06:02:06 <pravins> #startmeeting i18n 06:02:06 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jul 27 06:02:06 2016 UTC. The chair is pravins. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 06:02:06 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 06:02:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 06:02:06 <pravins> #meetingname i18n 06:02:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 06:02:06 <pravins> #topic agenda and roll call 06:02:06 <pravins> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2016-07-27 06:02:14 <mfabian> ☺ 06:02:26 <epico> hi 06:02:31 <fujiwarat> hi 06:03:21 <pravins> #chair mfabian epico fujiwarat 06:03:21 <zodbot> Current chairs: epico fujiwarat mfabian pravins 06:03:27 <pravins> hi mfabian epico fujiwarat :) 06:03:32 <paragan> hi 06:03:40 <pravins> hi paragan :) 06:03:42 <pravins> #chair paragan 06:03:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: epico fujiwarat mfabian paragan pravins 06:03:47 <juhp> hi 06:03:52 <pravins> while other joins lets see upcoming schedule 06:03:57 <pravins> #chair juhp 06:03:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: epico fujiwarat juhp mfabian paragan pravins 06:03:59 <pravins> hi juhp :) 06:04:01 <pravins> #topic Upcoming schedule 06:04:02 <pravins> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/25/Schedule 06:04:02 <pravins> #info 2016-07-26 Branch Fedora 25 from Rawhide (Rawhide becomes future F26) 06:04:02 <pravins> #info 2016-07-26 Change Checkpoint: Completion deadline (testable) 06:04:02 <pravins> #info 2016-08-09 Alpha Freeze (*) 06:04:02 <pravins> #info 2016-08-09 Software String Freeze 06:04:12 <pravins> Branching has been done yesterday 06:04:15 <juhp> yes 06:04:20 <pravins> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/LTJDDXZHLBVWTD54TVNEFISXRVK4HVIH/ 06:04:31 <juhp> haven't seen a f25 tree yet though 06:04:48 * pravins checking 06:05:32 <pravins> i can see it for Lohit Devanagari :) 06:05:50 <pravins> Change Checkpoint: Completion deadline was yesterday 06:06:03 <pravins> Lets discuss change in F25 change planning ticket again. 06:06:23 <pravins> #topic #23: Flock 2016 06:06:47 <pravins> #link 06:06:49 <pravins> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/G11N/Meetup_Flock_2016 06:06:56 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/G11N/ticket/23 06:07:06 <pravins> Almost 11 members has registered already on page. 06:07:41 <pravins> I think we will have nice discussions there :) 06:07:59 <pravins> mfabian: juhp if you feel any more people we should include in this meetup, please ping them. 06:08:48 <pravins> I will ask flock-staff today to schedule g11n meetup on 3rd day - 3:30pm-5:30pm 06:09:22 <pravins> Also we are going to meet in G11N related talks as well :) 06:10:01 <pravins> On page its has been asked for meeting with Docs and Website team. 06:10:14 <pravins> So we must at least know them, that good to have some person from there team during meetup. 06:10:30 <pravins> #action Ping Docs and Website team for joining G11N meetup. Need there inputs. 06:11:11 <pravins> Our change proposal is definitely one topic to discus and also What will be there in F26? 06:11:16 <pravins> or plans.. 06:11:42 <Satya> hi 06:12:02 <pravins> hi Satya :) 06:12:26 <pravins> #chair Satya 06:12:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: Satya epico fujiwarat juhp mfabian paragan pravins 06:12:30 <pravins> moving to next topic 06:12:37 <pravins> #info #63: Bug triaging activity post F24 Beta release (pravins) 06:12:37 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/63 06:12:56 <pravins> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FLTG/F24_I18N_Bug_Triaging 06:13:15 <pravins> Satya: so page is ready, we need to create 5bugs slot, so more people can participate in bug triaging 06:13:24 <pravins> it is good chance to get involvement from new people. 