20:00:15 <ardian> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2016-08-31 20:00:15 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug 31 20:00:15 2016 UTC. The chair is ardian. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:15 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:15 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors_2016-08-31' 20:00:23 <ardian> #meetingname emea ambassadors 20:00:23 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 20:00:29 <ardian> #topic Roll Call 20:00:46 <ardian> .hello ardian 20:00:47 <zodbot> ardian: ardian 'Ardian Haxha' <ardian@brainpress.org> 20:01:00 <nmilosev> .fas nmilosev 20:01:00 <zodbot> nmilosev: nmilosev 'Nemanja Milosevic' <nmilosevnm@gmail.com> 20:01:03 <sesivany> .fas eischmann 20:01:04 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 20:01:19 * nmilosev is on mobile and abroad sorry 20:01:33 <ardian> Hello everyone and welcome to another regular meeting for the EMEA region. Let's wait for some minutes for others to show up. 20:03:45 <thunderbirdtr> .fas thunderbirdtr 20:03:45 <zodbot> thunderbirdtr: thunderbirdtr 'Onuralp SEZER' <thunderbirdtr@gmail.com> 20:04:24 <thunderbirdtr> .fas thunderbirdtr 20:04:25 <zodbot> thunderbirdtr: thunderbirdtr 'Onuralp SEZER' <thunderbirdtr@gmail.com> 20:04:42 <banas> .fas sarupbanskota 20:04:43 <zodbot> banas: sarupbanskota 'Sarup Banskota' <sbanskota08@gmail.com> - testoid 'testoid' <sarupbanskota@live.in> 20:05:19 <mitzie> .fas mitzie 20:05:20 <zodbot> mitzie: mitzie 'Zacharias Mitzelos' <mitzie@mitzelos.com> 20:05:46 <ardian> #topic Announcements 20:05:59 <ardian> #info Keeping Fedora beautiful: contribute your wallpaper! 20:06:04 <ardian> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/keeping-fedora-beautiful-contribute-wallpaper/ 20:06:26 <ardian> Great way to help make fedora even more beautiful! 20:06:41 <ardian> #info Flock videos are available in YouTube 20:06:49 <ardian> #link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SSx2bXKBjI&list=PL0x39xti0_65Anh9Ik2riyO-ilHXcVrcH 20:07:06 <ardian> For those who couldn't attend Flock, here you will find all the videos 20:07:18 <ardian> #info Q2 FY17 Budget report 20:07:27 <ardian> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/ambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/7FRBKL6Z4EHS7DFW3XH2ALR2CXFL3JUQ/ 20:07:40 <ardian> mitzie, has done a really great job in doing the report for the 2nd quarter of FY17 this will help us a lot. 20:07:53 <ardian> so a big ++ for mitzie 20:07:56 <ardian> mitzie++ 20:08:14 <mitzie> thank you ardian 20:08:34 <ardian> This will help our region a lot. 20:08:35 <jflory7> .hello jflory7 20:08:36 <zodbot> jflory7: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <jflory7@gmail.com> 20:09:05 <ardian> I don't have any other announcements to make 20:09:19 * jflory7 might have some 20:09:21 * ardian jflory7 o/ 20:09:23 * jflory7 checks 20:09:32 <ardian> jflory7, yes please 20:09:38 <jonatoni> .fas jonatoni 20:09:39 <zodbot> jonatoni: jonatoni 'Jona Azizaj' <jonaazizaj@gmail.com> 20:09:46 <jflory7> #info === Fedora 25 Alpha released yesterday === 20:10:07 <jflory7> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/announce@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/OV3APVA63F4EM5FDLBN5DK5OKEZJWROJ/ 20:10:48 <jflory7> #info === In the news: "Fedora 24 review: The year’s best Linux distro is puzzlingly hard to recommend" === 20:10:49 <jflory7> #link http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2016/08/fedora-24-review-the-years-best-linux-distro-is-puzzlingly-hard-to-recommend/ 20:11:05 <jflory7> #info ArsTechnica covered a full review of Fedora 24. "Fedora 24 is one of the best Linux distro releases you're likely to