20:03:15 <ardian> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2016-07-20 20:03:15 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jul 20 20:03:15 2016 UTC. The chair is ardian. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:03:15 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:03:15 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors_2016-07-20' 20:03:22 <ardian> #meetingname emea ambassadors 20:03:22 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 20:03:31 <ardian> #topic Roll Call 20:03:34 <lupinix> .hello lupinix 20:03:35 <zodbot> lupinix: lupinix 'Christian Dersch' <lupinix@mailbox.org> 20:03:47 <ardian> .hello ardian 20:03:48 <zodbot> ardian: ardian 'Ardian Haxha' <ardian@brainpress.org> 20:03:50 <JacobCZ> .hello JacobCZ 20:03:51 <zodbot> JacobCZ: Sorry, but you don't exist 20:04:03 <JacobCZ> what do you mean I don't exist??? :D 20:04:18 <nmilosev> .fas nmilosev 20:04:18 <zodbot> nmilosev: nmilosev 'Nemanja Milosevic' <nmilosevnm@gmail.com> 20:04:22 <JacobCZ> .fas JacobCZ 20:04:23 <zodbot> JacobCZ: jacobcz 'Jakub Sycha' <jakubsycha@gmail.com> 20:04:28 <JacobCZ> here we go... sorry 20:04:36 * nmilosev says hello from EuroPython 2016 in Bilbao! 20:04:47 <JacobCZ> nmilosev: +1 20:04:59 <ardian> Hello everyone and welcome to another regular meeting for the EMEA region. Let's wait for some minutes for others to show up as well. 20:04:59 <lupinix> nice :) 20:08:13 <lupinix> few people around, so holidays started everywhere :D 20:08:19 <ardian> yep I guess 20:09:01 <JacobCZ> haha, good point :D 20:09:52 <ardian> #topic Announcements 20:10:03 <ardian> #info 2016 July Elections: Interviews 20:10:11 <ardian> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/2016-july-elections-interviews/ 20:10:32 <ardian> The 2016 July cycle of Elections is in, take a look at the candidate interviews, and start voting. 20:10:56 <ardian> #info Voting period ends this upcoming Monday July 25th at 23:59 UTC. 20:11:12 <ardian> #info New guidelines for Fedora Ambassadors and Design 20:11:24 <ardian> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/new-guidelines-fedora-ambassadors-design/ 20:11:44 <ardian> #info Fedora needs you to port a Python package! 20:12:00 <ardian> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/port-python-package/ 20:12:30 <lupinix> sounds like a job for me @python :) 20:12:32 <ardian> If you are a Python packager, you can help us with porting packages 20:12:51 <lupinix> yep 20:12:58 * lupinix already joined python sig 20:13:04 <ardian> yes so take a look at it, you can even earn badges :D 20:13:30 <ardian> #info The Ultimate Fedora Linux T-Shirt 20:13:41 <ardian> #link http://www.unixstickers.com/tshirts-and-hoodies/t-shirts/the-ultimate-fedora-linux-t-shirt 20:13:56 <ardian> More awesomeness from UnixStickers, take a look at the fedora tshirt 20:14:10 <lupinix> looks nice 20:14:11 <ardian> We have been working with them for some months 20:14:14 <JacobCZ> Now that's pretty cool... And a fair price too 20:14:40 <ardian> Also some of the payment goes to open source projects 20:14:58 <ardian> So you also contribute :D 20:14:59 <JacobCZ> that's nice 20:15:14 <ardian> nmilosev, o/ 20:15:25 * nmilosev ardian o/ :) 20:15:36 <ardian> I don't 20:15:40 <ardian> have anything else to announce 20:15:56 <lupinix> nothing to announce here 20:16:22 <JacobCZ> me neither 20:16:31 <Southern_Gentlem> *** F24-20160720 updated lives available: http://tinyurl.com/live-respins2 Thanks to the community of maintainers and seeders*** 20:17:03 <jflory7> I have a few. 20:17:05 <lupinix> Southern_Gentlem: nice, thank you 20:17:14 <ardian> jflory7, yes please 20:17:23 <ardian> #chair jflory7 20:17:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: ardian jflory7 20:17:36 * ardian is in a very bad internet connection. 20:17:48 <jflory7> #info === "You’re invited: FOSCo Brainstorm Meeting, 2016-07-18, 13:00 UTC" === 20:17:49 <jflory7> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fosco-brainstorm-meeting-2016-07-18/ 20:17:54 <jflory7> #info The Fedora Outreach Steering Committee (FOSCo) is a work in progress by the current Fedora Ambassador Steering Committee (FAmSCo). On Monday, they held a public brainstorming session on how to begin moving forward on forming the group and determining next steps. cwickert is working on publishing a report / explanation about the discussion topics from the meeting soon. 20:18:04 <jflory7> #info === You get a Fedora shirt! And you get a Fedora shirt! And you! === 20:18:05 <jflory7> #link http://www.unixstickers.com/tshirts-and-hoodies/t-shirts/the-ultimate-fedora-linux-t-shirt 20:18:10 <jflory7> #info UnixStickers recently announced the sale of Fedora t-shirts in black or white varieties. If you want a Fedora shirt of your very own or for a friend, visit the page and grab one of your very own! 20:18:12 <jflory7> And one more... 20:18:16 * jflory7 digs for a second. 