18:00:00 <nirik> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2016-07-21) 18:00:00 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jul 21 18:00:00 2016 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:00 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:00 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure_(2016-07-21)' 18:00:00 <nirik> #meetingname infrastructure 18:00:00 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 18:00:01 <nirik> #topic aloha 18:00:01 <nirik> #chair smooge relrod nirik abadger1999 lmacken dgilmore threebean pingou puiterwijk pbrobinson 18:00:01 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 dgilmore lmacken nirik pbrobinson pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge threebean 18:00:01 <nirik> #topic New folks introductions 18:00:22 <clime> Hello 18:00:22 <nirik> morning everyone. 18:00:29 <sayan> .hello sayanchowdhury 18:00:30 <zodbot> sayan: sayanchowdhury 'Sayan Chowdhury' <sayan.chowdhury2012@gmail.com> 18:00:37 <nirik> any new folks like to introduce themselves? D1mz ? 18:00:48 <D1mz> hello everyone. 18:01:01 <nirik> note that smooge and pingou are out today. 18:01:12 <tammy_> OK 18:02:14 <nirik> D1mz: you are more interested in sysadmin type stuff? or application development? or both? 18:02:31 <D1mz> I'm using fedora for the past 2 years and developed interest in system administration. Right now I'm preparing for RHCSA & RHCE. I'm a fresher. 18:02:32 * cverna is here# 18:02:41 <aztoatl_> hi guys 18:02:46 <tammy_> I did not know you can do both 18:02:59 <nirik> tammy_: sure, whatever your interests are and you have time for... 18:02:59 <tflink> .hello tflink 18:03:00 <zodbot> tflink: tflink 'Tim Flink' <tflink@redhat.com> 18:03:09 <tammy_> Hello tflink 18:03:24 <tammy_> OK cool 18:03:29 <nirik> D1mz: see me after the meeting in #fedora-admin and I can add you to our apprentice group... 18:03:49 <D1mz> nirik, Thank you. 18:04:27 <nirik> no problem. Any other new folks? 18:04:34 <aztoatl_> yes me 18:04:53 <nirik> welcome aztoatl_ 18:05:34 <clime> welcome! 18:05:51 <nirik> aztoatl_: are you more interested in sysadmin or application development? or both? 18:06:39 <aztoatl_> thanks n, i´m sysadmin since 4 years ago, i think i can do both but my stronger knowledge is in ops 18:07:12 <nirik> cool. I can also add you to the apprentice group after the meeting in #fedora-admin. 18:07:24 * lousab here and late 18:07:24 <nirik> ok, lets move on to status/info... 18:07:46 <nirik> #topic announcements and information 18:07:46 <nirik> #info proxy05 and mirrorlists-host1plus are now standalone cloud instances - kevin 18:07:46 <nirik> #info Fedora 22 reached EOL on tuesday. A few things left to migrate - kevin 18:07:46 <nirik> #info monitoring for magazine now added to nagios - lousab 18:07:46 <nirik> #info bunch more ansible cleanups - kevin 18:07:46 <nirik> #info most of the builders reinstalled with f24 - kevin 18:07:47 <nirik> #info serveral releases: fmn, pagure 18:07:49 <nirik> #info outages upcoming: fedorainfracloud tomorrow, rest of servers next monday/wed - kevin/patrick 18:07:51 <nirik> #info PowerPC added to FICloud - patrick 18:07:53 <nirik> #info Infra cloud storage upgraded - patrick 18:08:05 <nirik> anything in there anyone would like to discuss or expand on? or anything anyone wants to add? 18:09:27 <nirik> alrighty... 18:09:31 <clime> How long will the outage of fedorainfracloud will last? So that I can post it to buildsys irc or mailing list. 18:09:38 <clime> (sry, a bit late) 18:09:47 <nirik> clime: I think it was scheduled for 4 hours... 18:09:49 * nirik looks 18:10:14 <puiterwijk> clime: expected 4 hours. 18:10:17 <nirik> yeah. https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/5410 18:10:25 <nirik> but with openstack you never quite know. 18:10:31 <lousab> :) 18:10:37 <clime> ah cool. ok thx! 18:10:37 <puiterwijk> Well, probably less, but that depends on whether everything comes up right 18:10:50 <nirik> it's a complex stack of things thats for sure. 18:11:11 <puiterwijk> but at least it's an Open stack! 