00:59:37 <award3535> #startmeeting FAmNA 00:59:37 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Aug 12 00:59:37 2016 UTC. The chair is award3535. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 00:59:37 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 00:59:37 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 00:59:40 <award3535> #meetingname FAmNA 00:59:41 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 00:59:50 <award3535> #topic === FAmNA Roll Call === 01:00:51 <jflory7> .hello jflory7 01:00:52 <zodbot> jflory7: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <me@justinwflory.com> 01:01:12 <award3535> #chair jflory7 01:01:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 jflory7 01:01:18 <jflory7> Evening! 01:01:20 <award3535> evening jflory7 01:01:23 <jsandys> here 01:01:31 <award3535> #chair jsandys 01:01:31 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 jflory7 jsandys 01:02:01 <award3535> jflory7 did you see the email sent back to unixstickers? 01:02:07 * linuxmodder looks in 01:02:08 <award3535> from me that is 01:02:12 <jflory7> award3535: I did see that one. 01:02:17 <linuxmodder> .hello linuxmodder 01:02:17 <award3535> #chair linuxmodder 01:02:17 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 jflory7 jsandys linuxmodder 01:02:18 <zodbot> linuxmodder: linuxmodder 'Corey W Sheldon' <sheldon.corey@openmailbox.org> 01:02:35 <jflory7> award3535++ 01:03:21 <award3535> I will have them shipped to me then have the regional shippers ship them out to each region, my wife jward78 will divide them up as well 01:03:53 <award3535> I will also have a few shipped out to active ambassadors as well 01:04:25 <award3535> #topic === Announcements === 01:04:36 <jflory7> Sounds like a good plan. 01:04:40 <award3535> jflory7 I know you have a few especially from your trip 01:04:53 <jflory7> I do have some 01:05:04 <jflory7> #info === Flock 2016 ended last week === 01:05:08 <kk4ewt> .hello 01:05:08 <zodbot> kk4ewt: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1". 01:05:10 <jflory7> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/flock-update-day-1/ 01:05:16 <jflory7> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/flock-update-day-1/ 01:05:18 <jflory7> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/flock-update-day-2/ 01:05:18 <kk4ewt> .hello jbwillia 01:05:19 <zodbot> kk4ewt: jbwillia 'Ben Williams' <vaioof@yahoo.com> 01:05:22 <jflory7> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/sresults/?group_id=flock2016&type=team 01:05:29 <jflory7> #info Flock, the annual Fedora contributor conference, ended last Friday. There were several talks and workshops on various topics, teams, and projects in Fedora. Watch the Community Blog for more updates and read the transcripts of some talks / workshops in Meetbot to stay current. Thanks to all organizers and sponsors for helping make this year's Flock successful! 01:05:30 <award3535> #chair kk4ewt 01:05:30 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 jflory7 jsandys kk4ewt linuxmodder 01:05:34 <jflory7> #info === Ultimate Women's Fedora t-shirt === 01:05:39 <jflory7> #link https://www.unixstickers.com/tshirts-and-hoodies/t-shirts/the-ultimate-fedora-woman-tshirt 01:05:44 <jflory7> #info Unixstickers just released a women's fit version of their ultimate Fedora t-shirt. Pick one up for yourself or a friend! More on this coming soon on the Community Blog! 01:05:49 <jflory7> #info === "Fedora Account System (FAS) security issue" === 01:05:55 <jflory7> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/announce@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/3GQR7CKGKM5TZCCH7FHFW55HSZE72VEL/ 01:06:01 <jflory7> #info There was a security vulnerability identified and fixed in FAS this week. No known exploits at this time, but Infrastructure team is monitoring and investigating further. If more information is found later, it will be shared. 01:06:03 <jflory7> eof 01:07:28 <award3535> thank you jflory7 01:07:35 <award3535> anyone else have anything? 