20:19:01 <jflory7> #info === Fedora Women Day events come to a close === 20:19:04 <jflory7> #info Fedora Women Day is an annual event starting this year, organized by the Diversity team and the Diversity Adviser, tatica. Events were held across the globe to help celebrate the contributions that Fedora women are making every day in the project. Special thanks to Amita, trishnag, jonatoni, giannisk, tatica, and the many others involved in helping organize these events! 20:19:06 <jflory7> eof 20:19:20 <nmilosev> jflory7++ 20:19:20 <zodbot> nmilosev: Karma for jflory7 changed to 22 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:19:27 <ardian> jflory7++ 20:19:34 <ardian> thanks a lot 20:19:37 <JacobCZ> jflory7++ 20:19:37 <zodbot> JacobCZ: Karma for jflory7 changed to 23 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:19:44 <jflory7> Sure thing, thanks all. :) 20:20:36 <ardian> Alright, lets move to the next topic 20:20:48 <ardian> #topic Requests 20:20:53 * ardian gets the link 20:21:16 <jonatoni> .hello jonatoni 20:21:17 <zodbot> jonatoni: jonatoni 'Jona Azizaj' <jonaazizaj@gmail.com> 20:21:28 <ardian> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/report/1?sort=created&asc=0&page=1 20:21:51 <Jobava> o/ 20:21:57 <ardian> Looks like we don't have anything to vote on? 20:22:25 <lupinix> #585 ? 20:23:15 <ardian> That's a ticket for FLOCK, I think Giannis has been in touch with you guys right? 20:23:47 <lupinix> i don't know any details here 20:23:49 <ardian> It's something FAmSCo reviews. 20:23:54 <lupinix> ok 20:24:06 <lupinix> then nothing to vote 20:24:31 <jflory7> I remember seeing it come up at a FAmSCo meeting 20:24:45 <ardian> jflory7, right 20:24:50 <jflory7> giannisk probably knows more 20:25:22 <ardian> Lets move to the next topic 20:25:46 <ardian> #topic Ambassadors Schedule 20:26:04 <ardian> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-24/f-24-ambassadors-tasks.html 20:26:12 <ardian> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-25/f-25-ambassadors-tasks.html 20:26:43 <ardian> I don't have anything to add here 20:26:56 <lupinix> +1 20:27:30 <ardian> #topic Events 20:27:40 <ardian> Any events taking place in your country, or have you participated in any and would like to report ? 20:28:17 <lupinix> there will be no fedora booth @FrOSCon this year as it seems :( 20:28:37 <ardian> ahh :\ 20:28:57 <ardian> lupinix, is there a reason behind it ? 20:29:16 <lupinix> to few people available and call for projects is over for some weeks 20:29:42 <lupinix> i did not knew if i can attend or have to join another conference for university until last week 20:30:30 <ardian> I see :\ 20:30:50 <ardian> jonatoni, would you like to tell us more about your last event 20:30:56 <lupinix> i've asked others in german community some weeks ago without high reactions 20:31:05 <jonatoni> ardian yes 20:31:34 * ardian I am sorry I am multi tasking 20:31:42 <jonatoni> unfurtunately my event reports are not ready yet, as soon as i will finish them i will post to mailing list 20:32:09 <jonatoni> yesterday we had fedora Women day at Open Labs Hackerspace 20:32:39 <ardian> jonatoni, just tell us in few lines, I saw some picture. Looked amazing, I think jflory7 was there too 20:32:49 <jonatoni> an event dedicated only to women, not only for women in fedora but also in other open source projects 20:33:09 <jonatoni> we had a video call on hangouts, jflory7 and tatica were there :) 20:33:33 <jonatoni> we had also other people from mozilla, libreoffice and openSUSE 20:33:50 <jonatoni> it was really nice to share our experience with other communities :) 20:34:01 <jonatoni> we should do this more often 20:34:02 <ardian> wow awesome 20:34:13 <ardian> jonatoni, was there someone from Kosovo ? 