06:13:49 <pravins> Meanwhile, around 42 bugs has need auto closed due to F22 EOL 06:14:08 <pravins> so while preparing for BUGs we need to check email on i18n-bugs list for those auto closed bugs 06:14:46 <pravins> As of now 53 bugs need triaging. 06:15:48 <pravins> Satya: since, next will be flock and most people will be not available 06:15:51 <Satya> pravins, sure, thanks for the update, I will slot those. 06:15:54 <pravins> i think we should rethink on date. 06:16:05 <Satya> o yeah, correct! 06:16:06 <pravins> post flock make sense. 06:16:10 <pravins> 2-5 flock 06:16:31 <pravins> Meanwhile, if someone can create slots for bugs that will be very helpful. 06:16:46 <Satya> i will create the slots in the mean time 06:16:48 <pravins> Satya: should i add action item for you? 06:16:52 <pravins> great, thanks :) 06:16:54 <Satya> sure! 06:16:56 <Satya> please go ahead 06:17:07 <pravins> #action Satya will create bug-slots for Bug triaging day. 06:17:17 <pravins> #info #36: Disabling/blacklisting Indic XKB keyboard layouts in Gnome (mfabian) 06:17:17 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/36 06:17:35 <pravins> #topic #36: Disabling/blacklisting Indic XKB keyboard layouts in Gnome 06:17:51 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/36 06:18:43 <pravins> hmm, still no improvement on https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=96418 06:18:49 <pravins> adding action for mfabian :) 06:19:05 <pravins> #action mfabian to ping Peter for #36 ticket 06:20:05 <pravins> #topic #65: Fedora 22 EOL issues (pravins) 06:20:06 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/65 06:20:28 <mfabian> ␆://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/36 06:20:28 <mfabian> <pravins> #topic #36: Disabling/blacklisting Indic XKB keyboard layouts in Gnome 06:20:29 <mfabian> [16年07月27日 08:17:35] 06:20:29 <mfabian> *** zodbot (supybot@fedora/bot/zodbot) has set the topic for #fedora-meeting: 06:20:32 <mfabian> "#36: Disabling/blacklisting Indic XKB keyboard layouts in Gnome (Meeting 06:20:35 <mfabian> topic: i18n)" 06:20:38 <mfabian> <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/36 [16年07月27日 08:17:51] 06:20:42 <mfabian> <pravins> hmm, still no improvement on 06:20:45 <mfabian> https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=96418 06:20:48 <mfabian> [16年07月27日 08:18:43] 06:20:51 <mfabian> <pravins> adding action for mfabian :) [16年07月27日 08:18:49] 06:20:51 <mfabian> <pravins> #action mfabian to ping Peter for #36 ticket [16年07月27日 08:19:05] 06:20:54 <mfabian> <pravins> #topic #65: Fedora 22 EOL issues (pravins) [16年07月27日 08:20:05] 06:20:58 <mfabian> *** zodbot (supybot@fedora/bot/zodbot) has set the topic for #fedora-meeting: 06:21:01 <mfabian> "#65: Fedora 22 EOL issues (pravins) (Meeting topic: i18n)" 06:21:05 <mfabian> [16年07月27日 08:20:06] 06:21:09 <mfabian> <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/65 06:21:12 <mfabian> ERC> 👌 06:21:37 <pravins> :) 06:22:21 <pravins> I will close this ticket now. EOL F22 06:22:44 <juhp> we don't need it for the bug triage? 06:22:45 <pravins> may be in bug triaging activity, we will once again go through auto closed bug and see if anything there to do. 06:22:56 <jflory7> ! (has something to mention at open floor, if someone might ping me then) 06:23:13 <pravins> juhp: i mean Fedora 22 EOL issues 06:23:16 <pravins> jflory7: sure :) 06:23:41 <juhp> right 06:23:57 <pravins> for bug triaging day, there is different ticket. 