20:00:19 <ardian> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2016-08-17 20:00:19 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug 17 20:00:19 2016 UTC. The chair is ardian. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:19 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:19 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors_2016-08-17' 20:00:24 <ardian> #meetingname emea ambassadors 20:00:24 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 20:00:32 <ardian> #topic Roll Call 20:00:46 <lupinix> .hello lupinix 20:00:47 <ardian> .hello ardian 20:00:47 <zodbot> lupinix: lupinix 'Christian Dersch' <lupinix@mailbox.org> 20:00:50 <zodbot> ardian: ardian 'Ardian Haxha' <ardian@brainpress.org> 20:00:56 <andreasch> .hello andreasch 20:00:57 <zodbot> andreasch: andreasch 'Andreas Christoforou' <aceoscy@gmail.com> 20:01:08 <nmilosev> .fas nmilosev 20:01:09 <bee2502> .hello bee2502 20:01:09 <zodbot> nmilosev: nmilosev 'Nemanja Milosevic' <nmilosevnm@gmail.com> 20:01:12 <zodbot> bee2502: bee2502 'Bhagyashree Padalkar' <bhagyashree.iitg@gmail.com> 20:01:14 <FedoraUser> .hello fedorauser 20:01:15 <zodbot> FedoraUser: fedorauser 'Medic Momcilo' <medicmomcilo@gmail.com> 20:01:38 <jonatoni> .hello jonatoni 20:01:39 <zodbot> jonatoni: jonatoni 'Jona Azizaj' <jonaazizaj@gmail.com> 20:01:45 <ardian> Hello everyone and welcome to another regular meeting for the EMEA region. Let's wait for some minutes for others to show up. 20:02:34 <thunderbirdtr> .fas thunderbirdtr 20:02:36 <zodbot> thunderbirdtr: thunderbirdtr 'Onuralp SEZER' <thunderbirdtr@gmail.com> 20:04:40 <rsc> .hello robert 20:04:41 <zodbot> rsc: robert 'Robert Scheck' <redhat@linuxnetz.de> 20:05:29 <giannisk> .fas giannisk 20:05:30 <zodbot> giannisk: giannisk 'Giannis Konstantinidis' <giannis@konstantinidis.cc> 20:05:34 * giannisk waves at everyone. 20:05:51 <lupinix> good evening everyone 20:05:57 * giannisk is occupied with another meeting at the moment, ping in case you need anything. 20:06:24 <thunderbirdtr> Good evening 20:06:38 <pandaconstantin> Good evening 20:07:44 <ardian> #chair giannisk 20:07:44 <zodbot> Current chairs: ardian giannisk 20:08:54 <ardian> Again welcome everyone, we didn't have our last meeting due to flock. 20:09:19 <ardian> #topic Announcements 20:09:35 <ardian> #info Flock 2016 20:09:41 <ardian> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/flock-update-day-1/ 20:09:48 <ardian> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/flock-update-day-2/ 20:10:19 <ardian> For people like me who couldn't attend the flock, here are some awesome updates you can check. 20:10:53 * thunderbirdtr remindering youtube videos too ! 20:10:54 <ardian> #info Getting involved with Fedora Quality Assurance 20:11:03 <ardian> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/getting-involved-fedora-quality-assurance/ 20:11:18 <ardian> The Fedora Quality Assurance (QA) team is the group of Fedora contributors that helps cover testing of the software that makes up Fedora. Through various test cases and different hardware, the team goes through important software that makes up Fedora and helps make sure it works as expected. Despite the importance of the work, getting involved isn’t too difficult. 20:11:46 <ardian> thunderbirdtr, oh, didn't know the videos are online. That's great to hear. 20:12:02 <thunderbirdtr> ardian, we gonna have it when all upload yeap 20:12:03 <ardian> I don't have anything else to announce. 