see this year…In the end, despite how much I enjoyed using Fedora 24 for a couple of months, it hasn't convinced me to give up Arch." 20:11:07 <jflory7> eof 20:11:29 <ardian> jflory7++ 20:11:35 <ardian> Thank you 20:11:39 <jflory7> Of course :) 20:12:33 <ardian> Haven't seen this article, glad to share it. 20:12:48 <jonatoni> jflory7++ 20:12:48 <zodbot> jonatoni: Karma for jflory7 changed to 43 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:12:53 <jflory7> \o/ 20:13:04 <jflory7> jonatoni: o/ 20:13:31 <ardian> Alright, let's move to the next topic 20:13:50 <ardian> #topic Requests 20:13:56 * ardian gets the link 20:14:18 <ardian> #link fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/report/1?sort=created&asc=0&page=1 20:14:43 * ardian one thing to notice here, it looks much cleaner now. 20:14:55 <thunderbirdtr> ! 20:15:01 <ardian> thunderbirdtr, yes 20:15:28 <thunderbirdtr> ardian, I wanna clear out about my ticket because last minute change my ticket state so can we clarify that please ; https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/593 20:15:44 * nmilosev is sorry, very bad wifi 20:15:45 <ardian> thunderbirdtr, yes it's on my list, no worries. 20:16:03 <ardian> #info Funding request for BalCCon 2k16 20:16:04 <thunderbirdtr> I was normally accepted. If not I'm gonna make new one only for me and handle directly joerg* If It's okey* 20:16:10 <ardian> #undo 20:16:10 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by ardian at 20:16:03 : Funding request for BalCCon 2k16 20:16:27 <thunderbirdtr> eof* 20:16:33 <ardian> #info Funding request for BalCCon 2k16 Ticket #593 20:16:43 <ardian> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/593 20:17:08 <ardian> We have mitzie to help us here 20:18:24 <mitzie> yes 20:18:47 <mitzie> is banas around? 20:18:59 <banas> Yep, I'm around :) 20:19:40 <mitzie> aridan we are speaking for banas request in #593? 20:20:09 <mitzie> btw please next time banas create another ticket, because this one was approved 20:20:15 <ardian> mitzie, sorry I am not sure if it's the same person, but it's ticket 593. 20:20:45 <banas> mitzie: gotcha, I will next time, thanks. Sorry about this time? 20:21:05 <banas> s/?/! 20:22:39 <ardian> #chair mitzie 20:22:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: ardian mitzie 20:22:49 <thunderbirdtr> ardian, mitzie may I open new ticket just be clear out for my part and complete my process If possible ? 20:22:49 <mitzie> I'm afraid that we don't have that kind of money left for Balccon2k 20:23:20 <banas> Mitzie, that's fine. I'm happy with whatever partial funding is possible, I'll cover the rest myself. 20:23:51 <ardian> mitzie, maybe opening a new ticket regarding this would be the best? 20:24:15 <mitzie> thunderbirdtr: I think banas should open a new ticket so that we can have one request per ticket 20:24:35 <mitzie> since thunderbirdtr's was approved 20:25:56 <banas> Sure, would you like for me to that now mitzie? I'm on my phone and it's super early in the morning here, so I'm not sure how easy it will be to make the attachment though. I can copy the text over. 20:27:28 <mitzie> don't worry, we can keep both requests in the same ticket 20:28:16 <mitzie> ardian would you like to move on? 20:28:29 <ardian> mitzie, do we vote on this ? 20:29:23 <mitzie> yes, we vote on the remaining allocated amount we have for Balcon, ~190$ 20:31:04 <ardian> so the total for Balcon is now 479.85 US$ (adding the previous) 20:31:05 <mitzie> banas, I noticed that the date of the return flight is in December, and the conference is in September, care to elaborate on that please? 