01:08:02 <award3535> ok moving on 01:08:04 <award3535> #topic === Tickets === 01:08:14 <award3535> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famna/report/9 01:08:34 <award3535> .famnaticket 118 01:08:35 <zodbot> award3535: #118 (LFNW 2016) – FAmNA Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/118 01:09:18 <award3535> jsandys, I emailed mattdm last week, I have not heard from him yet, but I do believe he is on vacation of some sorts 01:09:43 <kk4ewt> yes he is on vacation this week to recover from flock 01:10:11 <jsandys> I sent a note to Bill at LFNW telling him we were working it. 01:10:26 <award3535> kk4ewt I emailed some concerns with PO process during that time frame 01:10:41 <jsandys> Thanks 01:11:36 <jsandys> I will send a note to SeaGL about the intent to pay by CC in Sept. 01:11:49 <award3535> .famnaticket 153 01:11:51 <zodbot> award3535: #153 (SeaGL 2016 Sponsorship) – FAmNA Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/153 01:12:06 <award3535> jsandys anything to add to this 01:12:32 <award3535> I will process the payment on or about the 11th of Sep 01:13:04 <jsandys> I found artwork for a T-shirt form the F <3 Py speaker at Flock 01:13:11 <jsandys> from 01:14:14 <juggler> hello 01:14:20 <award3535> #chair juggler 01:14:20 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 jflory7 jsandys juggler kk4ewt linuxmodder 01:14:54 <award3535> jsandys you still with us 01:14:59 <juggler> sorry for the delay on this side...having a hexchat / server issue. anyone familiar with SASL, please feel free to PM. :) 01:15:05 <jsandys> Yes nothing else 01:15:22 <award3535> ok moving on.... 01:15:31 <award3535> .famnaticket 154 01:15:32 <zodbot> award3535: #154 (FAmNA Budget sheet) – FAmNA Trac - https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/154 01:15:37 <linuxmodder> juggler, after mtg surely 01:15:42 <linuxmodder> I use sasl myslef 01:15:53 <award3535> Posted for information only 01:15:58 <jflory7> Oh, award3535 – 01:16:04 <juggler> thx linuxmodder 01:16:09 <linuxmodder> no prob 01:16:46 <award3535> jflory7 do you have a question 01:16:51 <jflory7> Thought it would be worth mentioning with regards to the budget – you got props at the Flock budget workshop for keeping on top of expenses this quarter. I remember jzb mentioning you specifically. 01:17:28 <jflory7> Figured I'd pass that on :) 01:17:58 * jflory7 goes to download and open up PDF 01:18:14 <award3535> jflory7 thank you thats why kk4ewt recommended me, I ran a 4mil budget for the government 01:18:22 <juggler> awesome award 01:18:28 <juggler> btw, wb jflory7 01:18:33 <jsandys> can you define "adjusted" 01:19:35 <award3535> that sheet was supplied by the RH team, I dont like the way they use it, I am only concerned with approved and actual amounts 01:20:14 <jsandys> Ignore adjusted 01:20:15 <award3535> the adjusted is a fudge factor that shows a margin between allotted and actual 01:20:48 <award3535> otherwise adjusted is a CPA term of difference and percentage 01:21:15 <jsandys> Should we have 'submitted' and 'paid' expenses? 01:21:38 <award3535> jsandys you are correct ignore the adjusted 01:21:55 <jflory7> award3535++ Maintaining this is fantastic — makes it really clear for us to have a firm grasp of where the budget is for this quarter right now. I find this extremely useful. 01:21:56 <linuxmodder> award3535, FOSSCON is in wrong quarter 01:21:59 <jflory7> juggler: Thanks! 01:22:04 <linuxmodder> its is this month not next 01:22:32 <kk4ewt> next week 01:22:43 <award3535> linuxmodder no worries easily changed 01:22:55 <linuxmodder> otherwise I am seeing no other issues 01:24:01 <award3535> linuxmodder done, will repost new PDF this evening. The numbers is what I was concerned with 01:24:21 * jflory7 is really happy that we have this available as a resource 01:24:27 <linuxmodder> looks fine there to me including presently pre-planned events 01:24:30 <kk4ewt> claps for award3535 01:24:44 <jflory7> kk4ewt: +100 to that 01:24:50 <kk4ewt> +9000 01:24:59 <jsandys> 'like' Budget report 01:25:20 <linuxmodder> kk4ewt, on events note you did see 417 right? 01:25:37 <linuxmodder> namely the nlt date 01:25:40 <award3535> linuxmodder please make sure I get all receipts in PDF for expenses 01:25:47 <linuxmodder> award3535, noted 01:25:54 <kk4ewt> linuxmodder, we discussed that in the other channel 01:26:08 <linuxmodder> indeed brain is fried tonight sorry 01:26:39 <award3535> anything else on this ticket 01:26:54 <linuxmodder> nfm 01:27:02 <kk4ewt> for the rest of the Peanut gallery famnrequest 417 event box, banners to fosscon 01:27:15 <jflory7> Nothing for me on this ticket right now. 01:27:30 <award3535> kk4ewt no worries...figured it would be that... 01:27:34 <award3535> #topic == Open Floor === 01:27:46 <kk4ewt> will ship it maybe tomorrow or monday 01:28:06 <linuxmodder> kk thanks can you email me or txt me the tracking bits when you do 01:28:11 <award3535> kk4ewt I assume you will be bringing the stuff for OLF 01:28:44 <jflory7> There is one thing I'd like to bring up 01:28:46 <kk4ewt> ok on events are there are events in the next couple of weeks except fosscon ? 