20:13:18 <ardian> Alright, lets go to the next topic 20:13:26 <ardian> #topic Requests 20:14:07 <ardian> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/report/1?sort=created&asc=0&page=1 20:14:24 <ardian> #info Ticket #593 Funding request for BalCCon 2k16 20:14:31 <ardian> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/593 20:14:36 <elioqoshi> .fas elioqoshi 20:14:37 <zodbot> elioqoshi: elioqoshi 'Elio Qoshi' <ping@elioqoshi.me> 20:14:45 <ardian> Please take a look at the first ticket 20:15:18 <giannisk> Is mitzie around by the way? 20:15:30 <ardian> FedoraUser, Have you checked with jsimon ? 20:15:53 <thunderbirdtr> ! 20:15:58 <FedoraUser> ardian, that was addressed to thunderbirdtr 20:16:06 <ardian> giannisk, no, just had a quick chat in Telegram for Foscon 20:16:18 <ardian> alright, thunderbirdtr please 20:17:10 <thunderbirdtr> About paypal problem, I can handle with FedoraUser, he can pay for me and he can get the payment directly, because of paypal problem in my country 20:17:41 <ardian> thunderbirdtr, so what is the amount again ? 20:17:52 <thunderbirdtr> 289.85 20:17:55 <thunderbirdtr> I upload pdf too 20:18:08 <thunderbirdtr> 289.85 $ 20:18:41 <ardian> Yes and please write the amount next time in the ticket, since there are people who don't like to download documents. 20:18:54 <thunderbirdtr> I did 20:19:00 <thunderbirdtr> Trip Total: $289.85 20:19:36 <ardian> Zach says it's ok 20:19:36 <mhroncok> .fas churchyard 20:19:37 <zodbot> mhroncok: churchyard 'Miro Hrončok' <mhroncok@redhat.com> 20:19:40 <ardian> so +1 from me 20:19:46 <mhroncok> sorry, connection trouble 20:20:04 <nmilosev> ! 20:20:12 <ardian> nmilosev, yes? 20:20:55 <nmilosev> Just to note here that another ambassador is coming to the event. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Sarupbanskota contacted me that his talk got accepted. As far as I understand, the event organizers cover the costs of stay but travel isn't covered. 20:21:22 <nmilosev> I'm not sure what will the travel costs be for him. 20:21:24 <nmilosev> eof 20:22:39 <ardian> But this isn't directly connected with ticket 593 right ? 20:23:06 <nmilosev> It is because the budget is for the same event? 20:23:34 <nmilosev> Not directly connected to thunderbirdtr travel costs. 20:24:05 <ardian> right but the amount request in this ticket is $289.85 which is for thunderbirdtr as I understand. 20:24:16 <thunderbirdtr> ardian, yes only me 20:24:25 <ardian> okay 20:24:25 <thunderbirdtr> ardian, didn't know other person ? 20:24:33 <thunderbirdtr> I just learnt. 20:24:40 <nmilosev> Yes, I am unaware of what the cost is for sarupbanskota. 20:24:49 <ardian> Can we please vote on this ticket 20:24:56 <lupinix> +1 20:25:01 <ardian> +1 20:25:10 <jonatoni> +1 20:25:13 <nmilosev> +1 20:25:36 <FedoraUser> +1 20:25:40 <giannisk> ardian: amount can be covered by the regional budget for this quarter, correct? 20:26:02 <ardian> giannisk, yes, had a chat with zach in Telegram a moment ago. 20:26:12 <andreasch> +1 20:26:18 <giannisk> ardian: awesome 20:26:19 <giannisk> +1 20:26:59 <ardian> #agreed Ticket #593 20:27:08 <thunderbirdtr> Thank you 20:27:11 <giannisk> #undo 20:27:12 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: AGREED by ardian at 20:26:59 : Ticket #593 20:27:18 <giannisk> #agreed Ticket #593 Approved 20:27:28 <ardian> giannisk, thank you! 20:27:35 <giannisk> ardian: :) 20:28:02 <ardian> Let's check the next ticket 20:28:19 <ardian> #info Ticket #597 