <jflory7> Was that just one of them? 21:43:13 <x3mboy> Yes, only gcm 21:43:22 <ryanlerch> yeah, that is my biggest issue with something like an SSH client 21:43:46 <x3mboy> I can skip it, np 21:43:55 <ryanlerch> x3mboy: =! 21:44:00 <ryanlerch> +1 :) 21:44:13 <ryanlerch> it's an awesome post! 21:44:13 <jflory7> Awesome :) 21:44:25 <jflory7> x3mboy: Want to finish up on last edits, and then ping me once you're done? 21:44:34 <jflory7> I think I can help get this one ready for next Wednesday. 21:44:36 <x3mboy> Yeap 21:44:43 <jflory7> Alright! Let's make it official. 21:45:40 <ryanlerch> ++ 21:46:01 <jflory7> #action x3mboy Make final revisions to SSH article, update/remove client(s), ping jflory7 when finished 21:46:12 <jflory7> #action jflory7 Review and edit SSH article for a Wednesday publication 21:46:37 <x3mboy> jflory7++ 21:46:42 <jflory7> #agreed Will revise the article to remove some outdated / older clients, will review and edit once again before the Wednesday publication date 21:46:59 <jflory7> Alrighty. That finishes off all the pending review ones. 21:47:11 <jflory7> #topic Drafts 21:47:13 <jflory7> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=draft&post_type=post 21:47:20 <jflory7> #info === "Fedora 22 End Of Life on December 1st" === 21:47:22 <jflory7> #link Fedora 22 End Of Life on December 1st 21:47:24 <jflory7> Whoops 21:47:25 <jflory7> #undo 21:47:25 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x123f6110> 21:47:31 <jflory7> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=13589&preview=true 21:47:45 <jflory7> ryanlerch: I actually have an almost-ready stub on the Community Blog for this guy. 21:48:01 <jflory7> All it needs are the F22 highlights and it's ready to ship, in either place 21:48:05 <jflory7> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/?p=1681&preview=1&_ppp=cc33347071 21:48:10 <ryanlerch> jflory7: i have been talking with dgilmore on this one! 21:48:26 <jflory7> ryanlerch: Ah, awesome! Do you think it's one we want to push out on the Magazine? 21:48:34 <jflory7> If so, I can drop what I have already over to the Magazine. 21:48:35 <ryanlerch> will add his name as theauthour 21:48:46 <jflory7> I have a F22 screenshot + all other dates current 21:48:53 <jflory7> Just didn't have the info on F22 highlights. 21:48:56 <ryanlerch> jflory7: edit away! 21:49:07 <ryanlerch> as long as you are happy with the author not being you :) 21:49:11 <jflory7> Cool. I'll go ahead and drop this one on the CommBlog and port it into the Magazine post. 21:49:13 <jflory7> Not a problem :) 21:49:24 <x3mboy> Nice 21:49:25 <jflory7> #action jflory7 Port F22 EoL article from CommBlog to Magazine 21:49:25 <ryanlerch> IMHO these things just look better coming from a releng person 21:49:31 * jflory7 agrees 21:49:39 * ryanlerch will do the featured image today 21:49:50 <jflory7> ryanlerch++ 21:49:54 <ryanlerch> i think we should post ASAISR 21:50:05 <jflory7> #action jflory7 Create featured image for F22 EoL article 21:50:05 <x3mboy> I love F22, I still have a little machine with this 21:50:06 * ryanlerch is making up initalisms now 21:50:07 <jflory7> ASAISR? 21:50:17 <ryanlerch> As soon as it is ready 21:50:19 <ryanlerch> haha 21:50:50 <ryanlerch> ASAIIR 21:50:52 <ryanlerch> sorry! 21:50:58 * ryanlerch fais 21:51:06 <jflory7> Ahhh, okay, gotcha :) 21:51:11 <x3mboy> LOL 21:51:29 <jflory7> Maybe Friday or Monday, depending on when content is ready? 21:51:48 <jflory7> Here's the current preview for this in the Magazine, just updated it: 21:51:49 <jflory7> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=13589&preview=1&_ppp=4ae533b3f2 21:52:02 <ryanlerch> jflory7: yeah, i consider this a newsy one, so not counted in our "3 articles for the week" imHO 21:52:10 <jflory7> Sounds good to me. 21:52:17 <jflory7> And we still have Vagrant on the map for tomorrow, right? 21:52:28 <jflory7> Or I think we were waiting for more edits 21:52:34 <ryanlerch> jflory7: yeah, it looked ready to go last time i checked 21:52:52 <ryanlerch> will contact kushal this afternoon 21:53:02 <jflory7> Oh, cool. That would be awesome! Will change gears fast. 21:53:10 <x3mboy> It looks fine to me 21:53:28 <linuxmodder> .fas linuxmodder 21:53:29 <zodbot> linuxmodder: linuxmodder 'Corey W Sheldon' <sheldon.corey@openmailbox.org> 21:53:31 <jflory7> #agreed F22 EoL article will be "finished" by dgilmore for F22 highlights, author changed to him, and published as soon as it is ready 21:53:34 <x3mboy> Entering in an elevator 21:53:38 <linuxmodder> (mad late sorry) 21:53:46 <jflory7> #info === "Using Vagrant to control your DigitalOcean cloud instances" === 21:53:50 <jflory7> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=13353&preview=true 21:54:01 <jflory7> #action ryanlerch Follow up with kushal on the status of this article for publishing 21:54:05 <jflory7> #chair linuxmodder 21:54:05 <zodbot> Current chairs: jflory7 linuxmodder ryanlerch x3mboy 21:54:07 <jflory7> linuxmodder: Hey! 21:54:09 <jflory7> x3mboy: Acknowledged. 