01:28:53 <juggler> sure ga jflory7 01:29:23 <kk4ewt> award3535, yes 01:29:51 <linuxmodder> jflory7, that is ? 01:30:28 <jflory7> There is some ongoing discussion regarding reforming mentoring for all of Ambassadors globally in FAmSCo. It's highly encouraged for all active mentors or anyone involved / interested in the mentoring process to take some time to review the ticket. 01:30:29 <jflory7> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/359 01:30:30 <linuxmodder> kk4ewt, not on EC that I remember next should be hackmit next month iirc 01:31:10 <jflory7> HACKMIT is early next month, yep 01:31:15 <award3535> kk4ewt those events were too expensive, and voted to not attend, do you want me to remove them or make remarks 01:31:49 <kk4ewt> ??? 01:32:26 <award3535> the events on the event page are not consistent with what we are attending 01:33:18 <linuxmodder> jflory7, as a meta issue I'm down for a reorganization how tho is a bit dicey imop 01:33:39 <kk4ewt> yes and no we need to keep them on the page so we know about them next year but i dont see any famnarequest tickets 01:33:48 <kk4ewt> award3535, ^^ 01:34:09 <jflory7> linuxmodder: Right - it's not a small topic. There's a lot of participation from other regions so I wanted to bring it up and make sure any active mentors in NA were also aware of this discussion too 01:34:31 <award3535> kk4ewt got it, there were no tickets generated for those events, alot of discussion first due to short time and expenses 01:34:34 <kk4ewt> i was making sure something didnt need to turn around at fosscon and go somewhere else 01:35:16 <kk4ewt> also for mentors new candidates can not create wiki pages untill they have cla+1 01:35:18 <award3535> Hacmit and OLF then SEAGL 01:35:40 <linuxmodder> I still think even if its regional community decision it should still only be mentors making the final call with active members able to comment / support prospects 01:36:17 <jflory7> #info Due to recent spam attacks, a new limitation was placed on the wiki so you have to be CLA+1 in order to edit any pages (including user pages). Mentors, be aware this may affect bringing in new candidates in the future. 01:36:19 <jflory7> kk4ewt++ 01:36:42 <linuxmodder> jflory7, but in theory a new mentor should be cal+1 already no? 01:37:01 <jflory7> linuxmodder: The #info was with regards to a mentee, not a mentor 01:37:05 <kk4ewt> linuxmodder, new ambassadors 01:37:05 <linuxmodder> as they would be @fedora_ambassadors first no? 01:37:22 <linuxmodder> misread 01:38:09 <kk4ewt> also cprofitt has stated he is interested in being a mentor 01:38:58 <jflory7> Oh, he was interested? 01:39:11 <linuxmodder> maybe I missed it in the comments but the return to active status planned to have a change too ? 01:39:12 <kk4ewt> he said he was 01:39:13 <jflory7> Not that I have any say in the matter... but I think he would be a great candidate 01:39:19 <jflory7> For what it's worth 01:40:57 <kk4ewt> linuxmodder, ???? 01:41:20 <jflory7> linuxmodder: In regards to mentor status, I remember seeing either in the ticket or IRC discussion about the idea of annual follow-up with mentors to see if they were still interested, but I don't have a strong memory of where I saw that. I think one of the biggest points right now they're trying to decide is coming up with a "common base" for all mentors in all regions first. 01:41:38 <linuxmodder> talks about removing or inactiving mentors but what about returning them to active as n1v1 mentioned he was inactive 01:42:27 <linuxmodder> I think any reorg planned needs to have a solid demote / promote in play at inception of the change 01:42:30 <linuxmodder> fwiw 01:42:53 <linuxmodder> our present re-instate process seems equally borked 01:43:03 <linuxmodder> for mentors at least 01:43:25 <kk4ewt> who needs reinstated ?? 01:44:09 <linuxmodder> thinking ahead more than anything as a prevention of having this talk for the flip side say 6-9 months later with our backs on the wall 01:44:54 <kk4ewt> we will take care of our region, even if i have to take manatees 01:45:22 <juggler> manatees? 01:45:30 <linuxmodder> while not a mentor myself I have always said I can /will gladly help where i can 01:45:40 <linuxmodder> s/manatess/mentees 01:45:51 <kk4ewt> mentorees 01:46:02 <juggler> oh ok. I thought there was some joke in there... Oh, the Hugh manatees... 