20:31:41 <banas> My return ticket is in Dec, because I wasn't sure of my exact return date. While I'll probably need to provide a return ticket when I enter country. I'll reschedule it when I'm sure about it at my expense (by this weekend). 20:32:04 <banas> (The cheapest return ticket was for that date) 20:32:09 <nmilosev> And the arrival date is couple of days early, have you checked if you can get the hotel 20:33:19 <nmilosev> And usually you have to pay reschedule fee :( 20:33:24 <nmilosev> If you don't return on that specific date 20:33:40 <thunderbirdtr> so It's not set date ? 20:33:51 <nmilosev> Did the organizers contact you? 20:34:14 <nmilosev> thunderbirdtr: were you contacted with details about the accommodation? 20:34:20 <thunderbirdtr> nmilosev, I have confirm 20:34:25 <banas> Yep, I'm aware nmilosev - I'll pay for them since I'm not sure yet (job issues). Organisers have been very slow in responding, so I don't know about the hotel. 20:34:35 <thunderbirdtr> nmilosev, hotel + taxi help 20:34:38 <banas> I'll look after it myself if they don't, no worries :) 20:36:08 <mitzie> nmilosev +1, the fees are usually high for changing the date of your departure, but anyway 20:36:35 <nmilosev> I can only say that Momcilo (Fedorauser) contacted me with confirmation that we will have the booth. That's all I know 20:37:09 <ardian> +1 for the budget change 20:37:14 <jflory7> ! (something for open floor he doesn't want to forget) 20:37:23 <banas> Yep .. Actually my problem is more to do with where I'm going next more than the date (waiting some confirmation on that). I'll probably end up cancelling this for a fee and booking another. 20:37:48 <nmilosev> I will 100% be there on the booth but I don't know about the accommodation for the speakers etc 20:38:02 <ardian> jflory7, lets just vote on this first. 20:38:21 <ardian> time to vote people 20:38:37 <thunderbirdtr> ardian, 190$ exact ? right 20:38:42 <jflory7> ardian: Sorry, didn't mean to disrupt - just have a discussion point I'd like to bring up at open floor if someone can ping me if I'm AFK 20:38:54 <ardian> jflory7, sure I will 20:39:17 <bee2502> .hello bee2502 20:39:18 <zodbot> bee2502: bee2502 'Bhagyashree Padalkar' <bhagyashree.iitg@gmail.com> 20:39:40 <ardian> thunderbirdtr, that's what mitzie added, mitzie please confirm it's exactly $190 20:39:55 <mitzie> yes yes 20:40:26 <thunderbirdtr> +1 20:40:34 <mitzie> Although I'm a bit sceptical about this request 20:41:10 <jflory7> bee2502: o/ 20:41:47 <jonatoni> +1 20:42:20 <thunderbirdtr> mitzie, please add comment on ticket and I'll make my final statement and assigned to who ? 20:42:56 <ardian> We have four votes on this ticket 20:43:01 <bee2502> jflory7 o/ 20:44:40 <mitzie> I don't mind banas staying extra months in Serbia, or make other plans and travel elsewhere, but please don't ask for reimbursement of the whole amount of your air tickets, when the return flight is in December (and the conference is in September). You could ask just for the one way ticket. 20:44:48 <mitzie> Just my 2 cents 20:45:38 <ardian> mitzie +1 20:45:44 <thunderbirdtr> mitzie, +1 20:46:25 <banas> @mitzie, ah. I'll see if I can find just the one leg and post it :) 20:46:48 <mitzie> banas: thanks 20:47:45 <mitzie> So +1 from me for partial reimbursement up to 190$ 20:47:56 * nmilosev2 sorry 20:48:23 <ardian> We do have only four votes on this still, *sorry I counted mitzies +1 to nmilosev the moment before. 20:49:04 <ardian> so can you open the ticket and we will vote on our next meeting. 20:49:12 <banas> Do I have a vote on my own ticket? 20:49:14 <thunderbirdtr> yes please +1 20:49:18 <banas> Ok, sure 20:49:26 <ardian> thank you all. 20:49:43 * ardian sorry this issues are new to me, and I am new to chairing. 20:49:49 <ardian> *these 20:49:57 <nmilosev2> ! 