21:54:19 <jflory7> ryanlerch: Think that will be enough for this one, for now? 21:54:37 <jflory7> Want to shoot for Friday 8:00 UTC publishing? 21:55:05 <ryanlerch> jflory7: for vagrant? 21:55:24 <jflory7> ryanlerch: Yeah. Not sure if that's too soon or if you'd rather wait on it depending on what kushal says on it. 21:55:30 <ryanlerch> jflory7: +1 too easy! 21:55:34 <jflory7> Perfect :) 21:55:53 <jflory7> #agreed ryanlerch will check in with kushal on this article and aim for publishing tomorrow (Friday) at 8:00 UTC as usual 21:55:55 <jflory7> ryanlerch++ 21:56:01 <jflory7> Okay, cool, that covers this one too 21:56:08 <jflory7> I'll move it to pending review for now as well 21:56:11 <ryanlerch> this one was the one we were aiming for today, right? 21:56:25 <jflory7> Yeah, if I recall correctly. 21:56:27 <ryanlerch> from last weeks meeting 21:56:39 <jflory7> I'm pretty sure it was. 21:56:40 <ryanlerch> cool, just worried i had my wires crossed there for a second 21:56:45 <jflory7> Heh, yep, no worries :) 21:56:48 <ryanlerch> :D 21:57:00 * jflory7 just moved it to "pending review" 21:57:08 <jflory7> We're in the last few minutes, but I think we have time to cover one last one 21:57:18 <jflory7> #info === "Javier igea: How do you Fedora?" === 21:57:22 <jflory7> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=13564&preview=true 21:57:37 <jflory7> This one is really short and sweet - I could finish it today and schedule it for Monday before the sun sets :P 21:57:42 <ryanlerch> jflory7: if cprofitt is involved with it, +1 from me 21:58:01 <jflory7> Yeah, as always, these are spot on 21:58:04 <ryanlerch> oh! 21:58:09 <jflory7> I'll take this one on and get it ready for Monday. 21:58:29 <jflory7> #action jflory7 Review Javier Igea HDYF article tonight and schedule it for Monday 21:58:34 <ryanlerch> the only thing i thought was that the who is section didnt really tell us who Javier is 21:58:36 <ryanlerch> :) 21:59:10 <ryanlerch> other than that, i really enjoyed it! 21:59:18 <jflory7> Ah, yeah, that's true 21:59:33 <jflory7> Maybe more about the community he runs? 21:59:52 <jflory7> I will ping cprofitt and see if it might be possible to add some more to it, if there's info available. 21:59:57 <ryanlerch> yeah! that would be neat! 22:00:13 <jflory7> #action jflory7 Ping cprofitt today/tomorrow about HDYF article and see if some parts of it could be expanded / little more detailed 22:00:20 <ryanlerch> also, /me notes not to add the item to the postseries until you are ready to publish 22:00:28 <jflory7> I'll still work on revising / editing what's there today 22:00:40 <ryanlerch> there is still that bug that puts them in the sidebar even if they arent published 22:00:42 <jflory7> ryanlerch: Is there a post series for HDYF? 22:00:45 <jflory7> Ohhhh. 22:00:50 <jflory7> That's good to know. 22:01:00 * ryanlerch needs to fix that 22:01:37 <jflory7> Okay, I think we should have until next meeting covered for content. No pitches waiting approval from what I can see. 22:01:53 <jflory7> I think we can hit the rest of the queue at the next meeting or wait for an author to ping the list for feedback. 22:02:05 <ryanlerch> jflory7: i was going to do a pitch on the reviews in gnome-software 22:02:21 <jflory7> Ooohhh, yeah, that would be an awesome one! I forgot that that's there now :) 22:02:27 <ryanlerch> that is a neatnew feaure that not everyone rememebres 22:02:41 <jflory7> Heh, yeah, point and case. 22:02:48 <jflory7> An article for that would be awesome! 22:02:54 <ryanlerch> #action ryanlerch not be lazy and create a pitch for gnome-sfotware reviews feature 22:02:54 <jflory7> ryanlerch++ 22:02:59 <jflory7> Heheh :) 22:03:24 <jflory7> #topic Open Floor 22:03:41 * ryanlerch dances 22:03:56 <jflory7> #info NOTE: Do not add articles to post series until they are ready to publish. There is a bug that will show unpublished articles in the series sidebar if you add them into a series. 22:04:01 <jflory7> \o/ 22:04:10 <jflory7> Anything else either of you want to cover, ryanlerch / x3mboy? 22:04:42 <x3mboy> Not for me 22:04:51 <jflory7> Nothing from me either. 22:05:56 <jflory7> Alrighty. I think I'll go ahead and close out the meeting. :) 22:06:01 <jflory7> Thanks for coming out, everyone! 22:06:04 <jflory7> See you next week... 22:06:08 <x3mboy> See ya 22:06:14 <jflory7> Hope everyone at Summit is having a good time out in California :) 22:06:16 <jflory7> #endmeeting