06:24:02 <juhp> ah sorry 06:24:44 <pravins> np :) 06:24:47 <pravins> moving to next ticket 06:24:48 <pravins> #topic #66: F25 Documentation beat (pravins) 06:24:48 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/66 06:24:54 <juhp> (okay - seems like a duplicate then?) 06:25:34 <pravins> In triage activity we are also planning to move F23 bugs. 06:25:45 <juhp> I see 06:25:47 <pravins> Since, dont want these bugs again get closed auto for next release. 06:25:47 <pravins> https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/63 06:25:58 <juhp> okay good 06:26:09 <pravins> somehow we missed bus and F22 bugs got auto closed ;( 06:26:17 <pravins> coming to Docs 06:26:29 <juhp> yeah we should all be periodically reviewing our bugs move them to the latest affected release 06:26:36 <pravins> +1 06:26:44 <pravins> from previous experience, we are not doing good at documentation part. 06:27:00 <pravins> I think we should do more collaboration with Fedora Docs team. At least for our proposed feature side. 06:27:09 <pravins> may be good topic to talk with Docs during flock 06:27:15 <juhp> aha 06:27:33 <pravins> #idea Talk with Docs member regarding improving feature/change proposal page information. 06:28:12 <pravins> juhp: we are not taking much help from docs. I dunno what is process there but it should happen 06:29:26 <juhp> I see yeah 06:29:53 <juhp> good to ask them though I am not sure how much they can help 06:29:55 <pravins> Anyway, we are going to ask Doc people join for Trans stuff, so we can ping them on this as well. 06:30:12 <juhp> yes 06:30:24 <pravins> and here we are coming again to F25 planning :) 06:30:24 <pravins> #info #64: Fedora 25 planning (pravins) 06:30:25 <pravins> #link https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/64 06:30:47 <pravins> Change Checkpoint: Completion deadline date was yesterday, just wondering if anything remaining 06:30:56 <pravins> #info Unicode 9.0 already in rawhide 06:31:14 <pravins> mfabian: sorry, again asking for Multilingual Typing booster :) 06:31:26 <pravins> may be we should move ahead with documentation stuff. 06:31:34 <pravins> like what is available presently. 06:31:57 <mfabian> pravins: I wrote a comment for Multilingual Typing booster into the wiki. 06:32:26 <mfabian> It works already, only the setup UI is not good. 06:32:39 <pravins> that is fine :) 06:32:45 <pravins> mfabian: may be some screenshot, if you can make. 06:32:59 <pravins> will be more good. 06:33:10 <pravins> fujiwarat: Do we need more time for Emoji? 06:33:10 <mfabian> Yes, I should add a screenshot to the documentation page on github. 06:33:16 <pravins> right 06:33:38 <pravins> mfabian: nice, this looks already good https://mike-fabian.github.io/ibus-typing-booster/documentation.html#multilingual-input :) 06:34:24 <fujiwarat> pravins: ? 06:34:51 <pravins> aha, i see Fixed In Version: ibus-1.5.13-5.fc25 06:35:10 <pravins> fujiwarat: just asking, do we have any test package available :) 06:35:53 <fujiwarat> pravins: yes 06:36:04 <pravins> #info Unicode 9.0, Emoji typing and Multi-lingual are available to test. 06:36:18 <pravins> I was talking with Sundeep yesterday and he is planning to move Transdiff for F26 06:36:36 <pravins> #info Planning to move Transdiff to F26 06:36:44 <pravins> thanks all for updating bugzilla :) 06:36:47 <pravins> moving to last topic 06:36:52 <pravins> #topic Open Floor 06:36:57 <pravins> ping jflory7 06:37:03 <pravins> any other things to discuss? 06:37:17 <jflory7> Hi :) I had a short question– 06:37:27 <pravins> sure 06:37:58 <suanand> (hi, sorry) 06:38:08 <pravins> suanand: no problem, meeting is still on ;) 06:38:25 <jflory7> I'm not sure if someone else has already asked here from Infrastructure, but has G11n / I18n thought about porting their Trac over to Pagure in the near future? In the coming year or next, fedorahosted.org is going to be sunset and projects are recommended to move to Pagure. 