Funding Request for Jona Azizaj - FSFE European Summit 20:28:29 <ardian> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/597 20:29:16 <ardian> The ticket speaks for it self 20:29:35 <ardian> and mitzie has approved the budget 20:29:36 <nmilosev> That conversion is wrong 20:30:11 <lupinix> yes, dollar must be higher than euro 20:30:13 <nmilosev> 330EUR != $295 20:30:18 <giannisk> nmilosev: you're right 20:30:25 <nmilosev> It's probably the other way around 20:30:25 <thunderbirdtr> +1 20:30:45 <rsc> That's more like 340 USD 20:30:46 <giannisk> 330 EUR ~= 372 USD as of now 20:30:51 <lupinix> 372$ 20:30:52 <mhroncok> commented, corrected 20:30:53 <thunderbirdtr> It's complete wrong convers 20:30:55 <giannisk> nmilosev++ 20:31:26 <ardian> giannisk, is that ok with the budget ? 20:31:35 <giannisk> ardian: I cannot speak about the budget :) 20:31:43 <giannisk> ardian: mitzie is the right person for that 20:31:50 <ardian> giannisk, alright 20:32:32 <lupinix> well, we do not have much for FrOSCon this year => we can use that money? 20:32:46 <giannisk> lupinix: it doesn't always work like that unfortunately :/ 20:32:56 <ardian> I wrote to mitzie on telegram. 20:33:06 <giannisk> lupinix: because the money that were saved from Froscon might already have been allocated elsewhere 20:33:17 <lupinix> ok 20:34:02 <ardian> I think we can move to the next ticket and see if mitzie gets back? 20:34:16 <giannisk> ardian: +1 20:34:17 <lupinix> ack 20:34:37 <ardian> #undo 20:34:37 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x4f0fef90> 20:34:49 * nmilosev what :D 20:34:53 <ardian> #undo 20:34:53 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by ardian at 20:28:19 : Ticket #597 Funding Request for Jona Azizaj - FSFE European Summit 20:35:07 <ardian> We talk in objects now :P 20:35:17 <ardian> ok next topic 20:35:22 <ardian> #info Ticket #598 Funding request for cwickert at FrOSCon 20:35:30 <ardian> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/598 20:36:38 <lupinix> some info on that: there will be no booth this year, but some fedora ambassadors, including cwickert and me, will meet there and participate more informal 20:36:47 <ardian> I can't open the link due to my network I think 20:37:30 <elioqoshi> ! 20:37:36 <giannisk> cwickert requests 73,5 EUR in total 20:37:36 <ardian> elioqoshi, yes? 20:38:06 <elioqoshi> I will be at FrOSCon sponsored by Mozilla giving a talk. However I will be able to represent also Fedora there 20:38:10 <elioqoshi> eof 20:38:18 <lupinix> elioqoshi++ 20:38:18 <zodbot> lupinix: Karma for elioqoshi changed to 3 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:38:19 <ardian> mitzie said it's ok, we have 900$ for froscon 20:38:19 <giannisk> elioqoshi++ 20:38:21 <zodbot> giannisk: Karma for elioqoshi changed to 4 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:38:51 <nmilosev> +1 20:38:55 <ardian> do we have any comments, can someone please check ? 20:39:11 <giannisk> ardian: for #598, no further comments 20:39:13 <giannisk> +1 20:39:19 <lupinix> +1 20:39:20 <jonatoni> +1 20:39:20 <ardian> great! 20:39:23 <ardian> +1 20:39:51 <ardian> #agreed Ticket #598 Approved 20:40:12 <nmilosev> back to #597? 20:40:16 <ardian> #info Ticket #599 Funding request for lupinix at FrOSCon 20:40:24 <ardian> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/599 20:40:44 <ardian> nmilosev, I still haven't got a message from mitzie. 