14:07:32 <bexelbie> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting - Agenda: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs_Project_meetings 14:07:32 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Aug 8 14:07:32 2016 UTC. The chair is bexelbie. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:07:32 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:07:32 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'docs_project_meeting_-_agenda:_https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/docs_project_meetings' 14:07:49 <bexelbie> #topic Roll Call 14:08:00 <bexelbie> #info Participants are reminded to make liberal use of #info #link #help in order to make the minutes "more better" 14:08:03 * grundblom here 14:08:08 <bexelbie> .fas bex 14:08:08 <zodbot> bexelbie: tqtwr 'gsafd' <mesabexudi@top1mail.ru> - ybexwqmxnx 'ybexwqmxnx yhdgb' <ybexwqmxnx@nowmymail.com> - lonelyibex 'fungo' <lonelyibex@gmail.com> - bexhet '' <bexhet@hotmail.it> - moko 'moko lee' <ibex@msn.cn> - sfarr01 'Steven Farr' <sfarr@bex.net> - tbex 'Tony Beckham' <t2yb5m@gmail.com> - efjiwmos 'takagiatuko' <bexroll@gmail.com> - makubex 'Bruno Lopes de Mello' <bruno_guitarpro@hotmail.com> - mcreps 'Merl (2 more messages) 14:08:14 <bexelbie> .hello bex 14:08:15 <zodbot> bexelbie: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bex@pobox.com> 14:08:17 <pkovar> /me is here 14:08:49 <pkovar> hello bexelbie, back in brno? 14:08:57 <bexelbie> yes indeed, got back last night 14:09:08 <bexelbie> #addchair pkovar grundblom 14:09:32 * pbokoc 14:09:38 <bexelbie> #chair pkovar grundblom pbokoc 14:09:38 <zodbot> Current chairs: bexelbie grundblom pbokoc pkovar 14:09:53 * zoglesby is kind of here. I just got out of bed 14:10:03 <bexelbie> #chair randomuser zoglesby 14:10:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: bexelbie grundblom pbokoc pkovar randomuser zoglesby 14:10:16 <pbokoc> everyone gets a chair! 14:10:17 <bexelbie> #topic Follow up on last week's action items 14:10:22 * bexelbie is Oprah 14:10:56 <bexelbie> I know you had action items :) 14:10:59 <grundblom> I am unsure of what to do with this current power and expectation 14:11:08 * grundblom sits 14:11:20 <zoglesby> I still need to look at the Def Coding Guide 14:11:34 <pkovar> grundblom: with great power comes great responsibility 14:11:41 <bexelbie> randomuser is unavailable, so will have to talk about the FreeIPA guides when he returns 14:12:03 <bexelbie> shaunm was to look at a dev environment with randomuser for elasticsearch 14:12:16 <bexelbie> #info zoglesby to continue looking at Def Coding Guide 14:12:26 <bexelbie> #info randomuser to report on FreeIPA guide situation 14:12:38 <bexelbie> #info shaunm to update on elasticsearch dev env (with randomuser) 14:12:44 <bexelbie> anything I missed? 14:13:02 <bexelbie> ugh - mean actions 14:13:07 <bexelbie> #action randomuser to report on FreeIPA guide situation 14:13:15 <bexelbie> #action zoglesby to continue looking at Def Coding Guide 14:13:21 <bexelbie> #action shaunm to update on elasticsearch dev env (with randomuser) 14:13:36 <bexelbie> ok, new topic 14:13:37 <bexelbie> #topic New Writers 14:13:43 <bexelbie> Anyone new today? 14:14:28 <bexelbie> . 14:14:34 <bexelbie> ok, new topic ... 14:14:43 <bexelbie> #topic Release Notes Beats 14:14:54 <bexelbie> pbokoc, I believe you may be up to date on this ... are you? 14:15:19 <pbokoc> gah, I was supposed to clean up wiki pages for beats like a month ago 14:15:34 <pbokoc> other than that it's way too early to write beats, so I wouldn't worry about that too much 14:15:59 <bexelbie> #action pbokoc to say gah! 14:16:05 <bexelbie> #action pbokoc to clean up beats wiki pages 14:16:15 <bexelbie> #topic Publican/Publishing 14:16:26 <bexelbie> Any outstanding issues on publishing ... I know we are between releases 14:16:48 <bexelbie> I am not familiar with our translation process, but JB hinted at Flock last week that some translations may have been completed but not yet be published 14:16:55 <bexelbie> Who could check this and coordinate with them? 14:17:36 <bexelbie> I'd do it, but I am barely monolingual when it comes to publishing 14:17:51 <pkovar> there was this fr trans request for welcome page 14:17:57 <pkovar> let me try to find it 14:18:27 <bexelbie> pkovar, can I give you an action to check on translation requests generally? 14:18:31 <pkovar> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1323502 14:18:45 <grundblom> bexelbie, for publishing, I had two items, I corrected some grammer on the virt-getting-started guide 14:18:54 <pkovar> don't have time to work on that one atm sadly 14:19:03 <grundblom> ...and now I cant remember the second one 14:19:15 <grundblom> I think it was a correction in the release notes 14:19:21 <pkovar> also see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?component=publishing-requests&list_id=5622964&product=Fedora%20Documentation 14:19:21 <bexelbie> pkovar, ok 14:19:31 <bexelbie> grundblom, can you determine if they were already published? 