18:11:21 <nirik> true! 18:12:01 <nirik> #topic Apprentice Open Office time 18:12:16 <nirik> Any apprentices have questions, comments or looking for things to work on? or anything we can help out with? 18:12:33 <lousab> yes i've question about 3 ticket if i can 18:12:39 <tammy_> I cannot remember what I was working on 18:12:43 <clime> (i'll go after) 18:12:49 <lousab> .ticket 5325 18:12:50 <zodbot> lousab: #5325 (Creating a Fedora Taskserver instance) – Fedora Infrastructure - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/5325 18:12:59 <tammy_> How do we get a ticket assigned to us 18:13:19 <lousab> i0ve seen there's a lot of activities about creating sop 18:13:46 <lousab> do you think i could start from create a sop for fedora magazine? 18:13:47 <nirik> lousab: well, we should discuss that one I guess. I am not convinced we should run one of those... 18:14:06 <nirik> tammy_: just login and assign it to yourself. 18:14:23 <nirik> lousab: a magazine SOP could be usefull I suppose, sure. 18:14:23 <lousab> nirik sorru i haven't understood 18:14:28 <lousab> sorry 18:14:52 <lousab> ah ok 18:14:56 <nirik> lousab: the taskserver. I think a taskd would only be a use to a small amount of people and would be additional burden on us to support. 18:15:29 <nirik> I've not heard many other opionions on it. 18:15:31 <tammy_> Has anyone worked on 3639 18:15:32 <lousab> oh soory i spoke about sop using taskserver ticket 18:15:35 <nirik> sheesh, can't speel today 18:15:47 <nirik> .ticket 3639 18:15:50 <zodbot> nirik: #3639 (SMTP without any SSL/TLS encryption) – Fedora Infrastructure - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/3639 18:16:20 <lousab> nirik ok i'll write a fedora magazine SOP 18:16:36 <nirik> tammy_: nope, doesn't seem like it's had any action for a while... :) 18:17:09 <lousab> nirik about 5290 18:17:16 <lousab> .ticket 5290 18:17:17 <zodbot> lousab: #5290 (Generate infrastructure map) – Fedora Infrastructure - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/5290 18:17:37 <tammy_> I do not see where I can assign it to me 18:17:45 <lousab> i was thinking to create as i said a visual ascii map of the infrastructure with bootstrap 18:18:02 <lousab> but i didn't ever heard about munjeli 18:18:21 <nirik> tammy_: if you are logged in there should be a 'modify ticket' part at the bottom. click on that then there should be a assigned to field 18:18:25 <lousab> could be useful for people that want to know about our infra? 18:18:31 <tammy_> I see it 18:18:39 <tammy_> Good idea 18:18:49 <nirik> lousab: sure. 18:19:08 <tammy_> I hope it is OK to reassign to me 18:19:22 <nirik> tammy_: sure. If you are working on it, feel free to do so. 18:19:46 <nirik> clime: you had something? 18:19:53 <clime> So yeah, I am a bit disappointed about https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/3748. I hoped people might be more interested in this type of info. 18:20:03 <clime> .ticket 3748 18:20:04 <zodbot> clime: #3748 (Automate review stats) – Fedora Infrastructure - https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/3748 18:20:20 <nirik> yeah, I don't think anyone replied to me after my last posts. 18:20:30 <clime> or maybe those who do reviews often are too shy to call out :) 18:20:41 <nirik> so, I'd be fine going ahead and sending a weekly email and if people complain we can adjust it or stop it. 18:21:01 <clime> wow, rly ? :) 18:21:19 <clime> alright, I am happy for that. 18:21:21 <nirik> well, let me re-read the thread, but I think people just got sidetracked on badges. 18:22:51 <nirik> yeah, I think we should give it a try. There was also a suggestion to add monthly/yearly stats section, but not sure how hard that would be 18:23:27 <clime> nirik: ok. I'll have a look at montly/yearly stats sections but I don't want to add too much new info. 18:23:46 <nirik> yeah, agreed. We don't have a years worth of data anyhow... 