20:41:00 <lupinix> this is the train ticket for me, accommodation is sponsored by FrOSCon as i'm a speaker there 20:41:11 <giannisk> +1 20:41:25 <giannisk> Amount is 60,5 EUR 20:41:28 <lupinix> 60,50 EUR (~68 USD) 20:41:37 <nmilosev> +1 20:41:38 <ardian> +1 20:41:39 <jonatoni> +1 20:41:46 <FedoraUser> +1 20:41:50 <andreasch> +1 20:42:02 <ardian> #agreed Ticket #599 Approved 20:42:07 <lupinix> thank you :) 20:42:41 <ardian> ok I think miztie is checking the other ticket right now. 20:43:03 <pkwesihanson> .fas pkwesihanson 20:43:08 <zodbot> pkwesihanson: edgates 'Elijah Hanson' <pkwesihanson@yahoo.com> 20:44:31 <ardian> ok just got a +1 from mitzie 20:44:39 <ardian> #info Ticket #597 Funding Request for Jona Azizaj - FSFE European Summit 20:46:35 <nmilosev> giannisk, I think ardian disconnected 20:46:46 <giannisk> Alrighty, taking over. 20:46:53 * giannisk is checking for the link. 20:47:14 <giannisk> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/597 20:47:38 <giannisk> Amount is 330 EUR, which converts to around 372.5 USD 20:47:52 <giannisk> Got a +1 by the regional treasurer. 20:47:55 <giannisk> +1 20:47:56 <lupinix> +1 20:48:00 <nmilosev> +1 20:48:04 <FedoraUser> +1 20:48:17 <thunderbirdtr> +1 20:48:45 <giannisk> At least five individual votes, ticket approved. 20:48:55 <giannisk> #agreed Ticket #597 Approved 20:49:17 <giannisk> Thank you all for helping taking care of these tickets. 20:49:29 <jonatoni> Thanks guys :) 20:50:00 <thunderbirdtr> and chairman is back :) 20:50:00 <ardian> Sorry I got disconnected :\ 20:50:19 <giannisk> What I'm a little bit concerned about is that we should probably make the budget overview process less centralized. 20:50:32 <ardian> So mitzie approved the amount. 20:50:32 <giannisk> ardian: no worries, we have just approved #597 20:50:38 <ardian> oh great! 20:50:45 <ardian> giannisk, I agree on this 20:50:52 <giannisk> I mean, what happens if the regional treasurer is unavailable and cannot be present at the meeting? 20:50:59 <giannisk> Will the approval process be stalled? 20:51:10 <nmilosev> That's a good idea, giannisk++ 20:51:11 <zodbot> nmilosev: Karma for giannisk changed to 7 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:51:11 <thunderbirdtr> giannisk, could be ? and payment can be late ? 20:51:27 <ardian> giannisk, Maybe the treasurer can check the tickets before the meeting, but that might not be always possible ? 20:51:40 <giannisk> thunderbirdtr: In order to effectively approve tickets, we must first make sure the amounts can be covered by the budget. 20:51:43 <ardian> we can have this maybe on the mailing list 20:52:00 <giannisk> ardian: Most of the times this is what happens, but it's not always the case. 20:52:16 <ardian> yes I see the problem here 20:52:19 <b10n1k> .fas b10n1k 20:52:20 <zodbot> b10n1k: b10n1k 'jiannis Bonatakis' <jbonatakis@gmail.com> - jobo 'jiannis bonatakis' <california17@gmail.com> 20:52:21 <thunderbirdtr> giannisk, Btw do we know actual amount atm ? because we lost track some times ? 20:52:46 <giannisk> thunderbirdtr: We don't :) Not the up-to-date amount I mean. 20:52:58 <giannisk> Which is not quite okay - considering that we're a transparent community 20:53:07 * thunderbirdtr feel scary.... 20:53:10 <thunderbirdtr> +1 20:53:41 <giannisk> So maybe we can ask the treasurer to make sure an always up-to-date amount is reflected either on the wiki or somewhere else. 20:54:00 <ardian> giannisk, yes that would be a great help. 20:54:02 <thunderbirdtr> giannisk, yes It would be great so we know what do we have to do and people also can check this out ? 