20:50:16 <ardian> nmilosev2, yes 20:50:20 <nmilosev2> I think it would be better to vote after banas reschedules 20:50:48 <nmilosev2> That way it's all right and we know the exact amount and everything 20:51:08 <nmilosev2> I don't think that there will be issues but just in case 20:51:12 <nmilosev2> Eof 20:51:53 <ardian> nmilosev2, yes we will vote in our next meeting. Hope banas can reschedule. 20:52:11 <ardian> Let's please move to the next topic 20:52:16 <thunderbirdtr> ardian, okey I'll make change on ticket only to me then and assigned to joerg and fix it ? 20:52:33 <banas> Sure! Thanks all. 20:52:56 <ardian> thunderbirdtr, yes, that would work 20:53:03 <thunderbirdtr> ardian, thank you ! 20:53:08 <thunderbirdtr> ardian, will make it 20:53:18 <ardian> thanks thunderbirdtr 20:53:52 <ardian> We don't have any other ticket for tonight. 20:53:55 * nmilosev2 has to go sorry guys 20:54:01 <ardian> #topic Ambassadors Schedule 20:54:11 <ardian> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-25/f-25-ambassadors-tasks.html 20:55:34 <ardian> I don't have anything to add here, this time. 20:56:17 <ardian> #topic Events 20:56:49 <ardian> Any events taking place in your country, or have you participated in any and would like to report ? 20:56:56 <jonatoni> ! 20:57:03 <ardian> jonatoni, please 20:57:53 <jonatoni> These week we have FSFE Summit in Berlin (2-4 Sept) 20:58:12 <sesivany> ! 20:58:19 <jonatoni> where i will be speaking about Women in Fedora 20:58:57 <jonatoni> so if you are in Berlin feel free to join the conference :) 20:58:57 <bee2502> I will be a volunteer in FSFE. 20:59:12 <jonatoni> eof 20:59:18 <jflory7> jonatoni++ bee2502++ Awesome!! 20:59:21 <ardian> Awesome!! 20:59:28 <ardian> jonatoni++ 20:59:31 <ardian> bee2502++ 20:59:31 <zodbot> ardian: Karma for bee2502 changed to 7 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:59:54 <sesivany> ! 20:59:58 <ardian> sesivany, yes please 21:00:40 <sesivany> I'm looking for volunteers to staff a Fedora booth at LinuxCon Europe in Berlin. 21:01:04 <sesivany> It's on Oct 4-6 21:01:23 <sesivany> right now I only have one volunteer. 21:01:26 <ardian> #link http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/linuxcon-europe 21:01:32 <sesivany> we need at least 3 ppl at the booth. 21:01:45 <sesivany> it's an opportunity to see Linus Torvalds in person ;) 21:01:55 * jflory7 thinks bee2502 is in Berlin 21:02:06 <sesivany> eof 21:02:41 <ardian> that's really fantastic, I'd be happy to join, but due to my visa issues, specially the German embassy asks 3months before to apply :\ 21:03:00 <sesivany> too bad :/ 21:03:27 <mitzie> ardian: :( 21:03:33 <jonatoni> Linus Torvalds will be there? :O 21:03:42 <thunderbirdtr> sesivany, do you need server heavy people ? Because It's clearly gonna be full people know what they doing generally ? 21:04:11 <sesivany> thunderbirdtr: yeah, server and cloud gets much more attention at LinuxCon. 21:04:37 <bee2502> sesivany : I would be interested. 21:05:26 <sesivany> bee2502: great, reply to my email on ambassadors mailing list please. 21:05:46 <bee2502> sesivany : but I dont have much server experience. 21:06:08 * jonatoni sorry guys i need to catch my flight to Berlin, bye :) 21:06:22 <sesivany> jonatoni: safe travels! 21:06:28 <jflory7> jonatoni: Safe travels!! 21:06:29 <ardian> safe travels jonatoni have fun!! 21:06:40 <sesivany> bee2502: are you located in Berlin? 21:06:40 <bee2502> safe travels jonatoni see you soon ! 