18:23:59 <nirik> yet 18:24:06 * aikidouke is slightly confused 18:24:09 <clime> nirik: the question then is if we should send only finished reviews (there is also option to send reviews in progress but I think that maybe that is not so much important?) 18:24:28 <aikidouke> what is the part with badges about or what are we reviewing? 18:24:30 <nirik> yeah, I think finished would be fine. In progress could be a lot of clutter 18:24:40 <tammy_> Question how do we as apprentice account for the work we do 18:24:47 <nirik> aikidouke: this is unrelated to badges. It's sending a weekly report about package reviews to the devel list 18:24:57 <aikidouke> oh gotcha 18:25:11 <nirik> aikidouke: there could well be badges for doing reviews (there's a ticket for it), but I think thats not the same thing. 18:25:29 <nirik> tammy_: account for? you mean keep track of how much time you spend ? or ? 18:25:40 <aikidouke> brain needs to add another VG and some addl compute...I'm good now :) 18:25:46 <clime> nirik: ok, cool, I'll review and finish the infra patch for this this ticket then. 18:26:07 <clime> nirik: Is there something else I could do afterwards? 18:26:27 <nirik> look through the easyfix tickets. ;) I did file a new one earler this week... 18:26:41 <clime> ok great, thx! 18:27:01 <tammy_> There are indeed a lot of sops to work on 18:27:15 <nirik> yeah. 18:27:29 <tammy_> I might take one of those 18:27:46 <nirik> sounds good. 18:28:14 <nirik> anything else? or everyone has things to look at/work on now? 18:28:25 * aikidouke has plenty 18:28:35 <tammy_> I am OK 18:29:05 <nirik> cool. 18:29:08 <lousab> nirik: do you feel like http://devopsreactions.tumblr.com/post/141194433737/working-with-juniors today? 18:29:23 <lousab> me too ok 18:29:25 <nirik> ha. 18:29:34 <clime> good here too. 18:29:36 <nirik> always happy to help folks out. :) 18:29:43 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 18:29:51 <nirik> anyone have any items for open floor? 18:30:14 <aikidouke> if I was prepared, I would have the link to the thread I started about moving badges trac to pagure 18:30:27 <nirik> ah yeah. any reply on that? 18:30:41 <aikidouke> last i looked some good feedback from jflory7 18:30:57 <sayan> aikidouke: I am +1 about the migration 18:30:59 <nirik> cverna: whats the status on attachment support for trac->pagure? :) 18:30:59 <aikidouke> i think I have enough to go ahead and start to build out something to test with 18:31:18 <aikidouke> oh and I forgot sayan had a good idea about the stl files :) 18:31:26 <aikidouke> ++sayan 18:31:34 <nirik> I think a test/mockup would be a good next step... 18:31:36 <aikidouke> or the other way.. 18:31:55 <sayan> the only thing that I saw jflory7 pointed out about the criteria field 18:31:56 <aikidouke> thats my friday/weekend project hopefully 18:32:01 <aikidouke> yeah 18:32:02 <cverna> nirik I have written most of it, I need to test it now 18:32:15 <sayan> aikidouke: would love to help you out on that :) 18:32:27 <cverna> I need to find the time :) hopefully this week end 18:32:31 <nirik> cverna: cool. Let me know if you want me to test with fedora-infra there... we have a ton of tickets and attachements. 18:32:33 <aikidouke> oh awesome! thanks sayan 18:32:52 <aikidouke> as soon as I get it started I will add you to the group and you can go to town 18:32:55 <cverna> my 9 month old daughter does stop for a minute :) 18:33:09 <cverna> nirik: no problem :) I sure it will be a good test 18:33:21 <aikidouke> and it only gets more fun from there :) 18:33:22 <nirik> hope for some naps. ;) 18:33:42 <nirik> aikidouke: oh, did the release time badges changes ever get done ? 18:33:48 <sayan> sure ;) 18:34:14 <cverna> yeah ;) 18:34:20 <aikidouke> oh yes. I remember making those changes 18:34:26 <nirik> great, just wanted to check 18:34:26 <aikidouke> based on the relase SOP, yes? 18:34:40 <nirik> yep 18:35:54 <nirik> ok. lets go ahead and close out then... 18:36:04 <nirik> thanks for coming everyone! 18:36:07 <nirik> #endmeeting