14:19:34 <pkovar> for all publishing reqs 14:19:50 <pkovar> might not be completely up to date though 14:20:12 * bexelbie doesn't normally publish 14:20:14 <bexelbie> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?component=publishing-requests&list_id=5622964&product=Fedora%20Documentation 14:20:16 <pkovar> 1323502 requires updating the welcome page which is hard 14:20:19 <bexelbie> #info link is for publishing requests 14:20:37 <pkovar> and the publican website is going to be replaced anyway 14:20:50 <bexelbie> pkovar, I understand that, but it doesn't have a timeline yet, afaik 14:21:15 <bexelbie> grundblom, if it isn't published yet, can you open a publish request ticket - that we can try and pin this on someone like randomuser to publish or find osmone to do so? 14:21:42 <grundblom> bexelbie, sure, do I open a publish request ticket via the bugzilla interface? 14:21:42 <bexelbie> #action randomuser (and bex can try to help) need to clear the publishing request queue - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?component=publishing-requests&list_id=5622964&product=Fedora%20Documentation 14:21:49 <bexelbie> grundblom, yes - so it lands here: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?component=publishing-requests&list_id=5622964&product=Fedora%20Documentation 14:22:03 <pbokoc> I'm fairly sure neither relnotes nor the virt guide were republished after grundblom requested it 14:22:07 <grundblom> bexelbie, got it thank you! 14:22:15 <bexelbie> ty 14:22:35 <bexelbie> #action grundblom to verify publication of virt-guide and rel notes and if not published open a ticket to appear in https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?component=publishing-requests&list_id=5622964&product=Fedora%20Documentation 14:22:42 <bexelbie> any other publishing q's/issues? 14:22:59 <bexelbie> . 14:23:14 <bexelbie> . 14:23:18 <bexelbie> changing topics 14:23:28 <bexelbie> #topic Guide Status 14:23:34 <bexelbie> Any guide notes 14:23:41 <bexelbie> barring the FreeIPA issue we are continuing? 14:24:41 <bexelbie> This topic kind of rolls into ... 14:24:42 <bexelbie> #topic Outstanding BZ Tickets 14:24:49 <bexelbie> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&classification=Fedora&product=Fedora%20Documentation&query_format=advanced 14:25:21 <bexelbie> I see a ton of tickets for guides here ... most names aren't present in this meeting though 14:25:27 <bexelbie> any we should talk about specifically? 14:25:43 <pbokoc> most of them are... let's call them vintage :) 14:26:05 <bexelbie> I wonder if we could close them then? 14:26:34 <pbokoc> hm, yeah 14:26:54 <pbokoc> people seem to be using pagure to report issues nowadays anyway 14:27:23 <bexelbie> #action Everyone review the open bugs against guides and close those that are WONTFIX, etc. 14:27:50 <bexelbie> Should we review any of the pagure issues? 14:28:05 <bexelbie> #action randomuser to consider rewriting the meeting agenda script to include the new pagure repos 14:28:16 <bexelbie> he will never let me run a meeting again :P 14:28:25 <pkovar> heh 14:29:04 <bexelbie> Additional regularly scheduled agenda item conversation? otherwise I will open the floor and see if people have something htere (I can talk about flock) 14:29:56 <bexelbie> . 14:30:03 <bexelbie> ok, changing topic 14:30:04 <bexelbie> #topic Open floor discussion 14:30:07 <bexelbie> #topic Open floor discussion 14:30:14 * bexelbie raises his hand 14:30:16 <bexelbie> anyone else? 14:30:47 <bexelbie> Ok, I'll go 14:30:55 <bexelbie> I was at Flock in Krakow Poland last week 14:31:06 <bexelbie> we had a docs hackfest that started with an overview of what happened at the FAD in May 14:31:13 <bexelbie> this session was not recorded or transcribed, I am sorry 14:31:29 <bexelbie> The session turned into a 1hour and 45 minute discussion about docs and the way forward 14:31:45 <bexelbie> I have summarized it all in a blog post that I am still finishing - a preview is here: https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/?p=2082&preview_id=2082 - but be warned this is very much still a draft 14:31:56 <bexelbie> there were a few big takeaways and I will be starting email threads about them 14:32:03 <bexelbie> 1. How do we get to topic based writing 14:32:16 <bexelbie> 2. Should we stop publishing our current guides as soon as we get started on topic based writing 14:32:30 <bexelbie> 3. Translation and Docs need to clarify their working processes (sounds like comm issues) 14:32:43 <bexelbie> 4. Publishing tooling - are we in good shape with pintail, etc. 14:33:00 <bexelbie> I encourage you to read the blog when it publishes (I expect soon) and to participate in the email discussion 14:33:21 <bexelbie> any questions for me about this or other issues for open floor? 14:34:32 <bexelbie> If there is nothing else, I will close the meeting in 60 seconds and give the gift of 25 minutes * meeting participant count 14:35:09 <bexelbie> 30 seconds 14:35:31 <pkovar> bexelbie: thanks for the update 14:35:32 <bexelbie> 15 seconds 14:35:47 <bexelbie> pkovar, yw .. let me know if you think it needs edits please (please!!) 14:35:52 <bexelbie> thank you all for coming 14:35:55 <bexelbie> #endmeeting