21:06:45 <jonatoni> thanks guys :) 21:06:48 <bee2502> sesivany : yes :) 21:07:15 <sesivany> bee2502: that makes things easier and less budget hungry, great :) 21:07:44 <ardian> bee2502++ for stepping up 21:08:27 <bee2502> sesivany : :) 21:08:27 <jflory7> bee2502++ 21:08:28 <ardian> sesivany, you can also share it, in the EMEA telegram group 21:08:49 <sesivany> besides that we also have LibreOffice Conference in Brno next week. 21:09:01 <sesivany> will proudly present Fedora there ;) 21:09:12 <ardian> sesivany++ 21:09:12 <zodbot> ardian: Karma for eischmann changed to 4 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:09:42 <bee2502> sesivany++ 21:09:42 <zodbot> bee2502: Karma for eischmann changed to 5 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:09:46 <jflory7> sesivany++ 21:10:03 <ardian> alright, sesivany eof? 21:10:09 <sesivany> yes, eof 21:10:12 <sesivany> sorry 21:10:18 <ardian> thanks for sharing 21:10:49 <ardian> Do we have any other events ? 21:11:35 <ardian> Just short notice for our local conference 21:11:41 <ardian> Software Freedom Kosova 21:12:12 <ardian> I have already shared the event, deadline for CfS is 15 September. 21:12:18 <ardian> #link http://sfk.flossk.org/sfk16/ 21:12:27 <jflory7> ? 21:12:35 <ardian> jflory7, yes please? 21:12:44 <jflory7> ardian: Are you an organizer or just a participant? 21:12:52 <ardian> jflory7, organizer 21:13:01 <jflory7> ardian++ Awesome, best of luck with organizing. :) 21:13:04 <ardian> or better would be co-organizer with a team. 21:13:12 * jflory7 nods 21:13:34 <ardian> Seems like we will have quite some fedorians over there. 21:13:46 <ardian> that's it for events from me. 21:14:27 <ardian> let's move to the next topic 21:14:31 <ardian> #topic Action items from previous meeting 21:14:39 * ardian gets the link 21:15:07 <ardian> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2016-08-17/emea_ambassadors.2016-08-17-20.00.html 21:15:48 <ardian> we do have one, and we have the report from mitzie, already mention in the beginning 21:16:18 <ardian> I think mitzie should get more cookies for that 21:16:22 <ardian> mitzie++ 21:16:54 <ardian> last topic for tonight 21:17:00 <ardian> #topic Open Floor 21:17:23 <ardian> jflory7, I think you had to share something here xD? 21:17:27 <jflory7> Yep :) 21:18:37 <jflory7> #info Earlier this year, Fedora Infra announced they are going to sunset Trac / fedorahosted.org and have encouraged teams to begin exploring options. Recommended path is migrating Trac to Pagure (there is a tool to do this). Trac will be sunset around February 2017. See an example of a Pagure workflow here: 21:18:39 <jflory7> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/ 21:19:02 <jflory7> Obviously, Feb. 2017 is a long way away, but best to start discussing migration plans early than late. :) 21:19:42 <ardian> I like Pagure 21:20:19 <ardian> jflory7, where can we suggest ? 21:20:40 <ardian> where can we suggest other options 21:20:44 <jflory7> ardian: Hmm, how do you mean? To request migration? 21:20:57 <jflory7> Ahh, I think this is something EMEA can discuss and decide on. 21:21:10 <jflory7> I think Pagure would be preferred since a lot of the project will be moving there 21:21:18 <jflory7> But I think it's open to discussion 21:21:37 <ardian> jflory7, sorry I haven't seen an email on this, probably my email filters have gone crazy again. 21:22:01 <jflory7> ardian: Unfortunately, it's only been sent on the Infra list, but there should be a global announcement very soon as well as a CommBlog post. 21:22:12 <jflory7> Definitely this month 21:22:16 <jflory7> (September) 21:22:24 <ardian> okay, great! 21:22:28 <ardian> thanks for sharing 21:22:32 <jflory7> Yep, no problem. 21:23:10 <ardian> Alright, if there isn't anything else to be discussed here, I will end the meeting in 2min. 21:23:20 <ardian> Thanks everyone for participating 21:23:26 <thunderbirdtr> ardian++ 21:23:56 <bee2502> ardian++ 21:24:05 <ardian> Wishing you all a good night, see you in two weeks. 21:25:11 <ardian> #endmeeting