20:54:18 <giannisk> I'm sure our treasurer has been doing a great job with reporting, etc. We just need to have an up-to-date amount available at all times. 20:54:38 <giannisk> So that when he's absent, we can still review tickets on our own. 20:54:43 <ardian> yep! 20:54:50 <ardian> mitzie++ 20:54:50 <zodbot> ardian: Karma for mitzie changed to 1 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:54:52 <thunderbirdtr> thank you for answers 20:55:09 <giannisk> Is everyone okay with what I suggested? 20:55:16 <giannisk> +1, +0 or -1 20:55:22 <ardian> +1 20:55:25 <giannisk> And if yes, I will contact mitzie accordingly 20:55:28 <pkwesihanson> +1 20:55:31 <lupinix> +1 20:55:32 <FedoraUser> +1 20:55:33 <thunderbirdtr> +1 20:56:07 <b10n1k> +1 20:56:25 <andreasch> +1 20:56:42 <giannisk> #action giannisk to contact mitzie and ask him to make sure that an up-to-date remaining amount from the regional budget is always reflected and available to the community. 20:56:43 <ardian> alright, giannisk will you do an #action for this ? 20:56:49 <giannisk> ardian: :) 20:56:51 <ardian> xD 20:57:15 <ardian> thanks giannisk++ 20:57:17 <giannisk> Thank you all! 20:57:51 * thunderbirdtr wondering may I get cookie ! :) 20:57:54 <ardian> Alright, I don't see any other ticket, Lets have our next topic? 20:58:00 <ardian> thunderbirdtr++ 20:58:00 <zodbot> ardian: Karma for thunderbirdtr changed to 1 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:58:09 <giannisk> thunderbirdtr++ 20:58:09 <zodbot> giannisk: Karma for thunderbirdtr changed to 2 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:58:11 * thunderbirdtr thank you ! :) 20:58:14 <lupinix> thunderbirdtr++ 20:58:14 <zodbot> lupinix: Karma for thunderbirdtr changed to 3 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:58:21 <jonatoni> thunderbirdtr++ 20:58:21 <zodbot> jonatoni: Karma for thunderbirdtr changed to 4 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:58:26 <ardian> #topic Ambassadors Schedule 20:58:31 * giannisk needs to leave in a few minutes. 20:58:35 * ardian gets the link 20:59:36 <ardian> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-25/f-25-ambassadors-tasks.html 20:59:58 <ardian> I don't see anything we can discuss at this moment here. 21:00:29 <ardian> #topic Events 21:00:33 <lupinix> yep 21:00:44 * giannisk needs to leave, take care everyone. 21:00:49 <giannisk> #chair lupinix thunderbirdtr 21:00:49 <zodbot> Current chairs: ardian giannisk lupinix thunderbirdtr 21:00:55 <ardian> Any events taking place in your country, or have you participated in any and would like to report ? 21:01:08 <ardian> giannisk, good night, thanks for being here. 21:01:15 <lupinix> bye giannisk 21:01:15 * giannisk made lupinix and thunderbirdtr in case ardian encounters any issues with his connectivity. 21:01:22 <thunderbirdtr> giannisk, okey 21:01:24 * nmilosev o/ giannisk 21:01:27 <thunderbirdtr> giannisk, good night 21:01:33 <giannisk> Take care, thanks all for being around! 21:01:49 <ardian> Any events ? 21:02:03 <lupinix> FrOSCon on saturday/sunday :) 21:02:22 <ardian> Any Flockies, I'd like to hear some words, couldn't make it this year :\ 21:02:24 <thunderbirdtr> ardian, most of us reporting flock reports and for events and waiting for BalCCon. 