20:34:14 <lupinix> yes 20:34:20 <lupinix> jonatoni++ 20:34:20 <zodbot> lupinix: Karma for jonatoni changed to 4 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:34:26 <jflory7> :) Didn't get to participate as much as I wanted, but I was listening to the awesome discussions. 20:34:29 <jflory7> jonatoni++ 20:34:30 <jonatoni> unfortunately Blerta was not able to join us in time 20:34:37 <ardian> jflory7++ 20:34:39 <ardian> jonatoni++ 20:34:41 <lupinix> jflory7++ 20:34:42 <zodbot> lupinix: Karma for jflory7 changed to 24 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:35:12 <ardian> Can't wait to see the blogs 20:35:27 <jflory7> Likewise :) 20:35:56 <ardian> nmilosev, are you able to tell us something in real time :P 20:36:32 <nmilosev> Oh sorry, I am also multitasking! Bilbao is awesome! We had many people at the booth! 20:37:15 <nmilosev> Me and Michal (mcyprian) are actually there all the time, and talking to people about Fedora and what is it all about. :) 20:37:17 <ardian> nicee 20:38:03 <nmilosev> I was actually surprised, a lot of people asked about running Fedora in containers, so we talked about project atomic as well 20:38:12 <nmilosev> I will write the full report, of course :) 20:38:25 <ardian> great! 20:38:37 <jonatoni> nmilosev++ 20:38:38 <zodbot> jonatoni: Karma for nmilosev changed to 6 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:38:54 <ardian> Alright, if there isn't something else we can move to the next topic. 20:38:57 <jonatoni> ! 20:38:58 <jflory7> nmilosev++ mcyprian++ Looking forward to the report. :) 20:38:58 <zodbot> jflory7: Karma for mcyprian changed to 1 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:39:02 <ardian> nmilosev++ 20:39:05 <ardian> jonatoni, yes please 20:39:25 <jonatoni> Also we a had a great party and cake for Fedora 24 Release Party at Open Labs :P 20:39:42 <jonatoni> nmilosev thanks a lot for the quiz 20:39:52 <jonatoni> it was really helpful :) 20:39:52 <nmilosev> I saw the pictures, it looked great! :) 20:40:03 <nmilosev> No problem, quiz was very fun for us too :) 20:40:04 <ardian> Cake <3 20:40:18 <jonatoni> eof :) 20:41:06 <ardian> cool 20:41:20 <ardian> #topic Action items from previous meeting 20:41:24 <jflory7> jonatoni++ nmilosev++ 20:41:35 <lupinix> nmilosev++ 20:41:38 <zodbot> lupinix: Karma for nmilosev changed to 7 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:41:40 <ardian> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2016-07-06/emea_ambassadors.2016-07-06-20.00.html 20:42:22 <ardian> I think Giannis has been in touch with you guys ? 20:43:38 <ardian> MooDoo, are you here? 20:44:24 <ardian> Seems not 20:44:57 <ardian> Let's move to the last topic 20:45:14 <ardian> #topic Open Floor 20:45:25 <ardian> Everything else goes here 20:46:02 <jflory7> ! 20:46:16 <ardian> jflory7, yes 20:47:05 <jflory7> I'd just like to give a special shout-out and thanks to nmilosev for stepping up to help moderate the /r/Fedora subreddit. I've been going to knock out reports, and more often than not, I find that he's already taken care of them. Thanks for helping keep /r/Fedora a friendly place for everyone. :) 20:47:06 <jflory7> eof 20:47:23 * nmilosev blushes 20:47:29 <nmilosev> Thank you! 20:47:38 <ardian> nmilosev++ 20:47:41 <lupinix> very nice! 20:47:45 <nmilosev> I usually do these on my phone, so I guess it's pretty quick 20:47:52 <ardian> That's great 20:47:59 <nmilosev> I love r/Fedora, it's a great community :) 20:47:59 <jflory7> Thank you! :) Keep up the awesome work. 20:48:13 <nmilosev> No problem, thanks for the opportunity to help 20:48:15 <ardian> we should take a look more often on r/fedora 20:48:23 <ardian> Thanks nmilosev 20:48:33 <nmilosev> I'm sorry for not being active on the meeting today, I am really tired, sorry guys 20:48:47 * lupinix too 20:49:08 <lupinix> => i'm off now, good night everyone :) 20:49:45 <ardian> Alright guys, if there isn't anything else to be discussed I will end the meeting in 3min. 20:50:19 <jflory7> +1 to close 20:50:30 <nmilosev> Good night guys, see you in two weeks if not sooner :) 20:50:30 <jflory7> Thank you for chairing, ardian! ardian++ 20:50:40 <nmilosev> Thanks for chairing, ardian++ 20:50:42 <zodbot> nmilosev: Karma for ardian changed to 4 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:50:45 <lupinix> ardian++ 20:50:45 <zodbot> lupinix: Karma for ardian changed to 5 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:51:03 <ardian> Thanks a lot, good night to everyone, see you in two weeks. 20:51:19 <ardian> #endmeeting