01:46:04 <kk4ewt> candidates for ambassadors 01:46:07 <award3535> linuxmodder we do well in our region right now, but would be glad to see you as a mentor as well 01:46:45 <linuxmodder> award3535, atm my time is not sufficient for that full time but feel free to ping me as needed tho 01:47:09 <kk4ewt> oh i have an announcement 01:47:10 <linuxmodder> startup and tutoring clients and all is taking more and more time 01:47:24 <kk4ewt> F24-20160808 updated live isos are available at http://tinyurl.com/Live-respins2 01:47:50 <linuxmodder> tracker *should* be up for torrents soon-ish 01:48:06 <linuxmodder> additional seeders always welcome 01:48:23 <jsandys> thanks kk4ewt 01:49:26 <kk4ewt> jsandys, has paradox said anything to you about testing a kde-jam iso 01:49:40 <jsandys> no, but I will 01:50:08 <kk4ewt> i will spinup another tommorrow and leave you a memo 01:50:49 <juggler> well folks, need to head out for my next meeting. 01:50:49 <jflory7> Oh, I know about the Jam spin 01:51:18 <juggler> have a pleasant evening everyone. I will ping jflory7 and linuxmodder if I get stuck with my IRC reconfiguration.. 01:51:46 <jflory7> The Jam spin has been removed from the Spins line-up for now due to failure to build for F24. It will have to be re-approved to be a spin again once the build issues are fixed. I don't know the full context but there are some standing technical issues that need to be resolved. 01:51:50 <jflory7> juggler: Good night! 01:52:14 <juggler> thx all 01:52:32 * juggler is hibernating now.. 01:52:52 <jflory7> Discussion about the Jam spin: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/spins@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/JEKI4WB2TZP4FOFVHLCTD75OYHMH2TRN/ 01:52:52 <linuxmodder> connection is getting iffy now sorry folks 01:52:53 <linuxmodder> there was one in 25 suite iirc 01:52:54 <linuxmodder> kk4ewt, btw kd7jwc thanks you for your help with getting his ham spin functional 01:52:58 <kk4ewt> jsandys, yes but i have edited the ks and can build it (at least for f24) 01:53:00 <linuxmodder> juggler, 01:53:01 <linuxmodder> .fas linuxmodder 01:53:01 <jsandys> jcan we include COPR in spins? 01:53:02 <zodbot> linuxmodder: linuxmodder 'Corey W Sheldon' <sheldon.corey@openmailbox.org> 01:53:05 <linuxmodder> that email is best 01:53:15 <kk4ewt> no 01:53:28 <kk4ewt> we can but i perfer not to 01:54:15 <jsandys> jflory7, how was the University Outreach session? 01:54:23 <kk4ewt> huge PITA 01:55:02 <linuxmodder> even some none fedora / rpmfusion ones for that spin I mentioned was not fun 01:55:18 <linuxmodder> s/none/non 01:55:53 <jsandys> I thought rpmfusion had to be a re-mix 01:56:02 <linuxmodder> i may be afk in and out next 10 mins fyi 01:56:13 <jflory7> jsandys: It was a *very* busy session. We had a lot of people from across the globe attend that had a lot of experience and interest in the topic. We presented on the current issues and identified what needs to happen going forward. It was a bit tough because I was hoping to have some resources from an EDU FAD that was supposed to happen last month, but I feel very good about it 01:56:28 <linuxmodder> jsandys, I made a re-mix for another ham freind of mine yes 01:56:30 <jflory7> I'm working on my own event report, but for now, I think there's a good, short paragraph on it here: https://maxamillion.sh/blog/flock-to-fedora-2016/ 01:56:45 <jflory7> There will also be a video uploaded hopefully soon recording the talk 01:56:52 <jflory7> I will be sure to share it once it is available 01:56:54 <kk4ewt> well copr would have to be a remix 01:57:04 <jsandys> Looking forward to the video 01:57:48 <jsandys> But doesn't COPR need to meet the legal requirements? 01:58:14 <kk4ewt> if copr is used it would have to be a remix 01:58:23 <jsandys> OK 02:00:12 <award3535> ok folks we are out of time but definitely a good meeting 02:00:21 <linuxmodder> indeed 02:00:22 <award3535> anything else before I close the meeting 02:00:24 <jflory7> award3535++ Thanks for chairing! 02:00:28 <jflory7> Nothing else from me 02:00:33 <jsandys> Just got a Mod Duo device I sponsored on kickstarter and saw at the linux audio conference 2 years agor 02:00:33 <linuxmodder> nfm 02:00:46 <jsandys> can wait to try it. 02:00:57 <jsandys> http://moddevices.com/ 02:01:11 <linuxmodder> jsandys, you like testing laptops and such ? 02:01:38 <jsandys> not good at it 02:01:50 <jsandys> but want to contribute more 02:02:31 <jsandys> linuxmodder, you mean test jam? 02:02:59 <linuxmodder> jsandys, I'll email you about it :) 02:03:12 <jsandys> please do. 02:04:26 <award3535> ok thanks everyone for attending, see you all next week 02:04:29 <award3535> #endmeeting