21:02:39 <thunderbirdtr> sorry. me waiting... BalCCon 21:03:13 <ardian> thunderbirdtr, I will try to make it for next years BalCCon 21:03:14 <thunderbirdtr> ardian, We have video/blogs/picture(ıf you like to some of them I can link them to here so everyone can see it ? ) 21:03:24 <thunderbirdtr> ardian, for flock 21:03:27 <ardian> thunderbirdtr, that would be great, please use the #link 21:03:36 <lupinix> thunderbirdtr: yes please :) 21:03:41 <thunderbirdtr> #link https://www.flickr.com/photos/pryc/sets/72157672046948005/ 21:04:07 * thunderbirdtr checking for others.. 21:04:41 <thunderbirdtr> oh also we used hashtag in social media so you can also see historical list about that 21:05:21 <thunderbirdtr> #flocktofedora 21:05:38 * ardian is so jealous! 21:06:24 <ardian> great pictures 21:06:37 * thunderbirdtr LOVE BLUE BUS !! :) 21:06:38 * lupinix really should attend next year 21:07:47 <ardian> Alright, if there aren't any other reports we can move to the next topic, wish you good luck for FrOSCon and BalCCon! 21:07:52 <thunderbirdtr> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Flock_2016_Talks 21:07:56 <thunderbirdtr> talk slides 21:08:04 <ardian> also jonatoni for the fsfe summit!! 21:08:05 <thunderbirdtr> ardian, thank you ! 21:08:27 <lupinix> ardian: thank you! 21:08:56 <jonatoni> ardian thanks :) 21:09:01 <ardian> #topic Action items from previous meeting 21:09:20 <ardian> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2016-07-20/emea_ambassadors.2016-07-20-20.03.html 21:09:49 <ardian> We don't have any actions. 21:10:06 <ardian> #topic Open Floor 21:10:28 <ardian> Alright, anything else you might want to share with us, this is the right moment. 21:10:45 <thunderbirdtr> I wanna say good luck for all other event and thank you for chairman ardian :) 21:10:59 <ardian> We are also planning an event here in Kosovo. I will post to the mailing list. 21:11:00 <lupinix> thunderbirdtr: +1 21:11:11 <ardian> We are looking for speakers 21:11:16 <thunderbirdtr> ardian, date ? 21:11:52 <ardian> #info Software Freedom Kosova 2016 21:11:59 <ardian> #link http://sfk16.flossk.org/call-for-speakers/ 21:12:04 <thunderbirdtr> thank you 21:12:05 <ardian> Date: 21-23 October 2016 (Fri-Sun) 21:12:12 <ardian> Deadline of CfS: 15 September 2016 21:12:37 <ardian> We will try to cover as much as we can. 21:12:52 <ardian> I will also write to the mailing list. 21:13:09 <lupinix> nice 21:13:09 <ardian> thunderbirdtr, you are welcome, feel free to ask if you have any questions. 21:13:36 <thunderbirdtr> ardian, sure... I'll :) 21:14:05 <ardian> That's it from me. 21:14:09 <nmilosev> I'm off to bed guys, good night, take care all 21:14:32 * lupinix too 21:14:34 <jonatoni> Definitely i will be there ardian :) 21:14:42 <lupinix> good night everyone! 21:14:43 <ardian> If there isn't anything else to be discussed here, I will close the meeting in 3 min. 21:14:47 <ardian> jonatoni++ 21:14:52 <thunderbirdtr> make it 30 sec :) 21:15:02 <FedoraUser> ardian++ thanks for chairing 21:15:04 <zodbot> FedoraUser: Karma for ardian changed to 6 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:15:08 <thunderbirdtr> ardian++ 21:15:08 <zodbot> thunderbirdtr: Karma for ardian changed to 7 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:15:13 <lupinix> ardian++ 21:15:13 <jonatoni> ardian++ 21:15:28 <bee2502> ardian++ 21:15:28 <zodbot> bee2502: Karma for ardian changed to 8 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:15:51 <ardian> Thank you all for helping our great community, wishing you a good night, see you in two weeks. 21:17:04 <ardian> #endmeeting