06:38:26 <suanand> may be align Transdiff with f26 :) 06:38:45 <jflory7> There is an importer tool available to move existing tickets from Trac to Pagure, but it's waiting on last major feature, support for attachments. 06:38:52 <jflory7> Was just wondering if it was anyone's radar yet here. 06:39:09 <paragan> jflory7, thanks for informing us here 06:39:24 <paragan> we will definitely look into this in upcoming days 06:39:30 <juhp> jflory7: thanks for sharing - good to know 06:39:36 <jflory7> Sure thing, no problem! 06:39:39 <jflory7> Here is the importer: https://pagure.io/pagure-importer 06:39:45 <jflory7> Relevant issue, #15, for attachment support 06:40:03 <juhp> jflory7: it works even if no git repo? 06:40:36 <jflory7> juhp: For Trac, I believe so, but I'd need to follow up to be sure. I know CommOps and Marketing will be moving our Tracs to Pagure for tickets once attachment support is there. 06:40:44 <jflory7> I'm inclined to say yes, though 06:40:55 <juhp> cool 06:41:18 <pravins> jflory7: thanks for ping. We must plan this soon. 06:41:28 <pravins> So basically we need to move G11N and I18N trac 06:41:36 <pravins> anyone would like to help here? 06:41:45 <paragan> I can help :) 06:41:51 <jflory7> pravins: No problem, happy to help! 06:41:51 <pravins> great, thanks paragan :) 06:42:07 <paragan> I have already moved s-c-l and iok projects to Pagure 06:42:14 <paragan> others are in queue ;-) 06:42:16 <jflory7> paragan++ 06:42:16 <zodbot> jflory7: Karma for pnemade changed to 6 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 06:42:22 <pravins> jflory7: will ping you if any help required. 06:42:24 <paragan> jflory7++ 06:42:24 <zodbot> paragan: Karma for jflory7 changed to 26 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 06:42:46 <pravins> it also reminds me i need to move lohit, liberation, ibus-rawcode, ibus-sayura to pagure 06:43:02 <pravins> #action paragan helping to move G11N and I18N trac to pagure 06:43:06 <pravins> jflory7++ 06:43:06 <zodbot> pravins: Karma for jflory7 changed to 27 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 06:43:23 <juhp> jflory7: was there some announcement btw? 06:43:33 <pravins> jflory7: since you are here, i have already created article in Fedora Magazine 06:43:37 <jflory7> Whoo, cookies! 06:43:53 <juhp> yummy :) 06:44:01 <pravins> lol :) 06:44:03 <jflory7> juhp: I think it was on the Infrastructure list... it was a while back, but I don't know if it was well-communicated. I found out about it when a member on Infra pinged me in another meeting. 06:44:14 <juhp> jflory7: I see thanks 06:44:26 <pravins> jflory7: is there any public link to share with team? 06:44:30 <juhp> dunno if we have any attachments... 06:44:31 <jflory7> pravins: Yep, I missed your email on the Marketing list! Replied a few minutes ago. Unless another editors tackles it first, we'll review it at our meeting on Thursday. 06:44:44 <jflory7> pravins: For the announcement? I'm sure I can dig for the link. One sec... 06:44:53 <pravins> jflory7: i mean for Magazine article 06:45:01 <jflory7> Oh! Yeah, I can get that one too :) 06:45:04 <pravins> so, i can take some review from team members as well. 06:45:17 <pravins> feel free to post it on g11n list :) 06:45:52 <jflory7> https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=13838&preview=1&_ppp=95a1482538 06:45:59 <jflory7> Anyone should be able to view it from that link. 06:46:23 <pravins> nice. 06:46:31 <pravins> Will share it with others 06:47:02 <pravins> any other topic, before we close the meeting? 06:48:06 <pravins> lets wait for 2 minutes before we close the meeting 06:50:13 <pravins> thanks everyone for meeting :) 06:50:17 <pravins> #endmeeting